The apparently disadvantaged battle method naturally couldn't continue. After getting my instructions, the tank stopped fighting with these people, but suddenly opened the carapace behind it.

The tank's carapace is the second strongest place in the body, but under this hard carapace are two pairs of folded transparent membrane wings and a soft abdomen. Of course, this softness is only relative to the shell of the tank. In fact, the hardness of the outer skin of the tank is also quite exaggerated. Outside its abdomen is a layer of nested carapace. These carapace is connected to the home shower nozzle. Like the metal hose at the back, it takes into account the needs of activities while ensuring defensive power. Of course, in order to be able to move, the thickness of this layer of carapace is relatively thinner.

Of course, the tank's relatively soft abdomen at this time is not to commit suicide, but because there are two pairs of transparent cicada wings hidden between the soft abdomen and the two semicircular carapace above. The area of ​​these two pairs of wings is large, but that is caused by the volume of the tank. In fact, the proportion of these wings is obviously small compared to the volume of the tank. Normally, they should not be able to function as wings. However, in fact these two pairs of wings can not only fly, but also fly very fast.

Just when the group of Russian players tried to stick the bomb on the tank, the cicada wings of the tank suddenly bounced out from under the unfolded carapace, and then followed There was a huge rumbling sound that suddenly came, as if a sandstorm suddenly blew up on the ground. The dust flew up from the ground along with some small rocks, instantly making the tank hazy. Those Russian players were struggling to rush to the tank, and suddenly encountered such a big dust. Many people were fascinated by the dust. Some of them responded quickly to cover their eyes but they had to temporarily cover them with their hands. The snout dared not move anymore.

Of course, not everyone stopped. Some people at the scene are genuine Knights. They have waterproof helmets, so sand and dust are naturally no problem. However, just as these people put on their masks and prepared to charge, they suddenly found that the wind around them was getting stronger and stronger. First of all, it has become very difficult to move forward. The large stones on the ground and the fragments of the wall that just peeled off the building began to gradually move, and some people even saw a wall with a diameter of more than two meters flying up.

About a few seconds later, the wind started to get stronger and stronger. These people began to realize that it was not good. Some people were looking around looking for places to temporarily fix themselves. However, the tank did not give them this opportunity. Just when these guys started looking for cover, the sound of the flapping of the tank’s wings suddenly increased several times, and the gust of wind blew all the closest people away. The roofs of several buildings behind the tank also flew out together.

How big is the modern large business jet? How big is the tank? How terrifying is the power needed to make such a huge monster fly, and the most important thing is that the tank is not an airplane. His wings fly by the reaction force generated by the fanning air flow, instead of glide by air buoyancy, so The air current produced by the tank is much larger than most flying creatures. Like the lucky giant dragons, they only need to flap their wings when they ascend, and when they reach high altitude, if they are not in a hurry, they even only need to spread their wings and slide to reach their destination, without having to fan their wings. But the tank is not good, his wing structure can be said to be unreasonable, so it needs a huge thrust to fly. Of course, thanks to this terrifying takeoff power, every time the tank takes off, it can create a small-scale super typhoon behind it.

Along with the terrifying wind pressure, the surrounding Russian players and some buildings with not very strong structures were blown away, and the body of the tank finally began to slowly rise, and finally his long legs left the ground. The huge body of the tank slowly flew off the ground under the horrified eyes of the surrounding Russian players, and behind it was a messy city.

Although the tank flew up here, the Russian players did not suffer much damage, except for some unfortunate ones that were hit by the collapsed building and were really seriously injured. , Most people just scratched the skin, so they ran back right after the tank lifted off.

I thought that the purpose of these people was to kill the tank, but who knew that their purpose was the machine. After they ran back, they didn't even look at the tank that was moving away from here, but rushed directly to the machine.

Because of the strong wind just now, the rubble around the machine was blown clean. Now this thing has appeared in front of me at a glance, and it is less than 200 meters away from me in a straight line. The Russian players dispersed immediately after they ran next to this thing. Three of them rushed to the huge structure at the bottom of the machine, which was comparable to a house. After a few clicks somewhere, they opened a door and got in. I previously suspected that such a large object might not be solid inside, but now it seems to be the case.

The three people were naturally invisible when they got inside the device, but the rest of the people all ran to the same thing as the launching frame formed by the ring on the other side, and most of them were Standing outside, only one person turned over and jumped onto the bottom magic array, and then walked to the center of the magic array.

When this person stood in the middle of the demon array, the huge machine seemed to suddenly come alive and made a long sound like a steamer whistle, followed by the launch The ring on the frame began to activate, and the densely packed magic patterns on the surface of the ring began to gradually light up, and quickly covered the front and back sides of all the rings on the entire launch frame. These illuminated magic rings started to move after they were fully lit. The ring at the bottom began to rotate clockwise, while the upper ring moved alternately in a forward and reverse manner, but Their common feature is that they turn faster and faster.

As these rings rotate, a shining arc begins to appear between them. Those arcs that resemble silver snakes rushed back and forth between the different rings. At first there were only a few, but then more and more, and finally it was almost densely packed, turning the entire launch frame into a flash. Bright light tube, and with the rotation of this huge light tube, I vaguely seemed to see the player inside. The person who was originally standing on the bottom of the magic array is growing taller at a speed visible to naked eye, and is not simply growing tall, but constantly growing taller while keeping the proportions of his body unchanged. In fact, I think it’s more appropriate to describe it as “bigger”, because this guy has changed from a normal human to a giant with a height of more than 20 meters in just over three seconds.

With the appearance of this giant, the huge equipment full of arcs finally began to gradually stop. The arcs disappeared in an instant, but the rings took three seconds to complete the brakes and stop completely. While they were completely stopped, the huge equipment over there was constantly emitting white smoke, apparently cooling down. I guess that thing should still be connected to groundwater, otherwise it is impossible to have so much water vapor. But now is not the time to study the working principle of the thing, because the ring that stopped rotating has started to separate up and down. The lower half of the rings began to descend and landed on the magic array layer by layer. The upper half of the rings were also gathered together, but they rose up and gathered together at the top of the device. .

Originally because the player became a giant, the rings that did not affect him are now fixed in the series of rings, but now these rings are separated up and down It was equivalent to opening a door, and the guy broke out in one step, and walked directly towards me.

"Damn, is this thing used to make Titans?"

Although I want to complain, the distance of 200 meters is for the guy over there It's really not too far. The guy's height of 20 meters determines that he can step more than ten meter away each step, and the span of each step is even greater after he ran up. I only saw him jumping in front of me, and then he didn't take any weapons, just like a penalty kick football player, raising his foot against me was a powerful volley.

Before, I was completely stunned by this guy's amazing changes, so much so that I forgot to hide, until it was too late to hide when he raised his foot. In desperation, I could only put the shield in front, and at the same time crossed my hands to support the shield, but the next second I was directly lifted by an irresistible force.

Although the impact is very big, my shield is not a display. Even though I was kicked, the damage I suffered was minimal. After flipping a few somersaults in the air, he set a wing and slapped it twice to stabilize his figure. But when I stabilized, I saw that the giant had actually caught up with them, and at the same time, he raised his hand and hit me with a punch.

Although he just waved his fists, considering his size, it seemed to me that it was like a locomotive rushing towards me. The huge wind pressure even started to blow me back five or six meters away. But this time he didn't take advantage so easily. Last time, I was stunned by his sudden increase in size. This time I won't be beaten by him again.

Just as the guy swung his fist, a purple beam suddenly flew from the side and hit the guy’s side with a bang and burst into flames, and that guy did too Being pushed out laterally by the explosive force, his fist naturally couldn't touch me again.

After the giant Russian player was lifted off, he turned a few somersaults on the ground before he completely stopped. He didn’t know how many houses were destroyed along the way, but he didn’t seem to have suffered any injuries. He just struggled a little bit before he got up again. However, when he looked towards the direction of the attack source, he found the tank that had escaped before, and what he saw at this time was the moment when the tank launched the second beam.

The tank used this time instead of magic crystal bombardment but polished gun. Although the formidable power is lower, the victory is that it can fire continuously, and the limit is much smaller. But whether it is a magic light cannon or a magic crystal cannon, this is a pure energy attack, so the flight speed is not fast. The speed of the Magic Light Cannon is relatively better, at least close to the speed of sound, but the flight path can still be seen.

The giant Russian player on the opposite side immediately rolled to the side and dodged when he saw the cannonball flying, but the tank soon fired a third shot. Because he was still tumbling, there was no way to predict where he would fall, so this time he was accurately hit. The whole person was turned over and suddenly he was lifted off again, and he was shot again when he was still in the air. It was just this kind of giant. The way of transformation seems to have greatly strengthened his defensive power, so even though he was hit so many times in a row, he actually stood up as if he was all right.

Seeing that guy stood up again, the tank was immediately ready to happen again, but at this moment, we suddenly found that the equipment in the distance turned on again. It turned out that while we were fighting, another person stood inside the thing, and the thing started working again.

I saw that thing with so many radiators before. I thought that the cooling time of this thing was very long, and didn't expect it could work continuously. But now that I have seen it, I am definitely going to stop it. One or two of these giant Russian players can’t do anything to me, even if there are ten or eight, it’s okay, but they can’t be copied infinitely, otherwise hundreds of giant Russian players will be created, then I But it's really going to be in trouble.

Because of the effect of telepathy, as soon as I decided on the thought tank, I turned my transmitter to the device over there, and then started charging. The giant saw this situation and immediately moved towards the direction between the tank and the equipment and rushed in the direction, obviously intending to use his body to block the shells. Anyway, he had gotten a few shots before and nothing happened, so he definitely didn't care about making two shots one after another.

Thanks to the advantage of height and long legs, this guy finally rushed between the two before launching, and then after the tank fired, he responded quickly and blasted against the beam of light. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, a big Fireball rose up, and the guy was thrown a big somersault back, but the beam was indeed intercepted. However, just before he could get up, he suddenly saw the second beam flying over his head again.

When the beam was discovered, the beam had passed over his head, so it was obviously too late at this time. He could only turn his head nervously and looked towards the direction of the device, but it hit the beam. At the moment of that device, a light curtain that was completely invisible before suddenly appeared. With a bang, the Fireball rose, and the light curtain shook for a while, and there was no sign of cracking.

"I rely on it, let people live? This thing actually has a city shield?"

To be honest, I really didn't expect the other party to put this thing The protection is so tight that it is already very safe in the city. They also built an extra layer of camouflage building to hide this thing, which is already considered as double insurance. However, the other party was not worried, and even prepared a city-level protective cover for this thing. Fortunately, this protective cover seems to be a low-end model, otherwise I would be crazy.

The tank found that the shell was blocked, and immediately made another three rounds. As a result, one of the shots was blocked by the giant Russian player. The other two shots all hits, but the problem is even in the lowest city. The protective shield was also impossible to be broken by a devil beast with two blows, so that thing still stands there now, hating us gnash the teeth.

After such a delay, the equipment over there has stopped working again, and at the same time another giant Russian player walked out of it, and this guy was still holding a face and his height was about the same. Heavy shield. Obviously, this player should have been a heavy shield player before, and he can see it by looking at his equipment. This outfit is very standard. However, now this guy has become a giant with a height of 20 meters, and it seems that the thing can be enlarged with the equipment on the player's body. So, although the guy is still holding the shield, in my opinion, this thing is almost the same as the city wall.

"It's terrible!" Seeing this, I knew I couldn't play. With a direct wave of hands, two huge silhouettes appeared beside me, and then rushed out with a bang.

The tank landed directly in the distance, and then switched the magic light cannon launcher behind it to the magic crystal cannon firing mode. At the same time, the luck and plague that had just been called out had already rushed from one side to the other. To the fallen giant Russian player. Although the guy’s height is only 20 meters, because he walks upright, he looks a lot bigger than it actually is. Fortune and Plague are more than a hundred meters long because the tail and neck take up most of the Avatar’s length. , When he rushed to the giant Russian player, he seemed to be only a little bigger than this player.

However, although it looks like it's only a circle larger in size, it's still a bit bigger after all. Moreover, as a giant dragon, the body structure of luck and plague is not comparable to that of the giant Russian player of human size.

Although human beings are very narcissistic about how perfect their bodies are, in nature, human bodies can only be regarded as the countdown. At least it is not very suitable in terms of combat.

A giant dragon has four strong and powerful sharp claws. If they are in the air, they can flexibly use four claws together, and they can instantly tear a creature equal to their size into pieces. In this way, the claws of giant dragons are just a foil. More often, giant dragons still like to use their teeth more. Dragon's teeth are notoriously sharp, and they are born with piercing, armor piercing, devil-breaking and crushing blow effects, which can be said to be a killer weapon. Even more frightening is that the big mouth of a giant dragon has very strong muscles, so an adult giant dragon can easily output more than two thousand tons of bite force between the upper and lower jaws. Although this power is slightly weaker than that of a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, don't forget it. The compression surface of the hydraulic press is a flat surface, while the giant dragon’s teeth are sharp dagger-shaped. Such a large force is concentrated on the sharp tip of the tooth. It is naturally not mention on equal terms with a huge flat surface. So, in fact, giant dragons can chew solid steel like chewing gum like chewing beef. As for biting people or something... I guess they will not even feel like it!

Of course, these are not all the killing methods of giant dragon. Sharp teeth and claws are just more commonly used methods. In fact, giant dragons also have three natural melee tools: wings, tails and horns. Although the wings of a giant dragon look very weak, in fact the thing is a kind of solid to terrifying. The battle between giant dragons is very common, but when have you ever seen that dragon wing break? So, since even the likes of Innate Divine Strength keep their wings, you can imagine how strong these wings will be. Moreover, these wings are not just a layer of fleshy membranes covering the skin. Giant dragon's wings have claws that resemble fingers at the turning points. Although it was much slender compared to the four claws they used to walk, it was a dragon claw after all, and it was no joke to be scratched.

The horns of giant dragons, like their teeth, are also a lot of magic attributes, but this thing is usually not used. Compared with other organs, the horns of giant dragons should actually be regarded as defensive weapons. Their function is to prevent the enemy from attacking the back of their heads, so they are generally not used in combat. However, compared with dragon horn, dragon tail is an out-and-out weapon of mass destruction. This tail, which occupies one third length of the body, is not only unusually strong, but also has sharp bone blades growing at the tip of the tail. When giant dragons wave their tails, even the same kind of tails must temporarily avoid the sharp edges. After all, who Don't want to be hit by a tail weighing several tons at the speed of five-six hundred kilometers each hour, right? Besides, that thing still has a blade on it!

Compared to the body of the giant dragon that is armed to the teeth, the human body can be said to be useless. Without sharp minions, without a flexible tail, let alone wings. If it weren't for making equipment, humans would not be opponents of other creatures at all. Moreover, outside the game, humans rely on their own developed brains to stand at the top of the food chain, but the problem is that there are many creatures in the game that are smarter than humans. Therefore, in the face of the existence of these natural killers, human beings are really fragile under the premise that intelligence is not superior.

The giant Russian player saw two dragons rushing up and immediately struggled to get up. He was bombarded several times in a row just now, and the guy was somewhat injured, but it didn’t seem to be very affected. Big. However, as soon as he got up, luck had already pounced on him first.

If that guy didn't get up just now, it would be better. He just stood up as if he had taken the initiative to send him up to make luck. He just set up his body here, and luckily, he rushed directly on his body. The four claws tightly clasped his shoulder blades and two thighs, and the sharp claws penetrated the armor directly into his body. The luck is firmly fixed on his body.

Suddenly suffered such a serious injury, the guy immediately picked up his sword and wanted to cut luck, but unfortunately luck moved much faster than him. As soon as he was locked here, his head went straight. He got to the side of his neck and bit his neck.

The throat was bitten, and the guy's movements immediately changed shape, his hand was raised, but the sword fell off. Because of his instinct, his hands moved to the side of his neck and tried hard to push the lucky head away, but even if he became a giant, his power is still not the opponent of the giant dragon, and he can only push on the lucky head in vain. Pushing around, but it didn't make any difference.

As luck gradually increased the bite force, the guy’s neck suddenly heard a click, and his hands weakened in an instant. At the same time, the blood spurted out, and the surrounding area was dyed red in an instant. A large piece of it. The giant had more blood than the ordinary person, and only then did one kill it, and the blood was almost flooding the streets.

Just as lucky to get rid of that guy, the plague also rushed to the guy holding the shield over there. The guy saw the plague rushing up and immediately patted it horizontally with the shield in his hand. He only heard a loud noise, the head of the plague was slapped to one side, and then the guy lifted up the heavy sword in his other hand to slash the plague, but he noticed the plague's head but didn't notice the plague. Tail. The plague that had been smashed and deviated from its direction simply turned its body horizontally, and its huge tail flung up and illuminated the guy's back. The same crash sound as last time, except that the giant Russian player flew up this time.

The guy was knocked to the ground and immediately gave up his shield and jumped up. The heavy shield hand's shield is too heavy, and once it falls, it is very difficult to erect it again on his own strength. If it's in a normal state, it's a little strenuous thing, but obviously it's impossible to have that time in the battle. So this guy was decisive, and he gave up the shield over there.

Although he gave up the shield and jumped up, he found that instead of taking the opportunity to attack, the plague had backed away except for more than a hundred meters. Suspicious, he suddenly thought of the tank that had attacked here before, so he turned his head and looked towards that direction, only to see a purple light ball flying over.

There is only one attack method that can fly in this attitude in the entire "Zero", and that is the shell of the magic crystal cannon. The flying speed of this thing has always been the object of sudden encounters by many players, but thanks to the snail speed of this thing, that guy finally saw the shell at the end.

Knowing that it was too late to run, and that guy didn't plan to run at all, he directly took out his short sword from his body and threw it towards the light group over there. The short sword instantly hits the light group that has actually arrived in front of you, and then there is the horrible shock of the earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the giant Russian player is directly lifted out. , And at the same time one of his arms can be clearly seen flying in the other direction.

Although one arm was blown off, the sacrifice of that guy finally saved the equipment behind. The protective cover of this thing can still block the attack of the magic crystal cannon even when it is not directly hit. In fact, even if there is no such player to block it, this protective cover may not necessarily be unable to block the shelling. Although this is the lowest city protective cover, it is a city-level protective cover after all. The formidable power of the magic crystal bombardment of the tank is indeed great, but it may be a bit reluctant to destroy this thing in one blow.

In any case, that thing is a temporary escape. The tank fired five rounds of artillery, and he could only put away the cannon on his back and rushed forward to join the battle, but the closer the plague over there was faster. The tank over there rushed up while the cannon was still being folded.

With a bang, the plague's tail suddenly hit the protective cover, and even the entire protective cover flashed, but it didn't mean to break. Of course, the plague didn't expect to get this thing done in one shot, so after the first shot, he didn't even look at it and started the second and third hits. With each of his attacks, the protective shield will flash, and it will be fainter than the last time.

Just as the plague began to smash the protective cover, the luck on the other side had begun to rush here, but the other party's equipment had already been activated for the third time. Looking at the brighter and brighter arc, I also knew that I couldn't wait any longer, and with a beckon, Mila, Mistress, Crystal and Red Spike all appeared beside me.

The Giant Familiar does this hard.

My familiar rushed up as soon as it appeared, and the third activation on the other side was completed. Another giant Russian player walked out of the thing, but the opponent's protective cover was actually one-way. When that person came out, he didn't need to close the protective cover, which made us happy. However, even if we cannot use this opportunity to destroy the equipment, it is nothing to us. Anyway, the place does not constitute a quantitative advantage, and there is nothing we can do about it.

This player probably also knew that he alone could not handle so many familiars on my side, so as soon as he came out, he rushed out of the encirclement at the cost of a beam of destruction by Mira, but he As soon as he ran out, he was bumped back in the head by the tank that had just arrived. Before his body landed on his side, they were swarmed by the lucky ones, and then each dragon bit a part and pulled it back. With a sneer, the guy was directly dismembered.

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen lucky people kill people in this way. It's not that this kind of behavior is abnormal. On the contrary, this is the real battle method of giant dragons. It's just that the enemies they have dealt with before are small for them, so these battle methods simply can't be used. It's as if you let Zhang Sanfeng run the ants. He must not be able to use Primal Chaos Fist. After all, those fighting skills are designed for people who are about the same size as himself, and they are not suitable for dealing with things that are too small.

Here this guy was dismembered, and one was killed before. The three giant Russian players were left with the guy whose arm was blown out, but that guy is now alive. One arm, and half of his body is scorched black, even if no one on our side is going to deal with him, it is estimated that he will die from excessive blood loss if he lie down for a while.

Without personnel interference, the giant beasts on our side immediately used all their destructive power, and the protective cover was smashed on the verge of collapse.

However, even though I thought it was basically a problem, when I was on the other side of the city, two covers suddenly opened under the ground. These two huge cover plates have a large area, and the area of ​​these cover plates can be seen from the ground where they were originally small squares. However, what is more worthy of our attention now is not those lids, but the creatures that lifted those lids.

In fact, what came out of that was not something weird, but the kind of giant we just killed three of them. That's right, the giant Russian players came out, and one was drilled under the two lids. In fact, when the two giant Russian players climbed out, the lower cover did not calm down, but a new giant Russian player came out of it.

"Fuck me!" Looking at the seven or eight giant Russian players who climbed out there in a row, I was completely dumbfounded, and I even forgot to smash the protective shield in front of me. Obviously, the other party has other such equipment, and more than one.

Eight giants came out in one breath, and four appeared on each side under the lids on both sides. This shows that there should be one such machine on each side. After being turned into giants, these people obviously deliberately hid underneath and did not come out. Basically, people with a little bit of military knowledge know that refueling tactics is the least cost-effective battle method. Unless there is no alternative, most people don’t want to turn the battle into refueling tactics. The other party obviously understands this principle, so instead of building one, they rushed up to one. Instead, they let the maker here continue to attract attention. The other two hidden manufacturing machines drove up to eight in one breath. A giant Russian player, and then rushed out in a swarm.

"What should I do now?" Seeing the eight giant Russian players rushing over there with big strides with a rumbling noise, fortunately, he turned his head and looked towards me and asked.

I took a look at the situation there and snapped my fingers directly, and a large group of demons appeared beside me. Now is not the time to retain my strength, I need manpower.

After the demons came out, I immediately said: "Everyone who is large enough to block the giant Russian players, others first remove this protective shield."

The pets reacted quickly, and the giant beasts immediately rushed to meet the giant Russian players. Although there are eight giants on their side, if you really want to count them, it seems that my side still has a numerical advantage. Speaking of giant monsters, there are quite a few around me.

The giant Russian player in front was blocked for a while, and was obviously crushed by my familiars. Although they are not much smaller than my giant beasts in size, and even some of my large beasts are not as big as them, the attribute enhancement of these people does not seem to be so many times the size, at least still Not an opponent of my familiars.

"Master, this thing is impossible for us to break through!" I was watching the battle ahead when I suddenly heard Ling's anxious shouts.

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