Radamantis' speed can be described as lightning fast, a few ups and downs just before the city gate, and the person carrying the box in the first group just arrived at the city gate at this time. .

Both sides knew that there was nothing to say about this kind of thing. As soon as Ladamantis landed, the players on the other side immediately rushed up, and then the two sides quickly approached and began to fall into a melee. Said it was a melee, in fact, it meant that Radamantis alone blocked those people from approaching the city gate.

These Korean players are very clear about their purpose. They just want to leave here with things, and Ladamantes also knows very well that his mission is to prevent them from leaving, so neither side chose to fight to death. Radamantis has been constantly undermining the opponent’s athletic ability, with the purpose of hindering the opponent’s actions, while the group of people on the opposite side does not fight with Radamantis, they want to escape as long as they see any chance. . Unfortunately, the things they carry seem to be very heavy, and two people are required to carry them and run. Even if one person drags the box to move, they can only barely move a few meters, which is completely meaningless.

Originally, Radamantis alone should not be able to intercept so many people, but Radamantis is a Divine Race after all. There is still a big difference between battle strength and players, so in a short time The inner city gate was completely blocked by him, and the other party's personnel couldn't rush through no matter how hard it was.

In fact, Ladamantis just persisted for ten seconds before and after this side. When the Korean players in the vicinity found out that people here were intercepted and came to help, we also started one step later. Arrived near the city gate one after another.

Several Korean players saw that there is only one person from Radamantes and they rushed up together to steal a pass. In order to preserve their strength, Radamantes had to give up the opportunity to kill these guys to avoid the edge. However, it was this opportunity that didn't slow down, and the remaining Korean players on the opposite side had already prepared a joint magic.

This joint magic is actually a simplified version of the Legion-level magic. The same formidable power is huge, but not as exaggerated as the Legion-level spell. At the same time as the formidable power declines, the relative restrictions on usage requirements are also limited. A lot lower. Usually this kind of spell is a commonly used spell for magic battle squad. Its formidable power is not much stronger than the big move released by a single player, but the advantage is that it can be fired continuously and the preparation time is very short. After the release is completed, the wizards in the team suffer The impact is also small, and the basic battle strength can be maintained. Of course, because it is a team spell, the probability of being interrupted is many times higher than that of a single spell. After all, there are gains and losses. But in any case, this joint magic is still a very practical spell.

These Korean players use joint magic at this time. It can be said that the timing is just right. Although Radamantis is a Divine Race, he can only choose to avoid temporarily or fully defend in this situation if he doesn't want to be injured. This time, Radamantis chose to avoid, so he stepped to the side, and instantly the whole person reached another point far away from the previous position. This is almost a general Space Jump skill, although Ladamantis succeeded in avoiding the attack range of the spell, but it also allowed him to clear the way to the city gate.

Seeing this rare gap, the Korean players on the opposite side would naturally not stand there and wait, but immediately seized this opportunity moved towards the door and rushed over. However, just as they were about to rush to the door, a row of dense magic missiles flew down suddenly above their heads. Although these people had tried their best to evade, many people were still recruited.

After a series of explosions, some of the Korean players at the scene were directly killed, but most of them suffered minor injuries. After all, our side was also a hasty attack, so we did not play the most huge might. However, Kristina's battle strength is very strong after all, even the hasty aggressive behavior easily disrupted the opponent's position.

It was such a delay. Pandora and I successfully landed on the city gate, and Radamantes had also ran back and blocked the gate with us.

Seeing that we were all here, the players suddenly winked at each other, and then everyone suddenly collectively turned and ran in different directions.

Looking at the scattered group of people, I suddenly felt that the situation was a little uncomfortable, so I rushed forward and kicked one of the discarded boxes, only to roll out of it. A large pile of metal blocks came out. These are just very ordinary crude irons, that is, irons that have undergone a simple removal of impurities. To be used as weapons or armor materials, this thing needs at least one refining and a series of forging treatments. To put it simply, this is a slightly higher level of raw material than iron ore. For the price... such a box and one piece may be able to sell more than a dozen gold coins.

Such cheap materials obviously don't need so many people to protect, and the other party finally gave up these things and turned around, the reason is also obvious. These things are simply bait, and their function is to attract our attention, and then take the opportunity to cover things that really need to be transported away from here.

"Damn, fooled!" Seeing the thick iron in a place, Kristina immediately realized that we were fooled.

Ladamantis waved his hand away with a bit of anger, a sword qi slammed a small house next to him, and then he suddenly turned around and jumped onto the city wall and began to observe the periphery of the city, trying to find the missing The goal.

I looked at Radamantis standing on it, and then jumped up. But I didn't go looking for enemies with Radamantis, but persuaded Radamantis to go.

"Don’t look for it. Since the other party voluntarily gives up and continues to lie to us, it means that the things that need cover have been transported away, so those people will run away to avoid unnecessary sacrifices."

< p>Radamantis somewhat helplessly said: "I didn’t think I heard you say before, but now I know that this group of people are really slippery and muddy. If we continue like this, we only need to find some clues to the other party. Let’s take a one-size-fits-all approach. Even if we catch up for a few weeks, it’s impossible to find anything really useful, right?"

"That may not be true. After all, we are approaching the truth step by step, and this kind of hidden The middle unit is also impossible to prepare too much, so as long as we keep chasing like this, sooner or later we will find their fox tails. But this time is indeed as you said, I am afraid we can't afford it!"

"The clues here are actually not broken." Pandora suddenly jumped onto the city wall and stood beside us and said, "Although the other party has transferred some important materials, the two cities are still there. , We can always find something."

"Why don't we search separately?" Kristina said floating beside us.

"It's okay to separate, at least a little faster." Although Aphrodite is not a god in charge of fighting, she is unexpectedly impatient and still quite hot.

I thought for a while and nodded and said: "Well, everyone separates, and don’t assign scopes, just look for clues based on their own understanding. Everyone’s ideas are different. Even if you search the same area, different people will have different discoveries. As soon as anyone finds something, he will send a signal to summon everyone to the past. Of course, you can send a signal if you have trouble."

"Understood. "Everyone immediately dispersed after speaking, but except that Pandora walked back and returned to the inside of the city, all the rest of us jumped out of the city wall and ran towards the opposite city. .

The two cities are so close, there must be some reason in the middle, so we all ran here together, because we have roughly determined that the cities here and The Korean city where we were just now must be a group.

The actual situation is actually similar to what we thought. We have just rushed to the middle of the two cities. On the top of the opposite city wall, a row of shining light groups flew over.

"It's the magic crystal cannon, disperse!" Kristina shouted, and everyone who swished on our side was gone.

I actually noticed the magic crystal cannon over there before I heard Kristina’s call, so when the magic crystal cannon over there was activated, I summoned out of the night shadow and jumped up. , And then as soon as the gunfire blasted over there, we jumped directly onto the city wall in a dream.

The method used by Ladamantis is different from mine. He once again used the method of evading the opponent’s attack last time. He jumped forward, and then the whole person seemed to teleport. I got to the top of the city wall, and I didn’t see how it passed.

Aphrodite is considered the most regular on our side, and immediately ran out diagonally after hearing the reminder, but it was covered by a rain of arrows. Fortunately, Aphrodite's equipment is good enough, and his battle strength is also quite good. After a few strokes, he fended off the arrow rain around him and continued to move towards the city wall and charged away.

Although Kristina reminded us to get out of the way, she herself was the only one who didn't move. But although she didn't move, she suddenly turned into a large colorful light ball, and then saw one of the magic crystal cannon shells directly hit the light ball, and then the light ball shone suddenly. It became calm again, and after being hit three or four times in a row, this wave of attacks passed. The light ball suddenly changed back to the previous Kristina's appearance at this time, only now behind her. On the colorful wings of her, it seemed to be on fire, burning colorful flames, which was a sign of excess energy.

In fact, when Kristina enters the elemental wizard mode, she has become an elemental creature, that is, an energy creature, and the shells fired by the magic crystal cannon are actually just a ball of unstable energy. The biggest feature of energy organisms is that they can absorb energy. Therefore, when Kristina was hit by the cannon shells of the magic crystal cannon, she was actually not injured, but supplemented by magic. As for the current appearance, this is completely described in one word, that is-eat support NS.

In fact, Kristina’s ability sounds great, but in fact it’s not really invincible. Although she can eat magic crystal cannonballs, it’s really amazing, but if the magic crystal cannon The caliber is large enough, or multiple cannons fired at the same time within a certain period of time. Anyway, as long as the output energy exceeds the upper limit of Kristina's convertible energy per unit time, this attack will begin to take effect on Kristina. So Kristina's invincibility is not really invincible, it just doesn't break the defense when the energy is not strong enough.

Kristina and Aphrodite don’t care about it. On our side, Radamantis and I rushed to the city wall. After looking at each other, we started to walk along the city wall. The direction rushed out. Our plan is simple, that is to destroy the city's defense system.

Actually, we don’t need to destroy the city’s defense system. Normally, once the enemy enters the city, the defense system will be abolished. of. However, the fact that the other party cleaned up the city twice in a row made us realize that the other party really did bombard our own city. After all, they can abandon a city, so what's the point of bombarding him before abandoning it? The worst?

Although our side is either an expert or Divine Race, we are not afraid of the opponent's fire at all, but the problem is that we are here to find clues. Our own fear of artillery fire does not mean that our target is not afraid. If the city is blown to ruins, would we not be busy again?

Because I want to understand this, Ladamantes and I both rushed out along the city wall without the slightest hesitation, and the opposite player realized that we did not enter the city but directly Coming towards the turret, he immediately put aside the cannonballs and so on, drew out the weapon and started to fight with us.

I thought it was strange to see the two cities close so close. Now standing on the city wall, I really understand the reason why the two cities are so close, and the other side took out the weapon. Those players also thoroughly confirmed my ideas.

In fact, we received a system hint just as soon as we stepped onto the city wall. The hint tells us that we are already not in Korea, but we are in Russia. We ran from South Korea to Russia just over the distance of several hundred meters. The simplest explanation for this kind of thing is that the city under our feet is actually a Russian city. Because the cities of each country will form a certain range of territories outside the city, and if the distance between the two cities is not enough to reach the basic territory of the city, then the boundaries of the spheres of influence of the two cities will be two. The midpoint of the connecting line along the outer edge of the city wall, that is, the distance between the two cities is half the distance outside the city. This situation will not be biased towards you because of your high city level, but depends entirely on the city wall location of the city.

What I said above is how the two cities divide the sphere of influence. If the two cities belong to different countries, then the boundary of the sphere of influence between them is actually the national border.

The two cities where we are now obviously belong to South Korea and Russia, and the position where we were bombarded just now happened to be on the South Korean side of the dividing line. After that, we wanted to avoid the shells, so everyone All used abilities. Both Radamantis and I flashed directly onto the city wall here, so when we stepped on it, we immediately realized that we were in Russia. As for the Russian players rushing over in front of us, it is naturally the best proof that this is a Russian city.

I can actually think of some reasons for setting up cities like this for Koreans and Russians. Now these few Korean guilds are obviously connected in tandem with the Russian guilds to form a certain kind of alliance, and because of the formation of this kind of alliance, more exchanges are needed, and in case of a battle. As soon as possible to deploy troops to support, it has become a very necessary task to connect the Transmission Formation of the two countries.

However, the system limit is the system limit. Even if the two cities are close together, as long as they are located in different countries, they cannot be connected by Transmission Formation. The only way to break this restriction is to build a transnational Transmission Formation. However, there is a problem here, that is, transnational Transmission Formation cannot be built by everyone.

At first, many people thought that transnational Transmission Formation was a new type of Transmission Formation, something that our guild had researched, but then they gradually discovered the secret. In fact, Transnational Transmission Formation simply is not an upgraded version of ordinary Transmission Formation. It is something completely different from ordinary Transmission Formation. It is a very powerful magical equipment. In addition to being restricted by natural materials and funds, the construction of this thing also needs to be supervised by the system. Our guild now has branch cities in many countries, and some countries actually have more than one city, but why don’t we build transnational Transmission Formation in all of these cities? Although the cost of transnational Transmission Formation is much higher than that of ordinary Transmission Formation, considering the difference between the economic benefits generated by the transshipment of materials through one transnational Transmission Formation and the direct connection of multiple Transmission Formations, in fact, it is necessary to equip each large city with a transnational Transmission Formation. The most cost-effective way. However, we cannot do this because the number of transnational Transmission Formation constructions is limited.

The system’s limitation on our guild is that the number of transnational Transmission Formations we can build is equal to the number of countries in which our guild has cities plus one. In other words, suppose our guild is in six different A country owns a city, so the number of transnational Transmission Formations we can build is 6+1=7, that is, a total of 7 transnational Transmission Formations. This quantity limit still exists until now, and the transnational Transmission Formation, like the general Transmission Formation, requires a one-to-one correspondence, so we can’t equip a country with two transnational Transmission Formations if nothing happens. And if we do that, it means that a certain country can no longer build a transnational Transmission Formation.

Currently, the transnational Transmission Formation owned by our guild is basically only one for a country, with only two exceptions. One is that the Misty Island between China and Japan has a transnational Transmission Formation. It’s a repetition, and another is the City of Commandments and another is a repetition.

The transnational Transmission Formation in Misty Island is actually located within the territorial waters of Japan, so it is actually the same as the transnational Transmission Formation in Fulcrum City, which means that our guild has two in Japan. Block multinational Transmission Formation. And the transnational Transmission Formation in the City of Commandments belongs to our China region just like Isinger’s transnational Transmission Formation, which means that there are also two transnational Transmission Formations within the territory of China. However, these two special cases are not in exchange for abandoning the establishment of Transmission Formation in a certain country, but are earned by Tianyu City.

Because Tianyu City in Europe is actually located at the junction of France, Germany, and Switzerland, the transnational Transmission Formation we built in Tianyu City has only one Transmission Formation, but it earned us three A quota, and Tianyu City owns a transnational Transmission Formation and consumes one quota. The remaining two are just the Transmission Formation in the City of Commandments and the Kirishima.

These two exceptional transnational Transmission Formations are really because these two places are special regions. I don’t want other players to transfer from here, so I have to build an independent transnational Transmission Formation to make it easier to reconcile. Other cities are basically independent. After all, transnational Transmission Formation is different from general Transmission Formation. It cannot be forcibly broken through, and the security is much higher.

Our guild has a transnational Transmission Formation. This is the reward that our guild gets in battle, so we can build it. However, the guilds in South Korea and Russia don’t seem to have such rewards, which means they Neither can build a transnational Transmission Formation. However, the joint between them determines that they need a way to communicate quickly. Therefore, when there was really no alternative, they thought of this kind of workaround. Build two cities close to each other somewhere between the two countries, and then use these two cities as a springboard. Suppose a player intends to reach a certain city in South Korea from a city in Russia. What he has to do is to use any Transmission Formation or Transmission Scroll in Russia to directly reach this Russian city here, because they are all within the territory of Russia. The city within, so it’s just a normal teleportation. After the Russian player arrives in this city, all he has to do is to cross the 500-meter border into South Korea on foot, and then use the Transmission Formation of the Korean city here to send it to the city he needs to go to.

This transfer method is obviously not as efficient as our transnational Transmission Formation, but compared to the previous method, this method is after all much faster. In addition to the time delay caused by the two transmissions, what needs to be added is only the time to run out of the two cities plus the 500-meter-long interval in the middle. This is much simpler than walking all the way to the border crossing.

Now that we know the role of these two cities, we can conclude that clues should be found here. Because this is a hub city, if the super bomb of Korean players is really transported from Russia, then it can only be transported from here. Therefore, the probability of finding clues here is very high. Of course, what we need to do before this is to take off all these forts first.

Cleaning the fort is not a troublesome thing for us. After all, the guards of the fort are ordinary players, and some of them are technical soldiers. There is no less battle strength at all. Under this circumstance, we are simply cutting melons and vegetables on the city wall and we are going all the way unimpeded. Simply no one can stop us a little bit even for a second. Moreover, with the addition of Aphrodite and Christina, our personal sweeping process is getting faster and faster.

However, this kind of good time ended when we cleared the last fort on the city wall and prepared to go to the city to collect clues, because the other party has been relieved from the initial panic. The high level of players and NPCs emerged and we began to attack us like a stalker.

Because we said it was a separate operation, we separated after the fort was cleared. I don't know what happened to Radamantis and Aphrodite, but there is a mess on my side anyway. Those who rushed over were simply not fighting against me. Some of them didn’t even hold weapons at all, but rushed toward me with a shield.

"Damn, what is this going to do?" Looking at the group of shield players who rushed over, I really don't know what this group of people are going to do. If you use a shield hand to resist my attack, why can't I see the Swordsman or long spear pawn that cooperates with the attack? The other party is always impossible to use only archer and wizard against me, right?

Although I was very puzzled, my hands were not slow at all. Seeing a shield player rushing up, I jumped up and kicked the top of his shield, and the top of the shield immediately Then he fell down and hit his forehead with a pounding sound. The guy was so dizzy and dizzy, he staggered back two steps and fell to the ground. With the power of this foot, I flew backward, over the shield of a heavy shielding hand behind him, and kicked. He stepped heavily on the top of his shield.

This kind of heavy shield that is as tall as a person is very important, even if these heavy shields are all weightlifting champions, it is very difficult to lift such a thing to move. I suddenly stepped on the top of the shield with one foot, which is equivalent to adding another person's weight to the shield. The opponent simply couldn't hold the weight hitting this way, and the shield in his hand plunged directly into the ground with a bang, but it didn't fall down. However, it doesn't make much sense if the shield is not down at this time. Standing on the top of the shield, I stepped directly over his shield and stepped on his shoulder. Then I clamped his head with my feet, twisted my body violently, and with a click, the guy’s neck turned to an abnormal one. Angle, and when I jumped away from this guy, his body fell straight down.

Easily solved the two shield players. I was about to attack the nearby people at this height. A thick crossbow arrow suddenly flew up beside me. I had to bow my head from a guy. Jumped on his head and fell to the ground. Although I'm not afraid of ordinary crossbow arrows, the one that flew over just now is clearly the kind of siege crossbow-like crossbow fired by the player I had tracked before.

To be honest, if it weren't for something to be busy now, I would definitely study the origin of this skill. This is the second time I have seen this skill, and it is not a person who uses this skill, which shows that this skill is not the only one. There may be problems with the answers I got before. Of course, the other party has agreed to join our guild as a mercenary, so I am not in a hurry to ask this matter.

Before I was forced to the ground before I jumped up again, the heavy shields around me immediately surrounded me without any scruples. Seeing the shield player rushing over, I simply drew eternity, and the guy who rushed the fastest was a slash. The Eternal Sword flashed past like a piece of tofu, and the one-inch-thick shield turned into two pieces with the shield hand behind it and fell to both sides. Facts have proved that the heavy shield, known for its defense, is not much better than the general shield in the face of my eternity.

After a sword struck a heavy shield hand, I immediately rushed in the direction where he was, trying to use this gap to escape, but the result was quite depressing. I just rushed to the place where the guy was standing, and two heavy shields jumped out and blocked my way right away, and when I wanted to turn around to look for opportunities, I realized that the heavy shields behind had already surrounded me. Come up and block all my back roads.

These guys actually formed a shield wall by my side, but this wall is not external but internal. A closed space formed by four shield walls framed me and me right in the middle. Apart from a hole above my head, there was simply no way out. However, I knew that once I jumped up, I would definitely be attacked again by that kind of weapon like a siege bed crossbow, and there must be a wizard behind, so it’s not a good idea to fly. I knew that Ye Ying shouldn't be put away when she came down, at least Ye Ying's mobility can guarantee to jump over these people's heads.

Although I was surrounded by the center of the shield formation, I didn't think it was a mortal ending. Looking at the shield formation that was gradually pressing up, I directly shook the Eternal Sword in my hand, and oh la la suddenly scattered the Eternal Sword and turned into the form of a whip sword. I slammed the eternal shape of the whip sword in my hand and flicked it towards the surroundings. The whip sword instantly slashed across a circle of shields around. Accompanied by a sound of metal crashing, these shields all turned into broken metal pieces on the ground. He rushed up quickly, and rushed into the crowd before the shield hand behind him had time to fill his place.

Initially I thought that this would be able to break away from the opponent's rogue play. Who knew these people were so shameless. Just when I rushed into the crowd and killed several people in a row to charge ahead, one of them suddenly threw down the shield and hugged my waist.

Feeling the huge pressure coming from behind, I directly raised my arm, oh la la, two sharp Ninins popped out behind my elbows, and followed my elbows abruptly. Both Nijini pierced into the ribs of the guy behind, and as I moved my arm, the guy's waist and ribs were immediately opened with two big holes.

The player who was hit so hard, of course, lost the power to continue to hug me, but this guy is just the beginning. Although I managed this guy in just one second, the problem is that there are people everywhere around me now, and they are all their people. Therefore, when I succeeded in killing this guy, there were two more people around immediately. The two above. One of these bastards hugged my left hand and the other hugged my left leg. Then, before I was struggling, seven or eight people jumped up and all hung on me. I felt like I was heavy. There are people hanging all over my body, and they are still desperately locking my joints to prevent me from moving.

Although my strength is greater than the sum of the strengths of these people, my weight is not as good as the weight of so many people plus one piece of weight. Therefore, the deviation of the center of gravity caused me to fall back and fall to the ground. Before struggling here, someone next to him yelled in Russian: "Get out of the way, I'm here."

This person obviously didn't call it to me, so I knew that this person must be Is there a more powerful skill, otherwise so many people just hugged me, it doesn't make sense for this guy to give way to him as soon as others come.

Sure enough, this man rushed to my side and immediately pointed a long sword in his hand to my neck and inserted it. The people who were surrounding me moved their bodies a little and let me out. The position of his neck is convenient for that guy to start. However, because the power of these people is not enough to restrict me completely, we are still rolling on the ground. He hasn't found a chance to start after looking for a long time, and yells anxiously: "You guys hold him down!"

< p>"You have the ability to come by yourself, this guy is as strong as a white bear, simply can't hold it!" a person who hugged me shouted from below.

The other person also followed: "Don't worry about the accidental injury, you can pay attention to it as much as possible. It is not a key point or a one-time fatal. You can just get the knife. We don't blame you for the injury. ."

The man knew that he couldn’t hesitate after hearing it. He immediately raised the sword again and was about to plunge it down, but as a result, when his sword was about to be pierced, he suddenly heard a woof. There was a phoenix squeaking sound, followed by a muffled sound, and then there was a scream of screams around me, and the enemies who were standing around me just now lost a lot of time.

"Fuck me, what is it?" The person holding me underneath couldn't see what was happening above because of the angle problem, and could only ask out loud.

One of the guys above loudly shouted: "It's Purple Moon's favorite, damn it, this is a giant devil beast. Hey, Hopkins, do it, there will be no chance anymore."


Although the guy who was called by the name immediately rushed up and wanted to attack me with his obviously special sword, it was obviously too late at this time. The moment he raised the sword, the tank’s huge hook and sickle swept across in front of me. Not only did he cut him in half, but also swept away the group of people hanging in front of me. go out.

The power of these people couldn't control me. Now that I lost half of the people, I rolled over and got up right away. As soon as I came here, summon came out of Xiaofeng and collided with her, but we didn’t run into each other, but we passed each other, but it’s okay for me to go through like this, hanging on me. Those people are miserable. Xiaofeng is a lifeform composed of Fire Elements. Those people instantly turned into coke. My body shook, and those people immediately turned into black and gray and floated on the ground.

"A bunch of leech-like guys!"

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