The bomb sent by me this time is a formidable power bomb with a huge liquefied magic crystal steam bomb. The total amount of liquefied magic crystal steam loaded in it is very high, so the formidable power exploded. It's so big.

When the first blast appeared, the shock wave had swept across the entire teleportation hall and the surrounding buildings one step ahead of time. The huge impact moved all the surrounding houses away from the teleportation hall. Pushed to the ground, some of various rubble fragments were even thrown out of the city wall. This terrifying formidable power can be imagined.

At the same time when the first explosion was going on, no one noticed that at the location of the previous teleportation hall, the arc did not actually disappear. After a short pause, it began to wreak havoc on the area again. , Just because the smoke and dust from the explosion covered this area, no one noticed that the transmission was still going on.

Just as the shock wave of the explosion passed and the surrounding smoke and dust had not dissipated, a black space channel suddenly opened on the site of the teleportation hall, and then five silhouettes drilled through it. come out.

"Wind." Christina yelled casually as soon as she walked out of the Transmission Passage, and a sudden whirlwind immediately swept all the dust out of her surroundings. Kristina, in the form of elemental spirits, uses magic basically just like instinct, completely without delay and unlimited, and can really be said to be do as one pleases.

As the surrounding smoke was blown away, what we saw was building fragments all over the floor, and some corpse fragments and some people who were not completely dead could be seen farther away. Most of these survivors were outside the teleportation hall at that time, and their defensive power was high, so the explosion only caused them fatal injuries, but did not make them die immediately. If one's own personnel are present, no matter if it is a cure or medicine, it will not be troublesome to treat these people. However, unfortunately, the self-care abilities of their companions are all far away. After all, those who are close must be injured, and only those who are far away can be safe. To make matters worse, these guys are more unlucky because we have come here.

Looking at the wounded on the ground, Kristina didn’t do anything and saw a large swath of magic missiles suddenly appeared nearby, and then these magic missiles flew towards them immediately after they appeared. The guy lying on the ground who was not completely dead, in just one second, all the living people we could see on the scene became dead.

After we settled the group of people nearby, we planned to go out, but the enemy on the opposite side reacted very quickly. Soon after the explosion, we organized people again and rushed up. We just got rid of the group of people on the ground and ran into the guys who had just arrived.

The opponent didn't rush to fight immediately after seeing us, but first formed a line of defense and put on a position to fight with us. Looking at the shield wall formed by the row of heavy shields and the long spear stretched out by Houmi, Kristina couldn’t help but ask: “Did the opposing commander’s head get water? Use the battle formation against Legion’s charge. Us?"

"The group of people who were supposed to deal with us may have just been killed. These people were obviously temporarily transferred. It is excusable not to know how to fight against high level players. "As I said, I turned to Aphrodite and they asked: "Which one of you can help solve this line of defense?"

"How can Goddess come forward with this kind of thing, or I will solve it. "Radamantis said and walked straight forward, and as he walked, he drew his knife-like and sword-like weapon from his waist and pointed it diagonally at the ground.

Seeing Ladamantis approaching, there was a sudden change in the rear of the opposing battle formation, and then the shield formation suddenly turned horizontally at a ninety-degree angle, exposing many gaps, and then each There was an arrow sticking out from the gap, and the next second was a hundred arrows. In an instant, there was a large swath of flying arrows in front of Ladamantis, but it was Ladamanti that stunned the player on the opposite side. Si actually walked through the arrow rain without any reaction. It’s not that his agile figure can dodge arrow rain or something, but Ladamantis seemed to become incorporeal at that moment. After a feather arrow hit him, it seemed as if he had shot a cloud of smoke from him. Passed through his body, and when it flew out from behind him, a puff of black smoke would fly out of Radamantis. This strange situation made all the enemies on the opposite side look dumbfounded. This group of guys really didn't think that Radamantes in front of them had such a trick.

The first wave of feather arrows did not work, and the shield formation was immediately restored and completely turned into a shield wall. At this time, Ladamantes had already walked in front of the shield formation. In the same situation as when he had just passed through the arrow rain, Ladamantis walked over as if he hadn't seen the shields in front of him, and then he easily passed through the shield formations and the outstretched lance. If it weren't for the fact that Radamantes' body looks very solid and not like a ghost, it is estimated that many people would think it was a ghost.

Ladamantis, who easily traversed the shield formation, reached directly in front of the shield hand behind the shield, and then directly swung the knife and slashed across the opponent's horrified eyes.

There is no imaginary splash of blood and water, and there is no holy light special effect. The weapon of Ladamantis swept across the guy’s neck silently, and then there were no wounds or blood stains, but that was cut. The guy on the neck fell down instantly like a robot that was suddenly powered off.

Radamantis immediately began to attack the people next to him after he eliminated an enemy with a single blow. Because of the weird situation of Radamantis before, many people thought it was just a phantom, so they did not dodge, but now it seems obviously not like that, so when Radamantis picked up the weapon again, the people around finally endured it. Unable to begin to collapse, the shield players dropped the shields in their hands and turned and drove the long spear to escape. Even the long spears who didn’t want to escape were trapped by their own and forced to move back. The line of defense was instantly collapsed.

In fact, situations like Ladamantis are very common on the battlefield. Of course, this battlefield does not refer to the modern battlefield, but the battlefield in the game. The difference from reality is the personal heroism emphasized in the game, so the battle strength of high level players is often very exaggerated. For example, in a situation like mine, basically as long as you appear on the battlefield, the morale of the opponent will immediately drop by half. After all, the destructive effect of an enemy who is completely unkillable and unstoppable on the psychological defense line is too serious. In the face of such a completely irresistible existence, most people will lose the courage to resist. On the battlefield in the game, even if the casualty ratio is higher, as long as the opponent can be injured, the players will have the courage to fight. After all, there is no real death in the game. Everyone does not care about one or two times death, so Even if the proportion of casualties is large, players can persist. But the only difference is this kind of enemy that is completely unkillable and unstoppable. As long as this kind of enemy appears, most players will think: "Anyway, if you can't stop them, you will be killed in vain if you stay. It is better to run. ." As long as you have this kind of thinking, the line of defense is basically not far from collapse.

"Okay, it's done here, where are we going now?" Radamantis looked at the collapsed defense line and did not pursue it, but turned around and asked me where I was going. Now we don’t have a clear goal here, we just know that this is related to the guild we tracked before, but we can say that we don’t know anything about it, so what we need now is to determine how to find us. Need clues instead of blindly chasing down the opposing player.

"The other party’s response now is obviously that we are coming, but they immediately deployed the second line of defense after we bombed the first batch of interceptors, which shows that they don’t want us to leave the neighborhood. Area."

As soon as I said this, Radamantes immediately continued: "I understand, the other party must be busy destroying clues or transferring materials, anyway, they are planning to run away. "Radamantis didn't ask me any more after speaking. He took a leap and jumped to the top of a nearby building, and then looked at the direction of the city wall from a distance. As a result, he really saw that he was busy. With materials transferred out of the city.

Actually, the other party doesn't transfer many things. A full play is equivalent to two carriages, but now these things are not transported by carriage, but a group of players are transporting them. These two groups of people are obviously struggling to lift something, and then quickly run toward the outside of the city wall. Following the direction they fled, Ladamantis looked up and was surprised to find that the city was quite strange. Of course, the strange thing is not the city itself, but another city outside the city.

Just outside the city wall that those people are running towards, less than five hundred meters away is another city wall, but that’s not the outer city wall of this city, but another The city wall of a city. In other words, another city was built five hundred meters away on the opposite side of the city. To be honest, this situation is really quite rare. In general, if the city in the game is too close due to development, the city wall of the two will be directly connected to form a new super city in the end. However, these two cities are obviously close to each other, but each has its own city wall, and there are twenty city gates in the middle that correspond to each other. This is obviously for the convenience of transportation. However, the other party has set up so many doors, but he is unwilling to merge the cities altogether. This is really a strange phenomenon.

Although I don’t know what the other party is doing, it’s not the time to think about this. Ladamantis greeted us directly and jumped forward. Those people stopped them when they reached the city. Although there are 20 city gates over there, it is easier to stop those people with the help of a city wall than in an open area.

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