Chapter 331 Unexpected Discovery

"Master, what do I need to do?" The tank is helping me get rid of the gang that entangled me People immediately asked me what else to do.

Looking around, I pointed to a building in front of me and said: "Give me flatten it. Just let go of the damage."

"This sentence I love to listen." After the tank heard what I said, he immediately turned and moved towards the building in front and rushed over.

This should be a functional building in this city. Although I don’t know what it does, it is built in this location and is so huge that it should be a very important building. But now no matter what it did before, it can only be used to pave the roadbed.

The tank’s body length is more than a hundred meters, and unlike the giant dragons like Lucky, the tank’s body length is a real length. A giant dragon that is more than a hundred meters looks huge, but after all, dragons have long necks and longer tails, so it’s one hundred meters. In fact, the lucky torso is less than forty. The length of meters, the rest is the length of the tail, neck and head. But the tank is different. The appearance of the tank is similar to that of a unicorn. He doesn't have a tail. As for the neck...maybe there, but I can't see it. From the outside, it looks like the tank’s head is growing directly on the body, because his head carapace and the carapace of the body part are completely connected together, so there is no way to tell where the neck is. It feels like his head. Is trapped in the body.

This stubby body shape determines that although the length is similar, the actual volume of the tank is much larger than that of my group of giant dragons, and considering the tank’s terrifying weight and exaggerated carapace , His name is not just in name only, but also in reality, even I think he shouldn’t be called a tank, and it might be more suitable to be renamed bulldozer.

After getting my order, the tank immediately showed its true colors as a bulldozer. He suddenly turned to the building, then slightly lowered his head, and then moved his six assembled long legs toward the building. Rushed away.

The surrounding Russian players noticed that after the tank was turned, they were a little dazed at first, but soon they realized what he was going to do, so these people began to abandon my defense and rush towards it. Over the tank.

To be honest, the reaction of this group of people is quite strange, but I don’t know the reason for this. It can only be attributed to the fact that the building may be more effective, so these people think that instead of intercepting me, It is more important to block the tank. Of course, how they choose is actually meaningless. The nature of the tank bulldozer determines that he will not be blocked by these reminders that are much smaller than himself. In fact, when the tank starts charging, even a small mountain bag can easily collapse, so relying on a group of players is of no use at all.

Yes, the group of people around me really hold a lot of shields, and they are all of the kind of heavy shields that are more than 1.8 meters high. When they are erected, they feel like a wall. . However, even this exaggerated shield is impossible to stop the tank from advancing.

Think about it, the tank’s length is more than a hundred meters. Although his shape is close to that of arthropods, that is, the body is relatively low, but considering his length, the tank’s actual height is also three. More than ten meters, the proportion of his legs is not very large, but even so, the tank's belly is still more than three meters away from the ground. This is the normal walking state of the tank. In fact, because of the special body structure of arthropods, if necessary, the tank can keep its abdomen more than ten meters off the ground. Of course, that will seriously affect the tank's movement speed, but he can really do it.

Because the abdomen of the tank is too high from the ground, so let alone the formation of a shield formation on the side of the players, simply can't have any interception effect. People with long weapons are better. If you only have short and medium length weapons, you can't reach the belly of the tank if you don't jump up. Also, don't think that the belly of the tank is a weak position. In fact, the defensive power at all locations around the tank's body is basically the same, and there is no weak point. Of course, it's not that the tank has no weakness, but the weakness is not the entire abdomen, but certain areas of the body, and these areas are either hidden under the overlapping carapace, or are very unremarkable, and most people simply can't think of it.

In the face of terrifying defensive power like tanks, most people simply can't help it. Although the Russian players all look like polar bears and seem to be very muscular, they are still muscular in the human range after all. It is simply useless to encounter such giant beast-level creatures. As for the long legs of the tank, this part can be obtained, but the problem is that the defensive power of this part is not generally strong, and these legs are always switching positions quickly when the tank is moving, so if you want to attack these legs, It's not that easy.

The interception is invalid. Those Russian players are really anxious, but the tank is getting more and more excited. Against the various magic and arrows coming from the front, the tank seems to have not seen it at all. Those things bumped head-on. The magic exploded on the carapace of the tank, leaving only a shallow mark of large and small. Most of the arrows and the like were bounced off by the smooth shell, and the few with good angles and especially sharp ones were only It's just a short paragraph embedded. Considering the size of the tank, the thickness of his carapace is at least decimeter-level. In fact, the data I measured shows that the actual thickness of the carapace on the tank is 78 cm, which is nearly 80 cm thick. This is still the average thickness. In fact, some parts of the tank body have been strengthened, and the thickness of the carapace at those positions may have reached one meter. In front of a carapace of this thickness, those arrows that can only be embedded in a depth of two or three centimeters are really ineffective at all, and even the tank itself does not feel the existence of these things. After all, there is no nerve system on his shell, and he will not feel too obvious before penetrating these shells. At most, he can only rely on the shock when he is hit to perceive that he has been recruited. As for pain or something... That really doesn't exist.

Under the efforts of the Russian players, the tank's forward speed still did not slow down at all. In the end, those players could only watch the tank head into the building with the tall spire. Originally I thought this building was a service-oriented building, but I didn't realize that I had made a mistake until the tank knocked it down.

"Damn, what is this stuff?"

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