"Talk about your opinion." After hearing what Hades said, I asked.

Hades said readily: "In fact, the method is very simple. Now that we have got the three-dimensional magic array, I think this thing must use some rare substances, then, just know This magic array contains some rare substances, and then by tracking the flow of these rare substances in the world, you can directly trace to the other side’s production base from another road, which is better than we used to track the other side’s transportation routes all the way up. It is much more effective. From what you have found before, the other party has a very strong anti-tracking awareness, and all information has been deliberately covered up. That is to say, we want to reverse tracking through the other party’s bomb circulation channels. It’s a very difficult thing."

"Yes, very good, this is a good way, but our stupid way can't stop, after all, the success rate tracked from market dynamics is not high, we can't Give up any possible opportunity."

Hades said indifferently: "Our guild has many high-level personnel. This kind of thing can be divided into two ways and go hand in hand."

< p>I nodded and said: "Then I am still responsible for tracking the other party's bomb transportation channels. As for the circulation in the market, the guild Intelligence Section will collect it first, and I will take over when I have some eyebrows."

< p>"At present, this can only be done."

After finalizing the plan, I let most of the chaos and order Divine Race return to their respective positions, leaving only Pandora and Ladamantis. And Aphrodite. Originally, I wanted Poseidon to stay, but considering that he was also the boss of the Poseidon family, it was always difficult to run outside, so I temporarily replaced it with Aphrodite.

After leaving the three gods to stay, I went to see Woma and them again, and then talked about what Hades said before, and asked them to find out as soon as possible whether there is something in this demon array. This is an irreplaceable special substance so that we can track it down. Of course, the analysis of this thing will not produce results in a short while, so I just asked them to start looking for the existence of this substance, and after I notified them, I took Pandora and the three of them and left Aisin. Ge ran to Korea again.

The first thing we did after arriving in South Korea was to get to the place where the guild found these items, but the result was the same as the city we encountered before, and the other party emptied at lightning speed. The whole city even used Spirit Gathering Spell to take away all the souls of dead NPCs. In this way, even if I had the ability to communicate with souls, I couldn't find any existence that could provide us with any clues. Because this huge city is really not even a ghost now!

"This damn place is too clean, isn't it?" Ladamantis couldn't help complaining while looking at the empty street. As one of the three Magicrates in the underworld, Ladamantis naturally has an extraordinary ability to the undead. If there are any souls here, he will definitely be able to see it. But it is because no soul can be seen here, that's why Radamantis complained.

Pandora also said after scanning the streets: "It shouldn’t be long before we left here? The other party’s efficiency is too high!"

"Now say Nothing works, what shall we do next?" Aphrodite asked me.

After hearing Aphrodite’s question, I first looked towards Pandora next to me, and then asked: “Don’t you say that you can track the divine technique? Can you see where the people who come to clean up come from? Did you leave? We can track those people to find their superiors, right?"

"Although I would like to do this too, I'm afraid this won't work."

" Why?" I asked in surprise.

"Because the other party used something to interfere with the temporal and spatial fluctuations here, all I can sense now is chaos."

"It looks like these people already know that we are on How did I find them this time. It's really a cautious group of guys." I complained and thought about how to deal with the trouble in front of me. Pandora's tracking ability has lost its effect. The other party has done anti-tracking treatment to all aspects of the city that I can think of. We simply can't take any measures in the face of an empty city. This is definitely not the situation we want to see, but now I can only do it in a hurry, but there is no way. This feeling of inability to start is really uncomfortable.

"It looks like we need some extra helpers." Aphrodite said.

"Are there any other people in the guild that can be tracked?" Pandora turned and asked me.

I thought for a while and said: "There are a lot of people who understand tracking skills, but the problem is that all the tracking methods we can think of have been targeted and destroyed here, so even if we find these People are useless. What we need now is to find a possible means of detection, and this is a kind of information that the other party did not expect or cannot destroy."

"That..." Radaman Tis hesitated and said: "Actually I know that there is a kind of information that should not be destroyed."

"What information?" I immediately turned to Radamantis and asked.

Radamantis hesitated and said: "Elemental memory should be there, but we can’t read it."

"Elemental memory?" I’m sure I haven’t heard of it. I have never heard of this term, so I can only frown and think for a while, and then ask: "What kind of information is this? I don't seem to have heard of it!"

Before he had time to explain, Aphrodite next to him said first: "Do you know the basic elements?"

I'm nodded. "Of course, I am a half mage anyway!"

"Since you know the Dao Foundation element, you should also know the element wizard?"

I nodded again and said: "Elemental spirits are a kind of elemental aggregates with life characteristics formed by the combination of basic elements. They are creatures of pure energy form. They are composed of basic elements, just like elemental creatures. The difference is their volume and phase. It is much smaller than the elemental creatures, and there is no entity, so it can only be sensed and cannot be seen. The elemental memory you said is not the memory of these creatures, right?"

Because Radaman The meaning of the word Tis said was obvious, so I guessed what he meant directly.

Aphrodite explained to the side: "Although the elemental spirits have a low level of intelligence, they do have a certain amount of memory, but this kind of information will not be stored in their bodies for too long. , And the extraction is very difficult, at least I can’t do it."

I turned my head and looked towards Ladamantis, but before I asked, I saw him shook my head and said: "Don’t look at me , I won’t!”

Pandora immediately said: “Neither will I. Don’t think about it on the Plutos. No one on our side can do this. It can be guaranteed."

"Hades is not good?"

Pandora nodded and said: "Well, no. Reading element memory requires element affinity rather than absolute energy level , So this ability does not have much to do with strength. Of course, the strength of people with high elemental affinity is not too low. But conversely, people with high strength may not have good elemental affinity, such as warrior type No matter how high the strength of the personnel is, it is estimated that there will be no high elemental affinity."

I understood it little by little, and then looked towards Radamantis and asked: "Do you know who else can use this ability? Aphrodite, also think about it, anyone can read elemental memory?"

"I don’t know anyone who understands this ability, at least they haven’t told me, so I’m here I can’t help much either!"

After listening to Aphrodite’s words, I turned my gaze to Radamantes, and Radamantes squeezed and said:" I know that I know, but I can’t get that person over to help now!"

"What do you mean by saying that you can’t get over to help?"

"It’s just that you can’t get over. Come here! That person is a blasphemer, and I don’t know where he is now."

I understand the meaning of the word "blasphemer?" I understand the meaning of the word, but Radamante said it. This term definitely refers to a certain kind of people. The problem is that I don't know what kind of people this refers to. Of course, this group of people must be blasphemers and didn't run away, but I don't know the specific type. After all, there are too many people in the world that can be called blasphemers, and even I can count one.

Pandora Deira Damantis explained: “The Blasphemer is our previous Olympus Divine Race’s name for a group of special forces. They were originally members of the Saint Seiyas, but later because They betrayed the gods they believed in for many reasons, and then went out independently and started to engage in some things against us. For this matter Zeus once sent us the Hades to destroy their organization several times."

I nodded and asked Radamantis: "That guy you are talking about is one of the rebellious saints?"

Radamantis nodded and said: "She is a very beautiful woman Saint Seiya, this is relatively rare among Saint Seiyas. Most of the Saint Seiyas are men, and there are very few women. Moreover, she is a very special Saint Seiya, she does not pay attention to the tempering of the body and soul, on the contrary She likes to delve into the mystery of energy very much. She finally turned away from us because she discovered that we are not really Spiritual God, but just a group of super creatures with powerful power."

Radamantis This can be said to be the biggest difference between the guild Divine Race and the local Divine Race. The guild Divine Race is fully aware that they are not Divine Race, but a powerful creature, so they can put down their stance to trade with the player guild. Players’ guilds provide faith, and they provide martial power support. This is a kind of transaction, very straightforward. However, the local Divine Race still believes that they are gods, and their requirements for believers are free dedication. Although they also use various empty checks or occasional practical benefits to win the believers, in the final analysis they still let the believers contribute, but rarely Give a response. This is the biggest difference between Divine Race and Guild Divine Race. The guild Divine Race feels like a religious place after the commercialization of Divine Race.

"According to your statement, should this blasphemer still be in Greece now?" I asked Radamantis aloud.

Radamantis thought for a while and said: "Maybe or not. Blasphemers are very fluid in the industry, and because of the suppression of the local Divine Race, they tend to The surrounding area is flowing, so it is very difficult to know their exact location."

I understand what Radamantis said. Divine Race are some very powerful existence, and the blasphemers who dare to confront Divine Race naturally can only run around like the terrorists who bombed the Americans. After all, their enemies are too powerful. They can only face the disaster of extinction when they find out, so most of the blasphemers are walking strangely, and they are almost impossible to find. What's more, we are not only trying to find the blasphemer, but also a certain member who compares the number of pages. This is even more difficult. That's why Radamantis said it was difficult.

"Is there no one else but this guy?" I helplessly want to ask if there is a spare tire.

Radamantis shook his head and said, "It may be, but I don’t know!"

I was thinking of giving up this plan and finding another way. Aphrodite suddenly whispered: "Actually I think Kristina might be able to."


Knowing that I was confused, Aphrodite immediately explained: "I also know Kristina should not be able to read elemental memories, but have you forgotten? She is an elemental body, capable of completely elementalizing herself. In other words, she can make herself a special elemental spirit .So, if one element sprite is used as a translation to ask another element sprite, we don't necessarily need to use spells such as element memory reading, and we can directly ask something."

< p>"This can be a try, but Kristina is now sitting on the Sino-Russian border. If she leaves, what if the Russians take the opportunity to attack the border line of our country?"

Pandora immediately said: "Let the Lord God sit down. There are still some leisure Divine Races in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Although Isengard is also very important, it is the guild headquarters after all. I don't think there is any danger in general. It’s okay to concentrate all the high-end power on the border line at the worst, right?"

I weighed it a little before nodded and said: "Let’s do this first. The guild believes that it will not be a short time. There will be problems. Besides, Isengard is not so easy to invade. Even if someone invades, Vina and the others should be able to come back."

Just do it. After confirming the plan, I immediately contacted the God of War and said: "God of War, help me pick up Kristina."

"Chairman, something else?" Kristina's The sound immediately appeared in the communication channel.

"I really made your guess. Come to Korea soon, we need your help. The coordinates have already been sent to you."

"But Hong Yue said let me Keep the border line!"

"You don't have to worry about this, someone will take over your job."

"Then I will go over immediately."

After cutting off Kristina’s communication here, I quickly connected to Hong Yue’s communication there. I briefly talked about how I would transfer Kristina, and then Hong Yue as it should be by rights. Asked me the question of the line of defense, and I told her that Divine Race would be replaced by Chaos and Order, and Hong Yue had no objection immediately. Although Kristina's abilities are outstanding, our guild's Divine Race is also quite powerful, especially when multiple people appear at the same time, the battle strength is definitely not comparable to Kristina alone. Since there is a better choice, Hong Yue naturally doesn't care that Christina is passing away, as long as someone can direct her.

After communicating here, I communicated with Vina again. After a little calculation, Vina gave a list of names, but she didn’t agree to leave Isinger herself. She didn't want to go out, but because she felt that Isengard was also very important, and there must be a strong enough Divine Race to sit in, so that she could be at ease.

Considering that enough people have been sent out, I did not oppose this proposal. After letting Vina send people out as soon as possible, I can only wait for Kristina with Ladamantis and the others. Fortunately, the players in this guild all guard the long spear, so Kristina didn't let them wait long before they appeared directly above us.

"Chairman, I'm here." As soon as Christina landed, she looked around suspiciously, and then asked slightly suspiciously: "What about the enemy? Why is it an empty city?"


"I didn't ask you to help us fight." I pointed to Ladamantis and said, "With them, we don't lack battle strength."

"Then you guys I just need my special ability. What are you going to do this time? What is it to crack the magic array?"

"Neither." I said, "I need you to be an interpreter for us. Help us ask about this Elemental elves nearby."

"As a translation?" Kristina was taken aback for a while and then returned to normal, and then said: "This is no problem. Communication with elemental elves is my strength."

"Then we can start now?"

"Wait a moment." Kristina said suddenly with a magic array lightly on the ground, and then the whole person immediately The multi-colored rays of light burst out like a rainbow, and after this layer of colored rays of light dissipated, Kristina had completely changed her appearance.

Now Kristina looks like a giant butterfly Fairy flying out of a fairy tale world, with beautiful crystal armors all over her body, and two pairs of giant butterflies behind her body Normal colored wings, and there are a large number of dots of light floating beside Kristina, which is a sign of elemental energy materialization.

The current form is called the elemental spirit form. Although it is much larger, the current Kristina and the elemental spirit can be regarded as the same kind of existence.

"Okay, now it's okay. If you need to know, just ask." Kristina looked at us and said.

Facts have proved that our speculation is indeed correct. After becoming an elemental wizard, Kristina can indeed use this special way to communicate with the elemental wizard. Thanks to the efficiency of this approach, we quickly asked for the information we needed.

The people who cleaned up here were not Koreans, but a group of Russian players. Their professional matching is very complete. If the description of the elemental elves is not a problem, then it should be a special squad with a guard team responsible for cleaning up traces. The total number of this squad has reached a staggering 32 people, half of which, that is, 16 people are the guards, and the other 16 people have different abilities, which can clear all kinds of residual information in an area and allow tracking No trace of personnel can be found.

"The other party actually has such a squad. If there is such a person in reality, it must be the favorite of criminals." Kristina couldn't help saying after learning this information. .

"The question now is not about the professional characteristics of these people, but about knowing where they came from." I asked Kristina as I said, "Ask about how those elemental spirits came from. ."

"Okay." Kristina communicated with the elemental elves and then turned to us and said: "The other party was sent using the Transmission Formation in the city."

"But Transmission Formation has been destroyed, and the temporal and spatial information there is also chaotic, and it cannot be tracked!" Aphrodite said.

"Then how did they get there?" Pandora asked: "In an area where spatiotemporal information is destroyed, it cannot be transmitted until the information returns to normal, so the other party must be impossible in this area. Teleport away again."

Kristina was communicating with the elemental elves again. We could only see Kristina there in a daze, and couldn't see her movements at all. Of course there was no sound, but after ten seconds, she recovered and said to us: "They did not teleport away, but rode away from there."

"Then we will catch up. "

Because Kristina can keep inquiring about the elemental spirits along the way, we don’t worry about losing the target at all. Soon we found that the opponent had turned into the nearby mountains after leaving the city for some distance. Among. Of course, the other party did some tricks on the way away. I tried to get Bailang to track the smell, but I couldn't smell anything. The other party obviously had a way to cover or change the smell.

In fact, the way these people leave like this does not mean that they cannot be tracked. After all, if they use time and space along the way to disrupt, then we only need to see which direction is disrupted, and in the end they can still be tracked. Their location. And if they don't use time and space to disrupt, Pandora's ability can see their whereabouts, so this method of them is really impossible to completely guarantee their safety. Of course, what they did was not completely useless, because if we hadn't had a BUG-rank character like Christina, we wouldn't be able to find the direction they left. We must know that Pandora’s ability is not only very rare, but also a small-scale ability. This determines that we can’t search for them in a large area. If we search across the city, we will wait to find their whereabouts. At that time, it was probably a matter of weeks from now. So, although their methods are not absolutely untracked, they can actually achieve their goals. It's just a pity that they don't know that we still have such a perverted existence as Christina. Of course, they mainly didn't know that Kristina had this ability. They must know the existence of Kristina, but they didn't expect that she could still have such a weird tracking ability.

Following the guidance of the element wizard, we quickly found a big pit in the mountain. This big pit was obviously caused by an explosion, and the debris in the pit proved that this place should have been a field teleportation point. This kind of teleportation point can be placed by the player or generated by the system. Unlike the Transmission Formation in the city, there is no security around this kind of transmission point. You may be torn to pieces by a group of devil beasts as soon as you appear on the Transmission Formation, so it is generally not necessary, or you are sure that the other side must be Safe, everyone tries to use this thing only to return to the city instead of sending it directly.

The bombed teleport point in front of us is clearly the Transmission Formation used by the other party when they leave, and the other party's purpose of blowing up this thing is also very clear, to delay the time we find them. Unfortunately, we don’t need Transmission Formation to know where they have been transmitted.

"President, I have found the target." Pandora quickly found the other party's transmission message in this place.

I nodded and said: "Let Kristina help. You will arrange the Transmission Formation together. Let's force the transmission again."


Because of Kristina's help, the preparation process this time was significantly faster than last time. In fact, Aphrodite and Radamantis can also be of great help. If there are more people, it will be quicker to work. Soon we finished the layout of the magic array, and then began to force transmission.

When our side began to force transmission, a certain city in another place was instantly messed up.

We just used this method to forcibly break into a secret stronghold of a Korean guild a few hours ago, and snatched two very important equipment and some special minerals from it. Such a big event will naturally cause the other party’s attention, and now, but only a few hours later, the situation described by the guild's personnel suddenly reappeared in the city here. How can this not let the people here? lose one's head out of fear?

"Damn it, that's this thing!" A Korean player yelled in horror at the flashing arc on the Transmission Formation. If we can see here now, we will definitely recognize it, this guy is the hapless one who was fed an expired Immortal Pill by me. Basically, he can only be a handyman at his current level, and he can't even be a handyman. After all, at such a low level, most of the trumpets are more than this level. Even if he is a handyman, others think he is Run slowly.

Although the level has fallen to a very low level, because this guy knows the process of our entry, it is still being reused by the guild manager here. Of course, leaving him was just for his surprise, not for his account. After all, the account was basically destroyed.

"Damn it, why did you chase it so quickly. Haven't we already done a finishing touch?" A player next to him got an affirmative answer and immediately became nervous.

Standing next to this man is a tall Caucasian man with a height of at least 1.9 meters. Although this guy’s height is exaggerated, he is not that kind of muscular macho look. The muscular macho look is very common among Russian players, but this one looks like a custard niche. Although he is tall, he has a slender figure. Although he is not out of balance, he feels very thin. It can be said that this type of delicate and pretty player is also considered a very rare type among Russian players.

The white man immediately said decisively after hearing the guild president’s complaint here: “Now is not the time to investigate how the other party finds it. The top priority is to evacuate the personnel and send those things away. And immediately organize manpower to resist and buy time for the evacuation of the rear. If the information from the companion who reported the letter is not problematic, it will take at least one minute for the other party to appear here completely. This time is enough for you to do a lot of things. Now."

At such a reminder, the complaining guy also reacted. He quickly turned around and ordered a few words to the people around him, then turned and ran out. Although he is the president here, he obviously didn't intend to be the first line of defense in this place, but turned around and went to work on the rest. Of course, he is not running away, because he has more important things to do. Less than 30 seconds after he left, a group of players ran into this Transmission Formation. They were the experts that the president found, and the purpose was to give a head-on blow after we appeared. Regardless of whether we are forcibly transmitting or transmitting normally, in short, there must be a very short adaptation period when the transmission is completed. After all, the surrounding environment has changed during the teleportation process. Just after the teleportation, you definitely need to adapt to the sudden changes in the surrounding environment. Therefore, at this time, the player will not have any reaction ability, which is also a good time for a sneak attack. Of course, this kind of opportunity is useless in most cases, because the guild Transmission Formation is generally a place where fighting is prohibited, and if the guild’s personnel want to fight, it is of course possible, but the enemy knows this situation. There is no risk of transmission. Besides, during the war, Transmission Formation is closed or restricted from the transmission of enemy personnel. Generally, such battles near Transmission Formation rarely occur.

Although this kind of battle method is rarely used, everyone knows this kind of battle method. Therefore, the other party has arranged the manpower here in advance and is ready to wait for us to show up as soon as we are not used to it. Come over and give us a cruel meal first, so that they can get the initiative.

The plan of this group of people is quite good, and the operability is also very strong, but, unfortunately, we can think of what they think of.

For the first time before, it was because we knew that the other party was impossible to think that we could send it forcibly, so we didn't worry at all and just sent it over. But this time is different, because we have already demonstrated this ability in front of the other party, so we can be sure that the other party must know that we have this ability. Therefore, when we transmit at first, the other party will definitely take action immediately.

Considering that the rigidity at the moment of completion of the transfer is indeed unavoidable, and we are not like relying on our body's protective ability to carry it, we also adopted a little trick.

Just as the arc flying around the Transmission Formation, the guy I had abandoned immediately screamed. "Quickly, the transmission is about to be completed, and they will come out from here soon."

"Go up and form a circle, and attack as soon as the opponent appears." A person in charge of on-site command The player shouted.

Under the command of this player, the combatants quickly surrounded them, and instead of using ordinary attacks, they had already begun to gather ultimatums and waited for us to show up as soon as we appeared. of. However, just as they pinched a point and calculated the moment we appeared, the center of the Transmission Formation flashed suddenly, and then a small steel high-pressure tank like a thermos for hot water at home suddenly appeared. In the center of Transmission Formation.

Originally, these people were all ready to beat us. Who knew that it was not us but a metal can that popped up in the end, which made everyone around him startled. However, not everyone at the scene was stunned, at least one person was not stunned, but was frightened. This person is the lanky white man. After seeing the logo on the side of the cylinder, the boss stared at him. At the same time, the whole person turned and became yelled: "Run, that's a liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb!"

This guy’s reaction can be described as super fast. In the process of shouting this sentence, he has already turned around and charge ahead can be seven or eight meters away, and he seems to be doing his best to obey the destiny. He didn't plan to try to save the people on the scene. After all, he was surrounded by Koreans, and he was obviously white. After this guy shouted again, he didn't call second time, and he didn't stop at all. As for those Korean experts, they were a little stunned after hearing this reminder, and then these people reacted after a second and turned around and started to run. It’s a pity that we also threw this thing over with a second. Calculate the time in advance. Just when these people just turned around, the thing suddenly exploded, but the formidable power was not big, it just made the entire teleportation hall instantly filled with a kind of light blue mist. However, the situation will be completely different in the next second.

The first explosion was just to diffuse the vapor of the liquefied magic crystal. In fact, it was just the sound of the cylinder's own unlocking device bursting, and the second time it was the real explosion. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the entire teleportation hall flew up to the sky in an instant, and the entire Korean city shook for a while, everyone looked towards the direction of the teleportation hall, because there was a huge mushroom cloud flying into the sky. rise.

"hehe, dare to use bombs to insult me, and I will also give you a big mushroom to taste." At this moment, I was standing on the other side with a smile.

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