"Damn it, this thing is a provocation to God!" Poseidon said angrily after the formidable power of the magic bomb was revealed.

I can understand Poseidon’s anger, because this thing really hurts the interests of all Divine Race. It can be said that in the game, before this thing is made, Divine Race is a group of unattainable existence for players. Except for me and a few people in our guild who can take advantage of Divine Race in a one-on-one battle, no one can beat Divine Race under normal circumstances. They are a group of aloof and remote, unmatched existence. Since the game’s launch, there have only been 7 Divine Races killed by players in addition to the records of our guild. Basically, these Divine Races were ambushed to death by a large number of players when they were placed. Yes, and those killed are all unknown Divine Race.

You can say so. The previous Divine Race was a group of super BOSS. Players could only look up to these existences and couldn't compete with them. It is also a rare situation to successfully kill a few Divine Races. Almost every time it is a careful plan plus a certain amount of luck. To be successful occasionally, and even if it succeeds, the price to pay is very terrifying, which is by no means as simple as imagined.

Because it is difficult to be killed by the player, Divine Race naturally has a sense of superiority to the player. They feel that they are aloof and remote, and are beyond the player's existence. Although the players themselves think that they are the existence of aloof and remote beyond these NPCs, it is because of the players’ actual identities. If it is purely in terms of the game system, the players are the real middle-to-lower existence, at least in the system In the setting, Divine Race is indeed a kind of aloof and remote.

However, the emergence of this element fusion bomb has changed this situation. Although it cannot be said that this bomb alone can make the gods fall, but at least players have a feasible method that can effectively kill Divine Race. Imagine that if a group of players carry this thing and carry out a suicide attack on a Divine Race, the result is almost certain. The Divine Race unless it is known in advance that this person is carrying this thing, once it is approached a certain distance, it is destined to be killed. The explosive power of a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb. This thing is more than enough to kill the gods.

"Don't be so excited. Things are not as bad as you think." Compared to Poseidon's excitement, Hades is obviously much calmer.

Vina also said in a game: "Hades is right, we don’t need to worry too much about this thing. Although it does have the ability to kill us, I think things at this level should There are big restrictions, anyway, it is absolutely impossible to mass produce. Think about it for yourself, according to Pandora and what you saw on the spot, there is only one such thing in the secret warehouse of the other party’s guild, and it is so tightly protected. , It can be seen that this thing is definitely not something that can be made casually. They must also be restricted by certain conditions and can only produce this thing in small quantities."

Agree. The game system will not allow some kind of unsolvable existence, it can allow you to accumulate strength in the power system it recognizes, but it will not allow you to create subversive power. Even if you really create something disruptive, it will definitely be restricted by the system.

This rule of system, we have experienced many times before. Like the radiation cannon under the Isinger Mobile Fortress, although the formidable power is amazing, it can handle a medium and large city at one time, but it takes up to ten minutes to charge up for each launch, and two The interval between occurrences is as high as several hours, and each occurrence is accompanied by a huge amount of magic crystal consumption. All of this is a prerequisite for restricting its terrifying formidable power. The system limits us with long firing intervals and huge consumption of money, and prevents us from using this weapon uncontrollably, so even our guild possesses With this kind of terrifying weapon, it is also impossible to dominate the world with a single radiation gun, because its occurrence interval is too long, and we don't have so much money to use it regularly.

There is also the ring of discipline that is similar to the radiation cannon. Its ability can be said to be more terrifying than the radiation cannon, but it is shared by Divine Races all over the world, although it is from our guild. Keep it, but we only manage it on behalf of me. Even if I have used it only two or three times in a limited way, I have spared my face to ask for it. Therefore, everything that is extremely powerful for formidable power is bound to be equally huge constraints restricting this power.

In fact, this kind of restraint is the most obvious on players. The higher the level of skills, the greater the consumption of mana and the longer the release interval. This is a limitation, in order to prevent a player from learning a super skill and dominate the world. Although most of the players in the game are now around level 1,100, you can still see entry level skills such as magic missiles, heavy sword, slashing, and collision flying all over the sky. On the contrary, those who only learn after level 1,000 can see High level skills are seldom used by people. It's not that the formidable power of those skills are not good, but the restrictions are too large. Generally, it is not the last moment that no one is willing to throw the ultimate big move.

This super element fusion bomb of the Koreans does have nuclear-class formidable power, but it must have huge limitations. As a bomb, it must be a one-time consumable, so there must be no restrictions on the cooling time. Then, the limitation of this thing can only be a certain condition in the manufacturing process. Anyway, the output of this thing is absolutely very, very low, otherwise the system will never let this thing appear.

"No matter how low the output, this thing is a threat to our lives after all. I think this is very bad." Polsephone suddenly interjected. In order to study this super bomb, Polsephone, who was supposed to take care of the new-born Tree of Life in South America, was also called back. Although her abilities belong to the life system, after all, the abilities of each Divine Race have their own specialties, so the coverage of the whole person is wide, and it is easier to study the basic principles of the bomb. But now it seems that this preparation is a bit wasteful. In addition to the three-dimensional structure of the bomb, there are not many really complicated things inside. Basically, it relies on the accumulation of common magic array structures to achieve complex functions.

After hearing what Polsephone said, I also thought about it a little bit. As far as the current situation is concerned, the existence of such bombs is indeed very bad. According to the current international situation, our guild is equivalent to standing at the forefront of the world, and we have our own guild Divine Race, and I have maintained basic contact with Divine Races everywhere, and among them is the Divine Race in Egypt. Divine Race, the new Olympus Divine Race, the two temples of light and dark, and Celestial Court, which are closely related to us, exist.

Based on the relationship between me and these Divine Races, coupled with our guild’s dominant position, it can be said that we have stood on the superstructure of this world, and the emergence of this kind of bomb has undoubtedly become A force for change. It can change the current world structure, break the balance of various existing forces, and even create a new power system. However, all of this is not good for us.

Revolutionaries make their revolution because they stand at the bottom of the society. The purpose of revolution is to change their status in the process of reform and to strengthen their social and economic status. But the problem is that we are already the highest in the world, and change will not improve our status, because the first is that we can’t move forward. Therefore, change is not good for us, or there are few benefits, but it is very harmful. Big.

Under this reality, the only choice we can make is to contain, eradicate, and destroy this kind of change, just like those inherent forces that are afraid of change. Although this sounds a lot like what the villains do in textbooks, our current identity is like this. With our status and identity, it is impossible to stand on the side of the changers and think, because we are no longer at the bottom. NS.

Of course, unlike the old forces that are afraid of change and contain them, we are a guild with strong vitality. We are not the feudal forces of senile or evil imperialism. We are just A vigorous player's guild. Although our current position is different from that of the bottom guild, we are not lacking in self-motivatedness. Although our ranking can no longer go further, because we are already number one, we can strengthen our position and make this number one more worthy.

So... I don't want to contain this emerging force, at least I don't want to destroy it. What I want is-control.

Power is not good or bad, only in the hands of who it lies. The formidable power of this kind of bomb is too huge, it can cause change, but that is because it is controlled by others. If it can be held in our own hands, it will no longer be a threat to us, but one of our strengths. Therefore, I have to master it, control it, and own it.

"My thoughts on this elemental bomb is to seize the manufacture of square sails and destroy the enemy's manufacturing capacity." During the heated discussion among the Divine Race, I said suddenly.

Several Divine Races who were discussing suddenly turned their eyes to my face. After a little hesitation, Hades was the first to speak. "I support the chairman's opinion. As long as we own this power, it is not a threat but a power, but we must not tolerate our enemy's control of this power."

As chaos and Order Divine Race has the largest number of people, and the strongest branch. The Pluto gods led by Hades accounted for almost half of the total number of Chaos and Order Divine Race. Because of such a large proportion of power, Hades can be said to be second only to Vina in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Therefore, when he said that he supported me, other Divine Races were very fast. They nodded expressed their intention of support.

Actually, the Divine Race in Divine Race of Chaos and Order respects me very much. Although they may not really regard me as an inviolable existence, they at least trust me very much and believe me. Strength and intelligence. If you want to find a more vivid way to describe the relationship between me and these Divine Races of chaos and order, it is the kind of friend you admire in life. Chaos and Order Divine Race members regard me as a close friend, even if they are not a buddy of Level 1, at least a good friend above the average level, and among them, there is generally a feeling of awe and admiration for me, so I The words have a great influence on the members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order.

In addition to my personal relationship with the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, the members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order also understand one thing very well, that is, their main god Vina is almost mine. left and right hands belong to the kind of existence that will never go against my will. Then, since their main god is absolutely obedient to me, how can they themselves disobey me?

Because of these relationships, they just hesitated when they heard me say that they wanted to obtain this kind of bomb manufacturing technology instead of completely eliminating it, but they didn't immediately jump out and sing the opposite. Then, when Hades expressed their support for me, they stopped hesitating and immediately agreed to my opinion. After all, they themselves trusted me quite a bit, and the current form is one-sided. They naturally gave up the book. There is not much hesitation to choose to support my decision.

Seeing the chaos and order around Divine Race, one after another expressed support for my opinion, I immediately said with a smile: "I feel your understanding and support, and I won't let your support go to waste. "As I said, I turned to Woma and said to them: "I now formally request you as the Frost Rose Guild. After analyzing the machines over there, I will immediately begin to study the protection technology of this elemental fusion bomb. , Whether it’s explosion suppression or impact protection, in short, I need a way to protect our people from being harmed by this thing. Can you do this?"

After discussing it, he said: "Give us some time and enough funds, I promise to do it."

"We have enough funds, but there is no time."

"Then I can only say that we try our best. In what time do you require must complete this thing, that is definitely impossible. We can't guarantee anything!"

I thought about what Woma said is the truth. , So I nodded and said: "Let's do it. You guys do your best." After I finished speaking, I turned to the chaos and order here, Divine Race, and said: "I will guarantee everyone’s safety, but before that we need First take the risk to figure out where this thing was made, and then we can rob the manufacturing technology in a targeted manner and completely destroy the other party’s ability to make this thing."

"We We must try our best to cooperate.” Hades, representing the many chaos and order, Divine Race came forward and said.

Nodded I am satisfied, and then let everyone go away first. The subsequent research does not require that there are not many people watching here. After all, our guild has a lot of things. So many people are concentrated here, and other places will inevitably lack manpower.

After sending all the people here, I gathered the chaos and order Divine Race together, and then asked: "You should have listened to Pandora and Poseidon about our investigation before. Passed. Do you have any suggestions for this? How should we investigate the origin of these things?"

"I think I have some ways." Hades suddenly stood up and said.

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