"Okay, that's it."

Three hours later, in the gate of the earth, two Jiahas, Noreen, and I The high level researchers of the guild gathered around a large number of testing equipment, and beside us stood a large group of chaos and order Divine Race. In fact, getting so many people into the gate of the earth is quite exhausting, after all, it takes a process of adaptation. Although I went to say hello to the Mother of the Earth and applied to let this group in, the problem is that what the Mother of the Earth did was not to get mad because of the entry of these people, but she would not do anything for us. Change.

Because the mother of the earth did not make special adjustments to this space, the place is still full of the breath of the mother of the earth. The group of researchers as researchers didn't respond much to this breath, their own abilities were not strong, and the induction of this kind of reaction was naturally not very obvious, but the group of people at Divine Race in chaos and order was quite guilty. In fact, when they first came in, almost all of them were carried by my Qilin warriors to the research equipment, and so far they have been sitting in the pre-arranged positions without standing up. It's not that they can't stand up, but their legs are a bit soft and it takes a lot of effort to stand up, so they can only sit and watch us study these devices.

The reason to let the guild Divine Race come in together is mainly based on their understanding of energy. Although Divine Race may not be proficient in magic arrays, you have to admit that their use of energy far exceeds that of ordinary mages. Therefore, although they may not have any understanding of these artificial creations, as long as you can break down these things into the most With a simple energy structure, they can tell you what this thing does and what effect it can play in the end.

After a researcher connected the last cable, we finally started to study the things I brought back.

There are three things that need to be analyzed. One is the super huge machine, the other is the four monster dolls that have been destroyed, and the third is the strange sundial.

One of Jiaha stood up and said to me: "Okay, the president, we can start research. But based on the absolute security attribute here, our research work can be a little bit violent, so the progress should be Soon. But I still recommend starting with the demons that have been dismantled first."

"Why study those demons first? The sundial should be the most important thing, right?"

"Because it is important, this thing should be placed last. The magic array on its surface is too complicated, and we need to start with simple things. We can be roughly certain that these magic puppets and that strange device are all from Under the same technical system, they have common ground. We need to disassemble these magic puppets to understand their design habits, so that when we finally study that thing, it will be safer and more accurate."

< p>I nodded and said: "Okay then. Just follow your habit."

After getting my consent, the two Jiahas signaled that they can start, and then the researcher next to it quickly Four tattered magic puppets were pushed over. They first used some special instruments to scan the surface of these magic puppets, and then they began to disassemble their shells after making sure that there was no problem.

After the steel shell was removed, the inside of these magic puppets looked amazing.

The mobile angels of our guild also use a movable internal structure and external armor to achieve armor defense, but after the mobile angels of our guild remove the outer armor, you can see It will be an internal structure like a robot. Of course, what I'm talking about like a robot is not that there are wires and gears inside the mobile angel, but that the mobile angel uses a modular design inside, and these things look like modern electronic devices. However, if you open these modular widgets, you will find that there is almost no wire-like thing inside them, but a large number of magic arrays and other structures.

However, the internal structure of these magic puppets in front of us is very different from what we imagined, because when they are opened, the armor is actually wood. That's right, it's wood. The inner body of these steel Knights seems to be made of wood as the main material, of course it is not a whole piece of wood. In fact, this lost armor looks very much like a person. It has obvious muscle structure on its body. The strips of wood are obviously simulating the muscle fibers of the human body, and the muscle fibers made of wood are connected together without spreading out. These are some tight loops. These metal rings are spread all over every corner of the body of these magic puppets. Often a bunch of wood that simulates muscles will be covered with a dozen such metal rings from beginning to end, and each metal ring depends on the number of wooden slats restrained. The inner diameter and width also have nothing common with each other. However, no matter what specifications of metal rings are, a very obvious magic array structure can be seen on the surface of these metal rings.

"The structure of this thing is really...unique!" Jiaha, with his big head, took a look in front of the relatively complete magic puppet that had been taken apart and said.

The steel Jiaha next to him reached out and touched the big hole in the chest of the golem, and then took a look at the situation inside before saying: "It seems that the function stopped because the core was destroyed." Steel Jiaha picked up a bunch of very small crystal shards from the hole as he spoke. It is certain that these fragments should have been a complete crystal, but now it has been shattered.

Norraine took a look at a metal ring on the thing, and then reached out and snapped his fingers. A researcher next to him immediately handed a dentist’s one we didn’t know. Kind of something like a small drill. She used this thing to click on the metal ring, but the arm of the magic puppet suddenly jumped up, scaring the researcher next to him and the two Jiahas directly back more than two meters.

"Well, it seems that I know how this thing works." Norin didn't notice that she scared others at all, so she took a chainsaw-like function from the console next to her. When things came out, he took off the whole arm of the magic puppet in two clicks.

Two Jiaha and several other researchers quickly got together and started to study the arm, and then they quickly removed all the metal rings in it that could be removed, and then spread them out again. All the wooden strips were numbered and separated, and then one of the wooden strips was taken out and placed on a side that looked like an electronic scale. After reading the readings displayed on the electronic scale, a researcher next to him shouted directly to the communicator: "Military God, material No. 33729."

A magical projection placed next to it. The instrument suddenly lit up and projected a rotating three-dimensional dynamic picture on in midair, and at the same time the voice of the military god sounded. "The No. 33729 material comes from a magical plant called the swamp man-eating tree. The vines of this plant are extremely flexible and willful, and can withstand huge pulling forces without breaking. This kind of plant can Dissemination of deceptive pheromone, attracting surrounding devil beasts and being attracted by the information that is mistaken for the spouse. After that, the plant will use its own vines to entangle the prey and inject neurotoxins. Until the target loses the ability to move, it will only start to inject decomposition into its body. The enzymes will eventually absorb the target completely in liquid form. Material 33729 is the product of the plant’s cane cut, which can maintain its activity after special treatment, and the auxiliary current stimulation can make the cane shrink or bend. This information comes from some Selling information in the free trading market."

As soon as the introduction of the military god is over, we probably understand how this thing works. speaking of which The working principle of this magic puppet's body is really simple. These rattans are tied up like human muscles and fixed on the surface of the metal skeleton, and the metal rings are used to stimulate the wooden rattans to contract or relax like human muscles by releasing electric current, so as to achieve control magic. The purpose of the whole movement.

Of course, although the principle is simple, it is not easy to implement.

First of all, these wooden rattans are not artificial products. They are a kind of rattan that enchants plants. There are individual differences in themselves, so the sensitivity to electric current is definitely different. This feature determines that if a bunch of trapped simulated muscles respond the same after receiving the same electric current stimulus, it is necessary to screen and allocate the rattans of these simulated muscles. In fact, the other party has made the muscle groups into many small independent structures, which may be to facilitate the use of different control voltages to make the muscle groups fit perfectly.

Secondly, there are thousands of large and small metal rings on the body of this magic puppet. To make a magic puppet move, you must manipulate at least one tenth of them at the same time. The metal ring discharges according to a certain rule. Without an electronic computer or even the most basic electronic module, it is actually quite complicated to do this.

However, the opponent obviously found a way to overcome the above problems. They really made the wood move, and it can be seen from the previous battle that this control method is very efficient. The battle of those magic puppets is not slow at all, on the contrary, they are very agile. Although they can't compare with us, their movements are actually more flexible than ordinary players. Therefore, this control method must be quite advanced.

After studying how this thing moved, Jiaha and the others analyzed the muscle fibers of the magic puppet, that is, the wooden strips. According to the analysis results, these things have actually been undead. To be honest, this thing is basically an undead creature, because these pieces of wood work like zombie. They use dark energy to supplement the energy required for wood fiber movement, and because of the side effects of dark energy, these woods are actually stronger than when they were alive. This is also why these magic puppets are so resistant to beating, because they are like zombie, their whole body is extremely hard.

To be honest, I have never seen unheard-of plants before. After all, this thing about undead seems to only be produced after animals die, but unheard-of plants are unheard-of. There are a lot of dark plants in the underworld, but those things are not the same as undead creatures. Although they seem to be undead, they are not undead but demonized, but this plant cane is a real undead. melted. The other party can master the technology to make plants dead, which should also be regarded as a breakthrough.

After analyzing the cane, Jiaha and Norin analyzed the metal ring again. In fact, after careful analysis of these rings, it was discovered that their structures are actually the same. Although the size and width of these rings are not the same, the magic arrays on their surfaces are actually all the same, the difference is only a small part of less than one percent of the structure. Through analysis, this part of the difference should be something similar to the wireless communication identification code, that is to say, when a signal is transmitted, this different structure can let these metal rings know whether the command is sent to themselves. , Otherwise, if all the metal rings are a signal frequency, the result can only be that any command will make the whole magic couple shrunk into a ball.

In addition, in addition to the problem of identifying the frequency, the output power of these metal rings is slightly different according to the size of the metal ring. This is probably caused by the different number of wood cane controlled by different rings.

After analyzing the magic array structure on the metal rings, the metal rings were sent to the Divine Race present. They used their own ability to simulate the magic array on these rings, and then we Know the specific working principle of these magic arrays. In fact, the opponent’s magic array is not as good as our guild, and it can even be said that the gap is far, because if it were us, there would be no need to make such a big magic ring, and there would be no need to make so many on a cane. ring.

After studying the problems of these rings, the muscle tissue and limbs of those magic puppets are all useless. After carefully removing these clearly researched things, the remaining things are finally a bit like Our guild equipment is out.

In fact, after removing the extra moving parts of this magic puppet, what is left is actually similar to the human nervous system. First of all, the main body of this thing is a ball connected to a long centipede-like structure. This sphere was originally in the head of that magic puppet, and its function should be similar to that of the brain. In fact, this thing was still covered with a metal layer before, which shows that this thing should be very important, because its protection obviously surpasses other parts.

There are also some small parts connected to the front end of this sphere. Among them are two crystal balls. After analysis, they are the simplest reconnaissance crystal ball used in Eagle Eye surgery. On this magic puppet, They may exist as eyes. The hearing of this magic puppet is done by another set of magic arrays, and it is not installed in the position of the ears, but one on the forehead, on both sides of the head, and on the back of the head, so its auditory capture ability should be very strong. .

Below this sphere is a long centipede-like thing. This thing is also a metal structure, and it can be bent. In the middle of this thing, there is a linking pipe forward. The parts connected to it are two very delicate small parts, but the problem is that these two parts are now left with a pile of fragments, so we are not quite clear about what we are doing. .

"Can you analyze the original working method like this?" I asked with some worry as I watched the control parts removed from the four magic puppets have varying degrees of damage.

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