"It should not be difficult to understand the way of work. The key is how to restore the original structure of these equipment." Steel Jiaha said: "This work was originally a very troublesome job for us. This kind of work, but since that day, we suddenly discovered that someone is very good at doing this." Jiaha suddenly shouted after finishing saying: "Military god, help us restore this thing."

" I'm happy to help." Military God's answer and his reaction appeared at the same time, and the speed was amazing. A huge mechanical arm connected to a spherical crystal stretched over the messy equipment, and then projected a fan-shaped light curtain and began to scan over those things. After several scans, a lot of broken small structures appeared on the 3D display projection next to it. Obviously, these are the fragments of those parts.

After recording all these things, the fragments of the three-dimensional projection clock began to rotate at a high speed and began to arrange and combine according to a certain rule. At first, the speed of this arrangement and combination was very slow, but the speed of assembling the parts on the screen is constantly improving. After 30 seconds, the speed of these things has been so fast that they are completely invisible. In our opinion, what the projector emits is a vague phantom, and it is impossible to see what it is. However, as time passed, a clear part appeared in the picture soon, which was a relatively large structure, and then more parts began to condense quickly on the surface of this structure, and soon this part was completed close to one. The third part.

For the assembly process in front of us, Vina and I actually know what's going on. The true identity of the military god is a computer, and letting a computer reorganize the fragments of an item is nothing more than a constant exhaustive attempt. Although this method is very slow, the computer is characterized by fast speed, so it takes a person to spell something for a few months, and they can spell it out for you in a few minutes. Of course, because there are not many people who know the true identity of the Army God, the people present basically don't understand how the Army God accomplishes this. They are just surprised at the speed of assembly of the Army God.

Under the rapid assembly of the military god, the equipment was completely spliced ​​after just over three minutes of use. Of course, what is assembled is the projection of the part fragments rather than the entity, after all, the thing has been broken into many fragments.

After completing the reorganization process of the fragments, the military god immediately began to automatically repair the broken fragments, because the damage caused by external forces is often accompanied by the deformation of the part fragments, so just remove them Splicing back does not allow the structure of the device to be fully presented. The army god quickly restored all the parts of this equipment to the original state before damage, and repaired the broken marks. After that, what we saw was the bulk structure of the original normal parts of this thing, and this structure continued. It is repeating the process of assembly and disassembly, and you can know the internal structure of these devices as long as you look at these pictures.

"Well, it looks like we have got the structure diagram of this thing."

"Can I know the purpose of this device through this?" I asked Jiaha and the others.

Norraine looked at the structure diagram and said: "The structure of these things is actually not complicated. The two relatively large tanks we saw are actually hyperbaric chambers, which are specially used for energy boosting. Achieve enough energy to drive the equipment. This part connected to the spine bone is actually an energy converter, that is to say, the huge structure in the abdominal cavity should be the energy core, and the control center is all in the sphere of the head Among them. As for the centipede-like spine structure, its main function is to connect energy facilities with the control core, and the other is to transmit antennas."


" Yes, the metal rings inside this device can stimulate the vines to work according to certain signals, but they are not wired transmissions, but wireless signals used. This kind of signal is realized by magical fluctuations, and the spine The thing like centipede legs sticking out on both sides of the bone is the transmitting antenna."

"It's a magical design. Are they afraid of interference?"

"As far as I know Magic fluctuations are almost impossible to be interfered.” Hades standing aside said: “If this thing really uses magic fluctuations to transmit signals, its anti-interference ability should be very strong. The only thing that can interfere with magic fluctuations is Spirit strength, and the external spirit strength is usually loose, impossible to interfere with the fluctuation of magic power. As for the all-round spirit strength field, it is actually a field, and the creatures that can release the field are definitely not the magic couple can deal with. Even if the other party can interfere with this kind of signal, it’s not much different from not.” Hades’ explanation made me immediately understand the benefits of this thing, and then we put forward some targeted The problem, in the end this simple control core was disassembled again by us, and now only the sphere of the head is left.

According to the analysis just now, the design of these magic puppets is actually very rough. The reason why their battle strength is very strong is mainly due to the powerful attribute of the vine and the ability to control the center, so other Everything has no value for reference, but this control core needs to be studied a little bit.

After disassembling the spherical head, we took out a lot of small magic devices with very complex and sophisticated structures, and these things seem to have only one function, that is, to protect the things inside. harm. After these devices were opened, we found a complex three-dimensional magic array at its core. The structure of this thing is like the plastic model used to demonstrate the atomic structure in class. Of course, the structure of this model is more complicated. There are a large number of three-dimensional magic networks running across, and until we disassemble this thing, there is still magic power flowing on these magic lines, which means that the control center of this magic puppet is not actually paralyzed, it is actually still there. It only works because the energy core of the body is destroyed, so it loses its power.

Looking at this complicated magic array structure, Pandora next to him suddenly said: "This thing reminds me of the magic array on that weird stone slab."

"I just said Can I get some enlightenment from disassembling low-level equipment." Norin said something to herself while carefully observing this strange magic array, but the voice was too small, we really couldn’t hear it, but it was the Jiaha point next to it. He started and said: "It is actually a three-dimensional magic array. No wonder you say that this thing is very efficient. If the magic array is not on the same plane, it means that other equidistant nodes with the same distance have increased many times. In this case, The improvement of transmission efficiency has become inevitable."

"I still don't understand." A researcher said: "The magical interference between the three-dimensional magic array will completely destroy the transmitted energy structure. In the process, the signal will go wrong, that is to say, the magic will lose its complete structure in the end. Such a magic array can't complete the operation at all. Many people have tried this before, shouldn't it be possible?"

"In this world, there is nothing I can't do but I can't think of it. The response should be resolved by this method."

"Then can we analyze this method?" I asked a little eagerly. Once this thing can really provide us with a reference, it means that this thing will be used in the production of mobile angels. In that case, the mobile angels of our guild will get at least several times the performance improvement. This is definitely a very exaggerated effect.

Because the purpose of this thing is so exaggerated, I am very nervous.

The two Jiahas rushed to me after a discussion: "The research on this thing should be able to crack the way it was formed, but we need time, and it is impossible to crack this technology in a short time. But as long as we give us time, we will figure out how they did it sooner or later, and it shouldn't be too long this time, after all, we already have a sample."

" Since it takes time to analyze the production method of the magic array, it is assumed that it can work normally in a certain way, so you can skip this aspect of the analysis and tell me what the magic array does?" I asked aloud.

I still care very much about whether the sundial is a super bomb or not, so I am very anxious to know the function of this thing.

Norraine nodded after hearing my question: "If it is assumed that the three-dimensional magic array can work, then we only need to guess its function based on its circuit structure. It’s quite simple to do."

"Then quickly help me analyze what the thing over there is for, right?"

"What about this machine? "Woma, who has never spoken much, asked. She has been studying those weird magic puppet parts ever since she got here, and she didn't talk to us at all.

I just glanced at the huge equipment over there, and then said, "Leave it alone. I just want to know what this is."

"Okay Okay, you are the president and you have the final say." Noreen and Woma quickly moved to the front of the magic slab and began to prepare for this thing.

Compared with the few magic puppets that were dismantled just now, this sundial-like thing seems to be much simpler from the outside, but in fact, people who know how to do it will understand that this thing is actually A hundred times more complicated than those magic puppets. If you are looking for two visual metaphors, those magic puppets are like a series-parallel hybrid circuit connected by a bunch of wires. Although it looks like a lot of wires, it seems very complicated, in fact, the function is very good. Simple, even low-level. However, although the slate in front of me looks very neat and simple in structure, it is actually the same as the chip in the computer. Look at the simple knowledge because the densely packed circuits inside are all encapsulated inside the shell, so it seems very simple, but as long as you peel off the outside things, you will find that the VLSI in the computer chip is definitely a Complex large-scale project.

The thing we want to analyze now is something like a computer chip. Its surface is just some simple magic array structures, but these magic array structures seem to be based on Pandora’s previous analysis. Some independent lines. The combination of these lines simply does not produce any effect, because they are incomplete. However, the opponent impossible designed an incomplete magic array structure, so this magic array must be complete and operable. Then there is a contradiction here. Since this thing is complete and operational, it must be connected by a complete line. However, the magical circuit on the surface of the slate is not only incomplete, it is even disconnected in many places. This determines that the magic array is either incomplete or has other connection methods.

When we discovered this thing in the Korean guild before, we had not noticed the specific connection method of this thing, but now we have the three-dimensional structure of the control core in the heads of the four magic puppets. , We finally know why this magic array looks like it is not completely connected, because this magic array is simply not a plane, it is a three-dimensional magic array. When we look at a three-dimensional magic array from a plane, it is of course incomplete.

"Okay, now it seems that our magic array is indeed a three-dimensional magic array, but how do we interpret its ability?" Noreen looked at the thing in front of her with her chin in thought. .

All the people present on our side began to look at this thing and think, because everyone wanted to know how to analyze this thing.

First of all, there is only one thing, so we cannot disassemble it easily. Besides, this thing simply doesn't have a connecting mechanism. It looks like a copper pillar is inserted into a round slate. There is no essential difference between disassembling it and smashing it. For such a thing, dismantling is obviously impossible.

Secondly, it is not tender, nor can we use detection magic to detect it, because we have already tried it. The magic array on the surface of this thing is too dense, they will absorb the surrounding energy, so after our detection magic is released, it will be absorbed by a large number of magic circuits, and the final result is that the magic automatically disappears. Of course, increasing the magic output may allow the reconnaissance spell to return some useful signals, but unfortunately we suspect that this is a bomb. Although this is the territory of the Mother of the Earth, this thing is impossible to really explode and hurt anyone here, but if it is activated because it absorbs an excessive amount of magic power, even if it can’t really explode, it’s impossible to burn its own circuit. questionable. So, as with the first one, as long as we don’t want to destroy this thing, we can’t use detection magic to get anything.

It feels like this thing is a little bit oily and salty, and we can’t really smash it open to see the structure inside, and the investigative magic is not effective on it, which makes us have a kind of tiger gnawing hedgehog Feeling like this, I don't know how to make the mouth.

"Perhaps...I have something to do." King Peacock Ming who was sitting on the side suddenly spoke.

To be honest, we are very skeptical of the Peacock’s words, because everyone knows that the peacock is actually a Divine Race transformed from a monster, so its combat capability is very high, but in terms of research capabilities It's very bad. This phenomenon is actually very common in Monster Race or Divine Race transformed from Divine Beast. Their common feature is that they are very good at fighting. However, if they are really asked to tell the truth, they will have a black eye. Know how to speak. This inconsistency between expression ability and hands-on ability is a common problem of these Divine Races, and the Peacock King happens to be a very standard Demonic God Race. Her ability is completely focused on combat. The research on these aspects should be I don't understand it at all. However, what surprised us was that when no one could think of a way, she actually said that she had a way.

Although I was skeptical about this, I still looked at King Peacock Ming and encouraged him: "Tell me, it doesn’t matter if it’s wrong."

King Peacock Ming said directly: "I think , Since this thing can absorb magic power, that is to say, when the magic power enters the circuit, it will flow in the circuit. Only in this way will the magic energy of the detection magic be absorbed, right?"

Norraine nodded said: "It's like this, but how does it help us?"

"Help is to sense the direction of the flow of magic." King Peacock suddenly said that, and then we were all stunned. NS.

Everyone exclaimed in their hearts: "Yes! What the King Peacock said is pretty good. Although we cannot use detection magic to directly read these magic array structures, once the magic array is charged, Then the flowing magic power will produce magic power fluctuations, and this fluctuation can be sensed.” With Divine Race’s sensing ability, it is possible to reversely depict the line trend of the magic array through these magical inductions. The only problem is a little bit more troublesome. It is this way of wiring that must go deep in layers, because magic fluctuations will also be disturbed by the outer circuit, so we need to read the structure of the outer layer of magic array first, and then wait for its trend to be determined. Go deep into the interior. In this process, you can continuously superimpose the internal signal with the external signal, calculate the interference part and remove it, and then we can peel off the magic array structure of each level one by one, and finally we can get it completely The structure diagram of the entire magic array. Of course, this process is quite vast. Even if the average person has the ability to operate this thing, don't expect to analyze any clues in less than three or five months. But we are not the same.

The numerous Divine Races on site means that we can sense this thing from multiple angles at the same time, so we don’t have to worry about making mistakes, and we can check the entire structure of a magic array at a time. The second point is that in addition to sufficient manpower, the existence of a military god is also very useful. Just like a large research institution cannot do without a computer, the supercomputer of Military God can help us record the magic array structure of each layer and continuously add new components. If this work is done by humans, we need to use blueprint. However, blueprints cannot express such a complicated three-dimensional structure, but if they are divided into multiple blueprints, if there are too many blueprints, the person who draws the blueprint will be confused by himself. Such complicated things cannot be carried out by the human brain. Think holistically. However, the military god does not have such a problem. He can memorize the entire route map obtained, and then directly perform three-dimensional modeling in his own information database and draw it out, and in the process, the military god can also pass by. Use our existing magic knowledge to compare these lines, and when we complete the entire magic array structure, the function of this thing will be thoroughly analyzed. This kind of efficiency can only be a dream for a guild that does not exist like a military god, but for us this is normal.

Since we have found a way, then we will not delay anymore. The Divine Race at the scene is all on the battlefield. Every few people are responsible for the monitoring and sensing of an area. The advantage of this is that it can guarantee that there will be no mistakes. A Divine Race may make mistakes when checking an area. Several Divine Races will be checked together, and then the results will be compared, so that there is no need to worry about mistakes. Moreover, multiple Divine Races inspecting an area can also improve accuracy.

The military god synchronized with the Divine Races will be responsible for recording the signals sensed by these Divine Races. Although this job involves multiple Divine Races reporting information at the same time, the military god is a computer, so he has the ability to simultaneously and The ability of multiple people to communicate, this kind of multi-tasking thing is not a problem for the military god at all.

In addition to these Divine Race and military gods have their own jobs, I can't take any time off, because I want to charge this magic array as a power battery. The reason why I was allowed to do this is mainly because I have the most magical power besides Divine Race, and my magical control is also very strong. In fact, this job is most suitable for Kristina, but unfortunately she is not here now, so I had to do it.

It doesn’t need to be too close to sense the magic fluctuations, so the Divine Races of Chaos and Order just sat in a circle around this thing, and I put one hand on the surface of this thing in the middle position Ready to enter magic at any time.

"Are you ready?" I asked aloud when I was ready. No one answered from the surrounding Divine Race, which meant that they were all ready, so I continued: "I’m going to start. Prepare, three, two, one, enter."

Because I’m afraid to activate this directly Something, I didn't dare to input too much magic power. This time I only input a little magic power. Although such a little magic power will be naturally consumed in the line, it does produce magic fluctuations. Of course, this kind of fluctuation is extremely weak, and it is difficult for ordinary people to sense it except Divine Race. But we have so many Divine Races here, and they are all staring at this thing attentively, so we can accurately locate the information even with such a weak signal.

When I called for preparation, the Divine Race at the scene closed their eyes and focused their attention on the magic sensor, and then with my magic input, in those Divine Race sensor, originally Suddenly a complex pattern suddenly lit up in the dark world. These lines send out very clear signals, allowing them to instantly remember the structure of these lines.

"Very good, we see the line." With Vina's answer, I finally felt relieved, and they quickly began to communicate with the military god and the picture they saw was directly Draw it out for the military god to see. After receiving all the route maps reported by Divine Race, the military god spliced ​​them into a three-dimensional map and calculated the influence value of the interference.

After the first recording was completed, we immediately started the second depiction. This time we needed to do differently than before. Besides me, Noreen also joined in. My task is to input magic power, and Noreen’s role is to create the reverse interference signal blocking signal of the First Layer magic array, so that the surrounding chaos and order Divine Race can read the second clear image.

The effect of the second attempt was very good. We quickly got the Second Layer signal, and then the next step was to repeat the previous method and analyze it layer by layer. Soon, when we analyzed the Seventeenth Layer, the core node of this magic array finally appeared in the sensing screen.

"Huh, my god, I finally see the core!"

To be honest, we didn't expect the structure of this thing to be so complicated that it would be 1897 Layer structure, and each layer structure is extremely complicated. Of course, what is more complicated is that the central location of this thing actually has a core. In my last induction, all the chaos and order Divine Race present felt a strong energy gleam. This phenomenon usually occurs in the process of energy collision, rather than the process of energy flow, that is to say, the last energy I input actually collided with another kind of energy.

This discovery proves that there is an energy core in the core of this three-dimensional magic array, which means that this thing is not a simple magic array, it may really be a bomb.

In fact, after we analyzed the entire magic array structure, everyone’s attention was focused on the three-dimensional display over there, because the military god has already compared the entire complete magic array to reality. NS. In the huge disc-shaped structure that seems to be composed of a bunch of twine, groups of strands are constantly lit up and then separated separately, and as this work progresses, the disc structure becomes less and less. Finally, it was completely dismantled into countless such small pieces.

Because there are basically people who understand some magic array structure at the scene, we can basically understand this single unit disassembled by the military god. These disassembled ones are actually the basic modules in the magic array. For example, one of the structural lines that looks like a question mark is actually a one-way transmission loop, which is characterized by allowing magic energy to be input from one side, but not Reverse flow. This can actually be regarded as a magical version of a semiconductor. The difference is that it is realized through structure rather than material.

Because the analysis speed of the military god is very fast, so it didn’t take long for us to see that the military god dismantled the basic units of the small magic array, and finally he linked several of these things together. Form a larger structure. After testing these structures, we saw that the military god began to make larger-scale links until the entire magic array was assembled into a whole, and at this time the voice of the military god also rang .

"I have completed the analysis of the structure of this magic array. According to my simulation and analysis, the function of this thing is actually very simple."

"Simple? Such a complicated structure is just In order to achieve simple functions?" I asked in surprise.

Military God replied affirmatively: "Indeed, although the structure is complicated, the function is really simple. In fact, it has only one function, that is-transform elements into basic elements, and then squeeze And make it merge. In other words, this is an element bomb."

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