Since that guy is offline, it doesn't make much sense to toss his body. Of course, as a means of retaliation for the opponent's rebellious behavior, I was impossible to let him go, but I didn't need to deliberately ask anything. First, use Eternity to drop all the equipment on his body, so that when the other party goes online next time, he will find that all his things on his body are exploded. For the price of his body, he will definitely cry. Of course, the equipment is only one of the means of revenge, and then I put an expired Immortal Pill to him.

The player is forced to go offline, and the body is forcibly left behind because of the state of combat, the opponent will be like a vegetative, although there are vital signs, but there will be no reaction. In this case, it was too easy to put an Immortal Pill in the opponent's mouth, so I simply completed my own revenge plan. When that guy goes online next time, he will find that not only his equipment is gone, but he will also find that his level has been directly changed to 3Level 41, which is not even as high as the trumpet level of most players.

After tossing this guy, of course I was impossible to save him and throw him here, and finally I made up a soul chasing arrow and shot him completely. Although the expired Immortal Pill will make people downgrade, this thing is not a poison. Impossible causes the player to die, so even if the level drops to 3Level 41, his body is still here. In the end, the soul chasing arrow that I made up can make the player drop two levels directly when he dies. After that, if he fails to resurrect, it will be Level 3. If the resurrection succeeds, it will also drop two levels, which is more than the normal way of death. So the next time he goes online, the highest level is 3Level 39, or even 3Level 38. Anyway, he definitely fell into the rookie team.

After this guy here was killed, our attention shifted to the door that stopped them before. There are so many locks on this door, it can be seen that the following things must be very important, and because of this, I have no plans to crack these locks at all. Gold coin does know how to unlock the lock, but she hasn't practiced it much since joining our guild. After all, the focus of gold coin has shifted after acquiring the national equipment. The skill of unlocking is far less useful for her than the main skill, so she didn't practice much later.

In fact, even if the skill level of gold coin is high enough, I will not let her unlock it. After all, the locks in this place will take more than a minute for their own people to unlock them. Gold coin unlocks. No matter how high the skill is, it can’t be faster than someone knowing the password and carrying the key, right? In terms of the efficiency of general unlocking skills, it takes at least an hour for gold coin to open these locks to hopefully unlock them all. And I think since we have so many experts here, it is better to directly brute force the cracking faster.

Actually, opening the door is also a technical job. Don't think that you just smash the entire door open with brute force. A normal door can indeed be smashed with brute force, but the problem is that the door in front of you doesn't look like a normal door. Think about that horrible mechanism lock, how can the strength of this thing itself be weak? Therefore, it is impossible to destroy this kind of door by brute force alone. It is necessary to find its key points and then destroy it, so that the largest destructive power can be generated with the least force, and it can also be guaranteed that the door will not be damaged while destroying the door. And the things behind.

In fact, this last point is the most critical. The exact location behind this door is still unknown for the time being, but according to my speculation, it is most likely to be a warehouse or something. The reason why we traced it here is because we suspect that some of these South Korean guilds have taken over the weapons of mass destruction, and based on the current situation, we are likely to have won the bid for the first time. Now that this guild has such a secret place, the probability of their participation in the transfer of weapons of mass destruction is very high. And if there is a temporary storage warehouse for that kind of weapons behind this door, if we accidentally touch those weapons of mass destruction when we open the door and cause them to explode, then the result will be more tragic.

Me and gold coin are not a big problem. For us, death is nothing more than a drop in the ranks. But the problem is that Pandora and Poseidon are by our side, this is more troublesome. Divine Race is a one-time life. If you die, you really die. So far in the Divine Race of our guild, except for Vina, who can be resurrected infinitely like the player for special reasons, everyone else is in the normal Divine Race state, that is, if they die, they are really dead.

The current Divine Races of our guild are all that we have finally recruited. If we die, we can't add them. Moreover, Divine Races are different from ordinary units. The ordinary army replenishes the quantity, but each individual of Divine Race has a special existence. Even if one is dead and another is replenished, the effect will be different from the original one. Therefore, we are unwilling to sacrifice the lives of Divine Race, the guild, and it is really not worth the risk.

After careful consideration, we began to officially open the door. Although the repair of this door was exaggerated, because it was exaggerated, all the sturdy door bolts and so on were exposed to the outside, which provided me with an accurate goal. With these goals, it is actually very easy to destroy the gate.

For most people, this kind of magic-reinforced metal gate can basically be described as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. After all, the defense of this thing is almost comparable to that of a city wall. There is no weapon of the level of a siege hammer, and it is very difficult to destroy such a door with the weapon in the player's hand alone. However, I am different from ordinary people. I have eternity in my hands. The attribute of the eternal self-contained law is cutting, and the effect of this cutting law is actually to break the magic and break the defense. Any magical defense will be useless in front of it, and any solid material is bean curd dregs in front of it.

Change the eternity into a more vigorous form, and then align it with the edge of one of the fixing bolts on the side of the door and insert it, and then I pull it horizontally, but I just feel it very Only ordinary resistance successfully cut off the latch. Unfortunately, the gate is circular, and the fixing bolts are densely packed in a circle around the door, so it is useless to cut off a fixing bolt. You must drop all the fixing bolts to allow The gate lost its support.

Although the door latch is a bit more, but fortunately, Eternal is strong enough. After more than three minutes, I cut off the circle of fixing bolts, and then inserted Eternal into the door and deformed and stuck. The door panel was then pulled back by Poseidon, the most powerful of us.

Don't even think that Poseidon is actually a mermaid, who looks soft and weak, but after all, he is the sea king, and that power is not comparable to ordinary people. Under her drag, the door without any fixing bolts was forcibly pulled out of the wall amidst an unpleasant metal rubbing sound.

After the gate was completely dismantled, we discovered that the thickness of the gate was as high as five meters, and it was actually not a whole piece, but divided into four pieces. Previously, it was because the gate was closed so tightly that we didn't realize that the gate is not a single piece. But it’s right to think about it. If such a thick door is a whole piece, its own weight may cause the door bolt to collapse, so they can only design the door into multiple parts, so that after the pressure is shared, the door bolt will not collapse. Solved it.

After opening the door, we quickly passed through the big hole in the door and got into the space behind the door.

Sure enough, this is a warehouse as we guessed, and the contents inside are also very strange. In fact, the area of ​​this warehouse is several times larger than expected, but the quantity of materials in it is in turn much smaller than we expected.

In fact, there are three piles of things in this huge room. One of the things is in the corner of the room, where there is an altar-like stone platform, surrounded by an energy barrier, which is obviously some kind of anti-theft or protective measure. Inside this energy barrier, there is a display stand that is about the same size as the lecture podium, and on this display stand is a sundial-like thing.

The main part of this thing is a round slate with a thickness of about five centimeters and a diameter of about forty centimeters. All the visible places on the surface are covered with densely packed magic patterns. And because many magic pattern nodes are installed with artificially carved magic crystals, it can be concluded that this is a very powerful magic array.

In addition to the main body of the slate, there is also a golden metal rod in the center of the slate. This shape is really similar to the sundial in ancient China that relied on sunlight to position time. Of course, because the thing in front of you is a magic item, the metal rod on it is not in the shape of an ordinary metal rod, but is densely packed like a slate. The only difference is that the texture on the metal rod is not. Inscribed in the dark, but protruding in the form of relief.

Although we can see something like this sundial, we also know that it is a very important thing, but because of the existence of the energy barrier, in addition to seeing its shape, we are sensitive to it at all No. That energy barrier obviously blocked all the information that visible light thought.

In addition to the sundial-like thing with an unknown function, there are two piles of things in this warehouse. One of them is a magical instrument. The structure of this thing is very complicated. At first glance, it looks like a machine tool, and from the perspective of its size, it does not seem to be something that can be moved at will.

This thing is placed in the center of the room. There are no defense facilities around. I guess it may be because the thing itself is not dangerous when it is not activated, and it does not seem to be a thing. Two people can steal it. If you want to carry this thing without summon a large devil beast, you can only use dozens of people to carry it together. Anyway, a few people don't expect to be able to move this thing.

Finally, on the other corner of the room, a pile of black stones was randomly piled up. There was nothing special at all. These stones are neither shining nor magical, and they seem to have nothing special other than being darker. However, there are dozens of stones of this kind piled up in this room, and it seems that these stones are not natural, but artificially excavated, because the surface of these stones are all carved by tools, and they are very obvious. .

Obviously, this black stone is some kind of mineral or special material, but I don’t know what it does for the time being.

"There are only so few things?" Gold coin seemed to be fooled after seeing this empty room.

Pandora quickly walked to the pile of stones, then took a piece of it under his nose and smelled it, then suddenly threw the stone into the air, then raised his hand a beam of light and hit it out instantly. The stone smashed. As the stone shattered, the temperature of the surrounding air began to plummet, and at the same time I felt a gloomy energy growing wildly.

"Sure enough." Pandora said after the gloomy energy appeared: "These stones are mineral mothers."

"Miner mothers?" I looked towards the stones in surprise Asked: "What kind of mine mother is this? How come there are so many?"

The so-called mine mother is actually a fictional item in the game, which does not exist in reality. In the game, most types of underground minerals have ore mothers, but not every mining area will have ore mothers. These mineral mothers may not have much use value, but as long as they are placed in a suitable environment, the mineral mothers can continuously produce corresponding mineral deposits. For example, the white magic crystal that we use the most has mineral mothers. If you can find a white magic crystal mineral mother and bury it in the soil, it will not take long to dig this place, you will find nearby A lot of white magic crystal.

This kind of substance that can continuously generate minerals is called ore mother, and because they can produce ore, its value can be said to be very exaggerated. Of course, the specific value depends on the specific mine produced. For example, iron ore mother and copper ore mother are definitely not too expensive. After all, there are a lot of iron and copper ore in the game. The difference is only the difficulty of mining, and the reserves are never worrying. Precisely because reserves are not a problem, the ore mothers of these two kinds of ore are almost of little value. Although someone will ask for them if you find them, they will certainly not sell for a sky-high price. But conversely, if you get some kind of super mineral ore mother, then the situation is different. Think about it, a piece of colorful magic crystal ore mother or mythril ore mother, gold crystal ore mother, these mineral mothers have no price at all. Those who own it will never sell it, and those who see it will not buy it, but directly consider whether to grab it, because no one will sell it at all, and you can only grab it if you want it. After all, in terms of the value of these three kinds of rare minerals, the miners of these three kinds of minerals can almost be said to be money printing machines. You said that if you had a money printing machine that could legally print money, would you consider selling it? No matter how much the other party pays, you can just print it out yourself. Why do you want to sell it?

Because the price difference of the mine mother is very terrifying, so I did not show too much excitement for the time being, but looked at Pandora and asked: "What kind of mine mother is this?" After all, the mine mother's The value gap is very large.

Pandora turned his head to look at me with some sluggish eyes, and then said, "The Soul Stone. This is the mine mother of the Soul Stone!"

"The Soul Stone Shi's mine mother?" I almost roared out.

Soul Stone is a special ore, which can be used instead of black liquid crystal to some extent. Of course, compared with the black liquid crystal, which has a fairly good yield, the difference in this soul stone is really too small. However, considering that most of the functions of this thing are the same as black liquid crystals, so most people don't need this thing. However, this soul stone has an ability that is incomparable to black liquid crystals, that is, it can perfectly replace the physical body and become the soul inhabitant.

A person is alive, his soul will be attached to the body, and once he dies, the soul will be separated from the body. There are many things that the soul can attach to. In fact, it should be said that things that the soul cannot attach to are rare, but being able to attach and being able to attach to it perfectly are two concepts.

In fact, the black liquid crystal has also become a temporary carrier for the soul, but it is still not a perfect attachment. The so-called perfect attachment means that when a soul is attached to something, it can still grow. This is perfect attachment.

After most substances are attached to the soul, the strength of the substance itself will change, usually it will become stronger and stronger, and various attributes will become stronger and stronger. However, the soul attached to this thing in this process is constantly consuming its own energy. If there is a soul that can absorb energy, it is better to say that if it is a slightly weaker soul, it may not take long to be automatically digested by this substance. NS. This attachment is actually no different from suicide.

Black liquid crystal is a better one among these substances that can be attached to. It will not absorb the energy of the soul that is attached to itself, but can provide a small amount of energy for the soul. This is why I often use black liquid crystal powder to trade with undead creatures, because black liquid crystal powder is a tonic for them.

However, even black liquid crystal powder can only replenish soul energy in a small amount. It is absolutely impossible for the soul to grow. Of course, this only means that the soul cannot be allowed to grow because of the black liquid crystal. If it is a powerful soul, even if it is attached to something that cannot be attached, it can actually grow, but it is just a matter of difficulty.

However, the soul stone is different. As long as it is a soul, even if it has no ability at all, it can grow automatically as long as it is stationed in this soul stone, and the speed is quite fast. In addition, the soul stone can also block external attacks against the soul, which means that if a soul hides inside the soul stone, you cannot use soul spell damage before you break the soul stone. Of the soul inside.

These abilities determine that this thing is simply yearn for something even in dreams for undead creatures, and the output of this thing is almost zero. So far, no one has found a proper soul stone vein, and at most three or five pieces can be found each time, which is not a vein at all. However, as everyone knows, our guild is actually a guild with undead creatures as the main body. Among the Divine Races in our guild, most of them belong to the Pluto type. Almost one third of the players in this guild are all Dark Element professions, and the remaining messy professions share the remaining 2/3/2021 with the common attribute categories. In addition, there are a lot of undead creatures among the NPC troops in this guild. Finally, I myself also work part-time for the king of Yama, and the name of our guild’s affiliation in Celestial Court is "Celestial Court 11th Yama Palace in Yincao Dijie".

From the above information, we can see that our guild is actually very biased towards Dark Element, so the soul stone this thing is a very important material for us, not only very useful , And the demand is very high.

In fact, the biggest use of the soul stone is not undead creatures, but constructive creatures.

The characteristic of undead creatures is that their souls can exist independently, just like skeleton soldiers, which are almost the lowest rotten street troops among undead creatures. However, even for skeleton soldiers, as long as you have the ability to see, after smashing their skulls, you will find that their Soul Fire will float out of the cranial cavity instead of dissipating directly. Of course, this premise is that you don't use too much energy. After all, the level of the skeleton soldier is very low. If you use big moves to blast it, no matter how strong the soul is, it will fall apart.

Since even low-level undead creatures such as skeleton soldiers can have the ability to exist independently of the soul, you can imagine that although undead creatures need soul stones, it is not a problem that they do not. However, the constructed creature is different. Like the mobile angels of our guild, their artificial souls are not soul stones, so the soul center of mobile angels cannot defend against soul spells, and must rely on the protective magic on the shell to resist soul attacks. On the other hand, the soul center of the mobile angel actually needs to be continuously recharged, otherwise the soul itself will be consumed by the attached material, so if there is no energy supplement, these artificial souls will quickly dissipate. Of course, using black liquid crystals to make artificial soul centers can avoid this problem, but the physical properties of black liquid crystals are a little worse. Although it is very hard, it is easy to burst when attacked by magic, so this thing can’t help. Used to make mobile angels.

Assuming that our guild can have a large number of soul stones, then our mobile angels can directly change into the core of the soul stone production. If this is the case, our artificial souls will have made great progress in all aspects of abilities, and the biggest benefit will be that our artificial souls truly have the ability to learn and grow. If necessary, we can even teach these mobile angels. The method of cultivation magic. Therefore, the meaning of the soul stone to our guild is very unusual.

"Why does this Korean guild have so many soul stone ore mothers?" Gold coin said, looking at the pile of black, unremarkable stones.

"I don't know why they have so many soul stone ore mothers, but I think it must be related to the magic puppets we removed before."

This explanation gold coin is also nodded and said: "If the other party is also experimenting with magic puppet production technology, then it is understandable to have this thing. However, it is understandable to find the soul stone, and to get so many soul stone ore mothers. It's really...Did these guys go dogshit luck?"

"Don't worry about the origin of those things. Let's see what these two things are before we talk." Poseidon reminded us. .

Me, gold coin and Pandora quickly got to the periphery of the sundial-like thing over there and began to study how to open the protective cover. As for the giant device next to it... to be honest, it's useless to see it. We simply didn't study magic machinery here, and this device simply doesn't know anything about us. Although the magic theories of Poseidon and Pandora may be very good, but to be honest, I don't think they have any research on magical mechanical energy. They obviously knew this problem themselves, so they didn't even look at the thing at all. They both went directly to study the strange magic array disk. Compared with the magic machinery, this thing is at least within the scope of their knowledge.

There are two Divine Races plus gold coin and me. The protective cover was completed after only supporting it for less than ten seconds. After breaking the protective cover, the thing inside was completely exposed in front of us.

To tell the truth, the protective cover may be mainly used to prevent theft, not to organize the outsiders to observe this thing, so there is no abnormal phenomenon after breaking it. The thing still stopped there quietly as before, without even the slightest wave of magical power, it felt like an ordinary item. However, the dense lines on the surface of this thing are really not like ordinary items.

"What the hell is this?" After gold coin went around this thing for a few times, he could only helplessly look up and ask us, she is a Taoist priest. If you ask her to draw a talisman or something, she must be Very easy, but the magic array will not work. These are completely two systems, just like English and Chinese. Although they are all literary, the text is different. No matter how great the Chinese Master can't understand English, they can't understand English prose!

Compared with gold coin, Pandora and Poseidon are much more professional. The two of them carefully stared at the thing for a while and then Poseidon first said: "First of all, we can be sure that this is not a scribble pattern. This is a real magical array with activation ability."

Pandora also followed: "Indeed, I just simulated a small part of the texture I saw. It seems to be used to transmit magic. It just feels that the drawing method is a bit strange. Also, this thing may use some kind of Multi-layer engraving technology, the magic array is not the surface layer, there seems to be an internal structure underneath."

"Is it so complicated?"

"It's not a complicated problem. It's a problem. The density of this thing is too high. The magic pattern inside is laminated with one layer. We can only build a small structure. The too complicated part simply cannot be simulated, so it may take a very long time to figure out all the functions. "

"Then don't waste time here, someone can quickly interpret this thing after you go back. But before you two can tell me whether this thing can move?"

< p>Pandora said: "There should be no problem, but it is better not to touch the metal rod. I found the activation circuit on that, it may be a trigger or something."

" What if I destroy this metal rod?"

Poseidon said: "It's better not. We are not sure about the specific structure of this thing, so if it is destroyed, it may be fine, but it may cause some reaction. Maybe."

Gold coin suddenly reminded me: "Boss, what do you say if this thing is a weapon of mass destruction like an atomic bomb? If this thing can be detonated remotely, You brought it back to Isinger, didn't you trouble yourself?"

Sure enough, if there are many people, you will think about all kinds of strange things, and some omissions will be easier to fill. Pandora and I were just thinking about how to study this thing clearly, and completely forgot about this thing. If it really is like gold coin said, this is a remote-controlled bomb, and it is still nuclear bomb level, then I brought this thing back to my guild, wouldn't it be the first under the heavens big silly hat?

"Thanks to your reminder, otherwise I would really do something stupid!" I thought about it for a while and said, "It's too dangerous to study this thing in Isinger. I think it's necessary to catch foreign aid. Power."

"Foreign aid?"

"Just leave it alone." I said, "Now, Pandora and Poseidon, you go first and go directly to the guild. , I will wait for you to send it away and then take this thing, lest this thing explodes in case of touch, it will be troublesome!"

Pandora and Poseidon are not the kind of silly and bold not afraid of death , So when I heard what I said, I immediately started the transmission process. After all, there was no danger at the scene, and it was useless for them to stay. I waited for them both to send away and then cautiously picked up the thing from the display stand. It turns out that simply picking up this thing won't cause an explosion.

After picking up this thing, I opened the door of the earth directly, and then I walked in with the thing in my hands. What I call the help of foreign aid actually refers to this gate of the earth.

The space inside the gate of the earth is the private space of the mother of the earth. It can be said that this is the domain of the mother of the earth. Here, all the laws are formulated by the mother of the earth. Other places in the game Whether the law of is useful in this space depends entirely on whether the mother of the earth wants this law to take effect. Although the thing I am holding is probably a super bomb with formidable power that does not lose nuclear bombs, whether it can explode on the ground of Mother Earth depends entirely on whether Mother Earth is willing to let it explode. According to the habit of Mother Earth, she will never let this thing explode in her back garden. Therefore, when this thing enters the gate of the earth, it actually means that this thing loses its explosive ability. . Researching this thing in such a safe environment does not have to worry about the explosion. Anyway, even if we actually touch something like a detonation switch, the Mother of the Earth will suppress this thing so that it cannot explode, or after it explodes. The explosive formidable power is compressed together and cannot spread.

After placing this thing in the gate of the earth, I did not leave immediately. Instead, I ran to meet the mother of the earth and talked to her about this thing. Although the mother of the earth should have fully understood this stuff the moment I brought this thing in, but as a guest, I have to say hello to the host. After all, this is someone’s territory. I brought a It's too shameless to say hello to people when the bomb comes in.

Sure enough, the mother of the earth no longer cares whether I brought a bomb in, because this thing does not pose any threat to her, and even a grass here cannot hurt. Therefore, the mother of the earth just simply nodded and sent me away, not caring about it at all.

The mother of the earth didn't pursue it, I immediately thanked me politely and ran out quickly. After returning to the outside, I also got the huge machine into the gate of the earth. After all, this thing is also an unknown item, and it is obviously not as safe as putting it in the Phoenix Dragon space.

After evacuating everything here, gold coin and I didn’t stay here anymore. Now that their president has gone offline, everyone else should have been notified. I’m going to search for it now. If you can't find a clue, it's better to study these things clearly before talking about them.

Because I was anxious to figure out the purpose of these things, I directly sent them back and quickly returned to Isinger through the newly established transnational Transmission Formation. Gold coin didn't go with me, but stayed to continue investigating the Russian guild and what conspiracy was planned by Nobunaga on the Korean side. Of course, Pandora and Poseidon still have to continue to assist her. Without my presence, gold coin can't come and go freely among the enemies, and it would be a troublesome thing if it gets trapped.

For the time being, the affairs on the Korean side were handed over, and I quickly passed the Transmission Formation on Isengard’s side to the new continent floating island. At least 80% of the research capabilities of the guild are concentrated here. Research institutions in other places are only responsible for data backup and the practical conversion of peripheral technologies, and are not responsible for the main research.

"Norraine, Jiaha... where are the people? Where did they go?"

"Where are you here. President, what are you doing so loudly? We are not deaf! "Jiaha, who has only a huge brain, walked out of a room inside, and steel Jiaha was following him. At the same time, I also saw Norin, but she seemed to be studying something, she was still in her hands as she walked. Holding a little thing there is constantly moving around.

I didn’t have time to explain anything to them. Seeing that all three of them had arrived, I immediately said: "You put the work in your hands first, and find a few who you think are technically good. Researchers with certain accomplishments in array and soul studies come here, and it is best to bring the device together."

"Where are we going?" Noreen obviously didn't want to give up the one in her hand. Something, said directly: "If you need to study something, just bring it over, why should we go there? The equipment here is the most comprehensive! All portable equipment can be taken away, and the research effect is definitely It’s not as good as the large equipment here!"

"I also know that the research here is more efficient, but this time the research is a bit special. It may be a bomb, and the formidable power is too big. If it explodes, the entire floating island may be blown up, so I really dare not let you study it here. Besides, your own lives are also very important. You can’t take risks. I have a place that is absolutely safe and can suppress that thing. You can rest assured that you don’t have to worry about the explosion."

"Since this is the case, let's take a look at it!"

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