Because the current Guishou Nobunaga makes me feel unmovable, so now I am also starting to consider whether it is necessary to fight him. It’s just that, although I’m not sure whether to fight or not, on my side Nobunaga is quite proactive, and in the face of such an enemy, what I can do is to try it for now.

Although the previous speculation made me feel very broken, after all, one billion points of health has exceeded most high-end NPCs. You must know that the average life of monsters is about the same as mine, at most several million. Look like. Even if the total BOSS in a small area where there is only one leveling area, the health value is generally not more than 20 million. If it is a nationwide search, some areas can indeed find that kind of life more than 100 million. The presence. However, this kind of monster is a regional super monster, and generally there are only a few in a country. As for the Divine Race, the reason for their power is the tenfold effect of the divine force attribute, not the absolute value. If you look at the value, the attribute value of many Divine Races is not even as high as the number of first-line players in some guilds, but People have divine force, all attributes are multiplied by ten before they are the attributes that appear in the normal state, so just looking at the numbers is useless.

However, one billion health points are a bit too much anyway, at least in the range of my calculation, it is difficult to consume so many health points.

Probably realized that I was a little timid, Guishou Nobunaga suddenly went crazy, this guy rushed up like a bull, and I don’t know if I want to take advantage of me in a daze or in a hurry. To die.

Although I was a bit distracted just now, after all, this guy's weight was there. When he charged, his footsteps were almost the same as an earthquake. In the face of such a movement, even if I fell asleep, I would have to be woken up, so I woke up just after Nobunaga Kisou just ran for two steps.

Looking at the ghost Nobunaga who came straight up like a bull, I directly danced the eternal hook spear out of a spear, and then directly held the eternal hook spear and took the initiative to meet him. Rushed up. With more than two meters away, I began to slam the Eternal Scythe Spear forward. The ghost Nobunaga on the opposite side immediately slapped my eternal Scythe Spear. He reacted quickly. He pressed the barrel of the gun and turned and swept away. The eternal hook and sickle spun around me and was leveled again by me, but at this time it had already circled behind Nobunaga's claws, and then I was slammed towards it. Poke before.

Guishou Nobunaga saw my eternal hook spear magically appeared behind his palm and immediately turned his hand to block my eternal hook spear, but I was holding the eternal hook The sickle turned slightly, and then the horizontal hook at the tip of the eternal hook directly faced the back of his hand.

Unsurprisingly, with the sound of pu chi, Nobunaga's palm was directly penetrated by the fork of the Eternal Hook Spear, and the entire palm was cut, because in that horizontal direction After I penetrated the back of Nobunaga's hand, I immediately pulled the eternal hook back to draw it out, and the result of this action was that the horizontal hook directly touched the back of Nobunaga's hand. The whole is divided into two from the middle. If it is a normal creature, this time the palm should be completely split. However, Guishou Nobunaga’s super-healing ability just made him sorely called out pitifully, and the two palms healed quickly at the speed visible by naked eye and turned into a complete palm, as if they had never been It hurts the same.

Such horrible healing power made me frown again, but I quickly turned this expression into an evil smile, because what I said before was not scaring people. of.

I just said before that it seems that you need to put some heavy hands on dealing with such kind of Guishou Nobunaga. I am not joking or scaring Guishou Nobunaga. There is really a way. My battle just now was just a simple contact battle between the body and Nobunaga Onitsu's transformed form. This battle method is my favorite battle method, but it is not my strongest battle method.

I am a beast trainer after all. My strongest battle method is to fight with my familiars. Whether it’s dispersing them and besieging the enemy with me, or using Divine Domain skills to make the familiars fight with them. I am fit, that is my strongest state. And now... none of the familiars came out. In this situation, the battle between us really wasn't called a full-fledged fight, at best it was just a warm-up.

Ghost Nobunaga, whose palm was cut, looked down at his fully healed wrist, and then turned his gaze to me. After pointing his head in my direction, Guishou Nobunaga showed the fangs in his mouth, and then made a noise similar to a growl. After this demonstration, I keenly discovered that Nobunaga Onishu seemed to see something behind me, and then his eyes appeared a little sluggish.

Although I don't know what he saw, I didn't plan to look back at that thing, because this may also be an act of Nobunaga Onihand deliberately distracting me. Of course, I don't think Nobunaga Onishou is that smart, but sometimes this kind of thing really has to be guarded against. In case Nobunaga Onishou suddenly becomes smart, I don't want to suffer.

As soon as Nobunaga Oni's gaze shifted, I suddenly exploded at full speed without the slightest hesitation, and Nobunaga Onishi immediately noticed my reaction. Huishen moved his attention to me, but the next second he suddenly felt a powerful and terrifying atmosphere behind him. Nobunaga, who was surprised, turned his head suddenly, but he was facing the other me. This image of me is slightly different from my usual image. At this time, my whole body is covered by a layer of purple black flame, and at the same time, my armor has also found obvious mutations. More importantly, my eyes are bright with scarlet rays of light, which is even scarier than his image of a ghost. .

Almost at the same time when he saw this me, Nobunaga Kishou took a step back in fright, because he knew the consequences of being close to me. However, as soon as he started to move, I suddenly slapped his head and slapped it.

The ghost hand Nobunaga who saw this action immediately regressed, and then tilted his head back to try to avoid it. As a result, the body was only halfway up when I suddenly accelerated and slapped his side face with a slap. Guishou Nobunaga felt his head buzzing, and then his whole body flew out laterally. After turning seven or eight somersaults in the sky, he hit the ground with a boom, and continued to slide backward for a long section of the The road is regarded as a complete stop.

Guishou Nobunaga, who barely supported himself to get up from the ground again, was stunned as soon as he looked up, because he realized that he saw two me at the same time. One of me is the one who first appeared in front of him. My equipment is normal, and there is no hell flame on my body, and the other me is a hell flame, and the equipment has become a kind of seems. right but actually isn't, but I can tell at a glance that I am more exaggerated. Moreover, this looks even more scary. I slapped him so far just now. This attack power can be imagined to be very terrifying.

The unidentified Oni Shou Nobunaga watched the two me walking towards him at the same time, and his head turned left and right for a while. For a while, he didn’t know how to deal with which I was more. It's better.

Unlike me, Nobunaga is a player with his own battle strength as the main player, so he can't deal with two enemies at the same time, especially when the opponent is stronger than him. However, just as Nobunaga was in a daze, a large piece of rubble suddenly flew up in the ruins next to him, and then a voice shouted: "Those who can run run quickly, I will hold Purple Moon. ."

With this sound, a large piece of rubble suddenly exploded in the ruins over there, and then a player who couldn’t see his appearance rushed out from under the ruins, and just turned around. When I passed away, I hugged the ordinary me.

The reason why this guy didn’t hesitate like Nobunaga Guishou didn’t know which me to attack, it wasn’t because of his judgment, nor was it because he was more decisive than Nobunaga Guishou. It was because in his eyes, there was only one me at the scene, and there was a large cloud of intangible smoke standing or floating beside me.

Of course it is impossible to have two me in the game at the same time. After all, a player can only log in to one account at the same time. Even my double number integration is just a quick switch to achieve the effect of double numbers at the same time. Yes, it's not that I can really log in to two numbers at the same time. However, although it is essentially impossible to have two mes appearing at the same time, it is possible for several mes to appear in the eyes of the enemy at the same time.

First of all, I have two Avatars, a warrior Avatar and a mage Avatar. Although these two have their own characteristics, they are all my Avatars. I can see my shadow on the outside, so for For those who don’t know, this can also exist as a fake. In addition, in addition to these two Avatars, I also have a Familiar-II. The characteristics of the second generation are exactly the same as mine, but the attributes are reversed. When I am black, he is white, so our equipment and everything are completely reversed, but this can indeed exist as a fake.

In addition, in addition to the three of them, I also have Eminis. No matter whether it is the absolute mirror that directly becomes my appearance, or the use of skills to simulate a lot of my illusions, she can become my appearance.

In fact, besides Emenes, there are other familiars who can turn into me, such as Lilith.

Lilith’s characteristic is that she has no fixed form. She is actually a group of flesh, which can become anything she has seen and remembered. So, in theory, it is not strange to be like me.

However, the me who just attacked Nobunaga Onihand was not any of the above me, but an existence that is normally unlikely to become me-Rebecca.

Rebecca's race is a fantasy monster, her ability is not to transform, but to be swallowed by fear. This ability is very similar to the devil in some Western legends. Anyway, you can't have the slightest fear of her. Once you start to fear her, she will absorb your fear power and begin to change appearance. First, she can detect the most profound fear in your memory, and then become that existence, and then get the power of fear from you. While you are afraid of each other, Rebecca will continue to grow until it has the strength that completely overwhelms you.

The scary me that Nobunaga Guishou saw just now is actually the image change that comes with the Hell mode after I use Divine Domain to merge and activate the hell mode. In that mode, my battle strength is close to The limit value is when I am most terrifying. Of course, although the appearance is the way I was in that state, Onibe Nobunaga actually saw Rebecca, because Onihand Nobunaga was most afraid of my complete body shape, so Rebecca read it This kind of fear information has become my complete body form.

Just now Nobunaga was slapped and slapped. It was actually not caused by Rebecca’s power, because Rebecca’s own attack power was actually not high. I can’t stop that one. It’s entirely because his fear has given Rebecca super power, so it’s not so much that Rebecca slapped the ghost hand letter with a long slap, but rather the ghost hand letter. The long slap slapped myself away. Because the enemy itself is the source of power, Rebecca is invincible as long as the enemy feels fear. But conversely, if the enemy is not afraid, or the degree of fear is very low, then Rebecca will become very weak.

Although Rebecca can absorb the fear of the enemy to strengthen himself, in fact, this ability of Rebecca is personal. That is to say, if three people saw Rebecca at the same time, then Jia and Rebecca did not deliberately let someone off without using illusions on them. Most of the three people would see three completely different things. If they see exactly the same thing, it can only mean that these three people are afraid of the same things, and usually everyone is afraid of different things, so generally when multiple people see Rebecca at the same time, What they see are have nothing common with each other.

The guy who just crawled out of the ruins was obviously because he hadn’t been affected by Rebecca when he just came out, so he saw Rebecca’s body, and this guy seemed to be a bold guy. Can actually be immune to Rebecca's illusion. After shouting so loudly, this guy rushed towards me, and then suddenly stopped in place when I was still seven or eight meters away and assumed the exact same posture as me.

My side was wondering what that guy was going to do, and suddenly I found that Nobunaga Guishou seemed to be turning around and fleeing. This guy's decisiveness seems not bad at all, but he knew that if he ran, I might take the opportunity to zoom in on the move, so he didn't run. Although his theoretical life recovery limit is one billion, if I can use a big move to kill him in seconds, then his number of replies won't be useful no matter how high it is. After all, there is no such thing as a dead person's resilience.

Before I dared not run because I was afraid that I would zoom in on the move. Now that someone drags me, he naturally turns around and runs, and the speed is very fast. When I found out that he was going to run, of course I wanted to chase him immediately. Although I was worried that I could not handle him before, but since he ran away, it means that his actual ability may not be as exaggerated as I thought. Of course I want to catch up. However, just when I wanted to chase the ghost hand Nobunaga in the past, I was suddenly ready to twist and lift my legs, but found that my body hadn't moved at all.

"Damn, what's the situation?" After trying twice, I suddenly found that besides the control of my eyes and mouth, I was completely frozen.

To be honest, I have never found such a perverted skill before. After all, all the skills in "Zero" are actually related to level and strength, just like the death gaze skill, although the attribute is on It is said that there is a certain chance to kill the target you see, but the actual situation is that you are basically impossible to kill enemies that are much stronger than you. You can only seconds those who are not much different from you, or only a little stronger than you, and The more you are stronger than you, the lower the probability of activating Death Gaze.

Although I haven’t seen many special skills, skills like Death Gaze need a limit after all. Otherwise, a Level 20 player can lose a 2,000-level player per second. Reality. However, the skill of the player in front of me has achieved the effect of blocking my actions. Although this skill did not cause direct damage to me, it is still too terrifying. Let's imagine. I was at war with Nobunaga Onitou, and the opponent suddenly used the skill, and then I stopped moving. This result... shivered just thinking about it.

After my limbs were sealed, I was of course very nervous, so I tried to force my body to move against this kind of blockade. The result was a little relaxed, because I found that I actually moved, although it was very difficult. But I did move my body a little bit and forced me to turn around and face the player.

When I turned around, I suddenly found that the player was still in the same posture as me, and when I turned around desperately just now, he actually turned around, and looked at his face The expression seemed to be gritting his teeth. At that moment, I suddenly realized that the opponent's skills did not completely freeze me, but connected me to his body. In other words, now our two actions should be completely synchronized, and we think that each of us has the ability to control our own body, so as long as he deliberately pushes against me, he can hinder my actions. Moreover, it seems that this kind of obstruction is not due to power, because my power attribute is already scary. If the opponent is simply relying on strength to suppress me, then I shouldn't be so strenuous. The strength of the opponent can at best have me one third, even if he is a great man, and even if only the strength of 2/3/2021 is left, my movements are definitely very flexible. However, now my movements are slow like an old lady recovering from a serious illness, her body is extremely stiff, and every movement makes me tired enough.

Although I don’t know what power he is relying on to fight me, I just need to know that his actions are linked to me. I started to move my body according to my own ideas to try to get out of this situation.

At first, the guy was still gritting his teeth and insisting on restricting my movement. After realizing that he couldn't control me completely, he suddenly said, "Don't bother. Even if you can move, you can do it at this speed. Don’t try to catch up and kill anyone here."

"It’s not necessary, I just have to kill you. Without your interference, I can hunt and kill anyone."

"Why do you think you are capable of killing me now?" the other party argued forcefully.

I said with a smile: "I am a beast trainer."

His ability is to block the target's actions, but it should not be able to restrict multiple targets at the same time , So I just need to release any familiar. Of course, there is actually Rebecca behind me, but it seems that the guy in front of me is stupid and bold. Rebecca hasn't transformed until now, mostly because of the fear of not being able to detect that guy, so I need another familiar. However, when I was talking and preparing for the summon pet, I was stunned.

"hahahaha, did you finally find out?" The other party laughed arrogantly: "Your skills are now all blocked, so you don't want to be paranoid. Now you have one demon pet. I can’t let it go. And I tell you the truth, even if you let them go, it’s useless, because the familiars are part of your skills. During this time period when you are sealed by me, they will all be in a static state like you. And they are worse than you. You can still move with your own strength, and they will be completely sealed. Until I lift the seal, they will be completely frozen, just like sculptures."

< p>Although I don’t believe this guy’s words completely, I think at least most of them are true, because I’m a real summon and I don’t have any familiars, and the Rebecca and one behind me are in a state of merging with me. The phantoms of's are actually unable to command, it feels as if they don't exist anymore.

The skill failed. This result really surprised me a bit, but I soon thought of other methods. I controlled my body and slowly pointed the eternal hook at the guy on the opposite side, and then walked towards him step by step, but...

" don't know, do you? We? Although the actions of the two are exactly the same, my skill will limit the distance between the two of us, so don’t think that coming over to face me will allow us to meet face-to-face. Although I will follow your steps, the skill will be effective. Will push me back, and in the end we still can’t touch. Although your normal attacks can be used, but you can’t get close to me, I can’t attack me. Ranged attacks are all skills, but they are all sealed. Do you think it’s very Desperate? Hahahaha, this skill of mine is invincible!"

Although the opponent laughed wildly, I really hesitated a bit, because it looks like a normal method as it is now. Can't stop him. However, I am not absolutely unable to deal with him, just don't want to use it. In fact, the easiest way for me now is to use the ring of love to send the rose over. Although she is a resurrection mage, combat players always have some offensive power, not to mention Rose's level is so high. When the guy on the opposite side and I can't move, anyone who comes here can easily kill any of us. So, as long as my summon rose comes over, he will be dead.

However, speaking of which is a bit confusing. That is, since we can't move now, and can't use skills, why no one comes to kill me?

Ordinarily, I can't use the skills now, and I can't summon the familiars. The close attack is also slow like an old lady because of the opponent's restraint. Ordinarily, I should have no threats, but no one took advantage of this time to kill me. This is obviously unreasonable.

Although I don't know what is going on, the top priority now is to kill this guy to get me out of this state.

Actually, I have already thought of one thing now, that is, this ability of the opponent is mostly a skill, and this skill must consume mana. Then, this mana-consuming skill must have two situations. One situation is that after this skill is activated, maintaining it requires constant consumption of mana. Another situation is that this skill only consumes mana when it is activated, but there is a certain time limit for each activation, and the skill will be invalid if the time exceeds the time. Regardless of the two, this skill must be time-limited. Therefore, it is impossible to maintain, and sooner or later it will be automatically unlocked. It’s just that I don’t want to wait that long, because I don’t know how long this skill can last.

Amid the arrogant laughter of the other party, it only took me a few seconds to think of another way to get out of the control of the other party, and it was easier than calling Rose to come and help.

In order to verify whether this method is feasible, I first need to do an experiment.

Concentrated and started to control the body. I manipulated my body to slowly turn in one direction, and the other party was forced to follow me to turn in one direction. Immediately afterwards, I started to walk forward, but only a few steps. When I stopped, the other party began to struggle desperately, because he finally understood what I was going to do.

Although I am standing in a clearing, his position has changed because of the movement just now. That guy is facing a stone pillar about seventy-eighty centimeter high. This thing should be one of the two stone pillars at the gate of the guild headquarters before, but the upper half has been shattered, leaving this seventy. -eighty centimeters are a short section tall and still stand there. However, this height is enough for me to experiment.

In the horrified eyes of the opponent, I first raised my hands strenuously, then grabbed my helmet and took it off, and the opponent was dragged by me and naturally dropped his helmet. Following this, I began to move my waist back and forth, and the other party started desperately resisting my orders, but my control was obviously much higher than his. Although my actions were still affected after I concentrated, I could actually do a lot. There is a big move with a certain speed.

In the face of the guy's panic, I slammed a deep bow of more than a hundred degrees in front of me, and then the guy followed me and did the same action. The difference is that there is air in front of me, so I just bowed to the air, but the problem is that there is a big rock in front of him, and because the pillar is crushed, the fracture surface is not neat, and it looks like uneven. Same as nail board. Without wearing a helmet, he used his face to quickly approach such a thing, and the result was naturally very beautiful.

I only heard a sturdy thump, and when I turned to look, the guy was also looking towards me with a face covered in blood. Seeing this result, I am slightly smiled, and it seems that my plan is feasible.

Since the plan is feasible, the next step is to start killing the bastard. Since he volunteered to be the queen and let others run away, that meant he was ready to be a hero. Although heroes are respectable, the problem is that enemy heroes are an abomination to me. So, I don't have any good feelings for him now.

Manipulating his body to pick up the eternity just inserted on the ground, and then began to try to deform it. Although my skills are sealed, the eternal transformation ability is not my skill, but the eternal own ability, so this transformation ability can still be used.

Eternally, under my control, it gradually became a 7-shaped structure, but it has sharp blades on both ends. Put this eternity directly on the ground, and then the horizontal branch of the 7 becomes pointing to the horizontal direction, and the height is just the position of the person's throat.

When I saw this thing, the other party already knew what I was going to do. In fact, he knew it when I just let him hit the pillar, but he knew that he knew it, but he did something with me. nor.

After I got the eternal side, I immediately controlled my body to drive him to move together, and soon he was forced to move to the front of eternity, and then under his fierce resistance, I slowly He walked two steps forward, and because he moved with my movements, his throat directly hit the edge of the eternal horizontal knife. This effect was basically similar to suicide, of course he was controlled by me.

After that guy's throat was pierced forever, my body was still not free, and I had to control him back a little bit. There was no eternity stuck in there, blood spewed out immediately, and as his blood spurted out, my body's control gradually began to loosen up, ten seconds later when he was completely dead, I finally recovered completely. free.

In fact, I have been wondering just now, why didn't he give up his control ability at the last moment, even if he would still be killed, but most of the normal people would not just watch him hit the blade? The only conclusion I can think of for this problem is that the skill cannot be released freely, that is to say, the control method is very rigid. Once activated, it can only wait for it to reach the time limit or exhaust its magic power, or between the controlled and the controller. There is a certain hang up.

Such a rigid skill, although the effect is very defying, but to be honest, even if I learn it, most of it won't use it.

Went to the corpse of that guy and picked up Eternity, and then retracted Rebecca, I once again glanced at the direction where Guishou Nobunaga was escaping. For such a long time, using Transmission Scroll to run two back and forth is enough, so Nobunaga Guishou must already not be there. Although I do have a way to track the message left by the teleportation magic to find the other party's teleportation target, the problem is that I don't even know where Nobunaga Onisou was last teleported. How would you let me find it? Even if I can find the breath of teleportation, it is not just a ghost hand Nobunaga who just ran away, there are so many guild leaders and players, these people must have used Transmission Scroll to leave. With so many people and so many Transmission Scrolls, how do I know which one is Nobunaga Onitou? Go on searching one by one, so you can't find it next year? Therefore, Nobunaga Onishu really ran away from my in front of one's eyes this time.


Reluctantly to connect to the communication, I can only ask about the situation on the downside meeting first.

"What's the matter? I'm so busy here!" Rose seems to be directing many people to do something, and I can constantly hear her doing this and that.

"I have encountered some situations here, but now I have lost the target, I want to ask you what is the situation now."

"What else is the situation? No? Are you busy taking over that city! Oh, yes, the new city hasn’t been named yet, do you want to name it?"

"No need." I refused: "You guys can start anyway, anyway. The city won’t stay in our hands for long, and it’s going to change its name soon. It’s useless."

"This seems to be true!" Rose said as if only remembering it: "Then we won't bother to name it. For the time being, this city will be named Unknown City."

"Let's do it with you. By the way, are there any high-level personnel stationed in the city now?"< /p>

"What's the matter?"

"I met some acquaintances here."

"Acquaintances?" Rose obviously didn't understand what I meant.

"Ghost Nobunaga and Frozen Banshee." I said directly.

Rose asked with a little surprise: "Why did the two of them come to South Korea? Oh, yes, I didn't have time to ask before. What is the situation of the Celestial Alliance now? "

I briefly introduced the situation of the Celestial Alliance to Rose, and then said: "Now according to my investigation, the Guishou Nobunaga and the Frozen Banshee, as well as a part of the Korean guild, should be formed. The alliance, in Fulcrum City last time, the South Korean fleet that came to reinforce the Baqi Orochi may have been formed by this alliance. Because if Oni Shou Nobunaga is not fully involved in this matter, it is hard to imagine that he will become the Baqi Orochi. The running dog."

"But if things are really like what you said, then you can't tell who is whose dog!" said Rose.

It's like Rose said. Before, we thought that Nobunaga Guishou had completely given up his dignity as a player, and was willing to follow an NPC behind the ass. Although the NPC of Baqi Orochi is indeed a mess of cow, no matter how cow is, it is also an NPC. However, if we assume that the alliance I encountered this time was established earlier than I thought, that is, before the last time the Korean fleet went to reinforce the Baqi Orochi, the alliance had already been established and started to operate... Then Nobunaga Guishou is probably not the running dog of Nobunaga, and he is about to do it. The Nobunaga may just be used by Nobunaga Guishou, or that Nobunaga and Nobunaga have become some kind of agreement. Anyway, ghosts. Te Nobunaga's status should be higher than it is now, and it is not the faithful dog that we imagined to have become the eight-headed snake.

Although this kind of thing is terrifying, but think about it carefully, it seems that this is in line with our general perception. After all, no matter what Guishou Nobuzuki runs to serve as a running dog for an NPC, this kind of thing is a bit outrageous. On the contrary, if our hypothesis is true, although this guy sounds scary, it makes sense in principle.

"If Oni Shou Nobunaga really completed this alliance a long time ago, it means that this alliance has been in force for a while. Then it can be inferred that the video previously leaked by Yaqi Oro... …"

"Kishou Nobunaga got it out." Rose immediately cried out: "It must be him. People who can come into contact with the eight-headed snake are all of Nobunaga's subordinates. Normally, With Nobunaga Oni’s reputation in Japan at the time, anyone who followed him would inevitably not be someone with a conscience. How could such a person suddenly discover his conscience and go to the forum to break the news? Therefore, this matter should have been instigated, and The greatest probability of this person is Nobunaga Onishou himself."

"That is to say, Nobunaga is actually being used as a tool by Nobunaga Onishou?" I concluded.

Rose nodded and said: "This analysis is very reliable, and according to this analysis, many strange things that Guishou Nobunaga did before can also be explained."

I suddenly realized: "No wonder Onihand Nobunaga seems to have suddenly become dementia recently. He has done something wrong, and it seems that his intelligence has plummeted. If you look at this analysis, this series of situations is all the same. Guishou Nobunaga deliberately. He was showing the enemy's weakness, and at the same time, he used his continuous mistakes to make the Baqi Orochi think he is a reckless man, so that the Baqi Orochi would not doubt him, and was willing to give him being used as a tool."

"However, I think this situation seems not quite right." Rose said suddenly.

"What's wrong? What did you find again?"

"You t

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