"Hi Pandora, Poseidon, I am sorry to call you out to help."

"I don't think you need to be so polite." Poseidon said: "Now we are all the Divine Race of the Frost Rose League, so your business is our business, and we can also be understood as doing things for ourselves."

"In fact, considering our current Power of Faith is too much to absorb. If you let us come out to do things, it can help us pass the boring time." Pandora also said.

"Then treat this action as an after-dinner digestion activity." Gold coin said: "So boss, what do we need to do now?"

"The problem is Here." I briefly explained the situation before, and then said: "The problem now is that I don't know how to find clues!"

"Would you like to try my divine? technique?" Pandora suggested.

"Do you still have a divine technique for detection?" I looked at Pandora in surprise and asked: "Aren't you a Pluto?"

"Just because it is a Pluto, So we need to know these things even more." Pandora explained: "You know, the main job of our Pluto is to get the souls of the dead to be judged, and then to accept punishment to repay the sins they committed during their lifetime. However, you should too. Knowing that, just like those criminals in the living world will not take the initiative to accept punishment, the dead will not willingly accept punishment. Of course, most of the dead’s souls are very weak, even before they reach our court. There is no complete consciousness, so they have to walk into our trial court in the muddleheaded. However, there are occasional special circumstances in this, and these people often choose to escape, so our job is to find them. Then catch them back for trial."

"Are you responsible for this before?" Gold coin asked slightly surprised.

"No." Pandora shook his head and said: "I am not mainly responsible for this, but most of the gods will have a little tracking divine technique, and I can say that I know more. But I am generally I won’t arrest people. After all, you also know that I am considered a high-level existence in the underworld, so I don’t need to worry about such things in general."

I nodded and said: "Then Try your divine technique?"

"Okay, but before that you have to take me to the city where they left."

" No problem."

Because I was in the vicinity while waiting for Pandora and the others to come, we were not in the city when we met. Now since Pandora said that I would go back to the city, I Naturally took them back. Fortunately, all members of the guild have long spears. Although Divine Race is not like guild members who can receive guild benefits and directly receive guardian beasts, our guild also has some guardian long spears without owners. These long spears can be temporary. It is loaned to the guild Divine Race to use, of course, the operation will be slightly worse, but the powerful power of Divine Race can often make up for these shortcomings.

After rushing to that city, we immediately entered the Central Zone of the city. At this time, there were no players left in the city. In fact, the scope of the city’s destruction is not very large, but I don’t know for what reasons, the ice-bound Banshee and Nobunaga Onishi evacuated all the people here, even the NPCs can be taken away. , The ones that couldn't be taken away were killed. Anyway, there are no people alive in the city except us. I think they do this to make me completely lose their clues. Even if I can find them again in some way, the process will take time, and they may be planning some kind of large-scale operation, and it needs to be delayed. I took so little time, so they did it, and now it seems to have successfully blocked my tracking plan.

Because the city is completely empty, our actions will not be disturbed. I took Pandora and the others to the central area of ​​the city, and then indicated the final battle area. Pandora got busy after confirming the approximate range.

To be honest, I never knew that Pandora would track divine techniques, of course, this is also related to their identities. Although due to the special circumstances of our guild, the guild Divine Race in this guild is actually subordinate to our guild, or to me personally. However, even though I actually have very strong control over the strength of Divine Race, at least on the surface I still need to maintain considerable respect for them. After all, according to the system setting, if it wasn't for our guild's special situation, normally the guild Divine Race should be a kind of existence above the guild.

To put it simply, the guild Divine Race of other guilds is like 110. If you have trouble, you can call them to help, but they are not your domestic servants. You can ask them to help, but Respect for them must be guaranteed. And, just as taxpayers pay taxes to support these police officers, guilds that have a guild Divine Race must often pay something to worship their guild Divine Race, so that they can help you.

Of course, the above is the setting of the normal guild Divine Race, but the situation of our guild is obviously different. Divine Race, the guild of our guild, belongs to me personally. They maintain a high awe of me. As long as it does not harm their fundamental interests, Divine Race, the guild of our guild, is even willing to do things for me under the circumstances of upside-down. And you don’t have to count on this in other guilds, Divine Race. Don't talk about inverted posts or free of charge, it is impossible to give less.

Because the guild Divine Race of our guild is special, so I can mobilize them to do things for me at will, but also because normally the guild Divine Race should surpass the existence of the guild, so I Under normal circumstances, they will maintain an equal dialogue relationship with them, and will not order them to do anything. Moreover, in order to maintain respect, I have never asked them what their abilities are. They are willing to show it and I just watch it. If they are not willing to show it, I will not ask. This is my respect for them. Of course, the price of such respect is because I don’t know what these Divine Races will be, so sometimes I don’t know who to look for when I get into trouble, but most of the time I just need to tell my troubles, they will stand up. . For example, Pandora now.

"Did you find anything?" After Pandora, I observed for more than ten minutes, but the result was still ignorant of the so-called tracking divine technique. Pandora’s divine technique has no special effects at all, and it doesn’t even need to chant or pose. It feels like an ordinary person is looking for something. She just looked around there, turning over some stones from time to time to see what was buried underneath, and then continued to search. It feels like she can see something that I can't see, but just because I can't see it, I don't know what she is up to.

When I heard my question, Pandora did not stop searching, but continued to look forward and said, "There are many people here who are teleporting. The time-space connection disrupted the world trajectory. I saw some pictures. Fuzzy, wait a minute, I should be able to find something useful. Oh, yes, so many people are teleporting here, do we have any specific targets that need to be tracked? Or do we want to track every target here?"

"No, there are specific goals. I have a record of their names and looks, but is it helpful to show you these?"

Pandora immediately turned his head and said: "It is helpful , Show me a look. I can see the images of them when they are teleporting, you show me the other person's looks, I can always find where he teleported, and then I can track where he teleported to."

"That's very good." As I said, I showed a picture directly, and then pointed out a few goals from it. "It's just these few people."

If Nobunaga Ghost or Banshee Frozen were present, they would be very confused now, because the target I pointed out was not either of them, nor was it those The Russian president, but those Koreans.

The plans of Nobunaga Ghost and Banshee Frozen are very dangerous, but what I am more worried about now is the unknown power like nuclear weapons. I still don't even know what kind of explosion happened. The game is no better than in reality. If there is an explosion in the real world, it can only be those things, but in the game, there are too many types of explosives. They may use liquid, solid, or gas. The thing might be explosives in a bottle, it might be a crystal that looks nothing special, it might even be a magical array carved on some kind of stone. These things are too complicated and there are too many kinds. If I don't even know what kind of things they are, then there is no way to prevent them. In case the other party transports this thing to Isengard and then detonates it, although it will not cause our guild to collapse, the loss is definitely not something we can easily bear. So, now that Nobunaga and Frozen Banshee are not the point, the point is what kind of explosive power is.

Judging from the reinforcements that day, Koreans should be responsible for using that kind of stuff, and at least 90% of the people present today are likely to include the leadership of those users. Although the bomb itself may have been built by the Russians, there are too many Russian guilds present. The bombs are impossible to be produced in these guilds at the same time. The biggest probability is that a certain or a few guilds control the production capacity. But because we don’t know who it is, we need to exclude the guild from this section one by one. This will not only beat the grass to scare the snake, but also take a lot of time, but we are now on the wrong side. There is no time.

On the contrary, it is much easier to start from the Korean guild. Although they are unlikely to rely on their own ability to build this kind of explosive force, they must have handled this thing. Then, after finding clues from them, it is relatively simple to trace back the bomb manufacturing site. Moreover, the most important point is that there were only seven Korean guilds participating in the meeting, much less than the Russian guilds. It is obviously easier to find one out of seven and find one out of hundreds.

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