Chapter 315 Unexpected Discovery

"I rely on it, don’t you? Do you want to be so perverted?"

Open up After the player was blocked, I let him climb aside, and after the Blazers stepped away from the front passage, I found out why he was stuck. It turned out that there was a steel plate in front of us. Looking at the appearance of this steel plate, it was obviously dented by the pioneers, but the steel plate is still a steel plate after all, even if it is smashed into a large piece. But there were no obvious signs of loosening, and it felt that behind the steel plate should not be some kind of passage, but something like a rock.

I temporarily summoned Chili and asked her to test it with telepathy, and the answer was that there was no gap within the 20-meter range that she could detect. According to the feedback from the pepper’s spirit strength field, the thickness of the steel plate in front of us is about fifty centimeters, and behind the steel plate is a layer of blue stone like the city wall, which is about five meters thick. Then there is a new layer of mixed soil, which should be rammed soil, and some things have been added to it, anyway, the hardness is very high. The thickness of this mixed soil layer is about ten meters, and there is a layer of fifty centimeters thick steel plate behind, followed by blue bricks, extending beyond the range that the pepper can't sense.

For such a terrifying defense underneath, even if I made a hole in the steel plate, the trail behind it is estimated that the Blazers will not be of much help, and I don't want to dig the hole in by myself. After thinking about it, this road to the underground seems to be useless.

"What a troublesome thing!" Looking at the steel plate in Qianmi Na, I reluctantly began to think about other ways to enter the city. Originally, I thought it was almost the same after tracking the player's position, but didn't expect originally thought that the hardest tracking part was completed so easily, but the infiltrating part, which has never been taken seriously, was in trouble.

"In trouble?" Ling suddenly jumped out of the space, looked at me standing there and stared at the steel wall in a daze, and asked out loud.

I nodded pointed to the steel plate in front. "Can't get in!"

"What kind of steel is this? So thick? You can't even cut it?"

"You can cut it, but the back is blue stone , And then there is rammed earth, and then steel plates. It is estimated that the inside is always circulating like this. I can cut the steel plate without any problem, but according to this soil structure, the remaining road can only be digging a hole by myself. If that's the case, I might as well think of another way. I might as well just rush in when I have time to dig in!"

"In fact, you don’t necessarily need to dig in. There are many options. Ah."

"I have thought about it." I explained: "Although Night Shadow's dream shuttle can jump into the city, there is a high density of people here, and there is no guarantee that it will not be discovered. Teleportation Skills are even more problematic. It’s normal to get stuck in a wall when you can’t see the coordinates. Shadow teleportation is similar to teleportation, and it will be discovered afterwards!"

"Otherwise We can consider other methods, such as sneaking in in disguise."

"It’s useless. There is a large long-lasting anti-stealth and anti-phantom Formation near the city gate, and it’s turned on 24 hours a day. It has already been made clear that the defense is tight, and we simply can't get in."

"What if we first create chaos and then use the dream shuttle to transmit?" Ling suggested.

When I heard this method, I was a little stunned. After thinking about it, I found that it is indeed feasible. Although there is still a probability of being discovered, it is at least a lot safer. However, the outside of the other party’s city is so tightly guarded, and the internal situation will not get better on purpose, so...

"Are you going to give up temporarily?" I sighed to myself, and then Ruthlessly said: "Then follow your method, if you are found at worst, you will attack directly, and you will be found when you are found. Beat the grass to scare the snake is also nothing, you can't just leave it alone!"

Ling nodded said: "Then I will take people to the other side of the city to create chaos. After completion, we will directly enter the training space to escape. You enter from here."

"Okay Yes."

As my familiar, it is very convenient for Ling to take my other familiars to perform feint missions, because they don't need to escape. They only need to launch an attack and then enter the training space after the goal is reached. Although the training space cannot allow me to directly send the pets to far away places, it’s okay for the pets to run over by themselves, and although the training space can’t be directly deployed in the distance to let the pets pass, they can always be there. Spreading around the pet allows them to return to the training space, and I have the ability to open the training space near my side, so this is equivalent to saying that all my pets have the ability to instantly teleport back to me. This ability is stronger than any escape skill, so Ling them are not afraid of being surrounded by enemies, and the bigger the noise, the better.

To execute the plan with one's own demon is much more efficient than with others. Hurry up with you, Ling and I each reached one end of the city. Because Ling possesses a loyal heart, he can command the familiars on my behalf and open the training space, phoenix and dragon space, and even the gate of the earth, so in fact, Ling can do anything for me when I am away.

After both of us were ready, Ling launched the first attack.

Since it is to attract the other's attention, of course the bigger Tokyo is, the better. So as soon as the rose came up, the tank spread out in the forest opposite the city and entered the siege mode, while Mira, Ivorite and Brigitte were all on standby in the vicinity.

With Ling's order, the magic crystal cannon on the back of the tank flew out with a luminous bullet. The formidable power of this magic crystal shell that has been fully charged for a long time is quite terrifying, and because these magic crystal shells themselves are luminous, it immediately attracted the guards on the opposite side as soon as it rose from the forest. Attention.

"Enemy attack!" Accompanied by the sound of an alarm, two players standing at the city gate quickly ran towards the interior of the city, and the player who ran faster detoured immediately after entering the city passageway A large key hanging from his neck was inserted into a metal turntable on the wall through an opening in the doorway. At this time, another player has also arrived by his side. The two of them grabbed the handle extended by the horizontal line of the key handle and twisted the turntable forcefully. After successfully turning it by ninety degrees, the bottom of the city gate suddenly vibrated. , And then saw a steel plate rumbling up from below the ground about five meters later.

As the steel plate rises above the ground, a circle of blue light film suddenly appears on the outer ground of the entire city. This light film emerges from the ground and then rises rapidly, and soon The intersection over the city becomes a huge blue protective shield covering the entire city.

At the last second of the completion of this protective shield, the magic crystal shells also hit this thing. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the entire protective cover flickered, but it just flickered. After all, the tank is just one of my favorites. Although the magic crystal shells he fired have great formidable power, after all, it is impossible to shake the city-level protective shield by one person alone.

Although there is no threat to the protective cover, our goal is not to destroy this thing anyway, so Ling and Tank have no worries. In fact, before they fired the cannon, I had already entered the invisible state and lurked to the edge of the anti-illusion and anti-stealth Formation. At the moment when the shelling happened, I took advantage of the moment when everyone rushed into the city gate in a panic. Suddenly crossed the barrier. My silhouette was forced to be displayed at the moment I crossed the barrier, and this Formation actually had a detection effect, and it even sounded an alarm when I crossed. It's just that I'm lucky, the alarm sound of this thing is not loud, and at this time, all the guards are running into the city gate, and the sound of shelling from the opposite side just covers up the alarm sound. It seems that no one has heard any sound except for myself who heard this blast right next to Formation.

Just after successfully passing the Formation, I immediately entered the invisible mode again, and then I ran forward quickly, and tried to avoid the almost densely packed guards around so as not to touch them. . Of course, my intrusion plan is not so simple.

Just as I was pushing forward, behind me, Lingling stood on the edge of the woods and activated her skills. A giant sword of light that pierced into the sky instantly appeared on the periphery of the city, and then amidst the exclamations of the players and NPCs, the lightsaber was cut down suddenly, and then hit the protective shield, immediately bursting out dazzling. The bright light and deafening sound.

Under the cover of this strong light and sound, I quickly passed through this section of the road of the city gate, and then moved towards the position of the archer I sensed and ran over.

Actually, the inside of the city is much easier to walk than the city gate. The guards are only close to the city gate. The patrols in the city have time intervals, and the complex terrain can also help me hide, so moving in the city is actually a little easier than imagined.

In order to attract the attention of those people as much as possible, the attacks on both sides of the city have not stopped. Although the total damage output is far more than the point of destroying the shield, because my pets are all high-level creatures, The battle strength is very powerful, so every attack they make can make the protective cover react violently. This phenomenon itself does not produce any lethality, but its mental pressure on players is huge. Many players and NPCs in this guild were surprised to see the protective shield that was being beaten from time to time, worrying that this thing would suddenly explode without knowing when. After all, the damage from the outside attack is too high, and sometimes the protective cover will even sink a small piece inward, which is definitely a precursor to the impending rupture. Of course, although the signs of rupture are obvious, because the actual attack damage is not high, every time this thing appears, it will be repaired by the energy in the protective cover, so the protective cover itself will not break at all. It just looks dangerous.

The fighting outside is still going on, and my side has entered a relatively tall building in the middle of the city.

As I said before, this city is very small. There are only a few buildings inside, and they are arranged very closely. The streets in the city are arranged in a very regular arrangement like houses, and there are only seven horizontal and six vertical and thirteen streets. These streets are all crossed, forming a road network within the entire city, and the building I entered is in one of the small squares enclosed by the road network.

There are not many buildings in this square area, but compared with the surrounding buildings, the buildings here are relatively tall, and the one I entered is the largest of them. According to my judgment, this is not the guild headquarters or some other important organization. Anyway, it must be very important.

After entering the top floor of this building from the roof, I felt that the ghost worm was getting closer and closer to my position, and I also sensed that something appeared here that made me feel very The familiar breath, but for a while I can't remember what this breath is.

Carefully follow the stairs from the top floor to the lower floor, and then found that the target person is much lower than my location, but according to the height of the building, his location should be It is already below the ground. In other words, 80% of this place has an underground structure. But think about it. The other party has built such an exaggerated underground defense facility under the city, it makes no sense not to build underground buildings.

"It seems that there are a lot of enemies in this place!" After crossing the upper floors, I have reached the top of the lobby on the first floor, which is the second floor. Here I can rely on the magic induction to passively accept the surrounding induction fluctuations, so that I can detect the approximate location and individual strength of the surrounding enemies. Of course, if there is a very weak existence, or the existence of a person who deliberately hides his breath, this method will not be able to sense the other person. After all, this is a detection method similar to passive sonar, and I can't sense it if the other party does not emit fluctuations.

As I was there sensing the situation below, I suddenly heard a turning sound from the door of a room in the corridor behind me. I instinctively flashed back like an electric shock, and then leaned against the wall on the other side. Because I'm inside the enemy's guild headquarters, and I'm invisible again, it's not easy to be spotted by the enemy. After all, this is the other party’s nest, just like when people's vigilance is reduced when they are in their own homes, it is unlikely that the other party will use all the investigative methods in their own business headquarters to observe the surrounding situation, so I generally speak. The invisible effect of here is guaranteed by absolute safety. However, since there is a general situation, it means that there is also a special situation, and now I just happen to run into a special situation.

"Then this thing is set." No one came out immediately after the door opened, but I heard a voice coming from inside. The person who spoke just now is a Korean. He speaks Korean, but because I have a translator on, I can understand it.

After this person finished speaking, another voice immediately followed: "Well, it can only be so for the time being. The last time the raw materials were destroyed, so the loss was heavy. You know, we are now Suppressed, very difficult to deal with, it’s also very difficult to get the raw materials. We can only say that we try to guarantee your share. If it’s not enough, you can’t blame me.” This second voice used It is in English, and the pronunciation is very strange. I can tell that the other party is not originally using English as their native language. However, although the other party’s pronunciation is very strange, I always feel that this voice seems to have been heard somewhere.

Everyone knows that I am not a human being, but Dragon Clan. As a super creature with an electronic brain, my memory is very different from that of humans. So, if I feel that I have heard this sound, then the Eight Achievements have really heard it, because Dragon Clan rarely has an illusion of this thing.

"We gave you so much money, don't you give us such a guarantee?" Another voice also said a sentence in English at this time, but this person's voice is also very loud Strange, it is certain that he does not use English as his mother tongue either.

The previous Korean said again: "Everyone’s life is not easy now, let’s take a step back. But I still hope that everyone can do their best to accomplish their own things, which is good for all of us."< /p>

"I understand what you said. Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to meet the requirements. Just don't blame me if it doesn't work. After all, that guy is really annoying!" This voice is the second one. The second time I heard the voice of the person who was speaking, I was more certain that I had heard the voice of the other person. It's just that this guy is using bad English now, so it sounds awkward, and for a while I can't figure out whose voice it is. After thinking about it for a while, I always feel that the owner of this voice should be very important, so I immediately started to conduct audio analysis in the electronic brain of the voices of those people I often hear.

Everyone’s voice is unique. Even if you speak an unfamiliar foreign language, your pronunciation habits and the like will not change significantly, so just use a special encoding method to restore the sound. Yes, you can confirm whether the two sounds are made by one person. Of course, the human brain can do this kind of thing faster, but the accuracy is low, and my electronic brain is slower, but the accuracy is higher.

Just as I was comparing the sound signals on my side, footsteps just came from the door opposite, and the people there also walked out of the door at this time. The moment that person walked out of the door, my voice comparison software also found the corresponding voice.

The result of the comparison showed that the owner of the voice that I thought was very familiar just now was-Nobunaga Guishou.

Yes, as soon as the voices were compared, a few people in the door over there just walked out, and the person who walked in the front was clearly the damn ghost Nobunaga.

Although it is very surprising to run into the ghost Nobunaga in this place, but my heart entered a more tense state in the next second, because I found the ghost walking in the front Nobunaga Handily turned to me at this time. Originally, my side was in the direction of the stairs leading to the first floor, so it was not surprising that the other party turned to this side, but my strong eyesight and terrifying observation made me keenly capture the changes in Onishou Nobunaga's expression. He had a normal expression when he came out of the room, but when he turned to my side, his pupils instantly began to focus, his eyes were widening, and his expression was changing rapidly.

It took me only one thousandth of a second to be sure that I was discovered. Obviously, Guishou Nobunaga turned on anti-invisibility. Although I don't know why he is still driving anti-stealth at this time, it is not the time to discuss this. Now that it has been exposed, it cannot continue to hide. I have only two choices. Either turn around and run, or immediately launch an attack to seize the opportunity.

I am not afraid of ghosts and nobunaga. Running is definitely not necessary, so I chose the second plan. Nobunaga's surprised expression on the other side was not fully expanded, I leaned forward and rushed up. Only then did Nobunaga react and turned and pushed the two people around him into the room, and at the same time, I touched with the other hand. The long knife at the waist.

Ding... accompanied by a crisp sound, the long knife that Guite Nobunaga pulled out at the last moment was cut off by the sword of eternity, and the broken knife head turned over and flew out, and then shivered. Nailed into the opposite wall. However, Nobunaga oni is also considered an expert. Although the weapon was broken, he still used this opportunity to block my sword and deflected my sword a little bit. At the same time, he also exploded with the potential of his whole body, so he went back. , And then kicked my stomach with both legs, trying to kick me out of him. But he overestimated his reaction speed and underestimated my ability to respond.

Just when Kisou Nobunaga's legs jumped up and was about to kick my stomach, I just flashed past him sideways, but he was lying horizontally in The state that midair hasn't landed yet. When I passed by him, I directly raised my arm and illuminated his face with my elbow. With a bang, Guishou Nobunaga's head was directly embedded in the floor, his legs were raised high, and the whole person almost turned over.

When I went down this elbow, I felt a violent resistance from my elbow. It is estimated that Nobunaga's nose must have been smashed. Of course, this is a game, and it won't be broken.

After one elbow succeeded, I quickly backed up and directly raised my hand to support his ankle, and at the same time raised my knees, a side kick flew out, but just behind the moment I hit Nobunaga on the ghost hand But a hurricane came. The current situation is that if you continue to attack Oniji Nobunaga, you will inevitably take a blow from the back, and avoiding means giving up the attack.

Under normal circumstances, the above two choices are the only choices most people can make, but I am not a person who can count under normal circumstances, because I am an animal trainer.

Boom. Accompanied by the sound of metal collision, Jingjing’s Holy Shield accurately blocked a blow on my back, but my action remained unchanged, kicked flying with Nobunaga. With a loud explosion sound, Guishou Nobunaga's head and feet flew upside down, first hit the door, then flew into the corridor, and then just hit a window. Of course the glass couldn't block his body, so he flew directly through the window.

The players in this guild downstairs were a bit nervous because the city was attacked. At this time, a person flew out of the window on the second floor of the headquarters building. This made the people below scared. Jumped. With a quick response, he immediately started shouting and running up the stairs, and some people even shot up the window sill on the second floor with flying claws and began to climb up.

Although there is a mess outside, I don't have any time to control the situation outside at this time, because the other people in the room are unexpectedly tough. Moreover, here I actually ran into someone who surprised me.

Just after Jingjing successfully blocked that attack, I turned around and started to face this side. I kicked Nobunaga downstairs. Will he come back and tell me? If you want to come back, you won't be able to come back right away. It must be a delay. I originally planned to use this time difference to level the other people in the room first, but to my surprise, the number of personnel here is a little bit too high, and the quality of the personnel is quite terrifying.

Originally, I only heard three sounds, and I didn't sense any energy fluctuations. Obviously, this room has a special Formation to prevent outsiders from detecting it, so I walked past the door and didn't realize that it was actually human. And because I only heard three sounds after opening the door, I directly estimated that the number of people in the room was six to nine, or even only three people. After all, normally, three people sound like the guild bosses, and it is normal for such people to have one or two bodyguards around them when they talk. However, because they talk about secret things, bodyguards must be confidants, and confidants are not so easy to find, so I estimate that these people should not bring many people. Besides, how big can this room be? How many people can there be?

Originally, my calculations are based on common sense, which should be very accurate, but now it seems that common sense can sometimes be wrong. Just like now. After turning around, I suddenly found that my speculation was simply wrong and outrageous.

First of all, this room is not as big as imagined, but very big, because it is a through Conference Hall. I believe that everyone has been to a restaurant. Many restaurants have private rooms that are connected in a row. These private rooms are separated by movable door panels. When guests need more space, they can put the partitions away. This row of rooms will be connected into a huge box, and if you need to separate them, you only need to pull back the partition boards.

The room in front of me is such a through Conference Hall. Its interior is actually a whole space, and the more than a dozen doors in the corridor I just walked through are actually all connected This is a large conference hall, rather than a dozen doors corresponding to a dozen rooms.

I underestimated the number of people in the room because of the wrong estimation of the structure of the room. Think about it, this whole floor has only one room except the corridor and the stairwell at both ends. How big is this room, do you think? There are only three people in the big room here? how can that be possible? Therefore, the actual situation now is that there is a long conference table in the room, and there are at least 30 people sitting around the table, and these people are all standing next to one or two attendants. In other words, the actual number of people in this room is over one hundred.

It was originally just a hundred people, but it was fine. The key problem is that not only are there more than a hundred people here, but none of the equipment on these people looks like that kind of very low-level. The group of people sitting there is the guild leader at a glance, that is to say, there are more than 30 guild leaders, and the guild leader’s own battle strength is often very difficult to deal with, and what’s worse is that these people still have it. Bring bodyguards. These bodyguards are basically one of the very best high level thugs in their guilds. The battle strength of these people can never be calculated based on the clay chickens and pottery dogs outside.

Of course, with my strength, I am not completely out of chance to run into more than one hundred first- and second-tier players, and these people in this place do not seem to be the first- and second-tier players. However, I saw a familiar silhouette in it. I will never forget the beautiful light blue armor. Because that person is the only player who is likely to compete with me in the one-on-one mode-Frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee’s actual battle strength is not too high on the battle strength list. This is mainly because her strength is very difficult to deal with, but one thing needs to be acknowledged. . That is, in the polar cold environment where the ice-bound Banshee is best at, she is indeed capable of tying with me. The victory or defeat depends only on luck and on-the-spot performance, I don't dare to say that I can win her. Of course, this place is South Korea. Although it is quite cold, it is still far from the polar regions. So the ice-bound Banshee can't reach the standard that I can compete with here. However, her strength lies there after all. Even if she is not in her strongest environment, she definitely has the ability to entangle me for a period of time, plus Nobunaga on the outside, and just a sneak attack. That guy of mine. The battle strength of these people is actually quite terrifying.

After I spent a second observing the situation in the room, the other party's follow-up attack arrived. This time it was the guy who had just cut on the Jingjing Shield. This is a pretty burly blond Caucasian player over two meters tall. He was wearing a very shiny silver white armor, and he knew it was very heavy at first glance. Even his every step can make the floor under our feet vibrate together, as if the floor will be stepped on by him at any time.

This guy's self-respect determines that his attack method must be biased towards high attack and low agility, so when I saw him swing over again, I immediately let Jingjing go up and block it. His blow. Regardless of Jingjing's thin arms and legs, it seems to be very weak, but the strength of an angel cannot be measured by body size. With the special ability of the Holy Shield, this sword is still completely blocked like last time. Jingjing didn’t stop there under my instruction. After blocking the sword, she immediately pushed forward and forced the guy to retreat in order to maintain the center of gravity. Jingjing slammed her shield at this time. Fanning to the side, I squatted with Eternal One and flashed past Jingjing and slammed into the guy's arms.

Originally, I was expecting to knock that guy down and fall back, and then use eternity to make up the knife. However, this guy's weight is obviously a bit beyond the standard. Without activating the collision skill and not having enough acceleration distance, I just let his feet float slightly off the ground for a short period of time before hitting the ground again. His self-respect and balance exceeded my expectations, so that I was forced to give up the fill-up behind me. Of course, the main reason for giving up this move was not because he didn't fall, but because of an accident.

When the guy was knocked up and landed again, the ground could not bear his weight, and then there was a big hole in the ground with a click, and then the guy went to the first floor.

The target disappeared, but I was not able to relax because a silhouette had rushed in front of me. Just before that guy blocked my sight, I clearly saw the ice-bound Banshee sitting on the chair over there, but after this guy fell, I found that the ice-bound Banshee had reached my opposite side, and a sword stabbed at me. come over.

Seeing the Frozen Banshee's attack, I quickly withdrew and backed up while holding up the eternal block. Right now is the big hole in front of me. Moving forward will be disturbed by the big hole and unable to fully exert my strength, so I took a step back.

While I stepped back, Banshee Frozen unexpectedly didn't go around or jump over to avoid the hole. She actually rushed straight up as if she hadn't seen it. This method made her speed much faster than I expected, but I am not worried, because there is a big hole in front, she will only trip over if she runs over like this, but she just stepped on the big hole with her foot In an instant, a white halo burst from her feet, and then the hole was sealed by a thick layer of ice in an instant.

The rushing ice-bound Banshee just stepped on the ice, and then accelerated to rush up, the crystal sword in his hand moved towards my throat directly. I even felt the chill from her blade.

"Knocking!" Seeing the crystal sword that was about to hit me, I did not choose to avoid it. They all shook, and then the whole ground cracked, and the people in the room crackled like dumplings and fell to the lower floor.

The sudden weightlessness made Frozen Banshee's movements a bit messy, but she did not lose her balance in the air, the tip of the sword was still locked on my throat, but I suddenly opened my wings fiercely Moving forward, the surrounding gravel and broken wood all flew towards the frozen Banshee in an instant, she had to close the sword and help each other's door, and I also used this body to lift out of her attack range.

Our first exchange of fire stopped temporarily under such circumstances, but I knew that she would not let it go. And I didn't plan to let them go.

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