The poor archer was actually very cautious. He didn't take my words as a joke, but actually started teleporting after using Transmission Scroll to reach a nearby city. And this guy's caution has even reached the point of morbidity. Do you know how he sent it? After the guy used the random city return scroll to return to the nearest city that publicly accepted the transmission request, he immediately used the Transmission Formation in this city to transmit to another city. This is not over yet. After reaching the second city, he ran to the outside of the teleportation hall as fast as he could, then rushed into an alley and took out the second scroll.

The second Transmission Scroll used by this guy is not a random transmission scroll, but a directional Transmission Scroll, that is, it will only be transmitted to the pre-designated city on the scroll. After arriving in this city, he again used Transmission Formation to go to the fourth city and found an alley here again, and sent it directly to the fifth city without any attention.

After coming out of the Transmission Formation in the fifth city, this guy immediately entered a seemingly ordinary store, but after entering, he went straight to the second floor of the store without saying anything. After arriving on the second floor, he confirmed that there was no one but a guy in the shop. He jumped directly from the window on the second floor of the shop to a small courtyard at the back of the shop. In the process, the guy said something. Did not say, but after he jumped out, he walked over to help him close the window again. Obviously, this is not an ordinary shop, at least this guy is not an ordinary person.

The small courtyard that the other party jumped into does not actually belong to this shop, but the backyard of another shop on another street. The two shops are built back to back, each facing the street in front of them, but there is no connecting passage in between. In fact, the Foundation Establishment between the two streets is back-to-back like this, so these two shops are not obtrusive at all.

After entering the opposite shop, this guy’s nervousness was obviously relaxed a lot. He entered directly from the yard into the inside of the opposite shop. This is not the lobby of the shop, and guests will not enter here. . When he entered here, there were several NPC employees who were busy making some jewelry. Obviously, this was an ordinary jewelry shop. Of course, the jewelry here are purely decorative items without attributes, and formal jewelry with attributes cannot be made by a few ordinary workers.

Those workers are obviously the other party's people. This guy went up the second floor of the shop from the stairs in this workshop without even looking at these people. The second floor is also divided into front and rear rooms. The one coming up the stairs is the back room, which is the storage room and the utility room. The front half is the second floor lobby of the shop, which is also accessible by guests, but there is an independent staircase over there, so you don't need to pass through the back room.

After entering the back room, this guy immediately walked to a corner on the other side of the stairs. There were still some debris on the ground in this place. Normal people would definitely not pay attention to this place. However, this guy pushed hard on this wall, and the wall actually retreated back with the debris in front of it, revealing a secret door. This hidden door is actually a structure connected to the surface of the ground. Because this small piece of ground and the door are integrated, so no matter what is stacked here, as long as the volume is not too large, it will not cover the entire door. It affects the opening and closing of the door, and it is useless even if others come in and search, because the debris is just ordinary debris, which can be transported casually, not something that cannot be held on the wall. Moreover, the cracks on the ground are just camouflaged as the splicing lines of the wooden floor, so ordinary people cannot see that this floor is actually movable. As for the door cracks on the wall, the thing is also simulated as the brick cracks on the wall just like the floor. Such cracks are all the same on the four walls in the interior. Normal people will naturally not notice the brick cracks in this place. It can be opened.

After that guy got in through this hidden door, a shaft appeared in front of him. In fact, the space inside the hidden door was very narrow, only one meter in width and about two meters in length. Say it It's a secret room rather than a mezzanine. The hidden door is located at one end of the mezzanine, and the other end is the shaft. There is a downward vertical ladder on the edge of this shaft, from here you can go down through the inside of the wall on the first floor directly to a position more than three meters deep below the ground.

In fact, the interiors of the first and second floors of this shop are a bit narrower than the front lobby, but the illusion created by the placement of the internal workbenches and the open positions of the doors and stairs makes people invisible The walls between the inside and the outside are actually not in a straight line, but one meter apart. This space of one meter is the space of the mezzanine, and the crossbowman descended directly from the mezzanine to the real secret room three meters underground, and in this secret room is an amazing thing.

"Dedicated Transmission Formation? What a big hand!" When I saw this thing through the ghost worm hidden on that guy, I was surprised. The other party actually hid something in this place. Transmission Formation, according to this design, normal people really don't expect to track him anymore. Even if you have a way to track Transmission Scroll, the other party uses the time difference to get rid of any information you can track in the city. Because the smell on the ground is passing through the downtown area, it is impossible to identify it at all. There are too many messy smells, even the dog's nose can't track it. Don't even count on asking someone. Let alone whether anyone noticed him, the walking between the two shops he used was enough to make any tracker lose his target. Of course, the greater probability is that the tracker loses the target during the continuous rapid jump of the Transmission Formation at first.

It can be said that normally the guy's way of getting rid of can get rid of the tracker of the overwhelming majority, but unfortunately the tracking method I use does not need to track his course of action. It's actually useless for him to go around here, because as long as the ghost worm on him is still there, I can know where he is relative to me, so it doesn't matter if he hides in the ends of the earth.

In fact, when that guy came to the place, I stayed there and never moved, because I knew he was going to run around and deliberately set up a puzzle to hinder my tracking, so I Simply don't worry, just wait. Of course, during the period, I have been observing his actions through the ghost bug, until he stepped on the Transmission Formation, the corner of my mouth was slightly raised, and then I jumped on the flying bird and started climbing. When we climbed from the point to the high altitude, the position of the other party had already shifted and appeared in the direction a little bit east of my true north.

"Flying bird, over there. Full speed."


With the pressure generated by the huge acceleration, we flew forward suddenly. After only a few minutes, I felt very close to the other party. No way, South Korea is just as big as it is, and the flying bird's speed is double the speed of sound. Flying at this speed, of course, it will arrive at the place as soon as it takes off.

Before paying much attention, I felt almost close to the target. After confirming that the other party was not far in front of me, I immediately retracted the flying bird, opened my wings and began to glide silently.

At this time, it is early morning in Korea, the sun has risen, and the city below is stained into a golden area by the morning sun. However, what I am now focusing on is not the scenery here, but the defensive structure of the city below.

The configuration of this city is quite strange. Judging from its area, this should be a kind of existence between the town and the city, because its area is too small. However, in such a small place where I don't know whether it is a city or a village, there are actually two city walls, and the two city walls are all fortress city-level city walls. The height of the wall is at least 20 meters, and the thickness reaches an astonishing 50 meters. Such a city wall To tell the truth, most of the large system cities are not so exaggerated, and this is actually just a small town that may not even reach the city level.

"Damn, this city wall was repaired! No matter how high you are, you will soon catch up with the devil's turret!" There is a big problem.

This level of city defense, can you imagine that its doors are wide open for you to enter at will? Obviously impossible. Considering the height of the city wall and the dense guards on it, sneaking in from the city wall is basically impossible. Then, the remaining plan can only be entered from the upper and lower directions.

The advantage of entering from the sky is that it can land directly near the target and is fast. But the shortcomings are also obvious. Even if it is invisible, there is no guarantee that the other party does not have anti-stealth investigators in the air. After all, the defense standards here are obviously a little exceeded, so it is not surprising that there are people here who specialize in air reconnaissance around the clock.

Since the sky and the city wall are both dangerous, the only remaining solution is to enter from the underground. As far as I know, there is currently no spell that can effectively detect activities under the ground. Of course, certain skills can detect conditions below the surface, but those skills are basically the same as probes, and only a small number of them can be inspected at a time. Block area, using this method to monitor the underground environment of the entire city is undoubtedly idiotic.

After deciding on the plan, I immediately began to change my strategy, first gliding to a certain woodland outside the city and landing, and then summon out of my duo duo to start underground engineering.

The pioneer’s underground advancing speed is very terrifying, and the branches of the rose vine can support and strengthen the excavated passages, so we can make holes in the underground at a speed faster than human walking. Of course, comfort cannot be required because of speed. Now I can barely bend down and move forward here, but even this kind of environment quickly disappeared, because the Blazers hit a large piece of steel and couldn't make any further progress.

"Damn, don't you? Do you want to be so perverted?"

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