At the end of the collapse, all the people in the arena except me were on the ground on the first floor, but they were all combatants, and they were basically uninjured. Falling at such a height is just like playing for the combatants.

Because I am standing alone in the uncollapsed peripheral zone on the second floor above, so the people below are looking up at my side, but they basically haven't moved. Although the strength of this group of people is actually very good, they have also heard of my battle strength, so ordinary people don't dare to attack me easily without anyone taking the lead.

In fact, modern people are scared by guns, but primordial people are not. Now in the game, those who really dare to take the initiative to do something with me are not really first-line experts, they must be people who don’t know me, and those who know me but are not extremely powerful players themselves are generally afraid to take the initiative to interact with me. Hands-on. Because they know how tough I am, they feel a little scared.

"Ice-bound Banshee, I really didn't expect to be able to meet you here." I casually sat on the edge of the collapsed floor on the second floor and looked at the ice-bound Banshee below.

Frozen Banshee saw that I didn’t take the initiative to rush up but started chatting, and he simply put down his guard posture, not to be outdone, and responded: “This sentence should be for me. What do you say about me? Every time I do a major event, can I run into you?"

"This shows that you and I are destined!"

"With your destiny, I think you are just Disgusting flies always like to fly around by others."

"Have you seen such a powerful fly as me? You can't beat me by so many people. If I were a fly, then What are you guys? Bacteria? You are really weak!"


"Ice Banshee, don't talk nonsense with him. This guy's mouth is amazing. It's here." The Guishou Nobunaga, who was kicked out by me before, didn't know when he had already returned to the room. At this time, I just saw the ice-bound Banshee arguing there, and immediately reminded me.

Originally Guishou Nobunaga didn't speak, I haven't noticed him coming in yet, of course I can't just let him go when I see it now.

"I said Guishou Nobunaga, you guys are not doing well to wait on Baqi Orochi. Why did you come to Korea? I heard that internal officials can't go out casually, right?"< /p>


The so-called internal officer is actually Court Eunuch, because Guishou Nobunaga has now completely taken refuge in the Orochi Orochi, and even has the dignity of being a player No more, I want to follow the eight-headed snake to the dark, so I describe him as Court Eunuch, who specializes in serving the emperor, and he is not very imagery. Of course, if it weren't for the accurate image I said, Nobunaga would not be so angry.

"You don’t want you or me anymore. I know you’ve become a henchman of the eight-pointed snake, so I’m justified in scolding you. Otherwise, you say, Which point do you still look like a player now? There are so many players here. Although most of us can't beat the NPCs of the Baqi Orochi series, they are NPCs to us, but the game system is for us. You just set up some communication objects. But now you actually want to be a henchman for an NPC, and you are rushing to do everything, completely without your own thoughts, you say you are still a fart?"

Nobunaga Guishou was almost vomiting blood by a string of words I said, and the guild leaders around me didn't yell at me after I finished speaking, but they looked towards Nobunaga Guishou and started talking. In fact, this kind of thing I said is indeed recognized by everyone, after all, in the hearts of most players, NPCs have never been placed on the same position. In the player's heart, NPC is playing with oneself, which is inferior to the player. Even if some people have feelings due to long-term contact with certain NPCs, it is at best to put the other party in an equal position. That's it. Like the phenomenon of Nobunaga Onishu, which directly allows NPCs to climb on top of him, to be honest, most players are quite disdainful. So, after I said this remark, those people didn't directly help Nobunaga and quarrel with me, but all began to discuss spiritedly with Nobunaga.

In fact, I already knew that the remarks just now would have such an effect, because most of the guild leaders present are actually Russians, and some of the rest are Koreans. There are no Japanese. Their nationality is different. Even if they work together temporarily, the relationship between them will never be close to any degree. These people are temporarily involved with Guishou Nobunaga because everyone's interests are aligned. Once there is any chance to start, I believe that most of the branch leaders here don't mind the ghosts of Nobunaga. Therefore, the probability simply of these people helping Nobunaga on the ground is zero.

Even though he was so angry, Nobunaga Onishu knew that arguing with me would never have a good result. Someone once said before that my fighting level is more than 2,000, and the quarrel level may have been up to 5,000, so if you want to fight and fight to win me, it is better to win me.

Although most of the guild leaders at the scene are pointing fingers to Nobunaga Guishou, there are people who understand. At least the Frozen Banshee knew that the current situation couldn't continue, because if it continued like this, Nobunaga Guishou was bound to have serious hostility with the guild leaders on the scene. Although they are only temporarily united because of their interests, after all, everyone is cooperating. Therefore, before the cooperation is over, they must at least maintain the superficial harmony so that the cooperation can continue. Otherwise, if there is a lot of enmity between the two parties, even if the interests are the same, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen.

Banshee attaches great importance to this plan, so she does not want to affect the progress of the plan just because of this small matter. When the guild leaders were talking about Nobunaga Guishou, Frozen Banshee suddenly stood up and shouted: "Purple Moon, you don’t want to be bully intolerably. How to say Nobunaga Guishou is now also our ally, you are here This kind of place insults him, when we don’t exist?"

"Hey. People don’t have anything to say, what do you mean by hurriedly popping out? Is there something wrong between you? Tell people..." At this point, I deliberately paused, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand. Okay, don't have a cannibal expression. Don't worry, what I will not say."

Although I said so, I have actually expressed my meaning very clearly. The guild leaders around are talking again, and obviously they all understand my hint. Guishou Nobunaga reacted at this time, and hurriedly pulled the ice-bound woman Monster Dao: "Don't talk to him, this guy is just a bitch. Let's get on together, hit him on the ground before talking."

"It depends on whether you have the ability."

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