"Are you surprised to see me?" I asked him calmly after seeing the other person's reaction. "You should have thought of this day when you rebelled? Or did I come too soon?"

"no no no, not this." The other party calmed down a bit and said: "You are here to settle accounts for the Celestial Alliance?"

"It was originally, but now..."

The other party also understands what I mean, the whole person It looks very decadent. "Laugh if you want to laugh. I have only oneself to blame if I make it like this. Now everything is over. I was thinking of getting ahead, but now it seems that it will be a question of whether I can get on with it in the future! I know it is on the Tianji League side. I'm sorry to Chairman Park Eun and them. If you want to get justice for them, just kill me. Anyway, it's already like this, and I will admit it in the end!"

"You can let it go. Open." As I said, I lifted my leg and kicked it to the ground.

The player who ran after me before saw that their president was attacked by me, and immediately screamed and rushed up, but they were stopped by their president before he got there. "Don't come here." The guy said he got up from the ground, and then looked at me and said: "I'm up to you, but I beg you to stop being embarrassed to follow my brothers. We too I just want to have a better life. Now that I have failed, I have to take care of something alone."

I stepped forward two steps and kicked it to the ground again, and then didn’t wait for him. When he got up, he stepped on his chest and stepped on the ground. "You are too arrogant. There is something you have to bear alone. Do you think you are very loyal, don't you? Do you know how much the Celestial Alliance has suffered? Do you know how many players have suffered heavy losses because of you? You are alone It’s a burden? You said it’s light! Even if you chop you off and sell it, it’s not enough to compensate for one ten-thousandth of the compensation. You have to bear it alone. Next time you say this, please weigh yourself how many catties and how many taels. I tell you the truth, you can't afford this. Also, don't decide my actions without authorization. You can't decide what I want to do."

"Let go of our president. "The guy who was stopped by their president finally rushed up and couldn't help but yelled at this time. Their president was stepped on the ground by me and had difficulty breathing. He wanted to stop talking but couldn't make a sound, but even if he yelled out, it was still not possible. use.

The guy rushed in front of me and wanted to attack me, but in the end I grabbed his sword-wielding wrist and flew out with a flick of my wrist. Then I lifted my arm in the air, pulled and flicked, and the guy flung around in the air and was slammed to the ground by me, and then I twisted one arm behind me and wanted to move but couldn’t use it. He struggled a little. It hurts like a torn arm.

"The presidents are discussing things here, what do you mix as an ordinary member? Let's go cool." I lifted it up, and the guy was immediately pulled up and turned three and a half times in the air. Standing directly on the ground. Up to this moment, he still looked at me stupidly and didn't figure out what was going on.

I didn't care about him either, but turned my eyes back to the guy under my feet. "Do you understand what I just said?" The guy nodded desperately, and then suddenly froze again and began to desperately shook his head. I frowned and looked at him and asked: "Do you understand or don't understand?"

"It seems to understand a little bit, but not completely."

"Then tell me See what you understand? What else do you not understand?" At this time, I had taken off the foot that was on his chest.

The guy didn’t get up either, just propped up his upper body and sat on the ground, and then said: “I just heard what you mean, it seems that I don’t intend to pursue me. But I feel like I’m not completely That’s what I mean."

"You’re not stupid enough." I took a step back and prepared to tell him, but I took a step back but I heard a chirp, and I felt that the feeling under my feet was not right. Looks like he's stepped on the mud. Suddenly turning around, I realized that the ground under my feet had really become a mud pit, but the mud pit was not blistered, but blistered. The outer ring of the entire flower bed isolation belt is relatively high, so the liquid on the isolation belt cannot flow out. Of course, because the central isolation zone is also a flowerbed, the ground inside is soft soil with good water absorption, and generally speaking will not turn into a mud pit. But the problem is that too many people died in this place in a short period of time, and the blood was too concentrated for a while, and the result not only spread to our side, but also soaked the ground into mud. "Damn, king, can you pay attention to it a little? Don't chop the corpse so much, the blood is flowing over!"

"Sorry, I pay attention now." The king continued to slaughter the enemy on the opposite side. Replied without looking back.

Heaven and Earth players all looked at me with weird expressions, and were completely shocked by our reaction. But I didn’t have time to control their reaction. After talking about the king, I turned to their president: "Where did I talk?"

"I'm not stupid enough."

" Yes, you guy is not stupid enough. I mean you really understand half of it. I really don’t plan to do anything to you anymore, because you are so miserable now that I don’t know how to make you worse. That’s a bit. And, I’m a person who values ​​interests very much. As long as the interests are large enough, I can compromise on things that don’t involve issues of principle. If I punish you this time, then I will punish us Frost Rose League, right The Celestial Alliance, in fact, has no practical benefits. At most, it is just to show off the martial power. The problem is that our guild does not seem to need to show off the martial power anymore, so this kind of thing is equivalent to doing useless work. Except. Apart from the psychological comfort, I really didn’t think there was any actual delivery. So...I’m going to change to something practical."

"What do you want us to do for you?" Asked sexually.

I nodded said with a slight smile: "student that can be taught. Your guild is just like this. Even if I don’t do something to you, I guess you may not be able to do anything this time. Survived. And, your current situation does make me feel a little bit intolerant. So, it's better for us to change our mind. It doesn't make much sense to punish you, so it's better to let you do something to redeem your sins. Of course. , In order for you to be proactive in earning benefits for us, I will also allow you to get some benefits appropriately. Therefore, as long as you are willing to cooperate with me and act according to the plan we give, I guarantee that you can get certain benefits , And you will not be held accountable for your behavior this time. If your mission is done well this time, maybe we will have more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

That guy jumped off the ground. I got up, and then asked: "What you said is true?"

"Do you think I am the kind of person who is free to find you happy?"

" That's true." The other party nodded said: "Then I am willing to wait for your dispatch to apologize for our actions."

"You are indeed a talent." I said with a smile: "At least you know forbearance , Much better than those idiots who just blindly arrogant. Don’t worry, our Frost Rose League and others are focused on win-win cooperation. It’s not our habit to eat alone. As long as you don’t mess with us, I guarantee you will make a profit. So now , Let’s solve the immediate trouble first."

When I heard the other party, I immediately became excited, and then nodded and said: "Thank you for your tolerance. But now this battle situation...Do you want to mobilize The Frost Rose League members outside come to help?"

"Is that necessary?" I looked up in front of the lower line of defense, then waved forward and said: "Death God Guards, charge."

"For the God of Underworld!" With a neat swearing sound, a large number of Death God guards suddenly appeared next to us, and then these wolf-headed humans and heavy armored special Death God guards came directly from the front row. Heaven and Earth players jumped over their heads and entered the opposing group of riot players.

The Death God guards of the Death God Guard are all about three meters tall. They have long hands and long legs. They have a much larger attack range than ordinary people in close combat. In addition, the attributes of these guys are mine. The attribute is related, so although the level is not very high, the battle strength is quite terrifying. The most important thing is that the Death God Guard can be resurrected. Although the speed of resurrection is limited, based on my current summon amount, death is basically endless in ordinary battles. Therefore, using the Death God Guard as a cannon fodder to break through the enemy's formation is perfect. These guys who simply don't really die can perish together with the enemy without fear. Anyway, they are always impossible and really die, so they are simply fearless.

The riot players on the opposite side were originally crazy, but only after they encountered the Death God guard, who was not afraid of death, they knew what really was crazy. The first batch of Death God guards almost directly rushed onto the heads of the opposing crowd with their bodies, and then they smashed out a blank area where people could stand with their own weight, and then the Death God guards at the back safely ignored the death of their front companions. Rain generally jumped into this blank area, trampling the fallen enemies on the ground along with the Death God guards that were the first to jump over, and then the Death God guards who stood firmly on their heels began to howl and charge forward. Accompanying them is their own summon creature. In fact, because Death God guards can also summon creatures, what you need to fight against them is not battle strength but stamina, because even if these guys can't kill you, you can exhaust you alive. The flood-like quantity is definitely capable of stacking. Most of the enemies are killed. Unless you can fly, or your strength surpasses them by several stages, it is basically impossible to break away from their attack. Once stuck inside, it's actually not far from death.

As my Death God guard joined the battle, those of Heaven and Earth Society were gradually liberated from the battle, and the subsequent Death God guards continued to fill the streets ahead. And they are not defending, they are pushing all the way forward, and they are very fast. With their life-for-life style of play, even crazy riot players began to gradually feel fear. Once a person feels fear, he will start to think wildly, and the more he thinks, the more he is afraid, and then there is a complete breakdown of the will.

"President, those madmen are beginning to retreat!" A bloody player walked up to their guild leader and reported excitedly.

Their president also looked at me in disbelief. I know that he certainly doesn’t know how to express his excitement now, so he said directly: “This is all trivial. The reason why you can’t stop those guys is just because you still have reason, but those guys are already crazy, but it’s better than Who is more mad? No one is the opponent of my Death God guards. They enjoy death. People who are not afraid of death should not expect to be crazy with them. Oh, right, your defense is more than this side. , The other places don’t seem to have a big problem. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s not a problem to get rid of those people?"

"Then you should take a break first, we can go there In the headquarters, talk about the future cooperation plan in detail?" the other party's chairman asked very enthusiastically.

I shook the head and said: "Are you players with better dynamics here? I have something and need their help."

"Has better dynamics?"

"Well, the kind that can jump on the roof, the kind that can bring a person is better. Of course, the higher the battle strength, the better."

"Yes Yes, I just don’t know how many people you need?"

"It doesn’t need to be too many, three or five will do."

"Oh, that's easy." The president immediately responded. Then shouted: "Where is the thunder squad? Come and report."

When I heard the name, I almost fell on the ground. thunder squad? Isn't this name too popular? What kind of team needs to use this name?

I’m wondering here, five players suddenly ran over from the rest of the crowd over there. When I looked at the equipment on my body, I knew that they weren’t ordinary people, otherwise they wouldn’t have such good equipment. .

"Boss, what is it for us?" The one who ran in the front was a very young player. He immediately asked when he arrived in front of us.

"Introduce you, this is Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. You will follow him for a while, and you can just follow him if he has any instructions."

"Huh?" A big guy with a height of at least 1.9 meters and above asked: "Are all orders to be executed?"

The president strongly nodded and said: "If you ask you to commit suicide, you will kill me immediately. , Understand?"

"Oh!" The big guy complied and said nothing, while the other four people just looked at me and didn't talk.

"Well, these people are the thunder squad of our guild, mainly responsible for battlefield reconnaissance. They can be said to be one of the squads with the strongest battle strength in our guild. They should meet your requirements."

I nodded accept this squad. If this guy did not lie, this squad should indeed be a very powerful squad, because our guild also has such a battlefield reconnaissance squad, and it is indeed one of the very best teams in the guild. In the combat squad of our guild, the battlefield reconnaissance squad, the BOSS battle squad, and the special support team are the three strongest teams in the tie. Of course, the general guild does not have a special support team. This is unique to our guild, but the other two squads are believed to be available in most guilds, but they may not have fixed establishments. They are usually improvised. Only a few large guilds will fix the composition of this team.

The main task of this battlefield reconnaissance squad is to reconnaissance or directly attack certain specific points of the enemy’s battle inside the formation after the two armies start receiving stations. Because of the nature of their battles, this Squad often has to go to the target location surrounded by a large group of enemies, which determines that they must have super mobility to ensure that they will not be entangled by the enemy, and they must also have strong attack power and defensive ability, otherwise they will be in the enemy’s Once you are entangled in a position by an enemy, more people will catch up. The result can only be besieged alive. Therefore, you must be able to level your opponent at the moment of engagement, so that the enemy in front will no longer No matter how the interception can't hold your speed, there is no probability of being surrounded.

This thunder squad should have been the battlefield reconnaissance squad of the Celestial Alliance before. After all, their Heaven and Earth society has just been classified from the Celestial Alliance. Impossible has been set up so quickly that it is specially prepared for guild battles. The combat unit, so it must be the squad organization left over from before.

"Okay, you have heard what the president said clearly. Now start following me, I will inform you of what you should do."

The guys don’t seem to talk too much. The kind of person, even if the youngster seems to be a little bit enthusiastic, it’s just more enthusiastic, not just a poor mouth. Hearing what I said was only nodded and stood by my side and stopped talking. This kind of performance makes me quite satisfied. This is an obvious characteristic of professional players. The average player is impossible so serious, and I feel that there is even a kind of military temperament in these people. Although it is only a very shallow point, it feels a bit like that after all. I guess this might be due to our reasons, because our guild initially accepted a lot of low- and middle-level officers sent by the military for internships, and our guild could not arrange so many people, and all of them were sent by us. Other alliance guilds went to be instructors, and the result was that a large number of military style players were trained in the alliance guild. These eight achievements are part of it.

After confirming that they understood what to do, I opened my wings and took a hard shot and flew up, but instead of flying high, I landed on the top of the building next to me, and a few people watched it. When I was on the roof, I also jumped up. When I saw them following, I immediately turned around and flew towards the front of the roof next to the street. Those guys knew I meant to let them follow, so they stepped on the roof and ran over, barely able to follow. It's not bad at the speed of my flight.

After crossing a long row of houses, we reached the top of a house, and then as soon as I closed my wings, I landed on a canopy on the edge of the roof. The five guys behind fell to me a step slower than me, and didn't ask me what I was doing, but neatly bowed their heads and looked towards where I was looked towards. This reaction surprised me a bit. This quality is obviously better than those Korean players I have encountered before. I even feel that I am following the elite team of my own guild, not like an ordinary squad from an ordinary guild.

Although I was surprised by the fighting qualities of these five people, I didn't say anything, but reached out and made a few gestures quickly. The five guys who were following me all jumped out with a swish. The two players lightly jumped to the opposite roof, and then rebounded from the wall between the two buildings until they were only three or four meters away from the ground. The high place stopped there, and the other three guys who were following me suddenly slammed into a guy in the street who was talking loudly. The guy was startled by the sound and suddenly turned around. As a result, these three guys had everything. Not to mention, the big guy in the middle was a Barbaric Dash who blasted the guy out directly, and the other two blocked the siege of several players around the guy.

The three of them didn’t want to fight after they hit their hands. They turned around and jumped onto the second floor window of the next building. As soon as they put their hands on the window frame, they jumped up to the third floor and the players were stunned. In's expression, the three people went directly on the roof, and at the same time, the player who was hit into the air was caught in the hands of the two people who had stopped in the cracks of the house before landing. The two people knocked on the back of the guy’s neck in unison, and then one of them turned around and climbed up high, while the other grabbed the fainted target and flicked it back from under his crotch like an acrobatic trapeze, and then waited. After exhausting his strength, he threw it in the opposite direction and threw it to the height of a layer above his head. The player above caught him with the same action and threw it up again. At this time, the three people who had climbed the stairs had reached the top of the building, and directly caught the thrown target, picked up and ran.

The group of people below saw that the guy who was still speaking to him just now was abducted and immediately began to jump up and down to chase them, but the people above were too quick to move. The whole process from jumping down to carrying the guy away took only eight seconds. At this point in time, many people still haven’t realized what’s going on. The one who moved fast was just chasing under the house, and there was no time to climb the stairs. . But after seeing the five guys running away, the people below finally reacted and started to prepare for the pursuit, but before they started, I threw a bursting Fireball down at the bottom. My goal was a window at the bottom of the opposite house. Fireball burst into the building and immediately exploded. Then there were building debris and smoke flying around. The crowd below instantly stopped chasing their faces and turned to resist the flying debris.

This is the difference between expert and ordinary players. The fragments that flew out just now don't actually have much lethality. If it is expert, you can continue to rush forward as long as you use your arm to block the eye area, and it will basically be no problem when you rush out of the random flying range. Although the body will be hit by debris, the blood injury is actually minimal, so you can ignore it at all. However, ordinary players do not have that kind of consciousness. They still follow the reaction of normal people. When encountering danger, the first reaction is to protect themselves. As a result, they did not get hurt, but they also lost the enemy.

I stopped watching after throwing the Fireball here. I spread my wings and flew in the direction where the five guys left. After a while, I caught up with them.

"Have you been a soldier?" I asked as soon as I fell.

Several people did not react in any surprise, obviously they have realized that they have made a mistake. Just now I just used gestures to order them to catch the target, without speaking, but the gestures I used were from the army. As an ordinary person, they could see it impossible, but obviously they were not an ordinary person because they not only understood. The meaning of my gestures and the extremely tacit understanding of cooperation are completely the standard of the urban special forces. Compared with most regular troops, it is much stronger, and it may not be much weaker than the elite special forces.

Sure enough, nodded, the only female player among the five, said: "We were all in the army before. We can't explain the specific number or something. Anyway, it's not a normal army. I looked for it after retiring. Some work, but since you know the military gestures, you should understand that we people in the army have not learned anything except killing, but we don’t want to be killers or thugs, so you know, everyone’s life is not very good. Later, a colleague who retired from the game said that it was a good profit to be a professional player in the game, so we came in with the mentality of giving it a try. Didn't expect it was really good. What we learned in the army Although many of them cannot be used directly in the game, they are basically similar things, which can be used with a little modification, and many of our skills are set as self-created skills by the system, which not only gives a lot of rewards but also extras. attribute, battle strength is much stronger than ordinary people."

"You knew each other?"

"No, we knew each other in the game." The big guy said, "Everyone In the game, they found out that the other party was from the army. It was easier to cooperate with them. Then everyone teamed up to kill the high level monsters to do the task and exchange equipment for money. Later, when they met Chairman Park Eun recruited, they entered the Celestial Alliance. She paid more money than we earned from doing missions."

"Then why did you come to Heaven and Earth again?"

"Because we give more ."

This answer is really straightforward, but it saves trouble. I directly said with a smile: "Your battle awareness is pretty good, are you interested in another boss?"

"It depends on whether the price you open is attractive." The female player said with a smile.

"What is your current price?"

"Twenty thousand crystal coins per month."

"Everyone?" I asked in surprise .

"No, we are all together." The female player said: "We all take the money collectively, and then reimburse the expenses according to everyone's consumption this month, and the rest will be based on everyone's contribution. Points. But generally they are average. Unless someone has a special contribution this month, they will get more."

I calculated it in my mind, and this number is reasonable. Twenty thousand crystal coins, that's two hundred thousand renminbi. Their one-month consumption includes equipment maintenance and medicine. If you don't consider the purchase of new equipment, five people should have 50,000 renminbi. The remaining 150,000 people are divided into five people, and each person’s monthly salary is equal to 30,000 renminbi. Korea’s prices are much higher than ours, but 30,000 renminbi a month is not a small amount. Besides, this is still wages. They are impossible to have no additional income in the game, which means that each of them earns at least 30,000 yuan per month. From the perspective of South Korea, this income should be regarded as income above the average line. The rich are not regarded as rich, but they are definitely not poor.

"It seems that Heaven and Earth will still like you, but the price is actually lower compared to your fighting quality." I thought for a while and said, "I have two One choice for you. The first one is to become a mercenary of our Frost Rose League. I give you 30,000 crystal coins every month, pure. Your consumption is all inclusive of our guild, and 30,000 crystal coins are your net income. .However, we will no longer care about all other things, you need to spend money to buy what you need. You have to carry out the tasks for you, as long as you try your best, don’t blame you for not being able to complete. In addition to the task goals, You are free to control other extra income. What do you think about this plan?"

After five people discussed it for a while, the big guy asked, "What about the other plan?"

"Another plan is that you join our Frost Rose League and enjoy the same guild benefits as elite players. Of course, you also have to bear the responsibilities of guild members. I pay you an extra 10,000 crystal coins every month." I said Here I see the other person wanting to speak, and I quickly said: "Don’t be too busy to refuse. We have something in our guild that you don’t know. There are internal missions in our guild, which is a kind of Bounty Mission, the reward given by the mission. There are different rewards such as cash, equipment, props, and guild contribution. You can choose to complete the tasks to make money. Our guild players basically rely on these tasks to make money, and I guarantee that our guild players will do it. All are good. So, which option do you want?"

"Let’s discuss it first, please?"

"Of course."

Get my After agreeing, these guys immediately got together and started a heated argument, and then one of them actually went offline for a while. Anyway, I didn't worry, so I didn't care about them. Instead, I went to study the target that was fainted. This guy is actually a guy who incites riots, and he has the same existence as the two I caught before. The reason for arresting these people is that I want to figure out the real purpose of the black hands behind them, and the other purpose is to quell these riots by the way. These players are the ones who instigated the riots. As long as they pass away, the rioting players will quickly respond and return to normal.

The guy caught this time is obviously not a tough one, so I was asked a lot of things quickly, but the result was roughly the same as the information I got before. These people are actually nothing more than pawns. The other party's impossible and their entire process of development to explain things can tell them all the information they need to use, so what these people know is really pitiful. However, there is always something that can be taken out of these people's mouths, so I will come out to arrest these people.

After the interrogation of this guy here, I killed him directly, and then returned to the thunder team over there. These five obviously had a big disagreement. Some of them wanted For the first plan, some people want the second plan, and opinions cannot be unified.

Seeing that they couldn’t discuss it there at all, so I simply said: "Why don’t you do this. First, give me a month according to the first method, and then give me according to the second method. Do it for a month. In the third month, you tell me which method you want, and then we will implement it according to that plan. Isn’t this always a problem?"


Although two options were given, I think they will actually choose the second option in the end, because the mission of our guild is really very profitable. The reason why this mission is so profitable is that the missions of our guild are not performed by a single player. They are basically organized by dedicated people, so the efficiency is very high, and because the logistical support of our guild is better. , After players get the convenience of various benefits in the guild, they are often very simple to complete the tasks, which leads to their fast completion of tasks, they can take many tasks in a month, and these tasks are rewarded with a lot of rewards. , Naturally earn a lot. After the five of them understand the strength of our guild's mission, we will ensure that they will all choose the second plan. After all, this program makes a lot more money than the first program.

All five people here finally agreed to join our guild, but I have no plans to bring them back to Isengard. At this time, South Korea is just short of manpower, of course let them help here first.

After we settled the five of them, we went to arrest several players who were bought. In the end, the things we asked were all the same. In the end, I also gave up the plan to continue arresting these people, anyway. Not much gain.

After completing the task, I asked five people to report to their president first, then go through the withdrawal procedures, and then join our bank account, and I flew out of the city along the telepathy .

Before I went to meet the president of the Heaven and Earth club, I had darts track one person, and now I can feel that the darts have chased out of the city, I am now moving towards that direction go ahead. I guess that guy was probably aware that he was being followed, so he was running because I felt that the dart was moving very fast, and he was following the person, which means that the person was very fast, otherwise the dart would be impossible. People rush forward.

Although the opponent moves very fast, it is only for the average person. I rode Yekage much faster than him, and soon caught up with the darts. After retracting the darts, I also saw the player. He was walking through a forest at this time, and he stumbled. There are many red scars on his face. The wounds are not deep, but there are a lot of them. I knew it was done by darts. It is estimated that this guy will go offline or teleport after he finds out the darts. As a result, the darts attacked him and put him into a combat state. As a result, he was restricted and unable to go offline or teleport directly. Of course, if he is forced to go offline, it is also possible, but in that case, his consciousness of offline knowledge and his body will not go offline. When the time comes, no matter whether I kill him or do anything, he can't do anything about it, so he doesn't dare to go offline forcibly. As for teleportation... that takes time, and although the dart attack can't do anything to him, it can interrupt the teleportation, so no matter how he teleports, he will not succeed.

Looking at the guy who is flustered now, I suddenly thought of a question. This guy is not the same as those who incited players before. He did not appear in the crowd, which means that his mission is not to instigate the crowd, but it is certain that he is not a member of the Heaven and Earth Society. So, what d

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