It may be the reason why I helped them clear out a large part of the rioters around me. The guards over there regarded me as supporting them, and the result was waiting for me. When they got to their position, the guards automatically gave me a way out.

Their behavior made me stunned for a moment, but I quickly reacted and quickly entered the back of their position. A player rushed over and asked me: "Are you the president of Purple Moon? I don't know you...?"

"I'll come to your president to ask something, is he there?"< /p>

The player pointed back without any hesitation: "Over there, the tallest building is to the right. Can you see the clock tower?" I nodded. The other party continued: "On the right side of the bell tower, there is a line of defense that is the enemy's main attack direction, and the guild leader is there to support the battle. Don't go to the meeting headquarters, the guild leader is not there."

I nodded jumped on Ye Ying’s back, after thinking about it, I called the player to reach out and hand him something like a can, and then I took out another one by myself, and said, "I’m optimistic." The two ends of the can-like thing were rotated 180 degrees in opposite directions, and then pulled outwards with a click, and the middle of the thing stretched out to reveal a silver white metal structure. After this thing was exposed, I immediately turned that thing and threw it into the crowd of riot players at the back. Two seconds later, I heard only a bang, and a small mushroom cloud skyrocketed, and the riot players over there were as instant as cutting wheat. A large area was emptied. "Understand how to use it?"

The guy holding the bomb looked at the still rising mushroom cloud nodded dumbly, and then turned his gaze back dementedly. I smiled and waved, then moved towards the direction he pointed and ran over.

Because the central square is under the protection of multiple lines of defense, it is the safest. Basically, some logistics players are here, and there is no fighting. Probably because neither side has an air force, the battle is not three-dimensional, but a positional battle on the ground.

Passing through the huge central square, I saw the defense line by the right hand of the clock tower. To be honest, the line of defense does seem to be about to collapse. Of course, this is not entirely because the rioters used this side as the main attack direction. I think the reason is that the intersection is too wide.

The direction I hurriedly entered should be a branch road in the city, and this one beside the clock tower is the main road. The broad road is said to be one road, in fact it should be regarded as two roads. In the center of the road, there is an isolation belt that is enough for three vehicles to run in parallel. This isolation belt is full of flowers and grass. The terrain is complex and it is impossible to form a line of defense, but the enemy can run from here, and now Heaven and Earth Players who will be able to rely on the superior battle strength of high-end players in this place to defend this central isolation zone. On the ground with regular roads on both sides, the heavy armored warrior was defending like the one I came over. Of course, the following division and archer are indispensable, but it seems that there are not many players in the two professions of Heaven and Earth, and the frontline support is not enough to suppress the rioters on the opposite side. Besides, the people over there are not all in close combat, there are also mages and archers over there, so the remote support on both sides can be said to be ineffective.

When I arrived here, some players noticed my presence. They looked at me with a little surprise and then looked at the direction I came. They didn’t find which side was breached. Feel relieved, and they noticed that I didn't have a weapon, so they didn't feel too nervous.

I bypassed the wizards and archer and walked directly to the back of the battle formation over there, and then walked up to the isolation belt. When passing by a few players who retreated to rest, I grabbed one of them and asked, "Who is your president?"

The guy was stunned when he saw me, and then he reacted. His eyes widened, and then he pointed to the front nervously. "The one wearing the red armor in the center."

I looked up. There is a fierce player in the center of the isolation belt wearing a big red armor, and the surrounding players are basically variegated armors. It shouldn't be mistaken.

After understanding the goal, I directly let go of this player and walked forward, while another player immediately approached the person I let go and asked: "Nine soldiers, that is not Frost Rose. Purple Moon, the leader of the league?"

The guy I was questioning was mechanically nodded, and then said: "It should be! The really strong breath of that guy made my legs weak in fright. !"

The guy next to him ignored the words behind him, but grabbed his arm and asked: "What did he ask you about?"

"He asked which is the president "

"Did you tell him?" the man next to him asked in surprise.

This guy is nodded. "Otherwise how?"

"You idiot!" The player left the player and immediately stood up and chased me behind. Unfortunately, this place is the front line, which means it’s away from their president. It's not far, at this time I have already walked to their president's side.

"Hey, are you the president of the Heaven and Earth Society?"

The president of the Heaven and Earth Society is fighting the enemy, and suddenly feels that his shoulder is being pressed. Living. He looked back towards me in surprise, and then remembered that there were enemies in front of him, but he felt a hot face on his face before he started, and a bloody smell instantly penetrated his nostrils. He turned his head in surprise, and found that he didn't know when there was a warrior full of black armor in front of him. That warrior was standing in front of him to help him resist the enemy in front, and it was different from his own fighting situation. He is only advancing with a low-grade enemy, and then he can kill an enemy in a short while, but the black armored soldier in front seems to be cutting a watermelon with one knife after another. Every time he goes down, an enemy will fall next to him, absolutely invisible. The second cut. This efficiency is not known how many times stronger than his own.

Because of the appearance of the previous warrior, this guy finally realized my terrifying point. It can be seen from my performance that the black armored soldier in front is my subordinate, at least in a lower status than me, because it is me who is questioning, but the warrior is working. And now that this warrior is so strong, my strength naturally doesn't need to be asked.

After thinking about this, the guy stepped back and re-examined me on both sides. Just because he killed the red eye in the battle, he didn’t pay attention to my appearance for a while. This would be affected by the warrior in front. Only when the sturdy appearance was scared was I re-examined my appearance.

"You, are the president of the Frost Rose League Purple Moon?"

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