"wu wu..." Because of the gun tip stuck in his mouth, he couldn't say a complete sentence at all, but the archer's actions had already explained everything. This guy is a diehard and doesn't intend to give any information at all. But since this guy is so hard-headed, I don't mind doing something inhuman. Although the number of my expired Immortal Pills is not much, but the thing is to use it to play its value. The piles in the warehouse are called psychological comfort, and the materials that will never be used are not materials.

Looking at the guy's appearance, I directly threw the expired Immortal Pill into his mouth. Unfortunately, although I threw it quite accurately, the guy actually turned his head forcibly at the last moment to avoid my expired Immortal Pill. Of course, the price he paid for this was that he was cut half of his mouth by the eternal hook and fell three times. Teeth.

"Are you brat quite cruel." Although this guy's behavior is very correct according to a rational analysis, humans have a sense of self-protection, and harming themselves is actually a very difficult decision (except for children with brain disabilities, I mean normal people). There was a famous series of movies with abusive minds. Among them, there was a perverted murderer. He liked to kidnap people into an unfamiliar closed environment, and then set up many institutions and clues to let you escape. In the whole process, there are many institutions that can survive as long as they self-injure. For example, there is a checkpoint in a large pit that is messy with syringe needles, and then hides the key of an escape door inside. As long as you dare to jump down and find the key, you can live, but no one dares to go. Although everyone knows that if you go down, at most hundreds of small holes will be pierced into your body. The pain is very painful, but to say that the mortal danger is really far from it, even if you just leave the pit, it takes less than a day. Injuries over time can be completely recovered. However, just because of the result of jumping down, a group of people didn't dare to go down. In the end, a wicked man threw a woman down forcibly and forced her to search for the key inside.

It can be seen from this story that it is actually very difficult for normal people to hurt themselves. It’s not that you can’t do it, but that you are afraid to do it or are unwilling to do it. Your instinct will use fear to stop yourself. Your intellect will look for all kinds of reasons to convince yourself that hurting yourself is a wrong decision. Will give up hurting yourself.

This archer’s behavior to evade Immortal Pill just now is indeed correct, but the price he paid for it was tore his mouth to one side and lost three teeth, which he voluntarily hit The enemy’s weapon is not the same, this is pure damage, not death. The fear of pain determines that most people dare not do it, but this guy really did it. This shows that this guy is really a very cruel guy.

However, although he successfully avoided my expired Immortal Pill, it only increased his own pain and delayed a little time. I jumped directly off the back of Ye Ying, then picked up the Immortal Pill and walked to his mouth again, but the guy was uncooperatively pursing his mouth. In desperation, I had no choice but to use eternity again to split into two parts. First made a dagger and inserted it into his mouth to pry his teeth apart, and then used the remaining eternity to turn into an opener to directly prop up his mouth.

Although his mouth was opened, this guy was still violently twisting his body and shaking his head, resolutely resisting. In desperation, I had to summon the king and the second, and a few of them went up together and pressed them to death. Finally, Lei pinched his head to prevent him from shaking his head, and then forcibly stuffed the pill. Go in. Moreover, in order to force him to swallow, I had to use Eternal to become a small stick to pry open his throat directly before inserting the Immortal Pill. To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a fierce player!

Although this guy's resistance was very fierce, but in the end he couldn't resist my brute force and I pushed Immortal Pill into his mouth. After Immortal Pill entered the opponent’s throat, I immediately let go of this guy. After his body was free, the guy immediately started to roll over, and then coughed face down desperately hoping to get the Immortal Pill out, but unfortunately, this The game is not reality. Medicine entering the throat means being taken, and there is no process of digestion and absorption, so you will definitely not be able to vomit when you vomit.

I didn't bother to watch that guy roll on the ground, so I walked over and turned the other prisoner over. This guy is still holding the wound on his shoulder and screaming, but I know that the place actually doesn't hurt anymore. The players in the game are physique superb. Impossible, like in reality, hurts for a few days and months. Although this guy's wound hasn't healed, he hasn't bleed for a long time. This kind of wound is definitely not painful anymore. He continued to pretend to be miserable there must be looking for a chance to do something, whether it is to run away or resist, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Okay, don't pretend. I know you have almost recovered." I said and took out another expired Immortal Pill, and said: "Your companion has been abandoned , In the future, he is destined to be only a member of the bottom of society. Now is the time for you to decide. Obediently cooperate, I can send you to other countries. Although it may be worse than now, it is definitely better than him. What do you think of my suggestion?"

The guy on the ground seemed to have heard nothing about me, still holding his own leg and rolling around there, completely assuming I was Air. Seeing his reaction, I was also a little angry, so I didn’t talk nonsense with him at all. With the right hand stretched out, the eternity automatically gathered into a long sword form, and then before the guy suddenly reacted and prepared to beg for mercy, shua~ shua~ shua~ Four Swordsmen It was cut into a human stick, except for the head, there were no limbs on his body anymore.

"Since you like to pretend to be disabled, then you will be completely disabled. You are not willing to cooperate with my work. There are still many guys like you in this city. I can catch you Two can catch more. I don’t believe that each of you is a hero of the rather die than submit. So, my goal can be achieved after all, and your resistance, except for letting me waste a few more expired Immortal Pills It doesn't make any sense. So, do you still decide to resist?"

"I...I said..." This time the guy endured the pain and shivered in response to my question.

"It's really mean. Don't talk about it. You have to be beaten to be obedient. It's so much earlier, everyone will save trouble. Okay, now tell me, what kind of power do you belong to? "

"We...we..." When the guy spoke, his voice was intermittent, which was mainly caused by pain. I think he worked too hard and simply asked Xiaochun to help him seal the wound so that it wouldn't hurt anymore. Once this was done, he immediately spoke more smoothly. The guy continued: "We are actually members of the Heaven and Earth Association." Hearing this answer, I got up with irritation, but the words from the other party calmed me down again. "Although we are members of the Heaven and Earth Society, I have not accepted other people's employment. The person who hired us does not have any guild mark on him, but it is certain that he must come from a powerful guild, because he is very He is rich and has a lot of good equipment."

"Do you have his image data?"

The man shook the head and said: "I didn't turn on the video at the time, and That guy has a shielding crystal on his body, even if I record information, it’s useless."

The shielding crystal is a prop that can shield the player’s recording crystal recording function, but it’s just like the cheapness of the recording crystal. The price of shielding crystal is very exaggerated, and the output is very unstable. The most important thing is that this thing is different from the record crystal. The recording crystal comes with its own energy. To put it bluntly, it is a product of the system's video recording function. As long as you set the crystal in a place where it will not be shaded after use, you can record the surrounding sound and light signals, that is, video. Of course, this record is a three-dimensional image, and it can be replayed immersively. Moreover, for the convenience of recording when an individual player is alone, there is also a special flight record crystal sold in the store. This kind of crystal has more functions than ordinary recording crystals, that is, it can fly, and it can be set to follow a certain target. This is equivalent to an unmanned camera with automatic tracking. But let alone the automatic flight of the shielding crystal, it even needs the player to use magic to operate it, that is, this thing consumes magic when it is started, and it has no other effect except shielding the recording of other people's recording equipment. Considering the price of this thing, normal people will not consider using this thing unless it is something shameful and there is no way to conceal it.

Although this guy said that the other party used a shielding crystal, I didn’t care too much. Instead, I continued to ask: "There is no record. At least you saw the other person at that time, right? Tell me about that person’s other physical characteristics. "

"I saw his name during the transaction. The player was called Holif, he was about 1.9 meters tall, and his career should be warrior. Anyway, he was wearing a suit. White armor. It's not silvery white, it's the color of pure white. There are many embossed patterns on the armor, but there is no other color hook line, so it is not obvious. Also, his weapon is a combination of translucent hands. Cut the sword, conservatively estimated that the length is at least one meter seven or more. His appearance..."

I stretched out my hand to stop him and continued speaking, and then said: "You used detection technique on him at the time. Is it?"

The guy on the ground shook the head directly. "Detecting someone is tantamount to provocation, how could I be okay to detect him?"

I nodded and said: "That's right. The other party is disguised, the image you see is useless . But then the name may be true. After all, the system trading menu is not changed by the magic cultivator."

The player didn’t care at all about it, he said in a tranquil voice: "I just accept it anyway. Hiring, it doesn’t make any sense to me what the other party looks like."

This guy is telling the truth this time. It doesn’t make sense for him to hide the identity of the other party. It can only be for me to look for. The people who come out of them have an influence.

"Well, the other person’s appearance seems useless, what about the other person’s race?"

"It looks like we are Koreans, but the name is like It's from Russia."

I am nodded, and this analysis is similar. Now the only people who can intervene in Korean affairs are Japan and Russia besides ourselves. We certainly did not do this ourselves. Japan seems to have no such energy, and only Russia is left, and this name just meets the requirements. Therefore, the probability that the other party is a Russian power is very high.

"Well, the guess about the identity of the other party is for me to do it myself. I now need to know what the other party's task is to hire you?"

"The task is to instigate Heaven and Earth The members of the association rebelled and plunged them into a state of chaos. In fact, the collapse of the Celestial Alliance was the result of our instigation."

The following information is definitely a surprise. I originally thought that the disintegration of the Celestial Alliance was a natural event, but now it seems that it is also a conspiracy, and it seems to be part of a large-scale plan.

"Okay, that's all I know, please let me go!" The guy on the ground is completely submissive now. Anyway, he has already said everything. Then show a tough posture. It's purely because of water in the head.

I didn't pay attention to that guy at first, but after a while thinking about it, I recovered. Looking at the guy on the ground and the body next to him that had obviously lost his response because the character was forced to go offline, I said directly to him: "I am your enemy, but I am also a trustworthy person. You have completed mine. Request, then I will also promise to travel.” As I said, I put the Immortal Pill away again, and then said: “The guy next to you has gone offline. You can pick up what he has on him. I still watch. Not on these." As I said, I directly asked Xiaochun to give him a limb regeneration technique, and then put away the familiars and rode on the night shadow and ran towards the densely populated area of ​​the city.

The reason why I didn’t land in a densely populated area at first was mainly because I was worried that my landing would cause a large gathering of people around. After all, if I came down from the sky, many people around me would notice me, when the time Comes I’m equivalent to completely exposed to my name, which will cause a lot of interference in my future actions, because those who I want to find or don’t want to meet will choose to stop or stay away from me according to their own needs. , That is not what I want to see.

Because I already know the general situation, I don't have the mind to dismiss the ordinary players here. Let Ye Ying let go and rush towards the city center. The eternal hook was straddled diagonally by my hand. As long as anyone dares to stand in front of me, he or she will be greeted by a cold gun. head.

"Quickly, quickly, the first echelon retreats. The second echelon goes to block the enemy in front. Change defense and change defense." As a player yelled, the two teams of heavy armored warriors marched forward and retreated in an orderly manner. The pace was neatly changed. The warrior in the front row slipped from the gap of the second row of warriors to the back as if dancing sideways, and the second warrior in the back immediately took over from the front team and started fighting with the opposite enemy. .

Those warriors who came down from the defense immediately fell to the ground as if collapsed as soon as they entered the battlefield, and then a row of priest-like players immediately stepped forward and began to give these people healing treatments. There are also some low-level players who seem to be messenger. They quickly helped these warriors to take off their armor and weapons, and then quickly ran to a building behind with these things. Judging from the towering chimney on the top of the building and the clinking noise from time to time, it can be judged that this is a blacksmith's shop. Most of the armors of those people were taken behind for repairs. Such a high-intensity battle has serious damage to the durability of armor and weapons. Except for the Divine Item, general equipment needs to always pay attention to durability.

Riding on the back of the night shadow, with the help of a height advantage, I can clearly see the line of defense in the middle of the street where I am. In front of the line of defense is a densely packed crowd. Their equipment is disordered and the personnel are also disordered and in a mess. They are all clamoring to charge forward, and opposite them is a neat wall of people. This human wall is a line of defense composed of a row of heavily armored warriors with relatively gorgeous equipment. Behind them there are archers and divisions. From time to time, some bows and arrows and magic cross the warriors' heads and fall into the crowd on the opposite side.

Compared to the situation on this side of the street, the opposite side is obviously much neater. Although the number is not dominant, but the weapons are sophisticated, the cooperation is tacit, and the arms are mixed and perfect, and it is like a regular battle formation.

Although the disordered and in a mess on the two sides look completely different, there are two points that are the same on both sides. One is that the guild logos worn on the chests of the people on both sides are the same. In other words, both sides are actually members of the same guild, that is, members of the Heaven and Earth Society. Second, the people on both sides are now an arrow at the end of its flight.

Those who hit the line of defense can tell at a glance that they are actually going to be dying. They have messy equipment, mixed personnel, and almost no command. They simply don't have any battle strength. Although the people on the opposite side look very strict, they are actually in the same situation. It can be seen from the reaction of the warriors who had just changed their defenses back to the back of the position, they were almost exhausted and paralyzed. Even after a short break, it is estimated that they will not be in the best condition when they change defense again. Moreover, this is the result of the fact that the opponent does not have a strong breakthrough defense line. If there is a loophole in the defense line, these people will have to take a guest appearance on the firefighting team temporarily. When the time comes, it will be even more difficult. Moreover, they can't do it if they don't rush, because there is no reserve team except them. Behind them are the mages, archers, and miscellaneous players. Once they are approached by the opponent's combat staff, the consequence will definitely be a complete collapse.

I am not interested in the conflicts between the two sides, but the problem is that I have to cross the battlefield if I want to pass. The square in the center of the city is behind the troops that are standing up, and their guild headquarters is connected to one side of the square. Although it's not impossible to go from another road, it is obviously a battle-intensive area around it, and it doesn't really make a big difference which way to go. Detours are nothing more than breaking another front.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally chose to go over here, but I have to think about how to go there.

Actually, with my strength, there is no problem in rushing over regardless of my strength. Although it’s from Dark Element, I’m a genuine Knight. I also have charge skills, and my level is quite high. With the addition of Night Shadow’s super mount, let’s not say that the previous players are in a melee, even if they are all part of a group. With a complete line of defense, I can still force a way out. But... if I rushed over like this, the chaotic attacking players here would be fine. Although some people may die, they are in a state of disorder. There is no fear at all about the death of a few people, but the problem is that the front line of defense will definitely be knocked out of a hole by me. Looking at their precarious state, once I break through the defense line, the offensive players behind will inevitably follow me into the defense line. The reason why the opponent can withstand the attack on this side depends entirely on the coordinated attack effect brought by the battle formation. Once the formation is destroyed, they are simply not enough for the people on this side.

I had nothing to do with the breakdown of the opponent’s line of defense. It’s just that I asked their president to talk about something. It’s best to maintain the status quo outside. If I rushed in with a mob, how about a fart? The flesh and blood flew directly!

After thinking about it for a long time, I think I’m still more inclined to help the defensive side. Anyway, they are currently at a disadvantage. Even if I change their strategic position in this area, they can’t figure it out. What waves are coming.

After thinking about it, I immediately started the action and moved towards the middle of the street. As I moved forward, the riot players on both sides finally noticed my a crane in a flock of The existence of chickens. Although I am only a single individual among the crowds full of streets, because everyone is fighting on foot, I am the only one riding on the mount, and the height of the night shadow is exaggerated, so my height seems to be Quite conspicuous. In fact, the height of my feet from the side of the night shadow has basically reached the height of most players' heads. This height advantage determines that when I appear here, I immediately become a sight magnet.

After most people noticed my existence, I immediately waved the eternal hook and scythe, and then swept it horizontally, accompanied by a scream, the one closest to me The rioters were thrown off immediately, and it was not the injured player that flew out, but the corpse. In fact, those people were cut into two pieces in the process of being lifted off.

This move of mine made people on both sides stunned a little, and what I want is this effect. Let them see where I am now, so that they can attack.

After a little stunned, the crowds on both sides suddenly boiled again. The riot players here started to rush towards me because they found a powerful enemy invaded, while the players on the opposite side felt that I was a reinforcement, so they roared in excitement.

Looking at the densely packed crowd rushing up, I have no intention of dismounting and fighting. There is no expert in this, there is no need to dismount and fight. I rode directly on the back of Ye Ying, brandishing the eternal hook and scythe, sweeping left and right, basically no one can approach, and even if someone is close to a certain range, Ye Ying will not let him launch an attack. . Although I have always used Night Shadow as a mount, people are nightmares, they are legendary monsters, and their battle strength is quite sturdy.

After rushing for a while, the players here instead of not getting close, they pushed us forward more than 20 meter away, and we were already full of corpses along the way. Even players in the riots will realize that my battle strength cannot be solved by ordinary players alone. After all, it doesn’t seem like a nervous feeling when I am holding a gun with one hand right away, that is to say, even if I kill. With so many people, I am actually in a very leisurely state. This kind of battle strength can't really be piled up by quantity, and high-end battle strength is necessary to check and balance.

In fact, when the players discovered this situation, I was muttering in my heart impatiently: "Why haven't these guys appeared yet? Ordinarily, the experts should have come. Yes!"

According to the normal situation, an expert like me appears in a cluster of low-level players. The opponent should immediately respond and send high-end battle strengths to check and balance, and the players who are currently in the riots are obviously The state of no command. At first I thought they would send personnel soon, but after waiting for a long time, no one was seen.

Although the speed was a little slower, the experts finally gathered. Of course, these so-called experts refer to the experts among ordinary players, not real world-level experts.

Just as I shot and flew a player's gun to prepare for a second attack, an expert who had been lurking near me suddenly launched an attack. This guy is also very smart. The person who not showing the mountains and not revealing the water lurks directly near me, and directly activates an instant skill. The whole person instantly becomes a golden silhouette and jumps from the ground. Come up.

When this guy activated his skills, he was actually behind me, so normally I would never see him. However, the energy burst of his skill was too strong, so when his skill was activated, I felt the abnormal movement behind me and immediately fell forward and fell on Ye Ying's back. That guy didn’t expect me to get out of the way in this situation. The prepared pounce went straight to the air. He temporarily changed his posture in the air, although he caught one of my arms with his hand, but because of the wrong focus, he quickly It slipped off again.

After I got down, I felt something slipping past my back. I didn't straighten up and see it clearly until I felt the thing over my head. In fact, I didn't know that it was a player until now, and thought it was some kind of attack.

After looking up again, I found the player who was flying in the air and hadn't fallen yet. As soon as I lifted my left hand, I shot the dragon tendons out, and then accurately hit the guy's thigh and penetrated in. Long Jinsuo shot through the guy's thigh and immediately opened it, and then pulled the guy back from in midair with my hard pull. The right hand eternal hook and sickle spear raised upwards, and it was about to hit the guy's body. At this moment, a different energy wave suddenly came from the side. I changed my trick temporarily, and the Eternal Scythe spear horizontally moved to the right. With a sound, I only felt my arm sore and numb. A huge arrow shaft that was several times stronger than my Eternal Scythe was blocked by forcibly. , And the arrow shaft burst directly because it could not withstand the instant deceleration, and the flying fragments of wood were blown away by a layer of air burst on my body, and it did not affect me in any way.

As soon as the right hand is delayed, the player who was dragged back has already reached me. I simply stretched out my hand to pinch his neck, and hung him in midair with one hand, right The hand pointed the eternal hook and sickle at the top of the building not far away, and then tapped a guy in black clothing standing on it with the tip of the gun.

To be honest, from a distance, the guy looks like a Japanese ninja, except for the fact that he doesn't cover his face, his costume is very similar to the ninja suit. The clothes and pants are quite loose, but the trousers and cuffs are tied tightly. There is a streamer around his neck that I don't know if it is attribute equipment or pure decoration. At this time when there is no wind, the thing actually floats there by itself, with a very windy look.

The guy on the other side apparently noticed me blocking the crossbow bolt, but he and I were very surprised. He was surprised that I actually blocked his crossbow bolt with one hand, and it looked like it was unaffected. But I was also surprised, because the guy was holding a normal-looking crossbow. Although it looked a little more gorgeous, the dimensions were all normal. However, I was very sure just now that the one that I blocked that was about the same thickness as my arm was definitely not a normal crossbow bolt. It could only be a siege crossbow used by a large bed crossbow, which means it was a guild equipment in a guild battle. , Not the equipment of the player. However, the player over there only has a regular-sized crossbow machine in his hand. At best, the thing that can be shot is a super-heavy armor piercing crossbow with a diameter of one centimeter shaft, but it is one centimeter in diameter and seven-eight in diameter. The gap between li's face is very obvious, and the thing just now is obviously not capable of launching by the small crossbow in that guy's hand. At least under normal circumstances it is impossible.

Both of us were caught in a brief period of hesitation, and he is not the only enemy on my side. The surrounding riot players finally spirit slowly recovers began to surround me again, and I felt the air current around me immediately recovered. The eternal hook and sickle in his hand danced a spear on the top of his head, and then flew the fastest one with one shot. Following the force of the left thumb, with a click, the guy's cervical spine was directly fractured. Throwing away a pool of muddy corpses, the Eternal Hook and Scythe began to bow from left to right in my hand, and all the people around who dared to step forward were shot down in an instant. Based on the level difference between us and the eternal attributes, these players really did not have the ability to stop me from being shot.

I was on slaughter all sides here, and suddenly I felt a huge energy fluctuation in the direction of the crossbowman just now, and I quickly activated a large-scale shock retreat skill to force away the surrounding The crowd, then moved their attention to that direction. Sure enough, a huge siege-level crossbow shot at me.

Seeing this situation, of course I want to intercept it. The eternal hook and sickle spear in his hand pointed directly in that direction, and the tip of the spear and the arrow were just facing each other, and then, as I thought, the crossbow and arrow were divided into two from the middle. The cut arrow shaft deviated from the original trajectory due to the change in shape and flew past my sides. The moment after I was split in half by the arrow shaft, I vaguely saw the movement of the crossbowman putting down the crossbow machine. In other words, this thing was really shot by him.

Although I don't know how he used such a normal crossbow to shoot such an abnormal crossbow, since he has already locked the target, there is nothing to be afraid of. Crossbowmen are sometimes similar to snipers. They are killers hidden in the dark before they are exposed. They may give you a fatal blow at any time, but once they are discovered, they are actually very vulnerable. After all, it is a long-range unit, and it is often ordered. Once a melee unit finds a specific location and quickly approaches it, then death is almost inevitable.

I hesitated a little after I determined that the guy over there was the one who shot the strange crossbow arrow, because I think this person’s skills are very special, so I want to find out if it can be used by our guild. stand up. But if you want to chase him, you can't find the president of Heaven and Earth here. If the Heaven and Earth Society’s situation worsens before I come back, and the guild leader is killed, then many things will really become a mystery.

After weighing the pros and cons, I finally decided to find the president of the Heaven and Earth Club first. As for that player... I can’t just leave it alone. I directly took out the dart summon, and then assigned him to track down that guy. Because of the small size of the dart, even if it is fast, it cannot produce much damage, so it is basically impossible for him to deal with the goal of high battle strength. However, if the dart is only going to follow someone, the other person will really cry without tears.

The tracking of darts is actually not concealed at all. He is just and honorable following you. It doesn't matter if you see him anyway. He must not be able to run, and moving at the speed of light is not a joke. Although it can be played, the problem is that darts are not stupid. Of course, when people rushed over, he turned around and ran. As long as Darts don't want to fight, no one can expect to attack him actively. As for teleportation or offline...don't expect that. The speed of the dart determines that he can launch a surprise attack every once in a while. It will always drag you in a combat state to prevent you from offline. The transmission requires preparation time, which is easily interrupted in the middle. With the speed of the dart, you absolutely cannot complete it. Transmitted. Of course, if you use Transmission Formation, it's a different matter. After all, Transmission Formation in the city is protected, which is different from using Transmission Scroll and transmission skills.

After throwing the darts out, I no longer care about that guy. Anyway, this place is in a riot, and Transmission Formation must be destroyed by the first one. That guy will definitely not be able to escape by his own strength. Darts. As for the Heaven and Earth meeting, it seems that the situation is fairly stable in a short period of time, so I just seized the time to meet their president first. I want to know if this guy knows that his guild is being targeted.

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