"Don't worry, it's not difficult. Just tell me which force you are from."

"I...I am Heaven and Earth and will do it!" The guy stumbled and even said such an answer.

I was frowned and looked at him slightly angrily and said, "It seems that you still don't realize how much trouble you are in! Then, this thing should make you sober." I said. Take out the forced confession Divine Item-expired Immortal Pill. "Now, the attribute has been shown to you, and you should also know what will happen if you eat this. So..." I deliberately said with an evil smile: "Tell me what I want to know, right? So how do you do? How are you guys!"

"I, I, I...I really am..."

"Eh...there is only one chance. You have to think about it clearly." While talking, knocked him on the head with the spine of the eternal hook.

The guy looked at me with a scared expression on me. After struggling for a while, his eyes suddenly changed. The whole person jumped from the ground and moved towards the side and galloped up at that speed. It's really fast, at least by the standards of ordinary players. But unfortunately, this speed is indeed quite fast for ordinary people, and it is a little bit worse for me.

I didn't chase the guy when I saw that guy ran away. Instead, I shook the head helplessly on the back of Ye Ying. Then, I slowly raised my left hand to his vest and moved my finger. pu' sound, the dragon tendons flew out, the cable head instantly pierced the guy’s shoulder blade and came out from the front, then the cable head bounced automatically with a click, and the three open claws firmly grasped His collarbone and nearby muscles stretched straight to the cable and flew directly from the place to my side.

With a boom, the guy who was directly pulled back slammed on the ground, and at this time, Lei had also thrown the other archer beside him. With a move of my finger, the cable head stuck on the guy's shoulder automatically retracted, and then I pulled it again, and the cable head was immediately loosened and pulled out by me. Of course, this action once again caused the guy's heart-piercing Screaming, after all, this was pulled out of the flesh, even without those hooks, it was definitely very painful.

"Hey, you two, don't pretend to be dead on the ground, hurry up, and tell me honestly who are you?"

"I, you two. Why are you Chinese? What about our Republic of Korea?" The archer on the ground angrily shouted very arrogantly. He was awake in the process of being dragged by thunder, but now he can no longer run, because I just let the sickle wrap him into a mummy with spider silk, and only the head is still outside. , So in addition to being able to curse, he can only move around the ground like a caterpillar. As for the other guy... His shoulder had just been penetrated by a hole, and his painful face had changed color. It was obviously that the blood mode was activated, so it was temporarily impossible to escape. Be aware that while the bloody mode increases the player's battle strength and on-the-spot effects, it will also make you feel real pain. Although the pain level is still slightly lower than the reality, but the shoulders are pierced, even if the pain is reduced, it is not so comfortable.

"Does it seem that you are still quite energetic." I looked at the archer, and then nodded to the next person. Lei immediately lifted a foot and slammed it on the guy's stomach.

"Ah..." Archer is not a strong creature, so Lei’s foot immediately turned the opponent into a shrimp shape, but because his hands and feet were fixed, he could only Writhing around there, there is no way to remove Lei's big feet. Of course, even if his hands can move, it is probably useless. After all, Lei, as a familiar, its body is a combat creature, not a player. Compared with the player, the attributes of combat creatures tend to be more concentrated on certain attributes, which is the so-called attribute partial family, and the attributes of the player may vary according to different occupations, but they are different from those specialized combat creatures. In comparison, the player's attributes are relatively average. Thunder's attributes are basically focused on their own power and magic resistance, so it is absolutely impossible for this guy to play thunder's feet by strength.

"I could have spoken well, but you had to use a less polite method. Why is this?" I took out the expired Immortal Pill again, and said: "Now I will ask the last Once, what kind of force are you guys, if you don’t say it, I don’t mind each one rewarding you."

"You will die of your heart, even if it’s the account I don’t want, I It's impossible to tell you." The archer was still clamoring even if he was stepped on.

"Aiya, that's really a bad choice." As I said, I pointed the eternal hook and sickle gun directly into his mouth, and then I twisted my body and turned the tip of the gun to a certain angle. He directly cocked his closed mouth. Despite the loud clamor, but not as a last resort, who wants his character to be abolished? The game itself has been in operation for so long, everyone has been playing for so long, and they have feelings for their own characters. In addition, the financial bomb plan of "Zero" is now running smoother and smoother, and many real-life companies have started. Production has ceased and closed down, and a large number of unemployed people have started to develop into semi-professional players. So, for everyone, the game character is basically equivalent to one’s own profession, and not only the occupation, the level and strength of the game character is equivalent to the education and qualifications of a person in reality, you can say Nowadays, the game characters are not only an entertainment for the players, but also an additional or even a source of income for the players.

In fact, normal online games are impossible to allow players to develop in a professional direction. After all, an online game itself does not produce anything. If everyone quit their real job, they will not do it. Entering the game and becoming a professional player, wouldn't this world be the end of the world?

However, the problem now is that our this world itself is about to happen to the end of the world. In order to deal with the doomsday, the major powers are busy building spaceships. These spaceships consume a lot of social resources. Even if countries work together to cover up, the loss of such a large amount of social resources will inevitably cause a series of social phenomena that cannot be covered up. The construction of spaceship requires a stable and good social environment. Therefore, the construction of spaceship must be kept secret, and ordinary civilians must not be informed that these countries are building immigrant ships. At the same time, because people’s activities in reality consume a lot of resources, so when the "Zero" plan is proposed, countries will be green all the way, and even use the power of the state apparatus to interfere in the operation of society, which is semi-mandatory and semi-guided. Let a large number of civilians enter the game.

Countries consume a lot of resources to build immigration ships. In order to meet the consumption of these resources, the socio-economic structure has begun to transform, and the economic models of various countries have begun to tend to the direction of heavy industry, and almost everything that has nothing to do with heavy industry has been suppressed. The current social productivity determines that mankind only needs very few people to carry out heavy industry and agriculture to meet the needs of the entire world population. Therefore, when the entire society transforms into a heavy industry system, the original tertiary industry and various A series of industries, such as light industry, tourism, etc., will be forced to reduce operations until they come to a complete standstill.

These industries used to occupy more than 60% of the world’s labor force, but now they are unemployed or semi-unemployed. When people are idle, accidents happen, so absorbing everyone into the game becomes the best way to alleviate conflicts. Of course, this approach is impossible for a long time, but...who cares? The end of the world is coming soon, and everyone will be on the scene when the spaceship is completed. As for the people who were left behind... the leaders who were running everything no longer cared anyway. From the time they decided to abandon some of them, those people were no longer regarded as part of the nation.

In fact, "Zero" has two other huge functions in absorbing people from reality, besides temporarily alleviating social conflicts.

First, as the professionalization of players intensifies, "Zero" is actually completing a redistribution of social resources. The original social resources are temporarily replaced with virtual resources. As long as this situation is not It will endanger the player's basic survival restriction, and this way of virtualizing resources can fully meet the player's life needs. Because everyone is in the game, in reality, as long as a bed, a game helmet, and a shared cable for electricity and network can already meet people's basic survival needs. Assuming that a player never goes offline except for eat, drink, shit and piss, his demand for a house even needs an area as large as a toilet. All the consumption of furniture, industrial products, electrical appliances, clothing, cosmetics, etc. in life can be omitted. This virtually saves the consumption of resources in reality, thereby achieving the goal of reducing social consumption and concentrating resources to ensure the construction of spaceship.

Second, the professionalization of players has brought about a shift in personnel ideology. In order to take as many people away as possible, there is simply no activity area on spaceship. All those who are taken away will lie in a one by one sleeping cabin like a coffin. These sleeping boxes are not only life support devices but also playhouses, but are just the size of a coffin. Compared with a few people in a cabin in a awake state, this method can undoubtedly save a lot of living space. And because other parts of the body are in a dormant state except for the brain, people's oxygen consumption and nutrient consumption will be reduced to a limit state, which determines that we can use less oxygen and nutrients to meet the needs of more people , This will save us a lot of space, and these spaces can take away more people. Therefore, "Zero" is actually giving everyone a process of adapting in advance, so that the people will no longer reject this way of life. Get used to it, naturally you won't be disgusted.

Because of the great benefits of "Zero", countries are working hard to promote its operation. Although the guy in front of him is hard-headed, he is obviously also very afraid of losing his account character, because in the current social environment, losing his account is actually worse than unemployment. It is almost the same as unemployment and frustration. All academic qualifications are reimbursed together.

"The last chance, did you say you didn't tell me?"

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