Chapter 309 Chaos

"Our employer comes from three guilds, one of which you should know is the guild formed by the rebels ."

I shook my head and said: "I know very little information on the Tianji League, it is better for you to make it clear."

Heard I said this and gave a serious introduction to convenience. Up. "This guild is actually part of the former Celestial Alliance. Most of its personnel are the original members of the Celestial Alliance. The resources and cities they occupy are also the property of the former Celestial Alliance. So they are basically from A part of the Celestial Alliance split."

I nodded and asked: "I know the general situation, but is there any specific information?"

"We are too specific. No, but we know that this guild is called Heaven and Earth Society."

"Heaven and Earth Society?" Suddenly hearing this name, I thought of anti-Qing Fu Ming, but obviously, this Heaven And Earth will be simply not the same thing as Heaven and Earth will be, the two should be completely indifferent, just the same name.

The old man probably knew that I would be more surprised, so he didn’t react to my surprise, but then introduced: “Because this guild was split from the Celestial Alliance, it’s currently considered In a chaotic state. Their guild headquarters is in Heavenly Capital City, the main guild city before the Celestial Alliance. However, the city seems to be downgraded to a medium-sized city due to the rebellion, and the damage is very serious. In the coming time, they will continue to be downgraded to small and medium-sized cities."

"Are there other cities besides this city?"

"There are three other cities , One of them is a medium-sized city, a small city and a commercial city. But that commercial city is a system city. The Celestial Alliance was only a guardian guild at the beginning, not the owner of the city. Now because of the rebellion, this The specific ownership of the city is not easy to define for the time being. There seems to be different voices on the NPC side. Some people think that the guardian guild identity of the other party should be terminated, and some think that it should be handed over to the newly formed Heaven and Earth society, and some I feel that the city should be handed over to the Celestial Alliance again. Now the three aspects are unable to convince each other, so for the time being, how the city is divided has not yet been determined. However, the other two are actually controlled by the Heaven and Earth Society. Cities."

"I remember the Celestial Alliance was more than just these cities, right?"

"Of course. The Celestial Alliance before the rebellion was still very large, except for Heavenly Capital City. In addition to this super city, they also have three large cities and more than a dozen medium-sized cities. Small cities are even more numerous. However, during the rebellion, Heaven and Earth will go out independently, and there are many more. Small forces have also dispersed. The current Heaven and Earth Society is actually only one of the most powerful among the insurgents. Many people who participated in the rebellion did not join the Heaven and Earth Society after the rebellion succeeded, but made their own way. Many small guilds. The cities you mentioned are basically scattered in the hands of these small guilds. Of course, some of them were occupied by former enemies of the Celestial Alliance. Anyway, the Heaven and Earth Society has not actually caught much. "

"When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter?" I couldn't help but sigh.

The old man is obviously very knowledgeable about ancient Chinese prose. Hearing what I said, he actually said: "If it weren't for raising a group of hoots, how could that tree fall?"

Listen At this point, I couldn't help but look at the old man more. To be honest, many of this old man's opinions and ways of doing things are quite good, but it's a pity that this guy is a Korean. Considering the self-esteem of Koreans, the probability of asking him to join our guild is not great, so I have no plans to recruit him. If he was a player from a certain European country or an African, I would definitely not let this guy go.

"Okay, now tell me about the current status of this guild. Their size and battle strength, and the location of those cities."

Old man is embarrassed Said: "We have a ready-made city location here, but if you want me to tell the other party’s guild staffing, I can’t do anything! The Heaven and Earth Society has just finished detaching now, and they themselves are also very messy. Don’t say how much the current battle strength can save. Even they may not know it. But we know the approximate number of them. It seems that the current number of players is about two thousand."

"More than two thousand players? Is the number still a lot!"

"This is actually very few. You must know that the number of guild members before the disintegration of the Celestial Alliance was over 100,000. Now the Celestial Alliance itself is left. I guess it’s only two thousand people who will be killed. It’s not easy for Heaven and Earth to have so many people."

"Leave it alone for the time being. The remaining two You can talk about the guild information."

"Okay. The remaining two guilds are two very strange guilds." The old man said while thinking, "Among them One guild is the famous Kyoeisha, and the other is a guild called Northwest Wind."

"What a strange name."

"Strange Not only the name, but the situation of the guild is also very strange." The old man began to introduce to me in detail the information he knew. According to him, this Kyoeisha seems to be very problematic, but because of the old man’s behavior. The guild is not a big guild either. All you can know is a little bit of fur, so the useful information is actually very limited. In addition, the guild called Northwest Wind is even stranger than these two guilds. It is said that the number of personnel of this northwest wind is very small, and their work is very low-key, but their battle strength is very strong, they are very well equipped, and there are many auxiliary equipment, and the battle strength is very strong.

To be honest, the first thing this old man's description of the northwest wind made me want to be was not a player's guild, but a small group of special forces. Only the special forces squad that is supported by a certain superpower and is responsible for performing overseas missions will show the characteristics of this northwestern popular guild. First of all, they act low-key, which is inconsistent with the behavior of general guilds. After all, guilds need to develop and can move forward steadily, and deliberately low-key is unnecessary. Recruiting people into a guild must also have a reputation. Even if you have a good player in a little-known guild, it is impossible to join. Therefore, it is possible that normal behavior will not cause trouble, but it is unlikely to be low-key all the time.

This second point. According to the old man, the guild's equipment is very good, and there are a lot of auxiliary equipment. This is obviously wrong. One or two people who are well equipped can be said to be good luck, or bought with money, but the guild’s equipment is very good, which shows that the guild has people behind it. We need to know that even our guild still has some players who can only go through the guild standard equipment. Although our guild’s standard equipment is actually quite good in attribute, it is only better in ordinary equipment after all, not to mention it. There are so many things on it. However, according to the old man, the equipment used by the players in this guild is not standard equipment, but all of them are very bullish high-level goods. Except for the main team in a large guild, I can hardly imagine that a small guild might have such a configuration.

This third point is the biggest doubt. The old man said that this merchant has auxiliary equipment, that is, the magic technology products built by the players themselves, and there are a lot of this thing. This is obviously an abnormal situation. If the other party’s guild has 10,000 people, some of them are talented researchers who come up with some auxiliary equipment I can understand, but according to the information the old man knows, the guild seems to have only four to five hundred people in total, and all of them Is a combat player. This configuration ratio is obviously impossible to have enough manpower to engage in scientific research, so their equipment can only come from the place where they are being quilted.

All these signs indicate the fact that Northwest Wind is likely to be an infiltration force supported by a foreign guild, and if nothing else, they should be the minions of the Russians.

Russia is very close to South Korea, and the situation we encountered in Japan before shows that Russia has not given up its invasion of Asian countries, but their goals were too big before. One goal is our country, but it hit a nail, and the follow-up plans were all suspended. However, the so-called "eating one's ditch and gaining one's wisdom". The Russians suffered a big loss in our country, and now they have learned to be smart. Shift the focus of strategy and start with South Korea and Japan first, and then deal with our country. However, this is a superficial phenomenon. Judging from the intelligence we have, the purpose of the Russians is still to occupy China, but they have thought of using South Korea and Japan to contain our living forces.

Of course, I will not explain these big strategic things to the old man. After listening to the information provided by the other party, I left this place directly. Although the other party's information is not comprehensive, at least I have constructed a guild chart directly related to the Celestial Alliance. I only need to search for it according to this chart to solve the current predicament of the Celestial Alliance.

Although the information obtained from the old man shows that Heaven and Earth will be the biggest force among these three guilds, but in fact I know that Heaven and Earth will be the most weak.

This Heaven and Earth will be an out-and-out Korean local power, and its internal personnel have just been classified from the Celestial Alliance, so the instability of the people is certain. Moreover, after driving away the original leadership of Park Eun and their Celestial Alliance, the people of the Heaven and Earth Society will soon find that managing a guild is not as simple as it seems.

There is a saying in China called "watching people eat tofu and teeth fast", the moral of which is that many things are easy when others do it, but hard when they are done by yourself. These guys who overthrew the original Innate League leadership will inevitably need to form their own guild management after they set up their own doors, and then they will find all kinds of trivial matters come, and you will definitely be busy with that.

In fact, the scale of many guilds is not large. It is not a lack of qualified players willing to join, nor is it a problem of guild funding, but the management cannot afford it. As many people as you have, even if many things in the game are simplified, only a few people can manage a large group of people, but after all, someone needs to take care of it, right? Therefore, the large guilds basically lack management talents, and the larger the guild, the worse it is.

Of course, our guild is an exception, because we have roses and army gods. Rose itself is a student of economics, and the military god is a standard battlefield logistics management system. The two of them cooperate basically to deal with guild affairs. Coupled with a few auxiliary managers, basically our guild simply has no management pressure.

If this Heaven and Earth guild member is not surprised now, he should be troubled by all kinds of trivial matters in the guild. Of course, these things are not too difficult to deal with, they will soon adapt. . But at least in the short term, their guilds will hardly produce any battle strength. After all, the management itself is in confusion. How can there be time to organize members to fight?

As for the other two guilds... Kyoeisha will not be mentioned. The Northwest Wind is completely a special forces regiment deep in the enemy's rear. The battle strength of this guild cannot be estimated at all according to the general guild, and their entire guild should be calculated as an army. In this case, it is more reliable. However, I currently have a partial grasp of the information of these two guilds, so I cannot estimate their battle strength for the time being.

Since the information about the two guilds is incomplete, I will find the Heaven and Earth guild trouble first. This guild is the weakest among the three guilds. I don’t have any helpers by my side. If I go alone, it may be a bit troublesome to run into a guild backed by foreign powers, or this Heaven and Earth guild looks better to be bullied. .

After thinking about the goal, I no longer hesitate, but quickly flew towards the headquarters city of the Heaven and Earth Society.

The headquarters city currently used by Heaven and Earth is where the guild headquarters of the Celestial Alliance was originally located. This city called Tiandu was formed by the merger of two system cities after expansion. This type of construction is actually not uncommon in games, but it is usually a player’s self-built city and a system city that merge with each other, and generally this happens when the player deliberately builds a city against the system city, and then relies on the two The advantages of the two cities together launched a siege war. Therefore, Early-Stage, which is actually under construction in that kind of city, has already determined that the system city will become a part of the city.

However, the structure of Heavenly Capital City is not like this. This Heavenly Capital City was originally two system cities, but the gap between them was very small. As the Celestial Alliance occupied these two cities, they upgraded and expanded them. The last two cities were upgraded to large cities. The distance between them, which was not so large, is now only two kilometers away.

Although two kilometers is quite long for one person, for two cities such a little distance is basically equivalent to being close together. Therefore, after some consideration, the Celestial Alliance simply demolished the city wall of the two cities facing each other, and then began to build the city wall toward each other's city wall from the opened gap. When the city walls of the two cities are closed together, the two cities will automatically be combined into one city.

This kind of large-scale city merger itself has many advantages. For one thing, it can save a set of management system. After all, it was originally two cities, but now it has changed to one. Even if the scale is expanded, the total number of management personnel has actually fallen a lot. In addition, merging two cities into one city can also superimpose the war value of the other city and some other city attributes on the other. This Heavenly Capital City was upgraded to a super city because the original two large cities merged. But now it seems that the future of this super city is really in jeopardy!

Although I have heard about the very difficult to deal with the destruction of Heavenly Capital City before I came here, I am currently facing the danger of being downgraded, but when I got here, I realized that the previous guess was still Grand Guardian. NS. Where is this badly damaged? This is clearly completely destroyed!

If you look at the original Heavenly Capital City from the air, you will find that it is shaped like a dumbbell, with large ends and relatively thin middle. However, when I look down from the sky, I can clearly see that one end of the huge dumbbell of Heavenly Capital City has completely turned into a fire sea, and what’s more amazing is that the other half of the city is not undergoing restoration and construction. , But there seems to be a...fight?

I don’t know how to describe the situation of the people below. Looking at them, it was obviously not a guild battle, because I didn't see any siege equipment, and there was no difference between the enemy and the enemy. Below is a large group of large groups of players mixing together, and then constantly attacking each other, sometimes tearing down the house, and don't know what they are doing. Looking at the signs on those people, these people who fought with each other were actually from the same guild, that is, people from the Heaven and Earth Society. Such a large group of members gathered in a gang fight, and they were all members of their own guild, and the other party’s leadership did not take care of it. The level of chaos in the Heaven and Earth Society can be seen.

Looking at the chaotic crowd below, I thought about it or directly guarded the flying birds, and then rode on the night sky and landed in a relatively small area inside the city.

Although the number of personnel is relatively small, this side is not unpopulated. In addition, I came down from the sky. Many people around have seen me landing, so I just landed here. Immediately, many people gathered around.

The players of Heaven and Earth Club are basically members of the original Celestial Alliance. Now it is true that they defected from Ligate, but after all, they are all from the Celestial Alliance. In the past, the Frost Rose League and the Celestial Alliance were cooperative guilds, so as members of the Celestial Alliance, these people almost knew me. Just now I saw a black streamer falling from the sky, and when I got close to them, I realized that it was me. All of those people were stunned at the same place.

"Where's your president?" I didn't care about the Korean players who were around me in a daze, so I just asked out loud.

Those who were asked were taken aback for a while, and then they didn’t know where the courage came from. One of the guys suddenly stood up and turned his back to me and then pointed a finger to my side, facing those behind People shouted: "This Purple Moon is not a good thing either. They, capitalists, will exploit us. Most of our hard-earned money is squeezed out by these foreign capitalists and Park Eun, a bitch. We all..." /p>

That guy’s words can’t be said anymore, because a black shine spear head popped out of his mouth, and you can see it by looking backwards along the spear head. Pass the back of his head and connect to the long spear handle in my hand. That's right, this guy was punched directly from the back of the head to the mouth by my eternally changing hook.

I rode on the back of Night Shadow, holding the Eternal Scythe with one hand, and said: "Although I have a good temper, it doesn't mean that others can scold me casually. I don't know why you arranged it. I don’t want to know. But if you offend me, you must have the consciousness to be killed at any time.” I said that the eternal hook and sickle spear back, and the guy immediately fell to the ground, shaking his body twice and stopped moving. .

The crowd surrounding me became absolute silence for a while, everyone half-opened their mouths and looked at the corpses on the ground in surprise. They really didn’t expect me to come up indiscriminately and kill people. .

Seeing the sluggish crowd around me, I was not in the mood to talk to them at all, and I grabbed Yeying’s belly to signal him to move forward. Ye Ying began to move forward following my instructions. Those who stood in the way immediately awoke when they felt the huge silhouette of Ye Ying pressed over, and quickly flashed aside, while we passed through the crowd casually. .

I just walked out of the crowd, and the crowd behind did not know who suddenly yelled. Although I didn't pay attention to the other party's words, I got the general idea. It means that I despise them or something, anyway, it is to provoke hostility between me and these players.

To be honest, I originally thought that the Heaven and Earth Society’s situation was the best solution, but now it seems that things are much more complicated than imagined. It seems that this Heaven and Earth Club was also used as a gunman. Including the guy I killed just now, and the one who is now shouting from behind. These people are obviously inciting the emotions of the players inside the Heaven and Earth Club, leaving them in a state of frenzy. To put it simply, they are creating riots.

Humans are social creatures, so humans have the habit of following the crowd. When the crowd shows a certain uniform behavior, even if you are not originally a member of the group, you will be unconsciously affected. If one's own strength is a little weaker, he will immediately be affected by the crowd and become one of them, and most incidents like riots are triggered in this way. It may be that a small group of a few people deliberately sabotaged things at first, but with the behavior of these people, more and more people will be driven, and finally it will become a collective behavior of a large crowd of people.

The guy who was killed by me just now and the people who are now instigating ordinary Heaven and Earth players to fight against me, their methods are very bad, the purpose is too strong, and they contrast with the surrounding crowd Very big. It can be seen that this is the first time these people have done this kind of thing. They are amateurish, but the effect is not very bad. After all, the intelligence of a crowd is actually not as good as that of a single person, because once a person enters a group, his thinking will become a part of the group. At this time, many things that are usually noticed will be ignored, and once emotions are affected by the group, people will enter a state of madness. In this state, there is not much difference between the individual and the wild beast.

Although I heard the instigation of the person behind, I mainly wanted to find the president of the Heaven and Earth Society to completely solve the trouble here, so I didn't care about the people behind, and let the night Shadow walked forward. However, we only walked a few steps here, but the crowd behind suddenly made a neater shout, and then when I turned back, the group began to rush towards me.

Seeing that all the players over there rushed up, I was slightly taken aback. It was not that I was surprised that I was being chased by so many people, but I was surprised that these people were so stupid that I knew my strength was still going up. It has to be said that the crowd in the riots hardly possesses any intelligence. Before they calm down, these people are actually inferior to ordinary wild beasts. At least ordinary wild beasts also know that they seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and are absolutely impossible to attack the existence of N classes stronger than themselves. However, people in the riots can do it. Think of those mobs in the real world who are holding wooden sticks and attacking machine gun positions. You won't find these people in front of you very strange.

My side froze for a while and immediately replied to Qingming, but the other side of the crowd was suddenly cold light flashed, and a feather arrow with a little starlight flew out from behind the crowd, and the target Of course it was me.

To be honest, I didn’t expect anyone to release a cold arrow, but judging from the position of the opponent, this person is probably one of the people who instigated the riots, because his position is not in the crowd, nor in the original crowd. Location, but on the roof of a building further behind. In terms of his position, it is impossible to be instigated, because there is no one around him, so that guy must be one of the people responsible for creating riots, and if this arrow shot at me was not to provoke me, it should be Holding a fluke, the other party wanted to see if he could do something with the cover of the mob.

Of course I will not let this kind of person go. The Korean players in front can also be said to have been incited by others, but the guy behind is a complete terrorist.


Slap. A golden lightning flashed suddenly beside me, a humanoid silhouette flashed, and it flashed directly from the guy's side in the next second. The archer on the opposite side was already ready to turn around and run when he noticed that my eyes were on him, but it was a pity that Lei's speed was too fast. Before he could turn around, he heard the sound of an electric arc burst around him, and followed closely. It was a wind pressure covering his head.

Although the archer is not completely incapable of melee combat like a mage, he is not a warrior after all. In a hurry, he can only fall backward and block it with his longbow. As a result, he only heard the bang, and the longbow in his hand flew out directly, but he at least avoided the claw of thunder because of this.

The guy who succeeded in evading the blow was also considered smart. He didn't get up immediately, but rolled directly down the slope of the roof. But he didn't expect Lei's attack method to be too special. Lei, who missed a hit, suddenly opened his arms back and raised his head to angry roar. A golden thunder suddenly pierced the sky and hit Lei’s head directly, but Lei himself did not suffer any damage. Instead, he was all around. Radiating circles of golden lightning arc. Although the guy rolled quickly along the slope of the roof, but the lightning speed was faster. He was caught up by the arc less than two meters after he flipped out. Following the arcs, they all gathered like sharks that smelled blood. Come and wrap around this guy's body one after another.

Originally planned to roll to the edge of the eaves and use the height difference of the eaves to swing to the opposite roof or escape on the ground, but now he is surrounded by lightning, the muscles of the guy's body have completely lost control, and the whole person twitches. One side rolled down the eaves and then fell heavily to the ground below.

The house has only two floors, and the eaves are at most six meters above the ground. Such a height is basically nothing to the players in the game. Even a wizard can easily jump from this height without any damage, but the premise is that you have to touch the ground with your feet. This guy rolled out lying on his back, and his muscles cramped all over his body. He simply patted it straight and flat on the ground. This kind of unbuffered posture is really lethal, and the guy fainted without even humming after landing. It's impossible to fall to death at such a height. Of course, it would be another matter if his head went down first and his neck was broken.

The archer over there was fixed within two seconds, and at this time the crowd on my side had already rushed to my side. Don't say it, too many people can really make each other courageous. Under normal circumstances, those Korean players who would never dare to show any hostility to me immediately raised their weapons to launch an attack after they rushed to my side. This kind of courage was really exaggerated. Of course, their courage does not mean that I will stand there and be beaten.

"Hell Flame." With my simple password, Ye Ying and I spewed out a few zhang high blue purple hell flames with one blow, and the people rushing up around hadn't even touched it. We suddenly dropped the weapons in our hands and began to roll all over the floor, and their bodies seemed to have been poured with gasoline. They were almost caught on fire. In an instant, all the people around us turned into flaming people on the ground. Rolling, and the people behind were ignited one after another, and the fire spread to a small part of the crowd in an instant.

In fact, the Hell Flame is a kind of flame that can burn any energy, so it is not the same as a normal flame. For it, the entire body of a normal creature is fuel, and it is very It’s flammable, so those people were completely ignited just as they approached. The terrifying flame only took ten seconds to make the person who first came into contact completely fell to the ground. Looking at the companion who was constantly huddling in the flame, the Korean players behind suddenly woke up.

Yes, the crowd in the riot state is basically irrational. But the instinct to fear death is still higher than all external emotions. When they see someone dying in front of them, they will immediately regain consciousness. Of course, if they didn't take advantage of this opportunity to leave, they would soon be infected by the emotions of other people around and become thugs again. But at least these people are completely frightened now.

The person who instigated everyone to come and kill me in the crowd before was also frightened by the flames in front of him. Although he encouraged the crowd to act on me, he himself did not rush in front, but hid in the back. The flame just ignited the people in the front row, and the people in the back were basically fine. This guy was at the edge of the flame now, looking at the charred corpses in front of him, he was also afraid for a while.

This guy was still glad that he hadn't rushed to the front, and suddenly he found me turning around and coming towards him. For people like them, it's the business to let people go to the front to die, and of course they have to hide in a safe place. So, when he saw me coming, he turned around and started running without even thinking about it, obviously he didn't intend to contact me.

In fact, running at this time is useless. As long as it is within my line of sight, few targets that I have identified have run away. Perhaps Divine Race is possible. Unless ordinary players have any special skills or props, speed alone will definitely not get rid of me.

The guy just ran two steps when he noticed that a large swath of black smoke suddenly appeared in the space in front of him. The smoke gathered together at a very fast speed in less than a second. Mi Duo is a fog wall more than two meters wide, and the moment the fog wall appeared, I heard the sound of a horse hiss. In the horrified eyes of that guy, Ye Ying and I passed directly through the fog wall. After coming out, Ye Ying stopped and stood up directly in front of him, with two front hooves facing the guy's head exactly.

Although the guy was good at eloquence, it was a pity that he was overthrown to the ground at once, lying there with his hands and feet and crawling backwards, but he forgot that he should stand up first.

"Hey, don't retreat anymore, there will be hellfire behind!" I kindly reminded me.

The guy was stunned, and then he remembered that the direction behind him was indeed my hellfire, but what he couldn’t understand was that I was behind him just now. How could I suddenly start from the one in front of him? Drilled out of the fog wall.

Although he was very scared, this guy finally stopped before the flames and did not go back. After all, he didn't want to be burned to death. However, even if this guy didn't dare to move, he didn't plan to sit still. He glanced left and right to speak twice. As soon as I saw his actions, I knew that he was definitely trying to instigate the surrounding players to attack me again so that he could run away in the chaos, but unfortunately, his selfish calculations did not play its due role in front of me at all. As soon as his mouth moved, a cold and hard gun tip was directly inserted into his mouth, and his small tongue even felt the chill on the tip of the gun.

"Well, this is good." Looking at the player with the spear head completely frozen, I laughed deliberately evilly. "Okay, put away your little tricks for me now. Any of your efforts in front of me are impossible and useful, so it is better for you to cooperate with me obediently."

"What do you want me to do? "Seeing that I took out the tip of the gun, the guy asked immediately.

I deliberately patted his face with the tip of a gun, and then said: "Don't worry, it'

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