"You know people." As I finished speaking, the surrounding players and NPCs who had pretended to be passers-by, A, B, C, D, and Ding all gathered at once. Those who were previously hidden in the lane The troops inside also no longer avoided, but all ran out. The other party obviously felt that they had taken me down, so there was no need to hide it anymore. Of course, it is really no accident that this happens under normal circumstances. After all, this is the guild city of others, and there are people from them everywhere, and I am only one person. Under normal circumstances, the personnel on the list entered other people's cities and were surrounded, and they were indeed dead or alive. It's just... it's not normal at this time.

"Okay, I know it's useless to say anything to you now, but if you look at it another way, it might save you something." Looking at the faces of the people on the opposite side, I knew that they would definitely not Listen to me obediently surrender. After all, in this situation, normal people will not surrender. You must know that now they surround me. According to the general situation, my surrender is almost the same. If I let them surrender and they surrender immediately, that only shows this. Help people collectively brain-disabled. However, when I finished saying this, I asked Emmenes to remove the disguise on his body, and then...

oh la la ......A sound of neat footsteps sounded, accompanied by some armor during the period. The sound of impacts and humans falling to the ground. While I was completely disguised, at least half of the people on the scene stepped back neatly. Those who did not respond were either knocked down by someone next to them or forced to take a step back with them, anyway. The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Although I was frightened by my appearance, soon one of those people who didn't know me yelled. "Do you think you can beat us by using Illusion Technique to simulate a set of armor that pulls the wind? Are you brat an idiot?"

"You brat is an idiot!" The guy next to the guy who just spoke A player slapped the guy abruptly, and then taught a lesson: "That's Purple Moon, who would dare to impersonate him?"

"Purple Moon?" The slapped guy was a little stunned. For a moment, then he said as if thinking of something, "Oh, I remember. That's the battle strength ranking first? I rely on, No way? Why did he run here? Isn't it a fake?"

"Although I guess no one would dare to pretend to be him, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents, so..." The old player kicked the player who was just talking, and continued to say : "Then trouble you to verify it."

Although the guy who was kicked out was quite dissatisfied with his being pushed out, it is estimated that the one who kicked him out has a higher status than it, so he I didn’t dare to have an attack. I only looked at me hesitantly, then swallowed my saliva and eased my tight nerves a little bit before re-assembling a very awkward look and then swaying towards me. come over.

"I said it’s not good for you to pretend to be someone else, and you have to pretend to be Purple Moon. People are ranked first in battle strength. Are you afraid of others’ revenge?"

After the guy walked in front of me, he started verbal attacks, hoping to frighten me and then let me digest the illusion obediently, but in fact, the group of people behind him was gradually backing away at this time. In fact, this kid was kicked out because of his cheap mouth. Those people actually didn’t plan to let him verify my authenticity, because they had already used me after letting this guy out. In order to detect the phantom, the result returned not only showed that I did not use the phantom skill, but also showed my name directly.

Although the ability to detect illusions is not harmful, it is actually a kind of skill, and if you use a skill against others, as long as it is not a buff-type state skill, it will be judged as an offensive behavior by the system. So in fact, when you throw a detection technique on someone else, the opponent will appear in your battle information bar. It was for this reason that the other party saw my name right away. Although other things can be disguised, the name in the system battle report is definitely not wrong. Therefore, after seeing this name, the people around have already determined my identity, so these people started to work together neatly. move back.

The poor guy in front obviously didn't know that he had been abandoned. He was still there to show off one's military strength and wanted me to cancel the illusion and "change back" to the image of the ordinary person.

I lowered my head and glanced at this poor bug. I directly stretched out my hand to patted Ye Ying’s neck, and then Ye Ying suddenly slapped his nose, and two balls of flames spurted out of his nostrils in a flash, The hair of the guy opposite was lit. Suddenly he was attacked. Of course, that guy was immediately trying to extinguish the flame on his head, but Ye Ying immediately took a step forward and kicked him to the ground with a hoof. He lifted the guy's back and pressed it down with a slight force. After hearing only a few cracks and cracks, the guy immediately stopped struggling.

This kid is obviously terrible. I was only asking Ye Ying to teach him a lesson. Who knew he was trampled to death. But anyway, it's the enemy who is dead if he dies, and I don't think it is a pity.

Those who had a trace of luck originally no longer had any suspicions immediately after seeing that guy's tragic death. No matter how bad the guy’s strength is, his impossible level is less than 1,000. Nowadays, it’s rare for players to be level 1,000 down. Since this is where the enemy ambushes me, I’m naturally impossible to include those with the worst strength. Here, so this guy is definitely not the kind of player below level 1,000. Then, a player above level 1,000 was just spit out by my mount, and then he was trampled to death. How much attack power should this mount have? With such a high lethality, even if it wasn't me, they definitely couldn't handle it. You must know that Ye Ying’s current identity is just a mount, not a main battle creature, but their normal personnel can't handle even a mount, and it seems that they don’t make much effort. This gap is really too obvious, and normal people know it. This kind of enemy is definitely invincible.

"You, you... Are you really the Purple Moon?" The old player who pushed that player out before pointed me at me and asked tremblingly.

I turned my head and looked towards his direction, and then said: "Do you think I need to lie to you?"

The man thought about it for a while and calmed down a bit, then said: "When you are here, that means you have already met the people of the Celestial Alliance, right?"

I nodded again. It seems that the guy in front of me still has some brains.

Sure enough, he said immediately after I nodded: "Since you have seen them, it means that our mission has failed. We are only hired. Since the mission has failed, we don’t want to It’s too stiff to have trouble with you. I don’t like everyone and just let it go. We won’t stop you anymore, can you please don’t trouble us?"

To be honest, the other party’s proposal is actually very It is in the interests of both of us, and the credibility is also very good. First of all, those who have to deal with the Celestial Alliance are unlikely to happen to have such a city near the city chosen by the Celestial Alliance. Therefore, if the other party says that they are employed, this is basically no problem. Besides, to block all travel routes in an area, it is impossible to rely on a few people alone. Even one or two small and medium-sized guilds cannot be completely blocked. Moreover, the other party does not have the energy to block the Celestial Alliance. . Therefore, if the opponent wants to block the Celestial Alliance, the most practical way is to hire those guilds or scattered players near the target area to block. This method has the best effect and is the only feasible solution. Therefore, based on these circumstances, what the other party said should be the truth. Most of them are hired.

On the premise that what the other party is telling the truth, I and they strictly speaking of which do not have any direct conflict of interest. Their employers are not stupid. The task of hiring them is definitely impossible to attack or intercept our Frost Rose League personnel. Because that task is too difficult, others will not dare to accept it. Secondly, even if someone accepts it, the other party’s price will be high. It will definitely break down. Therefore, the task they issued should be to prevent the Celestial Alliance from asking for help.

If this is the task these people received, then as he said, with my arrival, the task has actually failed. In other words, the task is now over, and the other party has completed the contract with the employer. Although the contract was terminated by the failure of the task, the contract was terminated after all. Then, from the moment the contract was terminated, the guild and I were actually in a non-hostile state. I am a helper of the Celestial Alliance. Although they have been fighting against the Celestial Alliance, they are only employed by people. Now that the employment contract is terminated, they have nothing to do with the Celestial Alliance, so there is no reason to fight between us. .

In this case, the other party suggested that everyone just forget it. It sounds like a good suggestion, and the feasibility of implementation is indeed very high. However, from the perspective of the Celestial Alliance, it is obviously a loss for this matter to end in this way. If it’s normal, under the current conditions, I can just follow the other side’s saying that the two sides will just pass by. However, the Celestial Alliance is now seriously injured. If we want the Celestial Alliance to stand up again, we must show toughness. Support attitude, so now this matter cannot be so simple.

"You have a good idea. In principle, I agree with your plan, but..." I deliberately watched the other party dragging the long tone, and the other party's face was obviously broken.

"Then how do you want to solve it?"

I stretched out three fingers directly. "First, tell me who hired you. I need to find the righteous. Second, to compensate the Celestial Alliance for the materials worth 100,000 crystal coins. The specific types are specified by the Celestial Alliance. Third, before the end of this incident, you can’t do it again. Accept the other party's employment or join the other party's camp."

As soon as my three requests came out, the face of the person on the other side immediately turned darker. However, he did not refuse immediately, but asked me to wait for a while, and then ran out. Obviously he was looking for their president. I've seen people around me before, and I haven't found anyone with the president's badge, which means that their president is not there. But think about it. Before, I came out as an ordinary player in the Celestial Alliance. Of course, the opposing president would not run out to ambush for an ordinary player, so it's normal to be absent.

Probably because I was afraid that I would go crazy after waiting for a long time, the guy who left soon ran back with their president. To be honest, I was a little surprised when I saw this guy, because their president is actually an old man. "Zero" is not without the elderly in this game. On the contrary, there are actually a lot of elderly people in "Zero", but the problem is that these elderly people either come to sleep or travel. Basically, their games are based on leisure and relaxation. Mainly, even if you become an official player, it is still a life skill of cultivation, and few elderly people will use the battle position.

However, the old man in front of him is not only a combat player, but also a guild leader. To be honest, this kind of thing is really rare. After all, the elderly generally have no enthusiasm and prefer a plain life. On the contrary, the guild president’s job can be described as busy all day long, and he has to fight frequently. There is really a big gap between this and the behavior of the elderly.

Although I was surprised, I did not intend to lower the conditions just because the other party’s president is an old man, and respect the old and cherish the young is not so respectable.

After the other party ran to the scene, he first introduced himself. From his introduction, I learned that this old man is called Jin Datong. This is his name in the game and his real name in reality. After introducing the name, he immediately began to talk to me about the withdrawal of the transaction.

"Chairman Purple Moon, regarding your condition, we can agree to both the first and the third, but this second...isn’t it too much?"

< p>"Although you are hired by someone, your behavior is equivalent to that someone else fell into the well. Instead of helping you, you also put a lid on the well to prevent others from calling for help. You said that if you encounter this In this case, how would you treat the person who put the lid on the well?"

"That’s not what I said." The other players around were all taken aback by me. After all, I said it. There is no problem. However, the old man is obviously much more experienced than the youngsters around him, and he can still think of excuses. "Humans and guilds are not the same after all. People have feelings, guilds are just interest groups, and everything should be based on interests. How can you compete for a momentary mood!"

" The president’s idea is good, but you may not understand the youngster’s idea of ​​forming a guild. In our opinion, a guild is a group of like-minded people, and we actually act on the basic principle of spirit and action. You said The profit-based one is called a company or a country, not a guild. The primary purpose of a guild is not to develop and strengthen itself, but to make the members of the guild feel proud. So, you got the point wrong. . In addition, you may not have thought of it. If we are really taking interest as the first starting point, we can’t let go of your guild. Think about it! If you can be hired by the other party once, you can have a second time, stay. You are tantamount to putting a nail on your side. Your city happens to be stuck on the main road from the Celestial Alliance. Considering the interests of the Celestial Alliance, it seems that removing your guild is the most correct consideration, right?"


While the old man was thinking about excuses, I immediately continued: "Okay, don't be embarrassed. Compensation is definitely required. Yes, this is a question of attitude. We can discuss the amount. If you don’t think 100,000 crystal coins are too much, then reduce it a bit and give you a 20% discount, right?"

Listen to me. The old man immediately cried and said with a sad face: "You have also seen that our little guild has a piece of land like this, let alone 80,000 crystal coins, even if we don’t have 8,000 crystal coins, we don’t have one!"

"Eight thousand None?" I pretended to be surprised and asked: "You mean that even if the city of your guild is sold, you can't make up eight thousand crystal coins?"

old man heard what I said. After that, I wanted to be nodded, but suddenly I reacted again. If he was nodded, I would definitely say that they would buy them eight thousand crystal coins to buy the city. After all, this city is impossible. So, this is a trap. The old man is nodded or shakes his head. He wants to be nodded, that is to say the city is not worth 8,000 crystal coins, I want to buy it with 8,000 crystal coins, they can't decide. And if he shook his head, it would mean that the city had more than eight thousand crystal coins, and the excuse he had just made to counter-offer would not be valid. So, it doesn't work if he is nodded now, and it doesn't work if he shakes his head.

Although the old man reacted, he couldn't make any choice. He could only look at me in a daze in embarrassment. Of course I knew he couldn’t answer, so when he understood it, he said directly: "Don’t cry poor with me. This big guild even has your own guild city. I don’t believe you are really poor like that. I will give you a discount, fifty thousand crystal coins, this is already the bottom line. If you bargain with me again, I will immediately go out of the city to apply for the city battle, you can decide by yourself."

Equivalent to is already an ultimatum, the old man really can't help it, he hesitated for a long time but nodded to accept it. But he still had a bit of a brain, and changed the condition I mentioned earlier that the specified materials must be paid in accordance with the requirements of the Celestial Alliance into a direct payment in cash. You must know that there are big variables between this cash and materials. The value of the materials they paid to the Celestial Alliance needs to be determined temporarily, and it is inevitable to wrestle in the process of determining. Of course, they are not afraid. The key is that when our guild supports the Celestial Alliance, they become a vulnerable group. , Under such circumstances, they would only suffer a loss if they wrangled with the Celestial Alliance. So the old man would rather spend a little more money to kill him and pay with cash.

I had no reason to refuse this request from Old Yu, so I had to agree. Anyway, the money is in hand, and it's no longer a little bit worse. Of course, although the money is said to be compensated to the Celestial Alliance, in fact, it will eventually come to our guild's pockets. Don't forget that the Tianji League's revival plan this time depends entirely on our help, and our help is not free, so in the end, the Tianji League has to hand it over to us after receiving the money.

In fact, if the Celestial Alliance finally decides to transform the guild into a technical guild according to Rose’s plan, then their guild's dependence on us will probably reach an extreme. Referring to the prices of the items sold by our guild before, it is conceivable that the plan that Rose prepared for Tianji League will definitely not be cheap. Although it is cheaper than single purchase, the characteristics of wholesale determine, although the unit price It will be cheaper, but in fact this will only make the Celestial Alliance spend more. It is estimated that if they agree to Rose’s plan, all the funds of the Celestial Alliance may be held in our hands in a disguised form, and because the technical system is completely controlled by us, the Celestial Alliance will only be able to give us hardcore brothers in the future. After all, once they If you leave our camp, you will immediately lose our technical support, and when the time comes, they are already using technical weapons as much as our guild. Suddenly losing technical support in that situation would be the same as if there was no supply in modern warfare. There really is a little room for resistance and will not be there.

Be aware that the magic technology in the game is actually quite different from the technology in reality. Many technologies in reality are common. Although different technology systems have their own standards, they can always learn from each other. The magic technology is different. Different systems are different things. If we use our stuff and then change to a technical guild, all the things they bought before are equivalent to waste products, because other guilds absolutely have no magic cultivator. Or to maintain our equipment.

After the agreement is reached here, of course, we first signed a formal agreement. After the system guarantees the acceptance, the agreement will take effect, and then the other party will take all the money in one go. Came out. Obviously, this old man was crying poor before, otherwise, how could he get the money out so quickly? However, he was more familiar with paying so easily, so I didn't say much.

After the money is settled, the rest is the news. But betraying the employer is not a good thing after all, so the other party dragged me to a hidden room and quietly told me the other party's identity.

From the old man, I learned that the employers who paid for their guilds were actually not one guild but three.

"Three employers? Could it be that you blocked the Celestial Alliance and collected three money? This is too good to make?"

"No, it's not." The old man was afraid of me. Blackmailed and quickly denied: "The three guilds formed a temporary alliance, so we took one of the tasks. As for the money... from the moment you appeared here, we were completely in vain!"

This is the truth. When I get here, it means that the blockade has failed, and if the mission fails, there will naturally be no rewards.

"It's OK, don't cry with me. Let me tell you which three guilds are."

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