"Okay, okay, don’t be foolish there. Although your guild members have become a lot purer because of this incident, your material aspects are indeed We have been severely hit, so now we still need to first consider how to adjust the status of your guild."

Park Eun nodded and said: "We are short of almost everything now, you say let us make a request , But I don’t know where to start now. Our side is basically waiting for new things now, there is nothing unnecessary!"

"Okay, if you don’t know it, I’ll just Help you analyze it. In fact, you really don’t have any key support directions. After all, everything is urgently needed for you now, but I think we can start at the same time and then pay attention to strengthening certain aspects."

"Then how do I start?"

I took a look at the outside of the house and said: "You have just moved here now. I think what 1st Step is going to do is to stabilize people's hearts, although now Those who are still insisting on following you are sure to be true to the guild, but everyone will always be lost. So now, the first thing is to let everyone see your future."

"But We are all done here now, let alone half of the players, even I can't see the future!" Park Yin said somewhat helplessly.

"On this point, it's actually easy to handle."

"Is it easy to handle?"

I nodded and said: "It's really easy to handle The easiest way to solve this problem is to provide a lot of material support to your guild from now on."

"Can you make it clear?"

"Even if Say that our Frost Rose League sent you a lot of things, and then you use these materials to start rebuilding the city."

"And then?"

"And then? What else then? "

Park Eun asked in surprise: "You mean that as long as you bring us something, our members will come out of their disappointment?"

"Otherwise What do you think?" I explained to Park Eun, "The current situation of your guild is just because you have been hit too hard, so everyone feels that there is no hope now. If our guild will provide you with a lot of material support, such Members will realize that our Frost Rose League is trying our best to help you rebuild, and as long as you think of our guild’s support, your members will naturally have confidence. Once a person has confidence, no matter how big a setback is, it is impossible to defeat him. Because he knows that he still has the last protection."

"But this is just a psychological comfort, in fact, nothing has changed, right?"

"What you lack now is the psychological It’s just comfort, don’t you think your guild really lacks something? In fact, as long as there is no external guild interference, you should be able to resume the guild operation after a period of time in your current situation, right?"

Park Eun thinks about nodded and said: "Then how do you plan to support us with these supplies?"

I thought about it for a while and said: "You have to think about this. Originally, using Ai Singh’s mobile fortress moored directly above your head for air-to-ground delivery is the best. Not to mention the speed, it can also act as a deterrent to those guilds around you that plan to take advantage of you. In addition, this method can also maximize Enhance the confidence of your guild players. After all, Isengard’s mobile fortress is parked there. This is a directly visible and tangible support. As long as you see the Isengard’s mobile fortress, your members will naturally feel it. I feel very relieved."

"You said originally, that means you don't plan to use this plan now?" Park Yin asked.

"It's not unplanned, but I'm still a little hesitant."

"Why are you hesitating?"

"This...you know, you guys The national pride of Korean players is a bit too strong. I am very worried that Isengard Mobile Fortress parked directly here will attract the unanimous resistance of other Korean players. After all, our Isengard Mobile Fortress is an offensive thing. Like an American aircraft carrier, where it goes, it usually represents aggression and armed intervention, which is generally not a good thing for other countries. So... I am worried that the Isenger mobile fortress will attract more attention after it appears here. Many Korean players are fighting our Issinger Mobile Fortress together, and we actually came to supply you with supplies. If there is a battle, I feel a bit uneconomical."

"You Are you worried about the battle loss?" Park Yin said quickly: "If there is any loss in the battle, you can tell us that our guild is responsible for reimbursing you." The losses will be heavy, but the losses are all fixed assets. Our activity funds did not lose a single bit. After the rebellion, the veterans in our guild responsible for resource management handled them very well. They were fighting in the main city as soon as they fought. Resolutely dealt with some of the guild's peripheral industries at a low price. Although it was a bit risky at the time, it seems that the decision is still very correct."

"I rely on it, you guild In that case, the external resources have been dealt with?" I asked in surprise.

Park Eun was a little proud of nodded and said: "Yes. We disposed of a lot of resources at the time, so we recovered a large amount of funds. If it weren’t because we’re stuck here, we can’t go out and buy supplies. , Our reconstruction work will not be so troublesome! Huh? Purple Moon, why is your expression so strange? Is our decision wrong?"

I admitted little by little: "Honestly, I I really don’t know if your decision is good or bad!"


I directly analyzed Park Yin: "Originally, you are going to have a rebellion. The control of resources drops, but the other party definitely has no time to occupy them in a short time. That is to say, although you cannot get supplies from those resource points for the time being, at least you still have those resource points. In this case, as long as we The Frost Rose League helps you restore the strength of your guild, and you can directly replenish the resources. This is very useful for your quick recovery in the later period."

"No way!" Park Yin said, "If we don't Dispose of these resource points, even if they are still in our hands in a short time, other guilds will definitely grab them. We have no time to manage those resource points now. If they are robbed, they will be robbed for nothing. We might as well sell them. Change into money!"

"Although what you said makes sense, have you ever thought about it? After your guild’s restoration work is completed, you still need to reoccupy those resource points if you want to develop. If these resources The points were snatched away by others after you rebelled. Then when the time comes, you can snatch them back. With the support of our guild, this is actually a very simple thing. But now you sell them, In other words, those who occupy these resources are all the resource points bought from you. You just sold the resource points, turned around and snatched them back. What do you call this behavior? Who will pay it back in the future? Dare to do business with you?"

When I said that, Park Eun also reacted. It is obviously unreasonable to snatch the things they sold themselves from others. And in that situation, people were willing to pay for it, instead of waiting for the Celestial Alliance to be over and then go up for nothing. This shows that the relationship between them and the Celestial Alliance is actually a good price comparison. Otherwise, there is no need for people to spend money to buy your resource points in this case, just wait for the guild to collapse and directly occupy it. Therefore, these guilds that bought resource points are tantamount to guilds leaning toward the Celestial Alliance. If the Celestial Alliance started to rob the resource points of these guilds...then the consequences would be clear by thinking about it.

Of course, in addition to grabbing it back, you can also buy it back. It's just... the resource point this thing is something you can make without losing money in your hand. If they have bought it, this is their resource point. If they don’t sell it, it should be divided. If they sell it, then it must be sold for your own sake. This will include a share. A huge debt of favor, and more importantly, people bought the resource points when you were in distress. After being bought, these resource points may still be embezzled by the hostile forces of the Celestial Alliance with various excuses. Therefore, when these guilds bought those resource points, they actually took a big risk. People spend money to take the risk for you. Now that the risk has passed, can you still buy it back at the original price? Is it inevitable to increase the fare? How to calculate this extra money? Even if someone is particularly interesting and is willing to let you redeem it at the original price, don't you care about this grown-up favor?

These courtesy exchanges between the guilds are similar to the situation between people, and the debt of favor is indispensable. If you don't follow this rule, all the guilds will squeeze you out in the future, and you won't want to get mixed up anymore. Therefore, these favor debts are actually an exchange of benefits. If you owe favor debts, then it is similar to owing money, and even worse than owing money.

After my analysis like this, Park Yin finally realized that their guild was really at a loss now, but now that this resource point has been sold out, it is too late to regret it.

"True, I would not sell it if I knew it!"

I said with a smile: "If you knew it earlier, you would directly inform our guild to come over and help you suppress the rebellion, that's not Better? It's gone after it's over. It's nonsense to say how long you know it is nonsense. In this world, it is not sold by Regret Medicine."

"Purple Moon, what do you think about our resource points now? Huh?"

"For resource points, you still have to spend money to buy them. If you lose a little money, you lose a little money. Try not to owe someone your family debt. If the other party wants to increase the price, let him increase it. You don’t even have to counter-offer. You can give it whatever you offer, regardless of whether it is expensive or not. In this case, although a lot of money will be spent, the reputation of your guild will be preserved, and the resource points will come back. You can still make money. In addition, this can improve your guild’s evaluation in other guilds. Others will say that you are loyal and you are willing to help if there is any trouble in your guild, because they know that you will not treat your friends badly. "

Park Yin seems to understand but nodded and said: "I probably understand this. So what should we decide to do with our resource supply? Use Isengard to move the fortress or think of another way?"


I hesitated a little bit and decided to discuss it with the guild first. For such a big thing, I really couldn't understand it all by myself. Fortunately, I still have several sets of large-scale spare communication equipment on my body. I directly took out a set and assembled it to contact the upstream club. After the communication was connected, I directly told the guild think tank and Rose about the situation here. Rose and the think tank researched for a while before answering us.

"Use Isinger to move the fortress."

"Are you sure?" I asked slightly surprised.

Rose nodded and said very seriously: "Isinger Mobile Fortress has many advantages. You have thought of some before, so I won’t repeat that. Another hidden advantage is that it is convenient for us. The plan that I said before is unfolding."

When Rose said this, there was no additional explanation, but I immediately understood what she was referring to. Rose actually means that we brought over Isinger Mobile Fortress just to facilitate Matsumoto Masaga's plan to attack South Korea, so that Matsumoto Masaga will have more reason to promote the theory we arranged for him, and then bring the Japanese players together. Come to Korea. Of course, we only need to know this plan by ourselves. Park Eun will not let her know about it anyway. After all, this plan is actually the Koreans. Although we are not targeting the Celestial Alliance, if we implement this plan, the overall interests of the Korean guild will be greatly affected in the end. Even if it is our guild to guide him, Park Yin’s Celestial Alliance estimates that the loss is slightly smaller, and it is impossible to avoid losses. It is for this reason that we cannot let them know our plan. Of course, even if there is no such relationship, we will not let them know. After all, this is related to the identity of Matsumoto Masaka. Even the people we know in our own guild are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. I am even more impossible to let outsiders know.

Although Park Eun is very curious about what the so-called "previous plan" we are talking about is, on the one hand, her experience and everything are still far away, on the other hand, she also knows this It’s hard to ask, so I didn’t ask any more.

After I listened to Rose’s analysis, I nodded and said: "It is indeed necessary to let Isinger Mobile Fortress come over. But what should I do about that shortcoming?"

"I don't think there is any need to care about this."


"I will tell you when I have time." Rose said secretly to me. After a wink, I knew she was scrupulous about Park Yin being next to her and it was difficult to explain, so I didn't ask too much. Rose finished saying this and continued: "Isinger Mobile Fortress is now loading materials, we plan to let it drive over by itself, without Space Jump. It can save some money, you say yes, President Park Eun "

Piao Yin heard Rose asked her and said nodded: "We are really not short of supplies. The cost of your Isinger Mobile Fortress Space Jump is indeed very high. Come on!"

Rose saw that Park Yin agreed and continued: "Then, since you have no opinion on this, let's talk about the price of specific materials."

Let Of course, we have to pay for the supplies. Even the allies don’t say that they can donate for free. Park Eun knows this very well, so he didn’t entangle anything, so he asked directly: "Then how to set the price?"

Rose When Park Eun asked about the price, he immediately said without hesitation: "Don't worry, we are supporting the operation this time, not a commercial transaction, so we will not ask you more money. All materials, our bank will be able to be self-sufficient and self-sufficient. For the resources sold to the outside world, we will give you the cost price of these things manufactured by the bank. Of course, this cost should include freight and labor. In addition, those that our guild does not have or the output is very low, we also For the materials that need to be imported, this can only be bought by us and transferred to you for as much money. After all, you are sorry to let us post the money? Oh, yes, you are also responsible for the taxes during the transfer process."< /p>

Park Eun nodded said: "This is what it should be. You are here to help us transfer the supplies free of charge. I am very grateful. How can I let you post money again!"


We chose Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance as our main ally in South Korea because of Park Eun’s young age and strong acceptance. Under our deliberate guidance during this period of time, she already knows how to score. At least she understands that others don't owe her anything, and it takes a price to get help. In fact, our guidance is also very natural, and normal people should establish such a correct concept. However, to be honest, most Korean guilds don’t seem to have such a habit. We have actually met many Korean guilds and players before. They are almost the same, all of them feel like we owe them, you It is justified for them to help them. If you don't accept your favor, you will hate you if you give less. You said, how can we dare to touch this kind of person again? So later we chose the Celestial Alliance, after all, they at least know the normal principles of doing things.

"Since you understand everything, it's much easier." Rose continued: "In fact, what Purple Moon he told you before was not complete. In addition to supplies, I think you For the guild to recover, some other things may be needed. It’s just that this aspect may cost a lot of money, so..."

Park Eun didn’t expect Rose said this problem suddenly, she After a while, he reacted, and then asked: "Can you first tell me what you plan to support us?"

Rose directly said: "That's it. Your guild now except for supplies. The loss is huge, and the loss of personnel is actually very large. So even if you rebuild the city, it only means that your guild’s premises have been restored to the previous level, but because your personnel losses are huge, you are expanding abroad. There will be a significant decline in capacity. Can you figure this out?"

Park Eun nodded and said: "I can understand. But now we are blocked and there is no money to buy NPC troops, as for the players...we are considering recruiting people from some remote places."

For Park Eun, Rose is just laughed, and then said: "This is what I want to talk about. You can do it. After experiencing this incident, the households should actually learn their lessons. Regarding the income of the guild, we should learn from our guild’s system and strictly manage the entry of personnel. Our households have maintained a small number of personnel for a long period of time. It’s not that we don’t want to expand personnel, but that we are worried that various internal problems will lead to a decline in the strength of the guild, so we would rather slowly expand rather than recruit a large number of people. I think you should also control personnel like us now. Don’t rush to recruit people. If you don’t have qualified personnel, you would rather not accept those crooked melons and cracked dates. You must know that the principle that a mouse poop can ruin a pot of porridge is also applicable in the guild."

Park Eun nodded and said: "I understand this. It's just that there are too few players. Will there be any problems with the operation of the guild? Besides, even if there is no problem with the internal operation, external expansion requires manpower!"

"That's why I told you that we have a plan that suits you."

"Then how did you plan?"

"Our solution The plan is actually very simple. It is to help your guild increase non-player-type smart carriers in order to save manpower to the greatest extent."

"What is a non-player-type smart carrier?"

"The simple point will be a series of intelligent existences such as various automatic equipment, golems, golems, high level NPCs, and high-level devil beasts. They can replace your players to complete some of them. Actually, it can be done without personnel management. Things that work well."

Park Eun asked in surprise : "These things can replace players? "

Rose directly smiled and said: "Then why do you think our guild has such a strong battle strength?" On the average player level, we are only slightly higher than the average guild. On the guild with more people than us, it is plentiful and easily available. Why do you think we have become the first guild in the world, and other guilds are behind us? ? "

When Park Eun heard this, of course he thought of the things Rose just said. After a little thinking, she asked, "But can these things really replace players?" What do we need to do? "

"How to do this is actually very simple, because our guild has been developing according to this model for a long time, so you can learn from our experience, and we have ready-made results for all the things you need. , As long as you spend money, we can provide a full set of solutions and all the things you need. Of course, the investment in this series of things will be unprecedentedly huge, even if the configuration is reduced according to the scale of your guild, the price will be very amazing. So I am very entangled in whether to sell it to you. To be honest, our guild is not really short of this money, and these things are really expensive and scary for you, but apart from this method, I really can’t think of any good way to solve you once and for all. All the questions. "

When I heard what Rose said that we were not short of money, I knew that Rose was overly pit peoples. In fact, what Rose meant was nothing more than to ask Tianjimeng to completely accept our guild’s technical system, and then Transforming from a human guild to a technical guild, of course, the advantages of doing so are obvious, but there is only one disadvantage-the capital investment will become a bottomless pit, and you will feel that it is not enough for any amount of money.

< p>Park Eun probably also realized that the consumption of funds will be terrifying. After all, they also bought some of the things in our guild, so she hesitated for a while.

Rose also knew about this. Impossible made a decision on the spot, so he immediately said, "You don't have to make a decision in a hurry. This is all after the city is restored to construction, so you don't need to make decisions so quickly. I suggest that you discuss it with the other people in the guild. Everyone will brainstorm. Even if you can't come up with the best solution, at least there will be no gap between everyone. It is not easy to know that your guild is now in a state of unity. "

Rose helped Park Yin think this way, and Park Yin was rather sorry. But she didn't get the point of making a decision immediately before she got excited, but she felt a little owed Rose. As you can imagine, In their subsequent discussions, Park Eun himself will definitely support this plan. As for others... I think it is mainly based on Park Eun’s plan. After all, their guild can reach this state now, and Park Eun is in the guild. The prestige inside should still be very high, otherwise the people should almost all run away during the rebellion, and there are still so many people who are impossible to follow her to come here.

After talking about this matter, Rose did not Interrupted communication, but continued: "Let's put that problem aside, let's talk about the current combat problem of your guild. "

"Fighting? "

"en. Your current situation is actually very dangerous. You should have already experienced this. Those insurgents are not saying that the rebellion is over. They hope that you can be completely wiped out. After all, their current reputation is always unpleasant to say, but as long as your Celestial Alliance does not exist, this matter is considered to be over. Time No one will talk about this for a long time. Therefore, you are still standing still. For them, this is a fishbone stuck in their throat, which is very uncomfortable if they can't swallow it or spit it out. "

Park Yin nodded said: "We know this. They have chased us many times for this, and it was better until we hid in this place. But now they also know that we are in this mountainous area, but they seem to have been delayed because of something, and they can't mobilize manpower to deal with us for a while. However, the people we sent out to find you for help were intercepted by the other party. "

Rose thought for a while and said: "They didn't attack you probably because something went wrong inside them. The most common situation for insurgents is that after the rebellion succeeds, the internal part of the stolen goods is uneven and then they fight. I guess they may have a similar situation. After all, those who can do things like rebellion are definitely not good people. There are conflicts between themselves. The probability is very high. "

Piao Yin heard this explanation and immediately nodded and said: "It makes sense. The elder sister is really smart, I can think of this. Since we ran here, we have basically lost the ability to collect external intelligence. Now we don't know what is going on outside! "

Rose also said: "We have not had time to gather intelligence yet, so this is just a guess, but what is certain is that once they adjust, they will inevitably launch an attack on you. of. And just as you think of yourself, the guilds that you offended before are now hit a person when he's down. Although these guilds may not be in direct conflict with you yet, they will certainly play a role in fueling the flames, so we feel that it is now necessary to take the initiative to attack the new guilds of those insurgents. As long as the subject of the rebels does not exist, those guilds who hit a person when he's down dare not do anything. After all, they just hit a person when he's down, they still dare not push people down. "

"But now we have a problem with self-protection. What do you want us to do? "

"Don't worry about this. We will be responsible for the fighting, and you can just take care of your own affairs. Of course, we have to borrow your name. After all, we are foreign guilds. In South Korea, our actions can easily trigger rejection. So we have to appear as mercenaries in your guild, so that we have an excuse to do it. "

"But what if those guilds who want to hit a person when he's down don't buy it and deliberately use the excuse that you are not a Korean guild to make trouble? "Park Eun asked worriedly.

"They are best if they don't do it. If they dare to do it, we will even fight with them. "Rose said strongly: "Remember, we are the ones with the big fists now. As long as they don't get in the way, we won't touch them, but if they have to hit their fists, they can only blame themselves. "

Park Yin said enviously: "When will our Celestial League be breezy like your Frost Rose League!" Do not consider the opinions of other guilds for anything, just kill those who are dissatisfied. It's a pity that we are now..."

"In fact, you only need to spend money to complete the transformation plan I said, and you can be about the same as us, but the funds are really astronomical, so you'd better consider it carefully. In addition, about helping you deal with the expenses of those insurgents..."

"Can you follow the previous plan? "

We have also helped the Celestial Alliance in wars before, so this cost issue has also been agreed before. Rose directly nodded and said: "No problem, just follow the previous employment plan. We send troops and you pay for it. . "

Park Yin said with a bit of loss: "After this incident, our guild is probably going to be exhausted!" "

"That's not necessarily true! "Rose said: "Guild consumption and personal consumption are not the same. The funds you spend are all used to grow yourself, so the more you spend, the stronger you become. The stronger you are, you can get more funds, and the more funds you can continue to invest in strengthening yourself, so this It is a virtuous circle. It is a good thing for individuals to be thrifty, but for a guild, it is better not to save too much money, as long as it is not a waste of money. Converting funds into battle strength as soon as possible is the most correct choice. "

"I understand what you said, but I really feel bad about it! It is estimated that the money will be completely gone at this time, and it may be a lot worse than foreign debts! "

"We have nothing to do with this. We can't help you with things like making money for the time being, and we are better at spending money. "Rose said suddenly: "Okay, the materials on our side have been loaded and shipped, Isinger Mobile Fortress is about to set off, I'm going to count the materials now. For the battle part, you can go to Purple Moon. He is the best at fighting. "

After the communication was cut off, Park Eun turned to me and said, "Purple Moon big brother, I'm up to you for the battle!" "

"Don't worry about this. I will definitely help you fix those guilds, but before that, we have to investigate the outside intelligence clearly. Now I don’t know who to fight! "

"But our intelligence network..."

"You don't have to worry about this, I have a way. "As I said, I stood up and prepared to go outside and said, "I will give you some of the supplies I bring with me. You will complete some of the economic facilities in the city before talking about it. I will investigate the information outside. . "

Park Yin thought for a while and said, "Then our communication...? "

"Didn't I leave a communicator for you? If you have something to call the military god, he knows the contact information of all of us and will not disconnect you. "

"Oh, that's good! "

It is estimated that the previous isolation and helplessness left a shadow in his heart. Park Eun is now afraid to lose contact with us again. However, it is obviously impossible to let me go now, so after putting down a lot of supplies, Park Yin Silver still reluctantly sent me to the city exit.

"Doesn’t your city have a main city gate or something? "My armor got stuck when I was crawling out of another stubborn hole. Depressed, I dug up the nearby soil with Eternity while complaining to Park Eun.

Park Eun Some sorry said: "We just wanted to hide quickly. We haven't considered anything about going out to fight, so this door has not been digging in a hurry. In fact, this city is a deserted Underground City, the original main passage has long collapsed, and there is no trace at all for so many years. When we are free, we plan to find a suitable direction to dig a channel by ourselves to be the main channel. "

"Then I suggest you better hurry up. Isinger Mobile Fortress now has a new set of thrusters. Even if it is not teleported, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach you, so you'd better hurry up. It doesn't matter if these small tunnels come in and out of scattered people, it is very troublesome to enter and exit large quantities of materials! "

"Okay, I'll let them dig right away. "

I thought for a while and suddenly said, "Forget it, you don't need to dig. Just find someone to choose the location. Wait until Isinger Mobile Fortress arrives and let them dig for you. Isinger Mobile Fortress has special equipment on it, and it will take a few minutes to open the door for you. "

"So fast? "

"So before, sister Rose asked you to transform into a technical guild. If you invade an Underground City yourself, at least a few thousand people will be dispatched to dig the tunnel. We will use the drilling machine to dig it in a few minutes. This is efficiency! "

"Well, I will consider it. "

Finally climbed out of the tunnel, and after bidding farewell to Park Eun, I summoned out of the night shadow and directly lifted off. When I entered the mountain, I could easily miss the target when I flew into the mountain. I didn’t have so much trouble when I went out. I just flew down again, not because I forgot something, but because I suddenly thought of something.

I am not familiar with the place in Korea, if I go out to find the rebels of the Celestial Alliance It is estimated that it will take a lot of work. However, it seems that Park Eun has said before that the people they sent out before the guild to ask for our help have been killed. This means that there must be a large number of enemy personnel lurking around here. .So, instead of letting me investigate by myself, why not let them come to the door? I’m sure I’m not looking for them sooner than they are looking for me!

After thinking about it, I immediately landed on the ground, and then I gave Summon Emenis. If you want those guys to come to me, you have to pretend to be a player of the Celestial Alliance who goes out to report. Otherwise, if the other party sees me, unless they don’t know me, people who know me normally will definitely not be mentally disabled. Come out to trouble me, so we need to disguise. The illusion of Emenes is the best disguise. No need to change the costume, just let Emenes copy the image of the Celestial Alliance player who led me when I entered the city. An illusion came out, so that from others, I became like that player, and even the guild logo on the chest was simulated. Of course, as long as we fight,

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