"Hi, Purple Moon!" As I watched this shabby guild, I was not in a daze, when I suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

"Park Eun." Turning around suddenly, I saw Park Eun was running from behind me with a group of people. "I finally saw you!"

"This is really..." Park Eun was also very excited and rushed over and pounced on me, because she didn't expect her reaction so much, I was almost caught Throw it down. "Thank God you are here! I'm so excited! You didn't know that we sent a lot of people to contact you before, but no matter where my people leave from, they will be blocked by the enemy. Simply can't leave the area around here. We have been under constant attacks during this period, and I kept sending people out, but...but...well..."

"Wait, wait!" Park Eun was obviously a little incoherent because of his excitement. Now, I have to let her calm down a little bit. "You take a break, I'm here now, I will help you with the rest of the matter, don't be so anxious, calm down a little bit, and explain what happened one by one."

"Okay, I'm so excited!" Park Yin said as he walked into the stone tent and said, "Come on, let me tell you about the situation during this period."

After being pulled into the stone tent-like building by Park Eun, I realized that it was similar to the cave dwelling. I didn't see any tables, chairs or benches, except that there were some stones of different sizes on the ground. However, judging from the size and placement of these stones, these are similar...maybe...maybe the tables, chairs and benches?

“It’s too messy here now, I can’t ask you to please.” Park Yin was a little sorry and let me sit on a rock, while she herself sat on the opposite side of a large On the stone. "Purple Moon, how did you know that we had an accident? The previous rebellion happened only two days ago. You reacted so fast!"

"It's not that we reacted quickly, but just happened to meet I said directly: "I had a little conflict with Yaqi Orochi in Japan before, but during this period I found a fleet from South Korea, and the other side was the helper of Yaqi Orochi."

" Our country's fleet? Help the Japanese?" Park Yin confirmed in quite amazement.

I nodded and said: "I didn’t expect something to do with your country’s fleet before, but after I went up, I discovered that all Korean players were on it. But this is not the point, the point is that the other party is knowing I chose self-destruct when it was impossible to defeat me, but the formidable power of the self-destruct of those submarines is a bit exaggerated."

"What do you mean by this exaggeration?" Park Eun was puzzled. Asked.

"The formidable power is very big." I looked at Park Yin and said: "My defensive power should be clear to you. At that time, I was immediately killed when I was exploding. I didn't have the slightest resistance at all, and According to the images recorded by people in the guild from a distance, the formidable power of the explosion was basically equivalent to the formidable power of a medium-yield nuclear weapon. The explosion occurred on the seabed 12 nautical miles away from our pivot city. But the tsunami caused by the explosion directly destroyed half of the city. If Poseidon happened to be in the city at the time, it is estimated that the fulcrum city should have disappeared!"

"You mean that our country has man-made There was a nuclear bomb?" Park Yin's mouth was open to fit a steamed bun, and he looked at me in disbelief. In fact, her expression is not strange at all. After all, South Korea does not have nuclear weapons in reality. It was actually created in this game, which is even more incredible.

When I heard Park Eun’s words, I immediately explained: "no no no, it’s not a nuclear weapon. Eh... I can’t say no. Anyway, we don’t know what that is, we haven’t figured it out all the time. , What is certain is that no matter what this is, the formidable power it explodes is comparable to a nuclear bomb."

Hearing this, Park Eun already guessed the reason for my coming here, so he asked: "You I came to South Korea to investigate this matter and found out about our business, right?"

I nodded and said: "I went to the island fortress that you occupied before and was attacked by people from the guild. , I killed the guild easily and learned about your guild."

Park Eun nodded said: "I said how did you react so quickly! I thought you were so good to us. I value it!" Park Eun said pretending to be angry.

In fact, there are people in our guild who are responsible for the situation in South Korea, but because our strategic center is not here, it is inevitable that we will be a little slack in the intelligence collection here. The meeting is not very important, so the intelligence is usually checked every three to five days. Like this incident, because it happened suddenly, it has not been reported in a short period of time, so it happened that I only found out that something was wrong with the Celestial Alliance when I got here. But to be honest, even if the information here is sent, I guess that at most it will know that the Celestial Alliance has fought and been defeated. The specific details are estimated to be unknown. After all, we basically don't have any intelligence network in South Korea, and all we can collect are superficial information.

"Don’t be angry, I am here. Don’t worry. As an ally, I won’t watch the Celestial Alliance fall down."

"With you I'm relieved with this sentence." Park Yin laughed immediately when he heard what I said.

I nodded and said: "Then let me talk about what kind of help you most need, so I can start to support you."

"What can we say if we help We need everything. Personnel, funds, materials, battle strength, we need everything. You can see that we have fallen to this point now, what do you think we do not lack?" In the situation, Park Yin’s smile disappeared immediately. It is estimated that she was depressed enough in the past two days. With such a major event in the guild, she is naturally happy as the president does not raise.

I patted her shoulder and comforted: "Think about it in another way. It may not be a good thing."

"How good is it all to be done like this?" Park Yin asked me angrily.

"Of course it’s a good thing. Think about it. Your Celestial Alliance is now in such a field, which means you have nothing. However, under this situation, there are still so many friends willing to follow you. Shit, they didn’t take this opportunity to retire, or simply run with those rebellious guys. What does this mean? It means that their hearts are with you. Although your guild has lost a lot of things in this incident, but Your personnel are completely pure. In the future, your Celestial Alliance will be completely twisted into a rope, and there will be no half-hearted guys. You can trust each other thoroughly and have the strength to work together. This is better than wealth. It's more important."

Not only did Park Yin smile when I said something, even the people who followed her smiled together. They are happy from the heart, because I said it in their hearts.

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