According to the intelligence transmitted by the Death God guard inside, there are currently six people left in the room. Four of them were blocking the door of a room inside and fighting our Death God guards, while the other two were standing behind them and did not participate in the battle.

From the current situation, the guild president and Vice-President are probably the two who did not participate in the battle. As for those fighting, they should all be high-level guild leaders. There is still a big difference between the guilds and political groups in the game. If you really speak of which, the guilds in the game are more like a black guild. Most of the bosses are played out, and their strength and reputation are better than their brains. more important. Of course, the brain is also necessary. At least the brainless boss will not sit long, but this is not the main direction in the game. After all, the personal battle strength in the game is sometimes stronger than a guild, just like me. If most people want to usurp the throne or something, he has to beat me. Therefore, the bosses in the game are very strong. After all, guild leaders can get various subsidies, and various resources are more than ordinary persons. High strength is a matter of as it should be by rights.

Since the other party is compressed in the compartment inside, I don’t have to wait at the end of the corridor. I went directly to the entrance of that room. From here, I can see a pretty big one. Room. The decoration in this room is very luxurious and it can be confirmed that it was remodeled later. I thought that the original room I came in once, it was not like this, it was much more primitive than it is now, but now it has been replaced with a European style, which always feels a bit nondescript.

To be honest, since European, Chinese, or other styles can become an architectural style, it naturally has merits. If you don't like a certain style, it doesn't mean that this style is bad. It can only mean that this is not your style. The European classical style is famous for its complexity and luxury. Generally, it looks like gold and jade in glorious splendor, which seems to be very noble. However, it doesn't feel right to put this noble atmosphere here, because the whole building is a Chinese-style building. When this building was built into a gossip shape, the definition of its style is very obvious. If you arrange a magic array with buildings, it’s okay to use European-style decoration inside, but it is now an Eight Trigrams Array-shaped building, and there are Chinese-style things everywhere between the buildings, but this one room is changed. It became European style, which is like ordering a ball of cream in the center of a plate of Mapo Tofu. Is the cream not tasty? delicious. But you put the cream in the middle of Mapo Tofu, which is awkward.

Although the decoration of this room was unexpected, but fortunately, only the original style can be seen here. Fighting has taken place in this place, and neither side has any plans to protect the building. In addition, the Death God guards are already crowded here at this time. The density of personnel can be imagined. In such an environment, the decoration of the room Something has been destroyed a long time ago, and the only thing that looks clean is the reliefs on the ceiling.

I can see the battle at the door in this room. Obviously, the other party was not really stupid. They had retreated to the inside of the room and completely let out the door, but the four people surrounded the door over there. With the width of that door, at most one Death God guard of the Death God Guard can pass through here at a time, and the four opponents besieged the city in a semicircle. This Death God guard will be killed as soon as it enters. If those people are not exhausted, the Death God Guards will not be able to get in at all. Of course, this premise is that the Death God guard will not destroy the wall.

In fact, after I entered here to release the Death God Guards, I gave orders to these Death God Guards not to easily destroy the building itself. You can destroy furniture or something, but you can't destroy the building. The reason for this requirement is that this building was built by ourselves, even if Park Yin’s Celestial Alliance will not return here, we will not let it remain in the hands of others. We will definitely occupy this place. Therefore, this building will either belong to our Frost Rose League or Park Eun’s Celestial League, so now we can try not to damage it without destroying it. Anyway, it will be renovated after renovation, and the damage will be destroyed. Repairing the damaged building can take a lot of effort, so take care of it.

"You get out of here, let me come here." I said as I walked towards the door, and the Death God guards quickly retreated to both sides and gave me a way out.

Several people in the door over there found no new Death God guards rushed in and stopped attacking, and then they noticed me standing at the door.

"Which one of you is the president here?" I asked, standing outside the door.

None of the six people inside, did not respond, but after waiting for a few seconds, a guy standing at the back still spoke. "Why are you attacking our guild?"

"I was stung by a mosquito, and of course I had to slap it to death. Is there any other reason for this?"

"It's so big The tone of voice." said one of the people who stood blocking the door before.

"If you can take down your guild headquarters, no matter how loud the tone is, it is you. I have been forced to this place. What kind of pretense are there still? Is it Bodhisattva Heart?"

"You..." As soon as a Korean player was about to speak, he was caught by the guy who spoke before. Obviously this is their president. This guy held down the impulsive player, and then stood up and said: "I am the president of the Promise Society. I know that our people attacked you first, but now that this is the case, do you think we need to cooperate with you? Anyway, you won’t let us go, right?”

“Of course it’s impossible to let you go, but I can do a lot of things before I kill you.” I said and took out Several golden pills dangled in front of them. "I don’t know if you have heard of this expired Immortal Pill?"

As for whether there is a shelf life for Immortal Pill, I really don’t know, at least the Immortal Pill in the game settings is unlimited Long-term quality guarantee, as long as it is not destroyed, its attributes can be preserved forever. As for the expired Immortal Pill in my hand... this is actually a joke.

This thing in my hand is actually the genuine Immortal Pill, and it is a very rare upgrade to the Immortal Pill, which I got from the Celestial Court a long time ago. This Immortal Pill is different from general experience treasures. It is not as simple as storing how much experience inside, and then releasing it to you at one time through your use. This experience Immortal Pill is like a modifier, as long as you eat it, you can directly modify your level to the level corresponding to Immortal Pill, and if your EXP is not enough to support that level, Immortal Pill will automatically supplement it for you Up to the minimum EXP required to reach the Level 1. For example, if you are now at Level 20, this Immortal Pill is a 200-level Immortal Pill, and your EXP is definitely not 200-level enough, but as long as you take the Immortal Pill, you will immediately become 200-level, which is not enough. EXP will be automatically supplemented, but the amount of supplement is the minimum, which means that you are now at level 200 and have zero experience.

Although this kind of Immortal Pill sounds like a strong effect, the problem is that the effect seems to be too strong. Not only can it pull you from a low level to a high level state forcibly, and automatically supplement the minimum EXP required, it can even pull you back from a high level to a low level state, and automatically deduct the extra experience.

When I got this Immortal Pill, it was actually a bit late. The levels of these Immortal Pills start from five Level 10 and extend to more than one thousand two hundred, but most of them are concentrated in the state of three to five hundred. At the beginning, our level was very low, and we could raise the level by just eating this thing, but the problem is that I didn't post this thing later, but put one on me. It’s been a long time now, everyone’s level has long been different from what it was at the time. Now a thousand or more is the standard level for mainstream players. At this time, you can give people those five-six hundred-level Immortal Pills, then It's not an upgrade but a downgrade, and it's not as simple as one or two levels at a time, but it drops to a five-six hundred level. The effect of this horror is naturally unacceptable.

Because this Immortal Pill was originally a baby that can be upgraded, but because I held it in my hand for too long, it turned into a harmful thing. The effect is like a divine that cures diseases and saves people. If medicine is left for too long, it turns into a poison that can kill people. Because of this change, some people joked that this is the expired Immortal Pill, so it has the title of expired Immortal Pill.

It's probably because this thing is so vicious that when the thing appeared, the faces of these people on the scene suddenly changed. They are not afraid of being killed, anyway, they can be resurrected, and death is just a level 1 drop, nothing at worst. However, if this Immortal Pill is forcibly poured...think that other players are more than a thousand levels, and they become five-six hundred, this terrifying result will definitely make most people tremble when they think about it.

"How many? Would you like to try my expired Immortal Pill or obediently and honestly to cooperate with my questioning?"

Several people on the scene were all after I asked. He turned his gaze to their guild leader, and the guy looked left and right, apparently communicating with those people, but in the end he looked towards me and gently nodded, and then said dejectedly: "We will answer Your question, but you have to make sure that you will not force us to eat this thing."

"I can only guarantee that I won't be caught this time. I will be caught by me in the future, it depends on my mood. "

The few people exchanged glances, and finally nodded and said: "The deal. What do you want to ask?"

I waved my hand directly, the Death God guard in the room The wind and sand that all turned into black disappeared in place. Seeing those terrifying Death God guards disappear, one of those guys actually gave me a cold look, and at the same time touched his wrist towards his weapon. However, just as he was about to touch his weapon with his hand, he suddenly felt a bit of coldness on his neck. He immediately lowered his head and glanced instinctively, only to see one hand holding the handle of the knife, and according to this angle, it was not difficult to see that the blade had already hit his neck.

"I'm you, so I won't use any crooked brains." A cold female voice appeared behind the player, and then the ice cold aura disappeared without waiting for him to respond. Obviously, Assassin still exists in this room, and their abilities can't sense each other at all. This discovery made those Korean players put away their plans to resist. In this case, counterattack is basically equivalent to death. Of course, it’s good to die. If it gets messy, I feed them an expired Immortal Pill. That’s really painful. "It seems that you understand your situation, right? Then we will start talking about business." I went directly into the room and sat on the opposite desk, while the six people stood on the other side of the room to form a composition. A half arc faced me.

"The first question. How did you occupy this place."

"Of course it was defeated, how can I occupy it?" The impulsive guy who was preparing to resist first One said.

I shook my head and said, "I'm asking you how you got in. This is not a land city, but a fortified island city. The whole city is an island, and the city wall is covered with sea water. The Celestial Alliance's fleet was eliminated by our Frost Rose Alliance and sold to them. Although it is eliminated, the battle strength is not comparable to those of your broken ships. The city's Transmission Formation can be locked in a war state, so you You can only attack from the outside. Under the premise of not being able to obtain the dominance of the sea, I really don’t know how you captured a fortified island?"

One of the Korean players said: "There is What's difficult. Although our fleet can't beat their fleet, we can use our fleet to lure away the Celestial Alliance fleet. Their fleet is not at home, so let's take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, don't we just rush up?"< /p>

"The fleet is not at home?" I was stunned for a moment, and then shook my head: "It seems that you are not going to tell the truth! That being the case..." I said and took out one. No dice, and then pointed to them and said that you were: "One, two, three, four, five, six, who is the time I throw." As I said, I threw the dice out, and when the thing finally stopped, it was a five. .


As soon as the guy came and yelled two words, he felt something got in his throat, and then he started to fall automatically following the equipment on his body. , In the end, everything in his body fell off. "Zero" This game is similar to other games, and the equipment also has level restrictions, that is, some equipment requires a certain level to wear. This requirement usually requires the lowest level, that is, it can be worn if it reaches or exceeds the marked level, otherwise it cannot be worn.

Just now that guy was bombed by me with an expired Immortal Pill into his mouth. This thing can be described as melts in the mouth, and it took effect in an instant. That guy became more than 700-level in an instant. In fact, he was lucky. There are still many immortal pills on my body that are lower than this one, but I just touched this, otherwise, if the one I touched out is a two-hundredth level, then he will be miserable.

However, although he did not become level 200 once, the sudden change to level 700 made this guy terrified. To make matters worse, because of the drop in level, all the equipment on his body became equipment that did not meet the requirements, and the equipment that did not meet the requirements would naturally fall off, so all the things on this guy fell off in an instant.

"This is the price of playing intellectual games with me." After I finished speaking, I continued: "Don't think that only you are smart people. Although I dare not say that I am the number one genius of the world, but with you Compared with that, I think my intelligence is quite superior. So, you'd better stop playing intelligence games with me, you can’t afford the price." I said, pointing to the dumbfounded guy and said, "Don’t you think I’m not afraid of me if I fall to level 700. I still have an expired Immortal Pill of level 200. If you don’t want to try another one, please be honest."

The fist is not as big as mine, and it’s still I was eaten to death, those guys are really scared in this situation. After looking at them, I asked again: "Okay, now tell me, how did you occupy this place?"

"Someone bought some of the main management players in the Celestial Alliance. Then we united with several Vice-Presidents of the Celestial Alliance to rebel and overthrew the leader Park Yin. We attacked while they were splitting up. At that time, their own warships were shooting at the port, our ship. After coming in from the outside, they destroyed them all. In addition, the person who helped us buy the inner should also let the inner to protect the Transmission Formation. It was never closed. We passed in many people through the Transmission Formation, and this took the city."< /p>

I nodded and said: "It's still like a word. I said how can such a city be captured by your garbage guild, it turns out that there has been an infighting that made you pick up the bargain."

"We didn't actually get any cheap." One of the players said: "We also killed a lot of people when we captured this place, and we spent a lot of money to buy the internal application. Our return is because of reasonableness. It’s not for nothing to invest."

"I’m not here to collect taxes. Why do you explain this to me?" I said directly, "Don’t talk too much if I didn’t ask. Now I’ll ask you guys again. What happened to Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance now?"

"The specific situation is not very clear. I only know that after being defeated by us, they have also rebelled in several cities on the land, and then those cities are now Separate from the Celestial Alliance and set up their own guilds."

Another player said: "It is said that Park Eun seems to have taken a part of the Celestial Alliance’s original team and occupied a city somewhere, but it seems That is now the only city in the Celestial Alliance."

"Where is the Celestial Alliance's fleet? There is no ship left?"

"Most of the infighting during that period They attacked each other and sank, and some of the sold-out guilds were transferred to other guilds. Anyway, the Celestial Alliance is out of ships. Besides, they now have an inland city left, and they are still in the mountains. The biggest current around is the creek. Even if there is a boat, they have no place to stop."

I understand the general situation of the Celestial Alliance now. I said why the little girl who was beaten so miserably Yin Yin didn't come to us for help. After doing it for a long time, it's not that I won't come but I can't come. The guild is split, and now with the remaining last followers hiding in the mountains and occupying a small city, let alone sending people to send ships to contact us for help, it is estimated that even leaving that mountain is a problem!

"It's so miserable, it's really sad!" I said to myself, and then said: "Okay, now ask the next question. Now the strongest in Korea How many guilds will there be?"

The original South Korea was the status of guilds stand in great numbers. Similar to ours in China, South Korea has not been able to complete the unification of guilds, which means that there are many guilds at the same time. However, although no guild is king in South Korea, there are still strong and weak points. In the past, Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance has always been relatively strong, and it is one of the major guilds in South Korea. However, with the intervention of our guild, the strength of the Celestial Alliance has continued to grow, especially after obtaining the battleship eliminated by our guild. With maritime autonomy, various benefits continued to emerge, and the guild grew rapidly, doubling the number of members several times in just a few months. Of course, this change is also one of the fuse of the current Celestial Alliance's disintegration. After all, the number of people who have doubled in a few months, those who come in must be uneven, and the sense of identification with the guild is not high. In this situation, there are loopholes in the management of the down meeting, and if a few interested people provoke, then the split is also very normal.

However, no matter what the Celestial Alliance is going on now, he had been very prosperous before after all, and everyone should know the truth that one mountain can't be shared by two tigers. Because of the existence of the Celestial Alliance, the strength of other guilds in South Korea will be compressed, and this gradually forms the dominance of the Celestial Alliance. However, the current Celestial Alliance suddenly fell apart, and the change in the power of the Korean guild brought about by this situation was that it suddenly created a vacuum zone in the Korean guild. The Celestial Alliance, which was originally the leader of the guild, suddenly disappeared, and the remaining space must be filled by someone. It's just that, whoever fills in this specific is definitely not yours. You say that you must be yours. This requires strength, and you need to fight and grab.

I now ask them which guilds are better in Korea, just to find out exactly how the situation in Korea is.

Not bad, these people are the heads of guilds and they know more than ordinary players. One of the presidents came forward and said: "In fact, what we know is only some surface information, and we don't know too deep things."

"It doesn't matter, I only need surface information."

When the other party saw that I didn't mind, he said directly: "At present, after the fall of the Celestial Alliance, there are three guilds that have become the pillars of our country. One of them is the Korongsha."

"The Koyosha? How does it remind me of the arrival of Little Japan?"

"Actually, you guessed it." The other party’s chairman said: "Kyoeisha is supported by Japanese players behind the scenes."


"Supported by Japanese players?" I was so surprised that I almost shouted "Why don't I know". After all, Japan is basically controlled by Masaga Matsumoto. If there are Japanese players in Korea, even if I can't control it, at least I should receive some news. But the fact that Masaga Matsumoto didn't report this meant that he didn't know either. This is obviously unreasonable. However, it quickly occurred to me that although Masaka Matsumoto currently controls most of the guilds in Japan, after all, the group of Oni Te Nobunaga has not been controlled, so I can basically be sure now, what is this common Eisha was developed by the power of Nobunaga Onihand.

If my guess is correct, this Kyoeisha was made by the people of Nobunaga Onitou, then I am not worried. Now Nobunaga Onishu himself is about to be confused, and his people's power in foreign countries is even more impossible. So if this Kyoeisha is really a force of Nobunaga Onitou, then there is really nothing to worry about. It's not that I look down on Guishou Nobunaga, but he really doesn't have the power to scare me.

The chairman said: "This Kyoeisha is supported by a group of very mysterious Japanese. Their strength is not bad, but they have always been low-key, so we don’t know much. . In addition to this guild, there are two guilds, one is called the Wake Up Lion Alliance, and the other is called the Dragon World Society."

"What a strange name."

"Although the name is a bit weird, but the strength is very good, especially the Dragon Walk World Society, which is basically one of the very best forces in Korea now, except that the Lion Dance League can be longer and shorter with them. , Other forces have been thrown away by million miles apart."

I didn’t pay too much attention to these two guilds, but asked: "What is the logo of the Dragon Walk World Society? ?"

"Logo?" The guild leader was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and quickly said: "It's a flying Divine Dragon with a white cross behind it. It looks strange. Logo."

After hearing the description of this logo, I immediately yelled in the heart: "Sure enough, it’s a Korean ghost." In fact, I’ve seen that logo before, it’s In that submarine equipped with super weapons. Obviously, it was the Dragon Walk World Society who had been in contact with Nobunaga Onihand before. However, the strange thing is that if this Dragon Walk World Society is connected with Onitou Nobunaga, what happened to the previous Koeisha?

Although there are still many doubts that have not been clarified, I know that this is probably what a few people here can know, and it is meaningless to ask again. I simply said to them directly: "Okay, I have so many questions. Now I will give you two choices. First, our Frost Rose Alliance invested one million crystal coins to buy this island, and you will leave this city in one day. It belongs to our Frost Rose League. Second, I will leave now and will not attack you, but tomorrow, our Frost Rose League’s army will come to the city, and we will storm the city and occupy it. You must be unable to resist us. Invasion, so the city must belong to us. The difference is only the price paid. Okay, let me give you thirty seconds, think clearly and tell me your answer. Don’t worry, no matter how you choose, I will not feed you this expired Immortal Pill. I don’t have any other strengths. There is only one advantage, and that is credit. You answer my questions and I will fulfill my promise. Okay, think about it quickly. Thirty seconds is not too long."

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