"We decided to change the city...the city..."

"How about the city? Hurry up and answer it, thirty seconds is already here."

"We decided to keep the city... for ourselves." While uttering the last four words, the guild leader suddenly picked up the weapon moved towards I rushed up, but he didn't expect What's more, when he rushed up, he was suddenly hit by a long sword against his throat, so his movements stopped abruptly.

"Aiya, this is really a bad decision! I don’t want the last little money, right? That’s really sorry. In response, I can only choose to make your guild completely Erased!" I snapped my fingers as I said, and the Death God guards and my other summon creatures began to appear near the Bagua building and rushed out to other parts of the city. What I have to do now is to slaughter the city. As long as the number of people in the city is reduced to less than 5% of the total population at the moment I click the guild battle to start, the system will determine that the city is automatically owned by our Frost Rose League.

The main reason for using the more time-consuming and troublesome way to occupy the city is to save money. After all, this city is the city we need. It is indeed faster if we destroy the city directly, but we still need to rebuild the city. The city will not be able to be used again for at least a week. This is a big loss for us, let alone the construction cost. It will not be less. Rather than that, I would take the trouble to choose to slaughter the city now. In this case, only a small amount of repair costs and a day's time can be used to make the city run. This is definitely the most cost-effective choice.

Following my orders, my familiars and various summon creatures began to scatter in the city for massacre. Of course, the NPCs and players of the Promise Society have resisted, but this is a pity. It's a fairly low-level guild, and the player's strength is not even average, so these people have no resistance at all in front of my demons and summon creatures.

It is said that the battle strength of my batch-type summon creatures is not too exaggerated. For example, the Death God Guard and Qilin warrior have only the battle strength slightly lower than the average level of ordinary players, and they are one-on-one. It is almost inevitable. However, although in terms of individual strength, my batch-type summon creatures are not as good as the ordinary person among the players, but both the Death God guard and the Qilin warrior are institutionalized militarized units, which means that my summon is an army. Not civilians.

A rigorously trained regular army, even if all infected persons are in a state of fever, their battle strength is absolutely higher than a group of ordinary persons with the same number and good health. One-on-one ordinary persons can also rely on a healthy body to gain an advantage. Once they enter a group battle, ordinary persons are absolutely tortured. This is the difference between disciplined forces and skirmishers.

The same reasoning. Players are players after all. Although the combat attributes may be relatively high, the Death God Guard and Qilin warrior are both regular troops. Formation and rotation structure can be formed after the formation of the organization. Its combat efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary person teams. In addition, my familiar and ring tone Knight can act as the backbone of a bulldozer, so my Death God guard and Qilin warrior are actually equivalent to the infantry following the tank cluster, the enemy’s frontal battle. The strength is basically taken by those tank-like guys. Their task is just to follow behind to provide coordinated support. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the opponent to injure the Death God Guard and Qilin warrior, and my Death God Guard It is very easy for Qilin warrior and Qilin warrior to attack each other. Under the circumstances, those Korean players are naturally only left to be slaughtered. There is no chance to resist. After all, summon creatures are connected with my mind. As long as there is a slight blockage in any location, high-end martial power will be parachuted to this area for unplugging operations, so the opponent simply cannot form a decent blocking line.

Out there are my Familiars and Summon creatures who are in charge. Naturally, I have to deal with these people here. Fortunately, there is a significant difference in strength, so it didn’t take much effort. The group of people in front of me was dealt with in twos or twos. , There is not even a person who can block two tricks a little bit. This is the normal state of Korean players. The average strength generally exceeds the average level of international players, but they lack particularly powerful experts. For example, the main experts of some large guilds are basically national treasures in Korea, and they are here. The main force of the meeting can only be a second-line assaulter in other countries. However, ordinary Korean players with battle strength in other countries can be considered as reserve members of the main team of other countries.

Don't underestimate the strength of these reserves. Because "Zero" itself is a battle-themed game, and the guild organization itself is an armed team, it is not bad to say that all the people are soldiers. Being able to become the main force in this state of being full of soldiers, it is basically equivalent to the elite troops in the army, which belongs to a very small number of powerful troops. Of course, these Korean players are only equivalent to the elite reserve. , Is not an elite yet, but at least it can explain some problems. However, in the final analysis this game still emphasizes individual heroism, so high average strength does not have any outstanding advantages. If a country like our country and India has a large population base and an outstanding average strength, the overall battle strength That would be very impressive. However, there are not many people in Korea. This average strength is high. When multiplied by the total population, the final total battle strength is still a little bit. Therefore, this advantage is not so much an advantage, but it is nothing at all. It has no effect at all.

I left the building after I got the head of the house. By this time it has become an Asura field. There are dead bodies on the floor and blood everywhere. There is no living person in the whole building. . It was obviously meaningless to stay in such a place, so I flew out to the sky and started to inspect the progress of the battle. If I encountered obstacles, I would also join to help clean up, so that I could speed up the advancement.

To be honest, although one person destroyed a guild before, the guild at that time was a small guild, and their city was not big, but this time the guild was not in scale. It's big, but the city they occupy is really not small. This is the first time that I have attacked such a big city by myself, so the command is a little messy. Fortunately, the enemy's strength is not strong, and my Familiar and Summon creatures are high-intelligence creatures, so nothing has happened.

"Wife. Are you free?"

"What are you doing? I'm counting supplies here."

"That's it. I'm here in Korea I just occupied a city and need some people to come and receive it."

"Oh, I will send someone over." Rose cut off the communication immediately after speaking, and then suddenly opened again after two seconds. , Inside came the roar of Rose: "What did you just say? You occupied a city alone?"

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