In the blink of an eye, a companion was missing, and the remaining air cavalry began to panic. Although both air cavalry and ground cavalry are riding other creatures to fight, there is a fundamental difference between the two. For Knights on the ground, the number is very important, but this importance refers to the importance of the overall number, not how important a certain cavalry is, but the air cavalry is just the opposite. For air cavalry, the importance of individual battle strength is much higher than that of overall battle strength, because the air cavalry has strong mobility, even if it forms a many-to-one situation, it rarely forms a complete blockade, so in reality In most cases, the upper air cavalry is in a one-to-one single battle. Even if there are many people on your side, at most it is two-on-one or three-on-one. No matter how many people there are, the mobility will be affected by the formation problem, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Because the air cavalry attaches great importance to the value of each cavalry, the loss of any air cavalry is a very serious matter. Besides, the air cavalry has been a very rare unit since the day it was born. There must be too much impossible, so just the loss of one air cavalry below the other air cavalry began to get nervous.

However, futile tension is destined to have no effect on the battle. Climbing ability is not good, no altitude advantage means that it is impossible to enter the dive acceleration, and the price of being slower than the opponent is to be ravaged.

"Okay, the height is almost the same, start the second round dive." After climbing to a sufficient height, I let the bird dive again, but this time I changed the target. After we entered the high-speed dive state, the air cavalry below immediately began to dodge and intend to avoid our dive attacks, but it is simply idiotic to dodge our attacks when the speed is at an absolute disadvantage.

As I expected, the second air cavalry was killed when I crossed him, and when climbing, I asked Asuka to take advantage of a sudden burst of speed and kill another by the way. Air cavalry who thought we would lose our dive advantage.

After losing three air cavalry in a row, the city below is no longer silent, but an air defense alarm sounded. To be honest, it really surprised me that the air defense sirens sounded at this time. Ordinarily, the other party would treat me as a hostile person if at first. With my destructive power, let alone having entered the sky over the city, even if it was a hundred or eighty miles away, it would be considered a very dangerous distance. For a dangerous person like me to appear within the city’s defenses, this should sound the alarm, but the other party has never done so. Instead, it didn’t start until I entered the sky over the city and killed a few air cavalry in a row. Raising the alarm, this reaction is really strange.

Although I don’t understand why the following alarm is only sounding now, I am too lazy to study their defense mechanism. According to the original plan, the air cavalry in the sky will get down a dozen or so in twos and threes. The remaining air cavalry had realized that I and them were not at the same level, and they simply gave up the siege and hung far away and no longer approached me.

Since no one rushed up anymore, I didn't care about those guys anymore. Instead, I started looking for target buildings over the city.

My goal is a very peculiar building. The shape of this building is very similar to the American Pentagon, but the difference is that this building has eight corners instead of five. In fact, when looking down from above, the whole building can just form the shape of a gossip picture.

Such a special shape, it is not difficult to find it in the air, and this building was built by our guild, so I also know the approximate location.

According to the memory, I flew to the approximate range and glanced down, and I saw the building that looked like a gossip map. The floor space of the building is very large, so it is quite easy to recognize.

After a little hesitation, I finally landed on the outside of the building instead of the inside. Although the opponent has shown considerable hostility before, I still don't want to mess with the opponent before it is finalized. It is not afraid of the opponent's strength, but if it is a misunderstanding, it will be more troublesome.

Just like when I was in the sky, as soon as I took off the bird and jumped to the ground, the guards guarding the gate immediately rushed up with weapons indiscriminately. Of course, these miscellaneous soldiers can't do anything to me. They were pulled aside in two or three times, but a large group of players rushed out of the gate. The equipment of these people was not ordinary at first glance, indicating that these should be Not an average player, at least a leader-level one.

"What's the matter?" The player who rushed out the door first saw the NPC that fell to the ground outside and scolded him. Of course, no one here would answer his question. I don't bother to care about him at all. The underground NPCs are basically dizzy now. Although they haven't died, answering the questions is definitely impossible.

After the man asked, he found that no one outside answered him, so his eyes moved to me. This guy was stunned immediately after spotting me, and then looked at me up and down. After a while he asked: "Are you Purple Moon?"

I looked down at the equipment on my body, and then asked him: "Am I that difficult to recognize?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I should have asked you this." He glanced at the guy's left chest, and then looked up at the plaque at the entrance of the building. "You don't seem to be from the Celestial Alliance?"

"The Celestial Alliance?" The player was stunned when he heard the name, and then said, "The Celestial Alliance has been driven away by us a long time ago. Now is the place of our Promise Club. Find the Celestial Alliance to find elsewhere."

"You mean that your Promise Club and the Celestial Alliance had a guild battle. Not only did they capture this place, but also the Celestial Alliance. Meng drove to another place?"

The guy on the other side heard my words and immediately said proudly: "Yes. Now this place is where our Promise will be, and you are also on the world battle strength list. For the first reason, we won’t pursue your attack on our guild NPC, let’s get out of here."

After listening to this guy’s words, I turned my head and looked at the players around him, and then He turned his gaze back to his face. "Are you the president of the Promise Club?"

"I'm not the president. What are you asking about? Do you want to see our president?"

I nodded and said: "Call He comes out, I have something to ask him."

"hmph, is our president the one you want to see?" A young player standing next to the player stood up and pointed at me and scolded loudly.

Seeing the reactions of these people, I shook the head helplessly. I really didn't expect to run into a bunch of brain-dead. "Give you one last chance to ask you to grow out, or you will don't blame me for being impolite."

"You're welcome?" Those people glanced at each other, and then suddenly laughed heartily Up. "What can you do if you are welcome? You can still rush in by yourself? We have more than a dozen people here."

This guy's words stunned me, because I Did not fully understand what he meant. Why can't I rush in by myself? I am number one in battle strength list! The single battle strength assessment given to me by the system is 1.8 billion and more than 70 million. This is the value of my battle strength under normal conditions, which does not include the addition of battle strength to my pets and various special items. The single battle strength of Divine Race is probably over 100 million, among which high level Divine Race is generally one billion upwards, and the low-level Divine Race is between one billion and 100 million. Even the battle strength of the main god is only 20. Around 500 million, the battle strengths of the top hitters in the Divine Race are generally between 2.2 billion and 2 billion. According to this calculation, in fact, the battle strength of most Divine Races is not as high as mine. And this is still the value under the premise that I don’t activate any auxiliary abilities. Once I summon the familiar or use the combined skill or something, this value will immediately start to soar. The final number is exactly what I haven’t seen, but I think it should be more than 2.2 billion, because so far, I seem to be the main god of Divine Race and feel that I am obviously pressed and beaten, and ordinary Divine Race high level thugs are at most difficult to deal with. There is no existence that makes me feel completely invincible.

Although I can’t see the battle strength of these people in front of me, looking at their equipment and the magical power fluctuations that I sensed from them, these people are like about one thousand and two hundred, usually this Players at this stage will not have more than two million battle strengths. Even if they add one piece to their battle strength, it will only be more than 20 million. Look like. This value is less than one percent of the battle strength of my full body state. These guys are actually boasted shamelessly wondering if I can rush in. Do I need to rush? If I get into a state of union, I don't even need to fight back, just walk in. The defensive magic on the body automatically counterattack is enough to kill all these people, why do I need to take action?

I simply don't know where these guys are so self-confident about the situation in front of them, but I personally feel that they are useless no matter how confident they are. Although self-confidence can improve a person's strength to a certain extent, it is only to a certain extent. Excessive self-confidence is completely brain-disabled when there is a huge gap in other aspects.

"It looks like we really don't have much to say." As I said, I reached out and snapped my fingers, and then a large black shadow suddenly appeared near me. These black shadows swiftly twisted and deformed in the air, and then formed a creature that looked like a werewolf, but was wearing a heavy armor. The height of these things is more than 2.5 meters, the waist is arched, and the legs are large in proportion. They look explosive and have a sense of speed. In addition, these werewolf-like guys all have myriad weapons in their hands, but no matter what style of weapons they are, they all have a unified feature that they are all golden and gleaming.

For the appearance of these creatures, the players over there were obviously stunned, because they didn't expect that I could summon so many creatures. You should know that dozens of this thing appeared next to me just now. On this not too wide street, it is quite spectacular for dozens of these creatures to pile up together.

However, although I was surprised by the creatures on my side, the players on the opposite side did not flinch at all. After the initial surprise, these guys immediately said with a smile: "Some summon creatures. I actually want to use this to scare us. It’s really an overestimate one's capabilities. Let’s go together and kill these creatures that look impressive but is worthless."

Following the call from the leader, the Korean players behind immediately joined forces. They rushed up, but what they didn’t expect was that those giant werewolf-like creatures didn’t rush up to fight them, but they waved their hands and summoned a large group of creatures around them.

These creatures that have been summoned out are like the weapons of those werewolf creatures. They are also myriad. Some of them are in the form of wild beasts, and some look like reptiles, and even fly. The creatures and Insect and the like also appear in the range of summon creatures. Of course, if summon comes out of Insect, then the volume is about the same size as a normal lion or tiger, not really the same size as an insect.

As soon as these creatures came out of summon, they moved towards the Korean players rushing over, and then the two sides bumped into each other without accident, but the next second these players were overwhelmed by the monsters . These summon creatures may not be very exaggerated in terms of battle strength, but they are different from ordinary creatures in one thing, that is, they are not afraid of death. Their charge is not so much rushing to fight the enemy as it is to rushing to trample the opponent to death. They simply don’t care if the enemy or enemy’s weapon or channel appears in front of them. Anyway, they know that they rush forward all the way. Pushed over to squeeze the enemy down, and then the summon creatures behind will step on the corpse of the front companion and the undead enemy and continue to rush forward, and the enemy is either trampled to death by the companion behind or bitten to death, anyway, nothing at all. The probability of survival.

This crazy charging method is really terrible for players, although the undead creatures in the game can also launch a charge that is not afraid of death just like these summon creatures, but no matter how many times they experience it, Players are always unable to adapt to this crazy battle method. Human beings are sensible, at least in most cases. Therefore, this kind of irrational and completely improper charging method is really something that humans cannot accept, no matter how many times it has been experienced, it is the same.

Those players thought that their strength could completely kill the werewolf-like creatures in front of them like melons and vegetables. Who knew they would be covered by a large group of terrifying summon creatures from the other party’s summon before they met. NS. Looking at the players who were submerged under the pile of rare beasts, the werewolf-like creatures behind immediately walked up, took their weapons and knives and dropped them one by one, and eliminated these enemies who had completely lost their ability to resist.

The people at the door were killed without any effect at all, but these creatures in my summon did not stop, but rushed into the building. Of course, in terms of the area of ​​this Eight Trigrams Array structure, if dozens of creatures are thrown in, it will be disappeared immediately, just like a handful of sand is sprayed into the sea, but there are not only dozens of creatures on my side. That's it.

In fact, the creatures those people saw just now are the Death God Guards that I came out through the Death God tattoo summon. The number of these guys has increased with my level, once at my current level. Sex can summon more than 49,000, not to mention searching the entire building, even if the entire building is demolished, it will not take much time.

As the first batch of Death God guards rushed into the building, I also carried my hands on my back, walking into the building as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, and by my side, whenever there was a batch of Immediately after the Death God guard leaves, a new batch of Death God guards will be summoned out and continue to search. Every Death God guard that comes out of this batch is a squad. They all have very strict disciplines, and they also have telepathy and other abilities. When fighting, they are almost like a person. Not to mention the miscellaneous soldiers, even if they are training. It is impossible for a well-developed army to surpass them in terms of cooperation.

After all, this place is people's headquarters, and there are still quite a few people inside. As soon as my Death God guards dispersed, they ran into Korean players here, and there was an incentive conflict between the two sides.

Death God guards are not as good at talking as I am. After encountering an enemy, they will rush forward without saying anything. It is completely a perish together with the enemy. In fact, this is also caused by the natural attribute of the Death God Guard.

Death God Guards are the subordinates of Death God Osiris, but they are directly under Anubis. Of course, no matter who is in charge, this team is the troops of the gods in charge of death anyway. There is a problem here, that is, if they die in battle, what will happen to them? The answer is simple, go back to their master, which is Death God. So, as the subordinates of Death God, since they will automatically return to Death God after death, what else are they afraid of? For these Death God guards, death is equivalent to being teleported home. It’s like if a guild player dies every time he dies without losing the level and not losing his equipment, but he will be automatically teleported back to the city. Do you think this Is it possible for guild players to be afraid of death? The answer is obviously no. Therefore, the same is true for the Death God Guard. Anyway, they are just being teleported back when they are dead. Death God won't do anything to them. At worst, they crawl out and rejoin the battle, which is nothing more than running one more section of the road.

This kind of disguised and invincible attribute has caused Death God’s guards to never fear death. As long as they don’t die for no reason, even if death can be exchanged for an extra wound on the enemy’s body, they think they are theirs. Death is worthwhile, so you can't imagine the sturdy way these guys fight. as the saying goes Soft afraid of hard, hard afraid of horizontal, horizontal afraid of stunned, stunned afraid of death. The Death God Guard is the one who is not dead, so as long as you are afraid of death, you must be afraid of them.

Although the Korean players in the building slightly surpass these Death God guards in terms of personal battle strength, the problem is that the excess is really limited, and these guys are not afraid of death at all. , The fighting style is too sturdy, and the cooperation is good. Those scattered Korean players simply can't fight these guys, especially in narrow places like corridors. The so-called meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. In such a narrow aisle, who can fight the Death God guard who is not afraid of death?

Under the strong assault of the Death God guards, the suppression of the building went smoothly. As for the outside of the building...Of course it is impossible to be peaceful. In fact, immediately after I entered the building, players came from outside, and at first it was scattered in groups of three or four, and then rushed in. Later, it became a large group of large groups of people who dared to rush inside. , Now this meeting has been silent for a long time. It was not that they were gone, but the people who later saw the piles of corpses outside and the blood waterfall on the steps of the building's entrance were all so scared that they dared not rush forward.

"Master, the guild leader found it. But there are several experts in the other party's room, we can't rush in." I was at the gate watching how no one came outside, and suddenly listened A communication call from the Death God guard through the Death God tattoo on my body.

"Okay, tell me where I am and I will come here."

"The place is..."

After listening to the report, I will directly The King and Mira were released and asked them to guard the gate for me, and I walked in the direction the Death God guard said.

Although the building is very large, the room is actually not far from the door. I quickly walked to the floor where the room is located. The corridor of this place was already crowded with Death God and the guards were lining up to rush in, while the inside and outside of the room were already blood flowing into a river at this time. Of course, these blood waters belong to each other, and the Death God guards are true summon creatures, they have no flesh. After being killed, they would immediately turn into a pile of black sand, and then be swept away by a blast of squalid wind that didn't know where it came from. Moreover, this way of disappearing can also have a certain impact on the enemy after death. After all, the body of the Death God Guard is larger than a person. It is normal for such a large pile of sand to fly up and lose eyes. Therefore, you must cover your eyes at the moment you kill the Death God guard, otherwise few people can't be blinded.

"What's the situation inside?" I stood at the end of the corridor and couldn't see the inside of the room at all. I could only see that the door seemed to be occupied by my Death God guard, but it was occasionally inside. There was black dust flying out, and then the Death God guards behind them rushed in, basically taking their lives. Of course, if the Death God guard dies, it can be summoned again after a while. This cooldown time is very short. If the opponent kills them at this speed, it is estimated that my Death God guard will not be killed if they are exhausted. On the contrary, it is. There can be no loss at all, after all, the speed at which I supplement is faster than they kill.

Although it can kill them, I don't have time to play attrition with them here, so I got the Death God guard aside after understanding the situation.

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