"What are you doing?" Baqi Orochi asked excitedly as soon as he rushed over.

"Baqi Orochi, please look at the face of all of our Japanese adventurers. Don't have any extra branches." Masaka Matsumoto stood up and said to the Oki Orochi.

"What do you mean by my extrajudicial branch?" Baqi Orochi looked at Matsumoto Masaga angrily and asked.

"Eight differences Orochi, everyone understands your careful thoughts. You and Celestial Court have feuds, and you want to start a war between the two countries, so that you can use the hands of these Japanese adventurers to help you Take revenge and pave the way. Unfortunately, although we and Japan have animosity, we are not stupid. It will not be good for both sides to continue fighting this situation. So we plan to temporarily truce for a while, and during this period, any thoughts To provoke a war between the two sides is our common enemy, China and Japan, so... I can only say sorry to you."

"Purple Moon, what are you like!" Baqi The snake glared at me and said angrily: "This is our land in Japan, and it's useless to say anything here."

Matsumoto Masaka immediately answered: "He is useless, my words are always useful, right? It is true that Japan is not suitable for launching a foreign war. Please exercise restraint and stop doing things that embarrass us."

The Yachi Orochi was taken aback by Matsumoto Masaka’s words, and then he reacted. Come over to Matsumoto Masaga angrily shouted: "Matsumoto Masaka, you are not alone in the future of Japan."

"Is it because you said it is not the answer?" Akatsuki doesn't know what The time had already been chased, and at this time a sentence just pushed back the words of the eight-headed snake. "Matsu, this Monarch alone does not represent the will of the whole of Japan, but before we came here, we have convened the leaders of most guilds in Japan for consultations, and we have reached an agreement on this matter. In other words, this is our main business in Japan. The joint decision of the meeting is not the decision of a certain person. If you think that this is not the will of Japan, then whose will is your so-called Japanese will? Is it yours? I don’t remember when you Become our Lord Heavenly Sovereign in Japan."


"What are you doing! I don’t know what to say, but I can’t talk about it. I advise you to continue Get out of here! Don’t be embarrassed here.” Unlike Masaka Matsumoto’s serious tone, I’m the enemy anyway, so I don’t have to be so polite when I can speak sarcasm, and it’s best to be irritated. You can vomit blood if you don't die!

"You...you..." The Baqi Orochi is already a bit incoherent now, pointing at us for a long time without saying anything.

At this time, Guishou Nobunaga, who had been taken by us, suddenly stood up and ran to the Baqi Orochi. He was not killed after being subdued before, but was tied up. The reason why he didn't kill him was mainly because Matsumoto Masaga was present. It would be fine if he was killed directly in the battle, but at that time he was just captured. If we kill her later, as Matsumoto Masaga, we must come forward to stop her. After all, working with us to deal with Raiga can be concealed with justice or something, but if we kill the ghost hand Nobunaga, Matsumoto Masaka doesn't care, it doesn't make sense. Therefore, there is no way to start anyway, we simply did not mention this. Of course, we don't talk about killing, and Masaga Matsumoto won't say letting go, so this guy has been tied back.

Now when I see the gap, Nobunaga, the ghost hand, immediately jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the Baqi Orochi. Gold coin responded quickly, pinching the sword art with one hand, and pointing it into a knife. Flying Sword slanted on his back, and then pointed forward, Flying Sword immediately came out of the sheath, swished and rushed to the back of Nobunaga Guishou.

Although the Baqi Big Snake is angry, his strength lies there. He turned into a humanoid with one hand and pointed at the Flying Sword, and a red light flew out to face the Flying Sword in midair. Flying away, they are about to collide together. However, gold coin's reaction was even more exaggerated. Seeing that the light and the sword were about to converge, gold coin suddenly squeezed the right hand wrist with his left hand, turned over the palm, and the Flying Sword suddenly broke into seventeen or eight Flying Swords. A rolling sword barrel continued to move forward while rotating around the original trajectory of the sword flying, and because the Flying Sword spread out, the beam shot directly from the middle, completely not rubbing the Flying Sword. Moreover, after the light beam flew by, the gold coin was a finger hook again, and the scattered Flying Sword immediately oh la la slammed together again and formed a Flying Sword suddenly accelerated moving towards the ghost hand Nobunaga and flew past. .

Baqi Orochi looked at Flying Sword flying behind Nobunaga Guishou in a hurry. It wasn't that he was really worried about Nobunaga Guishou, but he was worried about his reputation. Originally, his current reputation in Japan is already very stinky. It's okay if he didn't make a move just now, but he did not save people. This is not only a bad reputation, and even his strength is doubted. Since ancient times, there are only three ways to ask others to listen to you. One is Xu Yili, the second is benevolence and righteousness, and the third is martial power.

This is convenient and simple, but it is a pity that Baqi Orochi is a single-eater, and it is good that he never wants to share it with others. So, he couldn't do this.

The rest of the benevolence and justice is to use one's good reputation to attract others to cast the effect, such as Matsumoto Masaka is now using this method of benevolence and justice. However, Baqi Orochi has done a lot of oolong things with Guishou Nobunaga recently. In addition to the video recording that came out before, the reputation of Baqi Orochi is really stinking in the wind, let alone attractive, even if It's good for people. Most people who pay a little attention to the naming section are sorry.

Now the only thing left in the Eight-Different Orochi who can call others to follow him is the martial power. Whether the other party worships the powerhouse and is willing to follow, or uses martial power to subdue the other party, in short, if the martial power is outstanding, someone is willing to follow. But just now, after he shot, Nobunaga was still killed by someone. If this spread out, who still believes in his strength? Of course, the strength of the Baqi Orochi is indeed there, and it will not be reduced by the slightest because of this matter. But the question is, no matter how strong you are, what use is it if no one knows it? Baqi Orochi can't call players from all over Japan to perform in front of them, right?

So, the current Baqi Orochi is almost burning eyebrows in a hurry. However, even if he was anxious, the current Baqi Orochi had nothing to do, because the sword was almost on Nobunaga Oni's body, and his moves were used up, and he hadn't had time to prepare for a 2nd move.

However, just when Baqi Orochi thought that his martial power value was going to be suspected, suddenly a silhouette flashed, and with a sound, the flying sword of gold coin was directly bounced out. After several laps in the sky, he flew back to gold coin.

Although so many things have happened just now, Nobunaga Kisou actually doesn't know anything. He ran with his back to this side, so he didn't know anything at the time, until the light beam of the eight-headed snake flew over his head, which made him realize what was happening behind him.

Guishou Nobunaga, who turned around suddenly, heard a sound first, which was actually the sound of Flying Sword being knocked off. Following him, he saw a silhouette behind him, thinking of Baqi The light beam that Orochi had just directed at his back was obviously to intercept something. Relying on this analysis, Nobunaga Guishou did another super stupid thing. He suddenly broke the rope tied to his body. This thing is just a look, and it has no binding force for people who have this level and divine force body protection. We hadn't planned to kill him before. The rope means a little bit. As long as he wants to break free, the rope can break free anytime. Because of this, Guishou Nobunaga easily broke the rope, and then he thought he had done something unexpected. He changed his hand accurately and pulled out the long knife that was not dropped from his waist, and then gave it directly. That silhouette one cut.

In fact, Nobunaga's this move is really unexpected, but this unexpected method is a bit wrong. Whether it was people from our side or from Japan, whether it was a player or an NPC, all of them were dumbfounded for a while. It's as if the entire world has entered a slow motion state. Everyone looked at the silhouette that had been slashed and slowly turned around, then slowly reached out and touched their back, and then took their hands. I took a look in front of me, and finally fell forward to the ground with everyone's mouth open and dumbfounded.

"Nobunaga Guishou, are you crazy?" August Xun was the first to shout, and Fire Dragon Ji was the quickest to go up and kick Nobunaga Guishou over. land.

After being beaten, Nobunaga got up and still a little not knowing what to do, because he found that everyone around him saw that his expressions were all wrong. He wouldn’t be surprised if only Augustsuki Kaoru and Chi Fire Dragon Ji didn’t react properly. After all, these three of them had always been out of nostrils with Matsumoto Masaka, so no matter what they do, Nobunaga Oni Shou will not think so. What's weird. But the problem is that even Baqi Orochi's expression is obviously abnormal when he looks at him now, which makes him very puzzled.

Although I wondered what happened, I couldn't just let it go after I got a kick. Guishou Nobunaga jumped up from the ground and asked loudly: "Fire Dragon Ji, don't think you are a woman and I dare not beat you. Why are you kicking me well?"

"I ( The player was blocked) Nobunaga ghost." The person who was cut and fell to the ground finally got up with the help of Akatsuki and Sakurayu, and he heard the words of Nobunaga ghost. I scolded it immediately, and used swear words, and even the voice was blocked by the system for a while. "You can chop me, why can't Chi Fire Dragon Ji kick you? I said you have excrement in your head? Today, if you don't tell me one, two, three, I will never let you go!"

Originally, Nobunaga Guishou was still confused, but when he heard this sound, he was stunned, because he realized that it was Matsumoto Masaka who had cut a knife.

Everyone knows that the weapon used by Masaka Matsumoto is the Divine Sword. This thing is fine when it is not in use, but as soon as it is infused with magic power, it will immediately become like a fluorescent tube, and the more powerful it is, the brighter it will be. Just about to resist the Flying Sword of gold coin, Masaga Matsumoto naturally has to invest a lot of magic power. After all, gold coin is also the top five super expert in the world. Without a little strength, it will definitely not be able to stop her attack. Therefore, because of instilling a lot of magic power, Matsumoto's whole person was shrouded by the white light of Divine Sword at that time. Therefore, when Nobunaga Guishou looked back, what he saw was a humanoid figure in a piece of while light, and when he thought of the light beam of the eight-pointed serpent, he naturally slashed it over, but in fact he At that time, it was simply not clear who was hacking.

Regardless of what Onishou Nobunaga said, the current situation is that everyone sees Matsumoto Masaka rushing up and fending off the Flying Sword, which is chasing on behalf of Onishou Nobunaga, and then Onishou Nobunaga. Turning around, he chopped down Masaka Matsumoto with a knife. Whether this kind of thing is in China or Japan, even if you are outside the planet, it is definitely a despised behavior. People rushed up to help you block the gun. If you don't thank you, it's okay, but you actually took advantage of the opportunity to help you block the gun. Sneak attack people, animals and beasts are not enough to describe this situation. You must know that even wild beasts have many people who know how to repay you. As a human being, what do you think others will think of you when you do this kind of thing?

Of course, some people will say that this kind of thing is actually done by many people. But the problem is that you should not make it so obvious. In the presence of so many people, and this kind of life and death is related, this meaning is really too great.

Onitsuka nobunaga discovered that it was Masaga Matsumoto who was slashed, and then thought of the situation just now, after analyzing it himself, he almost didn't cry on the spot. He finally realized that he seemed to have cut the wrong person. Matsumoto Masaka obviously came to save him, and he himself actually cut down Matsumoto Masaka.

If you sew Guishou Nobunaga in an orderly manner, he will definitely go in without hesitation and grab two piles of soil and bury himself, because it is really embarrassing. Although he wanted to explain it, and some people at the scene should have thought of the reason, but... the fact is that he cut down Matsumoto Masaga. This is a fact that can't be changed by an explanation, so Nobunaga Onishu stammered there for a long time. Say half a word.

pa pa pa pa ……A burst of applause rang out. At first it was applauded by one person, and then suddenly it turned into a round of applause. As soon as Guishou Nobunaga tilted his head, he found that the applause was us. People on the side. After I found Nobunaga Guishou saw me, I said with a smile: "It's really wonderful! What is this called? Requite kindness with enmity? Mr. Dong Guo's story didn't expect really has a realistic version. I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it for a long time!"

"Purple Moon, you bastard, don't sow discord! I just admitted the wrong person, so I accidentally injured Song this Monarch."

"Injured by mistake?" Ying Yu Shen Chou suddenly cried out at this time. "You two were less than two meters apart at the time. Are you blind? You accidentally hurt? You are too embarrassed to say it."

"You don’t know the sword of Masaka Matsumoto, that thing started. It’s just like a searchlight, how can I see who it was at the time?"

"Nobunaga ghost, people can’t be shameless to this point! Let’s forget the accidental injury before, and it’s still there. Sophistry, don’t you feel ashamed?"

"It was not my fault!"

"It's alright, I don't want to be with you this time Whatever you care about, I can see through people like Nobunaga Onishou. You should leave as soon as possible." Masaka Matsumoto said while sending Nobunaga Onishon away. This is not to say how tolerant Matsumoto Masaka is. The main reason is that I don't want Nobunaga Onito to continue to delay time here, because we still have a more troublesome goal that we haven't gotten away.

It was probably Matsumoto's words that reminded him. Before, the eight-headed snake who hadn't spirit slowly recovered for a while also suddenly reacted at this time. "Okay, let’s put an end to the section of the road about Nobunaga Guishou for the time being. Since Song this Monarch doesn’t plan to pursue it anymore, let’s go over it like this. However, today’s matter still needs to be clarified."

"Eight Difference Orochi, don’t think about starting a dispute. We have reached an agreement with the Chinese and will not fight in any sense for the time being. The Demons have decided to leave here with the new Monster King, we The guilds here have also determined that they will not participate in the war. If you forcibly provoke a dispute, it is against us all in Japan. Are you sure you want that?"

Counting on this matter, the ultimate goal is of course to provoke a dispute, which will eventually lead to a melee between the two countries. But what made him didn't expect was that Masaka Matsumoto changed his previous attitude and said this to him extremely hard. Now it means that Matsumoto Masaka has already said this matter to his death. Although this is very merciless, it is precisely because it is merciless, so there is no way to sophis and deny.

"Well, since you have said so, this time for the sake of Japan's future, I will bear it." Yaqi Orochi weighed repeatedly and still did not dare to provoke public anger. He certainly cannot rely on him to counterattack China alone, so the support of Japanese players is an indispensable thing for him. After giving up this opportunity this time, his counterattack plan will be delayed for a period of time at most, but if he is completely offended by it. Once the Japanese players stand on their opposite side, there is really no chance. Therefore, Baqi Orochi finally compromised.

Although Baqi Orochi’s reputation in Japan is almost negative, this guy is a god that Japanese players have relied on, so as long as it is not a big mistake, Matsumoto Masaka is not good to be too persecuted. Eight divergent snakes. Now that he has made a compromise, Masaga Matsumoto naturally has no need to fight him again, but politely said: "Thank you for your understanding. We Japanese players will remember your contribution."

As for Matsumoto Masaka's words, the Ochi Orochi was nodded, and didn't say anything to him, so he turned around and left the scene directly. It is quite difficult for him to restrain himself with his temper, and it is absolutely impossible for him to go to Matsumoto Masaka and the others to fake a polite.

As soon as the Baqi Orochi left, Nobunaga Guishou became a motherless child. He looked at the unkind eyes of the people around and hurriedly chased after the Baqi Orochi with the name of the Baqi Orochi. This time he was completely on the wrong team, and he made continuous mistakes in the middle. Even our enemies felt that he must have not read the almanac when he went out today. The whole thing is invincible. . Especially the last cut of Masaga Matsumoto, it is simply a life-long stain! If it was possible to do it again, I guess that Nobunaga Onitou would rather take a knife than slash Matsumoto Masaga. Unfortunately, "Zero" is an online game, so there is no such thing as reading files. Besides, the game can be reversed, but the players' memories can't be erased, and this taint, Nobunaga, can't be washed away completely.

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