The three of us and Masaka Matsumoto are completely our own, so I will definitely not let the Monster Kings deal with Masaka Matsumoto, but the problem is Nobunaga Onishu. They don't know this, and we can't let others know that we are actually in the same group, so the superficial article is still to be done.

I watched Matsumoto Masaka pretending to be generous and said, "Matsumoto Masaka, don’t worry. I have a characteristic of being creditworthy. Now that an agreement has been reached, I will Follow it to the end. Of course, the premise is that you don’t take the initiative to find it."

Nodded Matsumoto said: "I know the severity, and I don’t need to remind me about this matter."

I didn't say much nodded, and turned directly to the old Lich who had been restrained over there. This guy’s current energy intensity is less than one-fifth of the initial energy level, and his body has changed from an almost opaque state to a misty feeling. It is estimated that if anyone present will give him a soul shock. , This guy is doomed.

"Gold coin, don't be stunned, I received it in the past. Didn't you say it's useful?"

"Oh." Gold coin also reacted at this time and ran quickly I used to take out a piece of yellow paper and put it on the old Lich's head. Accompanied by a scream, the yellow paper collapsed quickly, and when the gold coin picked it up, it was found that there were more personal images on the yellow paper, which was printed on the paper as if it were a photo.

According to the European biography, Lich this thing should be something other than Demi-God Level, the kind that is so strong that it is boundless. Moreover, Lich's body should actually be an object called a phylactery, and the ghost-like object that usually comes out to be active should actually be called a power projection, which is similar to Avatar. Anyway, as long as Lich's phylogeny is okay, no matter how much damage the projection has suffered, it doesn't matter even if it is completely purified. As long as the phylactery is still there, it can be resurrected automatically after a while.

Of course, the above are the orthodox settings in the legend, and the settings in the game "Zero" are like this. Lich in "Zero" is basically the same as the legend, after all, it was designed based on the legend. However, Lich's abilities in the game are not uniform. The Lichs in Europe, such as the ones I met in the Dark God Palace, are all orthodox Lichs, similar to those in the legend. However, the situation of Lich encountered in other areas is more chaotic. It seems that the production method of Lich has been leaked in the game, so there are people in all parts of the world who will make Lich, but except for Europe, Lich in other places is basically a copycat.

These cottage Lichs are basically all kinds of strange things, and some have no phylacteries, just like Nether Soul, the projection is the body, and when they are destroyed, they don’t exist, and they don’t have the ability to resurrect. Other Lich's strength is so bad that he can't even beat the advanced Nether Soul. Even some Lichs seem to be a bit mixed with Necromancer, but they are actually physical, and physical damage will affect their souls. I basically attribute the Lich features of all kinds of strange things to the difference between the research and development direction of the copycat version and the original version, and the old Lich just now is obviously the copycat version. First, it is unlikely to find the orthodox Lich production technology in Japan. Second, this guy is a Monster King. His own racial characteristics determine that even an orthodox Lich is unlikely to get involved with him. So, this old Lich Eight Achievement is a copycat version of Lich. As for why he became Lich... In fact, Lich's origins are basically the same. A certain powerful life is about to die. If you don't want to die, it is an option to transform into Lich, so the transformation will be a matter of course.

This old Lich was the father of Thunder Tooth before his death, and he was also a Great Demon, and quite powerful, but even the most powerful creature might die, even Divine Race. So, this Old Guy may have some kind of accident, and in desperation he can only be forced to transform into Lich. But now it is cheaper for us.

Gold coin put away the Lich here, Thunder Yah naturally resisted to save his father, but he didn't resist before. Now that he is captured, what is the use of resisting? Although Thunderya, who was pressed on the ground by a group of Monster Kings on our side, was desperately twisting his body, but all the pressure on his body was the same level as him, and there was simply no way to break away.

I glanced at Thundertooth who was struggling and twisting over there, and I asked those Monster Kings: "Who knows how to receive Thundertooth's territory?"

The Banshee who saw Matsumoto Masaga before stepped up and said: "We will naturally discuss how to allocate Thunder Toa's site. You just want to let those small tribes that belonged to Thunder Toa retreat and don't attack your city. This matter was originally quite troublesome, after all, Lei Ya was defeated by us, and it will take time for us to regroup his subordinates, but for the sake of your Power of Faith, we, Great Demon, can make a special trip to get those Little fellows rushed back. Although they are not our subordinates yet, they should have heard of our reputation. If we have so many Monster Kings together, no little demon would dare to sing against us."

As soon as I heard this, I nodded and said: "Then trouble everyone." As I said, I took out the previous Power of Faith storage tank again, and said: "Come here, everyone, I'll distribute Power of Faith."

Because it is divided equally by heads, there is no prioritization problem. I have calculated the weight here, and naturally everyone is lining up to receive their own Power of Faith.

On the surface, it seems that we actually suffered a loss this time, because I lost a pot of Power of Faith for this. Suffer. First of all, we have achieved our strategic goal, which is to prevent the further deterioration of the relationship between Japan and China. Secondly, we got a lot of captives in this battle, and these captives can finally be transformed into familiars. Judging from the current price of the familiars in the game, even if we count that bottle of Power of Faith, we have made a lot of money.

Of course, if we look at the actual situation, then we will be even more profitable. After all, Power of Faith is now the same as the oil in the eyes of Arab countries in our eyes. That’s a lot. Terrible. Even more exaggerated than the oil of those Arab countries is that although they have a lot of oil, there is still a total reserve there, even if it is not the kind that can be used up in a few years, after all, the exhaustion time can already be calculated. NS. But in comparison, our Power of Faith is simply endless. At present, the Power of Faith collector on the Netherworld simply cannot work at full power. Not only can it only be driven at low speed, but it has to take turns to suppress output. At the current rate of consumption, there is simply no possibility of exhaustion within the time we can predict. With such terrifying reserves, do you think we care about Power of Faith? If we didn't know the truth that things are scarce and expensive, and we were worried that opening up the supply would cultivate those NPC forces too strong, we would have mass-produced Power of Faith and sold it all over the world.

After allocating the Power of Faith, those Monster Kings did not delay, and immediately began to absorb them on the spot. Although the number of these Power of Faith is not large, it can’t be said to be too much for everyone. Of course, the Monster Kings actually feel a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of single absorption. The feeling of Power of Faith is really a rare experience for them. It can be said that the Monster Kings are painful and happy now. On the one hand, the inner core in the body is being pushed to burst, on the other hand. I also felt full of power all over my body, and there was a feeling of bursting out.

Although I also know that these Monster Kings have not yet fully adapted to the effects of Power of Faith, we really don’t have much time. It is already past four o'clock in the afternoon Japan time, which means it will be dark in a while. If the demon Demon Art outside the pivot city must attack the city, it must be before dark. After all, although they have very good night vision, the problem is that our guild’s night combat ability is even more exaggerated. Japanese players have done a special test on this before, and the conclusion is that the night battle strength of the guild's personnel will increase by 18% to 20% on average. There are basically three reasons for the obvious change.

The first reason is that there are so many undead in our guild, and as everyone knows, undead creatures are excited at night. This characteristic determines the overall battle strength of our guild, which starts to skyrocket at night. , Especially those undead troops.

The second reason should be attributed to the dual role of the military god and the detector. The guild has a variety of battlefield detection systems, from the most basic individual crystal observation to the most high-level super-large battlefield scanning magic array, the configuration of the guild can be said to be extremely luxurious. These detectors form a three-dimensional cross battlefield map, and because of the cheating existence of the military god, the players and NPCs in our guild almost equivalent to get a battlefield data link system. Can you imagine the result of an ancient army commanding operations by signal flags and various musical instruments encountering a digital corps equipped with a battlefield data link system? Players from our guild fight night battles with players from other countries. It's almost like this.

As for the third reason...I think this may have something to do with the super buildings of our guild. Because we have the largest guild library in the world, our guild has a complete way of learning and sharing skills. The reasonable and relatively low cost of learning means that players in our guild are happy to learn some practical small skills and large-scale training. The powerful auxiliary training capabilities brought by the venues have determined that almost all players in this guild have played the special night battle mode, so it is not difficult to imagine what the result of a group of players who have night vision skills and specially trained for overnight battles when they encounter a group of ordinary players. The appearance of massacre is already a blessing to the fact that the weapons in the game are not as fast as modern weapons. If all the swords in our players’ hands are replaced with submachine guns, I guess that in the night battle, other traders may see us and plan to run. Yes, that is basically a unilateral massacre. Unfortunately, the melee weapon determines that even if we can find the enemy from a few kilometers away, we still have to rush to fight. At most, we throw a few throwing knives in advance to weaken the battle strength of some enemies first. Of course, the mages and archers still take advantage of it at night, but unfortunately there are not many archers, and the attack methods of the mages are actually very dynamic, so the concealment is very bad, basically you can’t expect them to play snipers at night. Effect. After all, you have a mage and others. Although you can spot the enemy first, you will know where you are as long as you use spell. Our mage doesn't have much advantage except for the first round of strike power.

Based on the strong night combat ability of our guild, as long as the enemy's head is okay, he will not consider fighting against us, not to mention the premise that we are fully prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to stop them as soon as possible. Those demons may attack at any time before dark.

At the urging of Masaka Matsumoto and I, those Demons were reluctant, but they had already signed the agreement, so they had no choice but to return to the fulcrum with us as agreed.

On the way back, we were always worried that when we came back, we saw a battlefield of gunpowder smoke, but fortunately, the situation we expected did not happen. Those Japanese players who were about to start the war were staring at the people of Masaka Matsumoto, and couldn't find a chance to start the war. On the other side, the Yaqi Orochi was still watched by August, and couldn't find it at all. Take the opportunity to instigate those Demons to join the war. However, even without the participation of Baqi Orochi, those demons seemed to be reaching the limit of Nexus.

Demon is not a patient race. These guys are strictly speaking, they are the existence of chaotic camp. It is quite difficult to restrain their impulse to attack. Of course, I think the reason why they misunderstood the Baqi Orochi is the main component. After all, the strength of the Baqi Orochi is too strong, and they are afraid that if they do something wrong, it will be troublesome for the Oki Orochi to attack them. This kind of fear caused these Demons to rush to fight even if they were impatient, so they persisted until we came back.

Because there is an agreement, we and Masaka Matsumoto did not deliberately return separately, but we came back together. Anyway, Nobunaga Oni is here, there is no need to hide anything. Of course, the situation when I came back with Masaka Matsumoto was not only the Orochi, but also the presidents of the Japanese guilds who followed Masaka Matsumoto were taken aback. The Demons who were originally blocked by these guild leaders saw that these players were frozen and immediately wanted to take the opportunity to charge, but before they could move, they saw a large group of familiar silhouettes appear in front of them.

"Damn, why are there so many Monster Kings here?" The leader of a monster tribe recognized the identities of these guys in front of them.

The leader of the next tribe squinted his eyes and looked in the crowd for a long time before asking: "Strange, why is our king not here?"

"It shouldn't be..." One guy seemed to have guessed it.

Sure enough, the Monster Kings in front of him suddenly gave up a path before his voice, and then I saw Masaka Matsumoto and I walk out side by side from behind. A guy who was tied up like a zongzi was thrown directly on the ground by me. Those Demons looked down and were immediately shocked. It turned out that this was their Monster King Thunder Fang.

"Monster King!" Among those Demons, some of the excited ones were about to rush forward, but in the end they were held back by their boss.

Seeing those tribal leaders holding my little brother, I slightly nodded with a smile, and then said: "Thunder Fang has been defeated by us, and his territory will be ruled by these Monster Kings in the future. You are If you want to fight against these Monster Kings, do you still have to choose acknowledge allegiance?"

The monsters on the opposite side took a step back when they heard what I said, and then started a chaotic discussion. In the end, I don’t know which monster brought it. Head, all the monsters knelt down to our side and shouted: "Long live the king."

In fact, this choice is not difficult. No matter how strong Thunder Fang is, it is a Monster King. What's more, they are still captured now. They are just seeking refuge in Thunder Fang. Thunder Fang can shelter them, and so can these Monster Kings. Although the previous Thunder Ya was not so harsh to them, it was definitely not kind, so they didn't have to be loyal to Thunder Ya. Besides, there are twenty Monster Kings on the opposite side! I challenged them only when my head got flooded. What is the difference between that and courting death?

"Well, since you are willing to acknowledge allegiance, immediately leave here and return to your residence with these Monster Kings. You can discuss and solve the following matters yourself."

The following The monsters all responded, and then the tribe bosses stood up and began to gather their subordinates to prepare to evacuate. However, they were ready to withdraw, but Baqi Orochi couldn't sit still. Originally, he always thought that there would be a fight here, who would have thought that we would have found so many Monster Kings and stopped those monsters who began to stir in one fell swoop. Once these guys evacuated, then the plan of Baqi Orochi was completely ruined. Under such circumstances, how can you say that Baqi Orochi can still sit still?

Although the August Xunde mission is to stop the Yaqi Orochi, since Matsumoto Masaka and the others are back, and the Demons here seem to be planning to withdraw, so August Xun is not blocking it anymore. Holding the Eight-Different Orochi, besides, the current Eight-Different Orochi is obviously out of control, and if it is stopped, there may be conflicts. Once it really tears its face, it will be difficult to handle.

The eight-headed snake quickly rushed to our side, and the Monster Kings here immediately shook a little. Although they are both Monster Kings, the Eight Divine Snakes have accumulated power for a long time, even more how this guy has an official Divine Race title, he still holds the divine force core in his hand, and he is already better than the average Monster King. It's amazing. With all these diverse collections, the Monster Kings on the scene are naturally a little afraid of him. However, although he was a little scared, it was because he was not as powerful as him in the one-to-one situation. Now there are twenty Monster Kings here, plus Masaka Matsumoto and I are actually not weaker than Monster Kings. Those guys are also more confident. Really want to fight, our battle strength is together, even if it’s the Power of Faith in the burning hand, the Baqi Orochi will definitely pay a heavy price if he wants to kill us today, and maybe his own nickname is Can't keep it. Monster Kings will not take such a big risk, and neither will the Eight-Different Snake.

"What are you doing?" Baqi Orochi asked excitedly as soon as he rushed over.

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