Ghost Nobunaga and Baqi Orochi left, our emotions immediately relaxed. The only people who want to fight on the scene are the little monsters and the Japanese players who are the main battle group. However, the Demons were all taken down by the Monster King and are now gathering to leave, so they no longer pose any threat. As for those militants, no other forces exist, and they really can't make waves alone.

People in a country are definitely not all the same. There are all kinds of people in it, and the difference is only a matter of how many. In the same way, militants and peaceful people will inevitably exist in the same country at the same time. The difference is only a matter of number. Generally speaking, when a country has a problem, whether it is political, economic, or military, in short, it is in trouble and the citizens’ satisfaction with the country reaches a dangerous value. , There will be more militants in this country. This is a way of relieving pressure, just like when people want to throw something to vent when they are too stressed. People in the country feel too much pressure in their lives, and they want to launch wars to vent this pressure. no in good mood. During World War II, the support for those militants in Japan had a lot to do with the survival pressure of the Japanese people at that time.

However, Japan is still far from reaching that point, so it can be said that there are far more normal-minded people in Japan than those militants. Therefore, we are not afraid of these militants at all. Too few and no supporters at the bottom, such forces pose no threat at all.

Demons are evacuating, there is no threat from the militants. Naturally, there is no need for us and Masaka Matsumoto to stay here anymore. We said something to each other and we separated. After all, Masaka Matsumoto It's not alone, and there is a large group of Japanese guild leaders behind, so the conversation between the two of us must be official, at least so that other Japanese players can't find Matsumoto's handle after hearing about this.

Although the things in Fulcrum City have been completed, I can’t spare my hard work. It's not that I don't want to rest, but that there are so many things that I don't have time to rest. The matter here in Fulcrum City is no longer important, and the rest is thrown to the local Chief-In-Charge to deal with. I myself followed the other guild leaders back to Isengard, and we were only in Isenger. I stayed for less than half an hour, and after a brief meeting, I went to each other immediately.

Our guilds have their own power distributions all over the world, and each region needs to have people who can stay in town. Therefore, the guild high-levels are generally separated. Of course, Isinger generally has half of his personnel stationed, and his main role is to provide timely reinforcements in case of emergencies. However, our elven city in South America is still in the urban forming stage. The main city and outer circle area transformed from Tree of Life have been completed, but the city is basically empty. Population migration and the construction of defense facilities, these all require manpower. Even if we contract the elves to be responsible, it does not mean that we can be arm-flinging shopkeepers. It's like decorating your own house. Have you ever hired an engineering team to contract out? You don't care? Obviously impossible. You may not need to intervene in the specific construction, but there are definitely many things you need to do.

Because this wizard city consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, if it cannot be completed immediately, it will cause a backlog of funds, which is very bad for the operation of a large guild. Therefore, the construction here is Can't stop. However, in addition to the construction of this elven city, Russia is also extremely uncomfortable. Naturally, there is a problem of someone staring at the border, and now the only one who is not bound to death and can be used as a mobile force is me. This president is now.

Now the whole guild is the only one who has no fixed missions, so of course I have to deal with sudden occurrences, and the thing that prevents me from resting is the damn mysterious bomb.

Before, when the Baqi Orochi and the others secretly prepared to attack Fulcrum City, a South Korean fleet appeared as their reinforcements in the Japanese territorial waters. At that time, I went to reconnaissance this place, but the enemy was caught in an instant. The self-destruct was blown to death. Afterwards, according to the information collected by our guild, the explosion not only caused me to hang up with the two accompanying me, but also caused a large tsunami, which directly caused Fulcrum City to be severely damaged, and even several nearby Japanese cities were not spared. . According to the records in the memory crystal I checked afterwards, the formidable power of that explosion actually reached and exceeded the formidable power of small nuclear weapons.

It is said that the Legion-level magic in the game, that is, the forbidden spell's formidable power is similar to nuclear weapons, and we should not be surprised by the appearance of such a bomb. However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that this thing is actually much more powerful than Legion-level magic.

Legion-level magic requires dozens of ordinary wizards to make the magic battery, and it also needs an outstanding high-level wizard to guide it. The entire casting process often takes more than ten minutes, and it is easy to be interrupted and produce backlash during this process.

In contrast, although I didn’t see the bomb of the Korean, it took only a few minutes from when I entered the enemy ship to the other party’s detonation? According to this calculation, even if the bomb cannot be detonated instantly, the preparation time is definitely very short.

One is a magic that takes ten minutes to prepare, and the other is a bomb that explodes at one point. When the formidable power is similar, which one do you think is more useful? Obviously a bomb. Not only because of the short preparation time, bombs can also be used to store a lot, and magic can only be released on the spot. What? You said you can make a magic scroll? A Legion-level magic scroll? According to the rule that the scroll is one level higher than the spell, the scroll of the Legion-level spell must be of Divine Grade. Considering that the mage can only make scrolls with a first rank lower than his own, then who will do the Divine Grade scrolls? High God? What do they still need to scroll to do if they can ask for it? Just wave your hand and let your enemy sink the whole country directly. What scrolls do you still play?

Considering that the Korean bomb is really formidable power, we obviously have to go there anyway, and now everyone is busy, of course it is only me. However, even if you are going to South Korea, you can't make random investigations. You must first understand the situation before talking.

While riding a bird flying in the sky at high speed, I am cursing the damn self-esteem of Korean players. Originally, our guild came from a city in South Korea, so originally I could use the Transnational Transmission Formation to send to South Korea. However, all of the Korean players are full of national pride. It feels like building a city in their country is like building a latrine on his family's ancestral grave. The resistance is fierce. Even if we use the rental method to build the city, it’s useless. We still destroy it in two days. In the end, we are really annoyed. In addition, in order to win Korean players to fight against Japan, we are forced to make a compromise. The city was sold to a Korean guild. Although the guild repeatedly stated that it did not mind us setting up a transnational Transmission Formation in the city, we were not stupid. Transnational Transmission Formation is such an important thing, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is similar to a satellite launch base. Do you think that kind of thing we can rest assured in other people's cities? We must know that even the transnational Transmission Formation in our own city is planted with bombs and can be self-destructed when necessary. This thing how can we build in someone else's city?

Because of the above reasons, we don’t have our own city in South Korea, and I can only fly by myself if I want to go to South Korea. Of course, I can also take a boat, but I guess the speed is before I get there. crazy!

Although you can’t use Transmission Formation, the speed of Asuka is pretty good. Besides, I didn’t fly directly from Isengard to Korea. Instead, I sent it to the coastal city closest to Korea. Take off from here. In the mode of supersonic flight, he soon reached an island owned by South Korea.

This island does not actually exist in reality. Although the main world map of "Zero" is based on the actual Earth, it is only a reference, and there are still many differences. This island belongs to an island that does not exist in reality, but since it has been added, it shows that it has a certain meaning. Of course, players rarely study these, after all, it has no direct relationship with their own battles, and even if they are researched out, not all the modified places have any special significance. The modification of some terrain is entirely because the original terrain is too monotonous, and the designer wants to add a little change.

Although the island in front of you does not hide any secrets, it is different from the general terrain modification, because the island is designed for war. In fact, the location of this island is very good. It happened to be stuck in the waterway between China, Japan and South Korea. And it originally came out of the storm zone, which is the so-called national barrier.

To put it simply, this island originally did not belong to any country, but now it has become a Korean territory entirely because it was occupied by Korean players. When the national warfare system was opened, some passages appeared on the national barrier. Although these passages are not completely in a state of unobstructed, but compared to other locations, these places are much safer. Therefore, personnel exchanges between different countries can basically only rely on these channels. The island in front of me just happened to be stuck on such a three-nation public passage. Although the Sea Territory near it looks similar to the Sea Territory in other places, the number of rare beasts on this waterway is more than 70% less than that in other areas, and the remaining 30% strength is generally low. .

Don’t think that our guild’s fleet is full of the world and we really think that the ocean is not dangerous. In fact, not only in reality or in the game, the ocean is a very dangerous place. The Sea Beast in this game is not so powerful. Look at so many countries in the world, how many countries are able to make their fleets full of the world? Anything that can go on ocean voyages is a very powerful fleet, either with a large number of heavy weapons or expert, otherwise you will definitely be gnawed by the Sea Beast.

Because not all guilds have the same ocean-going fleet as our guilds, unless we happen to run into our fleet to go to sea, and everyone has the same destination, you can escort by the way. Under normal circumstances, ordinary guilds Players need to take these natural waterways that the system opens to travel. This shows how important these waterways are, and when stuck on such a waterway, it is not difficult to imagine the great value of this island.

Of course, there are many people who want to take possession of an island with such a huge value. In fact, we and the Japanese have both thought about this place before. The Japanese once occupied the island for a period of time and built a city on the island. The city of Fortress City on the island was first built by Japanese players, but our guilds later attacked the island, and the Japanese were driven to the sea. However, when we were preparing to occupy this place, the Russian invasion happened, and then we temporarily abandoned it. The reason for giving up is to exchange help.

At that time, the power of our guild was entrusted to Japan, and the Russians invaded our country. We need to get out of Japan as soon as possible and engage in the homeland defense war. At that time, the Koreans ran out and made this deal with us. The island and the city that had been blasted to a white ground were handed over to the Korean players, but the Korean guild took over our defense and temporarily blocked the pursuit of the Japanese, allowing our guild to withdraw its power back to the country.

Because of that cooperation, the island is now Korean territory, and a new city has been built on it.

The flying bird did not land directly after reaching the sky above the island. Instead, it circled the island a few times. The purpose of this circling is to let the people below notice that I am here. After all, this is someone’s. If you fly directly into the site, it might cause misunderstandings. I'm here to investigate, not to fight, so unless it is confirmed that this is where the bomb was made, I still don't want a fight to happen.

When we deliberately fly relatively low, it is quite easy to attract the attention of the people below. After all, although the name of the bird has a bird in its name, it is jet-powered. I believe everyone has heard the movement of jet planes. Even if you can only see a small shadow passing above you, you can hear more obvious noises. If the plane is about to land, the movement will be even greater. Although the flying bird is a kind of creature, the noise is not as loud as a purely mechanical jet plane, but after all, it is a flying principle, so the movement of the flying bird is actually not small, at least compared to the noise of other flying devil beasts.

Under such huge noise conditions, we deliberately fly very low, and the people below naturally noticed us very quickly. Soon I saw a huge bird-shaped devil beast in the city came out from the balcony of a tall building, and then suddenly opened its wings and took a leap to fly.

The bird-shaped devil beast flew towards us as soon as it lifted off, and I let the flying bird slow down and move closer.

Just after we and the bird-shaped devil beast gradually approached a relatively close distance, the bird-shaped devil beast on the opposite side did something quite amazing. It suddenly opened its mouth and bit at us. Because it was so sudden, Asuka didn't react for a while and was bitten on the tip of its wing. Fortunately, Asuka's outer skeleton was very hard, but it was bitten and cracked, and the internal structure was not injured.

The sudden blow completely confuses us, but although I don’t understand why the other party is attacking us, I am not stupid enough to stand up and hit us. As I commanded the bird to accelerate, I started to condense the amplification magic, but before I had time to ask what was going on, the bird-shaped devil beast on the other side riding on the back suddenly shot a sword at us. qi, fortunately, Asuka reacted fast enough, and he rolled away the sword qi.

"Have you made a mistake? Why attack me?" I stepped away from the sword qi. I finally prepared the amplification magic, but after I shouted, the other party didn’t respond. On the contrary The attack continued, and several different flying devil beasts flew up on the ground below, with people sitting on them.

"It looks like the other party treats us as enemies!" Asuka said.

"No, they did it deliberately." I said directly: "Don't play with them. Climb high, prepare to roll and dive, first knock these guys down and talk about it."

If it was accidental injury before, now so many people flying together in a siege posture is obviously deliberate. Asuka’s race is a blood spur evolved from long spear. In addition to its larger appearance, the color and some details of the body structure are slightly different, but these all are some minor changes. Normal people only need to take a look. You can know that the common guardian long spear is a kind of creature. The seat is a creature that relies on jet power to fly. The long spear is very famous and has basically become one of the iconic creatures of our guild. It is understandable that players from Europe or other places can't recognize long spear. Even if someone in this region of Asia doesn't know long spear, it's impossible that so many people don't even know it. So, those guys who ride flying mounts must know long spear. Well, since they know long spear, it means that they know that I am from the Frost Rose League, at most they don't know that I am Purple Moon. And the other party still launches an attack even knowing my guild clearly, it means that these people regard our Frost Rose League as a hostile force. Regarding the existence of the Frost Rose Alliance as a hostile force, I naturally don't have to be polite with them.

Because of the different propulsion methods, the higher the altitude, the more obvious the flying advantage of the bird. Because the high-altitude atmosphere is thin, the lift provided by the bird's wings will decrease, and once it enters the stratosphere, it will not rise. Airflow is available, which is a detrimental flying factor for creatures that rely on flapping wings and flying letters, so we have to climb high if we want to play our specialties, and take advantage of high-altitude mobility to kill these guys. As for what happened next...Anyway, the other party didn't plan to talk to me, so he would simply beat them all down, and then grab a prisoner and ask slowly.

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