Chapter 207 is one-sided

"What's the matter? Are you very proud of it now?" Lei Ya Monster King did not show any excitement after I said it. On the contrary, his emotions are quite calm. This situation generally represents three possibilities. One, this guy has an intellectual problem, and he belongs to the dumbfounded. He doesn't know how to write dead words. Of course, I think this probability is not high. After all, they are already at the Monster King level. Impossible has no brains. Second, this guy is pretending. He knew that the more he was flustered, the more he would lower his winning rate, so he suppressed his emotions forcibly. Third, what are his next moves? He really doesn't worry about losing.

The probability of the second and third situations is very high, but I vaguely think that the other party should be in the Third Type situation, that is, it is really confident. The reason for this speculation is mainly because the other party's attitude is too relaxed. Even if it is pretending to be calm, some small details of behavior will unconsciously reveal some weak spots, but this Thunder teeth is now showing a very relaxed state. So, either this guy is the actor, or he is really confident.

"It seems that you think you can still beat me under this kind of comparison of numbers?" Although it is estimated that the opponent may have some hole cards, I can't investigate in this case. , So the best way is to directly let him speak out.

Sure enough, Lei Ya seemed to be quite confident at this moment, so he didn’t have the slightest intention to conceal it. He said directly to me: “I know you feel that there are too many people on your side. Occupy the advantage, but have you forgotten what this place is? This is my site, do you think I will not set up some protective measures in my hiding place?"

There were some doubts about Ya's performance, but after hearing this explanation, I immediately believed that what he said was true. Indeed, no Monster King will not set up some registration items near his lair. It is like we are repairing the city wall outside our guild and installing various defense facilities. It is purely a kind of as it should be by rights. Things are normal behavior. Previous experience tells me that all Monster Kings have this habit, so it is not surprising that the site of Lei Ya Monster King must have such a setting. Therefore, although we seem to be crowded now, once we fight, the result is really unknown.

"It seems that I really missed something." Looking at Lei Ya Monster King, I said seriously: "But this has nothing to do with the hostility between us, but this matter is You provoked it on the initiative. I have shown enough sincerity to do business with you, but you just want to do a baseless business. I don’t want to be robbed, so I can only resist. Besides, how do you know your defensive measures? It must be able to counterbalance our number advantage here? Isn’t the number gap between us a little bit? Can your defense method be able to fight against several Monster Kings at the same time, right?"

I The words made the Monster Kings who had taken refuge in my side a lot of peace of mind. These Monster Kings who were lured over by me were plainly for the benefit, so under the premise that there was no chance of winning on my side, they would also be as it when they ran back. should be by rights. It's just that what I just said made them understand. Lei Ya's words are obviously problematic. Because even the ultimate defense method set by a Monster King for his lair, it is absolutely impossible to contend with the strength of several Monster Kings. This kind of defense method is usually equivalent to Thunder Tooth Monster King. Even if its own strength is the highest, we only need to divide into two Monster Kings to win the Thunder Tooth Monster King. This way, it doesn’t matter which defense facility is. What is it, but at most it can block two Monster Kings, but our side actually has 13 more people than them. Even if you remove the two Monster Kings, there are still eleven people advantage. This advantage can no longer be said to be obvious, it is almost an overwhelming advantage.

"Is it possible to fight against so many Monster Kings at the same time? You can give it a try, but no matter what, I will attack you first. So today, no matter who we win or lose, you are dead."

This Thunder tooth obviously rarely interacts with players, and he doesn't even know that players are not afraid of death. At least compared to NPCs, the feature that players can be resurrected determines that players are much braver than NPCs. After all, the death of the player is only one or two levels off, and the death of an NPC is a real death, so the attitude of the two towards death is naturally Different.

As soon as Lei Ya Monster King said these words, the Monster Kings on our side immediately laughed, and the remaining Monster Kings on Lei Ya's side also held back their laughter. , Only his direct subordinates did not smile at all.

Things of Monster King seemed quite confused about our reaction, but it’s not easy to ask questions at this time, so he can only stare at us angrily, just don’t know why he is Did not rush forward immediately.

Generally speaking, fighting at the enemy’s rhythm on the battlefield is a disadvantage, so if you want to take advantage, the best way is not to fight according to the rhythm of others. That Thunder-Tooth Monster King now shows that according to his rhythm, he should wait now. If I want to break this rhythm, I just need to go the other way. Since the opponent does not want to start a war immediately, I will start a war immediately, and I have to go after it, and it is necessary to make a situation that I want to do it quickly. The purpose of this is not to quickly defeat the opponent, but to make the opponent's rhythm problematic. As long as he can't fight according to his own rhythm, he can't exert his maximum battle strength. Although doing the opposite is not necessarily good for oneself, at least it is even worse for the enemy, so this method is very effective in combat.

Seeing that Thunder-Tooth Monster King was waiting there, I looked towards Masaka Matsumoto, and after a while slightly nodded, I suddenly rushed out without saying hello to others.

Although I charged ahead suddenly, Masaka Matsumoto had already gotten my hint in advance, so the action was not slow, and he rushed out almost half a second later than me. When the two main personnel on our side moved, the rest of them naturally could only rush along, and the group of people from the opposite Thunder Fang Monster King could not be idle, so they had to rush up the same.

Both sides are expert, and the distance is not far, so we ran into each other almost at the same time. However, the fighting on both sides is slightly different from what you imagined.

There are four Monster Kings standing on the side of Thunder Tooth Monster King, but after the war, these four and the four Monster Kings on our side stood outside the battle circle to watch the battle. . I can understand their behavior, and in this case, it seems reasonable to use this method to fight.

Because the battle strengths of these Monster Kings are actually not much different, and they are not the same as us and Thunder-Tooth Monster King. These Monster Kings should actually be regarded as foreign aid, so they don’t have to fight like us. . Well, since the enemy on the opposite side is on the same line of strength as yourself, and there is no need to go desperately on either side, it is better to stand aside in pairs to watch the excitement, because even if they really fight, the impact on the overall situation is the same as watching the excitement. The same, anyway, there is no way to help others, it is better to stand aside, so as to reduce meaningless casualties.

I can understand the lazy behavior of those Monster Kings, and I don’t care about it. Anyway, just as they think, whether they really play the game has no effect at all, so I defaulted to this. Condition. As for Lei Ya Monster King... he and I think a little bit differently, because their number is not as large as ours. Now it is equivalent to one-to-one, but the number of people on both sides is originally. Not equal, it is obvious that they suffer a loss in this fight.

However, even if he felt this was wrong in his heart, Lei Fang Monster King couldn't say anything. Those Monster Kings are not his subordinates. People can resist the temptation and continue to help him. It's the most benevolent, what else can he ask for? Besides, even if those are his subordinates, who can command casually, it is useless. Because he himself simply has no time to care about others now. I just rushed over, but I was not looking for someone else. The target was his mastermind, and as soon as I came up, I didn't keep my hand, so I just posted it and started melee combat. Although this battle method is not as good as throwing big moves at a distance, but this method is actually the most dangerous, because when attacking from a distance, both sides almost support the protection skills, and you can also use the armor, Shields are used for defense, but in comparison, many defensive methods cannot be used in close combat. Even the armor on the body may be critical to the enemy in close combat due to seams or weak points. strike. So, close combat seems to have a low lethality output, but it is actually a very kind of battle method. It might be a win or lose in an instant.

At this time, I was sticking to Thunder Fang Monster King, constantly changing various attack methods at lightning speed, and sticking to his constant rushing attacks, making the Thunder Fang Monster King have the strength and can't perform. , Can only dodge my attack in embarrassment.

In fact, a large part of the reason why I was forced to be like this is caused by the weapon in my hand. At the beginning, Lei Fang also considered that his body of Demon should have an advantage in terms of defensive power and blood volume. , So he originally planned to meet force with force with me to exchange injuries, but my 1st move cut off his main weapon and left a half-inch deep wound on his shoulder After that, he immediately changed his strategy. He has realized that my weapon's attack power is too high. If you really don't care about the defense and my confrontation, the biggest probability is to add a few wounds to me, and then I will chop it into a pile of meat sauce. The eternal attack power and cut-off rules are really abnormal. Even if they are stronger than my battle strength, they definitely can’t fight against me, because as long as I hold eternity in my hand, the opponent will definitely be chopped into meat sauce before me. .

Four Monster Kings on both sides have quit the battle. Our side is equivalent to sixteen Monster Kings left, and these Monster Kings also chose their goals based on their own judgment.

The one who rushed the fastest was not the real red or the Sakura Rain God Hina brought by Masaga Matsumoto and I, but the eight temporary transfer Monster Kings. The reason why these eight people rushed so fast is not how positive they are about this matter, but because of their own considerations.

First of all, because they came here after I took out the Power of Faith, this nature is inferior to those Monster Kings who stood by me before, so if they If you don't work hard, I will probably be disgusted by me and refuse to pay Power of Faith, so they must participate in the war.

Secondly, after all, they are the most unstable group of people. They are unwilling to fight Lei Ya Monster King, so the best way is to find something easy and easy to do. Live. So they rushed out first, because only then can they choose the target, otherwise the easy enemies will be selected, and the rest will be difficult to handle.

In fact, the four Monster Kings who withdrew from the battle on our side were all among the eight people who came last, and the remaining four guys who were the last to renegade went to Thunder Fang Monster. Four of King's men. The four targeted targets are three of the five guards I saw outside the house before, and the old man who took us past.

I think these guys’ one-to-one selection goals are definitely to find the best target, but in the case of this kind of number of people, it is already possible to drag an enemy one-on-one. Victory, so their behavior can be said to be the least effortless work that will not be said by others.

After the eight Monster Kings here have chosen their targets, we only have twelve Monster Kings and True Red and the four female players plus Matsumoto Masaga, and because of me and Raiga Monster King had already formed a group first, so the only remaining targets on the opposite side were the two subordinates of Thunder Fang Monster King and his younger sister and Nobunaga Onishu.

Compared to the last eight Monster Kings who turned averted, the remaining group of people on our side are considered to be more purposeful, so Matsumoto Masaga gave these people a little bit of command. When he was about to rush up, Masaga Matsumoto directly shouted at the Sakura Rain God Young and Chi Fire Dragon Hime: "Sakura and Chi blocked the Princess."

Sakura Rain God Young and Chi Fire Dragon Hime He Masaga Matsumoto has been cooperating for a while, so he immediately rushed to change the target according to the order. The fairy Princess saw that I was fighting with his brother, so he wanted to come up to help his big brother and fight me together, but as soon as halfway through the run, two people, Ying Yu Shen and Chi Fire Dragon, got in from the side. Stopped it.

Here the fairy Princess is blocked, but Nobunaga Guishou is still rushing towards me. His goal is also very clear, and that is to kill me first, because the Power of Faith is here, as long as If this thing is gone, the Monster King on our side will no longer help us fight. However, like the fairy Princess, he was blocked as soon as halfway through the run, and the natural red and gold coin that blocked him were naturally. After all, I have been mixing with me for so long, and the battlefield sense of Zhenhong and gold coin is still very sensitive, and I can see the key points that I should cut into at a glance.

The fairy Princess and the ghost Nobunaga are both trapped, and they are both two to one. Not only can they not break through to help Thunder Fang Monster King, but even their own safety is a problem. These two obviously felt powerless against the two enemies in front of them. Although the enemies in front of them were not afraid of one-on-one, they obviously could only be crushed and beaten when they were two-on-one.

After these two are controlled, there will be two Thunder-tooth Monster King’s men left, but we still have Matsumoto Masaga and the other twelve Monster Kings. Find the goal. In this case, Masaka Matsumoto directly shouted to the Monster Kings: "Get the two first."

The twelve Monster Kings here understood Masaka Matsumoto’s intentions. Surrounded immediately. Twelve against two, and twelve Monster Kings dealt with two high level thugs. The gap is too obvious. On the other side, Masaka Matsumoto was not idle, and rushed directly into the battle group between Thunder Tooth Monster King and I, and from behind, he struck Thunder Tooth Monster King with a sword.

Sensing to the threat behind, Thundertooth Monster King hurriedly turned sideways, but he avoided Matsumoto’s attack but didn’t avoid me. I kicked him to the waist and flew sideways. We went out, and Masaga Matsumoto and I rushed to Raiga Monster King to chase after a turn.

Even if it is one-on-one, the Thunder-tooth Monster King may not be my opponent. Besides, there is still a Matsumoto Masaga now, and the gap is even more obvious. Thunder Fang Monster King, who was kicked over, saw a flash of light shining on his neck as soon as he got up and flew over. He hurriedly fell back on an iron bridge, and the white light immediately wiped the tip of his nose and flew past, instantly cutting the forest behind him into a corridor that was more than two meters wide and tens of meters deep. Whether it was trees or stones blocking the way, all turned into dust.

The Thunderfang Monster King who just flashed a sword here suddenly felt that all the hairs on his body were standing up before he straightened up. He almost turned over instinctively, even though he fell. The horse lay down, but finally avoided a sword glow that flew past vertically. If he reacted more slowly just now, this red light that looked unremarkable would definitely turn him into two pieces of raw pork after slaughter.

"Two fight one, humiliation!" The Thunder Fang Monster King, who just got up, unexpectedly yelled at us, and our answer was two swords that flew past one after the other. glow.

"What is fairness at this time, do you think this is a ring match or exchange ideas?" I took advantage of the opportunity of the opponent to stop, not because the opponent was talking, but because of me Also need to make a small adjustment to eternity.

I have discovered the general characteristics of this guy in the battle just now. It may have evolved from the devil beast. This guy’s movement method is very flexible, and his reaction speed is more than twice that of normal people. Although it’s not as fast as mine, for ordinary players, unless you use range attacks, and Calculate the advance amount, otherwise as long as you are still a human, a single attack will definitely not hit him, after all, the reaction speed of others has exceeded the human limit.

In addition, judging from the situation that I occasionally encountered him several times before, the defensive power of this Lei Ya doesn't seem to be very high. Of course, his blood volume is undoubtedly high, but his defense is very average. My eternity was originally known for breaking the defense, the opponent's defensive power is very low, then my ability to break the defense is meaningless, so I directly gave up the sword-shaped eternity of the high defense and high defense, but It was directly turned into a liquid and attached to my claws and knives all over my body.

When I use the claws, although my attack distance will decrease, the damage output and the ability to break defenses will also decline significantly, but in this state, my attack speed is the highest, and I In this state, you can give full play to your body refinement expertise. Most people don't talk about defense, even my movements can't be seen clearly, let alone parry.

It is precisely because I know that the opponent is very agile and has low defense, so I changed into the eternal form. Although the Thunderfang Monster King on the other side saw my eternity deforming, he didn’t know it. The meaning of doing it.

Masaga Matsumoto knew my intentions when he saw the eternity on my side deformed, so he also made some adjustments, but his equipment is not as convenient as my eternity, and can almost be regarded as Universal weapons to use. All he can do is to lengthen the hilt of the Divine Sword slightly.

In fact, Divine Sword can also be deformed, but it is incomparable with my eternity. Its deformation range is limited to the length of the handle.

Divine Sword has two different forms, one is the sword form with a short hilt, and the other is the power sword form that is now made after the hilt is elongated. The sword of power is actually a magic sword, it is actually a deformed magic wand, which means that the main body of this thing is a wand, but it can be used as a sword.

I put on a short weapon here to prepare for super close-range close combat, and at this time, if someone huddles with me to attack, it obviously can only interfere with each other. So Matsumoto Masaka directly replaced the power sword, the purpose is to change from close combat to long-range attack, using magic to support me. In this way, our two battle strengths will not interfere, but will overlap.

They all say that they are not afraid of enemies like gods, but teammates like pigs. It can be seen from Matsumoto Masaka’s reaction that if a pig is here, even if he is stronger than Matsumoto Masaka, Maybe it can only be a disservice.

Thunder Fang Monster King was already quite embarrassed by us. He felt a little uncomfortable seeing that we were all changing weapons, but he finally got a chance to breathe and he wouldn’t let it go. Over. While putting a hand behind his back deliberately, Lei Ya Monster King said to us: "Although this is not a match, it is not a competition, but you all have names and surnames. If you join forces to deal with me alone today, then I’m afraid it’s not good to spread it out, right?"

"hahahaha, you are really interesting. Okay, well, anyway, my preparations are complete, so I won’t be kidding you. We don’t care about reputation or anything. , Since you dared to use your brains in the first place, you must be prepared to bear the consequences. Okay, now is the time for you to bear the consequences you caused." As I said, I stopped waiting, but rushed up again. Just now, I was waiting for the eternal transformation. Now that it’s all done, what are you doing to delay that time?

As soon as I started up here, I moved towards the Thunderfang Monster King over there and rushed away quickly, almost in front of the guy in the blink of an eye, but just before my claws were about to swing When facing him, an accident happened.

The wrist that I swung out suddenly was pinched by a big hand when I was about to hit Thunder Fang Monster King. This hand not only squeezed my wrist, but also reacted in an instant. It directly grabbed my wrist and threw me over his shoulder with my strength, and then slammed me on the ground. Go down.

I didn't panic at all after I felt that I was in the air for an instant. I turned over in the air, twisted my legs, and forcibly let my feet fall on the ground first. However, the guy who grabbed me didn't want to give up. Seeing that I had stopped, he immediately grabbed my wrist and dragged forward and directly dragged me to the ground.

As soon as I was pulled down to the ground, Thunderfang Monster King immediately saw the opportunity and slashed at me from the back, but he only heard a sound when his knife was halfway through. , His knife was directly held by Divine Sword by Masaka Matsumoto.

After the thunder-tooth Monster King was shaken with one blow, Masaga Matsumoto quickly turned around and slashed towards the silhouette holding me, but the opponent's reaction was also exaggerated, and he directly lifted me as a shield. Get up and block Matsumoto Masaga's attack route. Seeing this situation, I certainly wouldn't sit and wait for death. With the force of my waist, I rolled up and locked the guy's arm with my legs. At the same time, I tried to twist the guy's arm with all my strength.

My power attribute is definitely the most amazing among players. Even those power-type warriors are obviously different from me. The fundamental reason for this is that my basic attributes are unified. , That is, all basic attributes will change according to the single attribute with the highest value. The basic attributes obtained by others have to be added separately to all attributes, and because attributes will copy each other, I simply throw all my attributes into power, so my current single attribute of power is equivalent to others. The sum of all the attributes of the player.

With such great power, as long as there is a place where I can use my strength, I can even break a giant dragon directly. Therefore, I am confident that with my waist and leg strength, I can definitely break this guy’s The arm broke. However, just when I suddenly applied my strength confidently, I suddenly felt my hand loosen, and immediately after the whole person, I felt a sense of weightlessness and fell to the ground.

Matsumoto Masaka was already ready to attack, but I suddenly fell and just blocked his attack route. Forcing Matsumoto Masaka to stop his attack with a hard brake. Otherwise, this one will definitely hit me.

"Damn, what are you doing?" Masaga Matsumoto forcibly stopped and pulled me back, and the thunder-tooth Monster King on the opposite side quickly ran to that place. The guy who just grabbed me.

We didn't see clearly until this time that the one standing next to Thunder Fang Monster King didn't seem to be an ordinary monster, but a strange-looking guy.

This guy wears a warrior armor and a mask on his face. You can’t see his face at all, but I can be sure that this guy is quite tall and can be seen from the perspective of all parts of the armor. After coming out, this guy should have all muscles. It is estimated that the whole body is like a devil and fleshy person.

However, although it looks very burly, this is not his special feature. There are so many people who are stronger than him. He is nothing but a very good figure. What really surprises us is that this person is translucent, giving a feeling of nothingness.

"This is...Lich?" Looking at this strange thing, I said uncertainly.

Matsumoto Masaga standing next to me is also a forehead question mark, but in the end he shook his head and said: "Should it not? Isn't Lich something Western? This is obviously a native of our place!"< /p>

"Who told you that foreigners can't wear Japanese warrior armor and then change to Lich?"

"But this is also..." Masaka Matsumoto thought for a while and said, "It should be Heroic spirit."

"My king is the heroic spirit. The two of them have a lot of difference in temperament, definitely not."

"Is that Nether Soul?"

"Have you seen such a strong Nether Soul? Divine Soul is not enough?"

"You don't have to guess." The Thunder Fang Monster King on the opposite side suddenly said, "This is my father. He is indeed a Lich, but he was a Great Demon that was even stronger than me during his lifetime."

"Lich?" Although he guessed that way at first, I was still surprised when I was confirmed. It's incredible. A Great Demon monster wearing a Japanese warrior armor became Lich. This combination of Chinese and Western styles is really confusing, and this guy looks very powerful, obviously no longer in the state of ordinary Lich. Besides, Lich this thing is generally not in the legal system? How come you get a Lich from the physics department? Is this a wrong memory? Maybe he is zombie. No, not right, zombie is impossible and semi-transparent. I haven't heard that there is also a category of jelly zombie.

After Lei Ya Monster King introduced himself, this weird guy said to us: "This time Lei Ya has already told me about the matter. This time he was wrong first, so I will not hold you accountable. We will cease the war, and you can leave at will."

"pu... are more funny than your son. Who is it now that calms things down? Actually said It’s like letting us go. I don’t know. I really thought we were almost killed by your son!"

"hmph, shameless for the face." The pale-yellow old Lich was coldly snorted Then suddenly he rushed towards me, obviously to teach me a lesson.

Looking at the other person rushing over, of course I was impossible to stand here and let him fight, but it would be a shame to run away, so I snapped my fingers directly, Lingling suddenly appeared next to me, above the holy sword in my hand Suddenly rays of light ten thousand zhang, and then slashed past the Old Guy with a sword.

Since it is Lich, it must be a dark attribute, and the attack of Light Element will double the damage. Lingling's attack was originally exaggerated, and this doubled it again, so Old Guy didn't dare to hit him if he had the guts. However, this guy is also very good. When a move fails, Lingling's holy sword is dodged in a sharp turn, and then he continues to pounce on me from the side.

I didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn, Lingling's big move was too hard and she couldn't take it back for a while, so I can't count on her this time. Of course, I have a lot of demon pets, Lingling can't help, isn't there still Xiaochun?

The guy just bypassed the Holy Light Sword and rushed towards me and saw the white light flashed on my side, and then a huge ball of white light suddenly spread to all directions with us as the center. And the larger it becomes, the faster it spreads. The old Lich immediately flew back when he saw the light ball spreading. Unfortunately, the light ball was getting faster and faster. He was overtaken just after he ran less than two meters. The light curtain swept over his body instantly, and then it was like being struck by lightning. After slashing, the guy suddenly flew out with an arc flashing all over his body, but the light curtain did not disappear, but continued to spread, and instantly swept everyone in the vicinity.

At first, seeing the light sphere spread and some Monster King was very nervous, but after being scanned, it was discovered that this thing had its own identification of friend or foe. Every Monster King on our side felt that the minor injuries on his body were immediately recovered from the moment he was swept, and his physical strength was fully restored, but all the people on the side of Thunder Tooth Monster King were the same as the old Lich. In an instant, the whole body was pumped indiscriminately by electricity.

It was originally outnumbered. Suddenly, we were shocked and lost the reaction ability. Those who were fighting with us were knocked down without any accident, and because they were knocked down when the opponent lost the ability to resist, so Not only knocked it down, but also controlled it. In other words, now except for the Thunder Tooth Monster King himself and the old Lich, all the Thunder Tooth Monster King people on the scene are captured.

Although Xiaochun just used a field control skill with a small formidable power, the formidable power of this move is extremely powerful and directly under the premise that our number and battle strength are dominant. Let the battle be over.

Of course, Thunder Fang Monster King and his father, the old Lich, are still there, but now the situation has become two 16 Pairs two, they are dead. So, this battle is actually over.

"How about? You can almost surrender, right?" I looked at Lei Ya Monster King and asked: "We don't count ourselves and there are 20 Monster Kings here. No matter how good your father is, one Fighting three is a big deal, right? How many can you beat? Two? We have so many people around and beat you, and the grinding will kill you. How about? Surrender quickly? I may not kill you when I am happy. Now."

In fact, it shouldn’t be said that you will not kill when you are happy, but you will definitely not kill. I am not short-sighted. This is the existence of Monster King, Divine Grade. It's very simple to have captured the prisoners and then transformed into demon familiars. Based on the current price of monsters in "Zero", it is normal for a Monster King of this level to auction tens of millions of crystal coins. Therefore, I would never kill them under normal circumstances. Of course, this means that I can catch them alive, otherwise I would rather let them die than let them run away.

The Thunder-tooth Monster King and the old Lich on the opposite side reacted to have nothing common with each other after I finished talking. Thunder teeth Monster King's previous arrogance has disappeared. After carefully looking around at the Monster Kings around, this guy started to cowering as if he wanted to find a chance to sneak off, and even his younger sister didn't even care about it. As for the pale-yellow old Lich, it was completely another reaction.

"Don’t think about it. I can only fight to death. I will never surrender to anyone."

"Courage is commendable." After I finished speaking, I directly addressed those over there. The Monster Kings said: "Don't froze, let's go together. Finish the work early and divide the Power of Faith."

The last Power of Faith is definitely the driving force of the Monster Kings, the Monster King present. They all rushed

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