According to my prediction, most of the Monster Kings will gather around Lei Ya. After all, they are all Japanese Monster Kings. From an emotional point of view, their relationship should be More recent. However, the result is very different from what I thought. Although in the end many Monster Kings still stood beside Lei Ya, our side actually got a lot of support, and the final result turned out to be half to half.

Besides Thunder Fang and the Princess, there were a total of 25 Monster Kings. After that, the boar was shot by me, leaving 24.

Ghost Nobunaga and Fairy Princess, of course, are standing by Thunder Tooth, and twelve of those twenty-four Monster Kings also stand on their side, but the remaining twelve Monster King is all on our side. Although the Monster King team is half-divided, because there are more people from our side, we now have the advantage in terms of numbers.

The twenty-four Monster Kings are divided into two halves evenly. If nothing else, the 12 Pairs of twelve will hardly have any obvious influence on the situation. In this way, the final fight is the strength of our outsiders and Lei Ya.

Thunder Monster King, besides himself, there are his younger sister and Nobunaga Guishou. There are three people in total, but there are six people on our side, which is equivalent to three more people. Personal advantage, so in general, we still take advantage.

However, this idea of ​​mine just appeared, and it was soon broken, because a few more silhouettes appeared.

"Damn, how can I forget them!"

The silhouettes that just appeared are not others, but the five monsters we saw before we entered the house. The old man who brought us here before is a total of six people. Calculated in this way, not only do we have no numerical advantage, but on the contrary, we have three fewer people than the other party. Of course, the strength of the five guys and the old man may not match the battle strength of the people in our room, but the strength of those who can appear here is probably not weak, so our situation is still quite troublesome. .

Originally, I saw that our side had an advantage in the number of people. I didn't plan to use that trick, but when I saw the situation now, I knew it wouldn't work. Just as Lei Ya Monster King looked at me triumphantly, I suddenly opened the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then slowly pulled a metal can out of it. Lei Ya's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this thing, and then the whole person had a posture to rush over, but he still didn't move in the end. He didn't dare to rush to tell the truth.

Although I don’t know what I am holding, the Demon on the opposite side and the Demon on our side all focused their attention on the bottle in my hand. Obviously they also knew that this thing should be very important, but They can't think of how important this thing is.

Just when the Demons were all suspicious, I suddenly unscrewed the valve on that jar a bit, and then sprayed the first Banshee who expressed support for Matsumoto Masaga. a little. Because I stood too close, plus didn't expect I would shoot her, so the other party was sprayed upright without any accident.

As soon as this thing was sprayed, Banshee immediately panicked while trying to disperse the white mist around her while backing away, but just two steps back, she suddenly braked and then hurriedly recoiled When he came back, he opened up the demon power and collected all the white mist that was dispersing, and desperately stuffed it into his mouth.

The surrounding Monster King was also puzzled because I suddenly attacked the Monster King standing on my side, but after seeing the reaction of Banshee King, they understood that this white mist is a good thing.

In their puzzled gaze, I directly lifted the bottle, and then said: "This is what I wanted to do business with Thunder Tooth Monster King, but unfortunately he wanted to snatch my things, then Since he is unwilling to do business with me decently, then I simply use this thing as a reward and hire everyone to help me kill this guy. As long as you kill him, you can inherit his territory, and then recall those in the name of Monster King The Demon tribe below, it’s the same to me."

At this time, a Monster King standing on our side asked: "What the hell are you? Look at Snake Ji’s eating. It should be a good thing, right?"

I heard that it was just slightly smiled, and then said: "As an advance payment, I can give each of you a try first. I said nothing works, try You will know it naturally.” As I said, I walked over to the questioning Monster King, and then put a little on his hand.

Monster Kings have absorbed Power of Faith, so this guy realized what it was just a second after he first touched the Power of Faith, and then began to stuff his mouth frantically. When other Monster Kings saw this, they also gathered around, but I was the one who never refused to give a group of about two units of weight.

After the Monster Kings here absorbed Power of Faith, they all took drugs, but the Monster Kings on the other side looked at the situation curiously. Suddenly one of the Monster Kings, who was not firm, shouted to a Monster King on our side: "Tiger, what the hell is that?"

It is estimated that these two Monster Kings may have a good personal relationship. Although the support objects of the two people are different now, the Monster King who was asked still directly replied without any concealment: "It is Power of Faith, the pure Power of Faith, it is still condensed!"

Buzzing, the Monster Kings on the opposite side exploded collectively. Power of Faith for Demon is something that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. We actually use this as a reward here, and the Monster Kings on the opposite side immediately realized that it was obvious that they would continue to help Lei Ya The benefit is less than ours. As a result, after a short hesitation of less than five seconds, a Monster King rushed over and yelled: "Give me a little, I transfer, I support your side." < /p>

Someone took the lead and the Monster King behind was completely unscrupulous. Five more Monster Kings rushed over, and two of them came out a little slower than the five of them. In this way, it means that there are eight Monster Kings running to our side, and there are only four Monster Kings left by the supporters of Monster King on the opposite side. Most of these are his irons, so they resisted Power of Faith's. The temptation did not rush over. Of course, it may also be that they feel that there are too many people on our side, and they don’t get much. On the contrary, if they win over there, they can get a lot.

Because of the transfer of these eight Monster Kings, the number of people on our side has changed from 18 to 26 at once, while the group of Monster Kings on the opposite side has changed from two. Eleven became thirteen. In this way, the number of people on the other side is equal to half of us, and the specific battle strength of the old man and the five guards is still uncertain, but it can be estimated that most of them are inferior to the Monster King, or they will become the Monster King themselves. Now, why bother to be someone else's brother?

"I said Thundertooth Monster King, you seem to be miscalculating today." I patted the bottle of Power of Faith and said, "It was originally yours, but now you have nothing to lose. Not anymore, and there is also a killing disaster. Why do you say this is?"

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