"How about? Use this to pay the bill, are you interested?"

"Interested, interested, just too interested." Lei Ya over there Monster King was excited while holding the Power of Faith and began to absorb it, and said, "How did you get this thing? You know, this is a non-productive problem. It's about catching a living person and forcing the other party to do something for us. It's not difficult, but this Power of Faith must be produced from a pious belief in the heart. Even if we capture those humans, it is impossible to force them to believe in us, and even if we occasionally give those humans some small favors, their belief in us It's not too much. How did you get these Power of Faith?"

Actually, I know the situation mentioned by Lei Ya Monster King. The biggest difference between Demon and Divine Race is that they have a weird personality and generally have no qualitative nature. Therefore, when they are interested, they will do something unexpectedly. If they are not interested, they will be forgotten immediately. It is precisely because of this characteristic that Demon is not comparable to Divine Race in terms of collecting Power of Faith. It's not that Demon doesn't value Power of Faith, but because of their habits, their image in the mind of humans is far less bright and great than Divine Race, so humans' belief in them is naturally minimal.

Actually Thunder Ya should feel fortunate in Japan, because the Japanese worship of ghosts and monsters is almost the highest in the world, even if it is not as fanatical as some Thais, but in In terms of universality, the Japanese are definitely number one in the world. It is also because the Japanese worship of demons and ghosts is the first in the world, so the Japanese monsters are so powerful. You must know that in China, Demons do not have any Power of Faith income. If Chinese Demons want to become stronger, they can only rely on their own efforts to slowly cultivation, or find a place like a spirit vein to absorb Spiritual Qi and accelerate cultivation. Of course, cannibalism is also a good way to accelerate, but this method is equivalent to grabbing food with other Divine Races. After all, you have eaten all people. Where does the belief of others come from? It's okay to say that other Divine Races rob believers from each other. After all, some people believe in many different Divine Race forces at the same time. Although this kind of people's beliefs are not firm enough, some are better than none. Besides, even if they are robbed, they can be snatched back, and even if these people are not believers of a certain Divine Race, they will still have children and descendants. Even if they cannot develop someone to become a believer, their descendants are also potential believers. Therefore, there is nothing at worst in Divine Race robbing believers, but if you cannibalize, then your colleague has offended all other Divine Races.

Because there are very few ways for Demons in China to strengthen themselves, and they are very time-consuming, the Chinese Demons have always felt like a sickly pile of loose sand, and it is basically difficult to become stronger. For example, there were a lot of demons in Buddhism at the beginning. Although people stopped being called demons after they entered Buddhism, in the final analysis, they were actually demons, just changed their coats. For example, in the current Divine Race of Chaos and Order, the two generals of Vina, Starfire and Peacock, they are actually strictly speaking monsters.

Although Xinghuo appeared in the image of Bodhisattva Guanyin in Buddhism, she is actually a god of the Divine Race in Takatenhara, Japan, and she is of the Ghost God line. It’s just because the sky is more dignified, so After entering Buddhism, he immediately became Bodhisattva. As for the peacock, it is completely Chi Guoguo's monster. Big wheel peacock king. Listen to this number. Don’t you think that this kind of title conflicts with the Buddhism philosophy? In a Divine Race like the Olympus Divine Race, it is normal to have a king or an emperor, but the Buddhism doctrine is based on peace. However, doesn't it seem strange that the name of the peacock is such a domineering name as "king"?

In fact, this is not surprising, because the peacock is originally a monster, but an Ancient Great Monster. Later, because of the envy of Buddhism, the salary is high... Oh no, it should be because of the envy of Buddhism Power of Faith. So he resolutely invested in the name of Buddhism and became an apologetic king. In fact, those kings of Buddhism are not serious Buddhism members, but Great Demon monsters who joined halfway.

You think that the monsters in China are all mixed up to the point of taking refuge in the serious Divine Race and mixing Power of Faith. It can be seen how difficult it is for wild monsters to get some Power of Faith. In contrast, Lei Ya is lucky, he knows this is Power of Faith anyway, and knows that this thing is not easy to handle. If you are in China, unless it is a Monster Race boss like Shui Xu and others, you will give him a group of Power of Faith for ordinary monsters. Most of them are excited to absorb it first, and then turn around to ask you what this is. It's not that they are stupid, but because they really haven't seen it. In China, those who can know Power of Faith are not ordinary monsters.

Of course, although the Japanese Demon is better than its own kind because of Japanese habits, Demon is still not good at mobile Power of Faith compared to the regular Divine Race. Of course not, and because they are not good at collecting Power of Faith, Power of Faith will have higher value.

Looking at the Thunder Fang Monster King absorbed those Power of Faith in a blink of an eye, I laughed hehe and asked: "Do you think this kind of Power of Faith is suitable?"

Thunder tooth Monster King seemed to be still reminiscing about what he had just felt. He raised his head without saying a word. He closed his eyes and rested for one minute before he said: "Yes, although it is a bit stagnant, it is indeed pure Power of Faith. , And the concentration is very high."

"In fact, this is processed Power of Faith, which is concentrated in itself, so of course it will be more pure than the general Power of Faith." This is not mine. Self-selling and boasting. The Power of Faith in our guild is indeed different from the Power of Faith in other Divine Races. In terms of concentration, it is indeed much higher than the Power of Faith in Divine Races. This is not to say that the concentration of Power of Faith collected by our collector is inherently very high, nor is it because our character is not used to diluting Power of Faith. The real reason is actually very simple, that is, there are not enough containers.

Our guild is now a source of no shortage of Power of Faith, and no shortage of production capacity. The only thing missing is the ability to store it in digestion. Digestibility is determined based on consumption, and consumption is based on the number of personnel in our Divine Race unit and the strength of each Divine Race individual. The more people there are, the greater the consumption, and the stronger the unit, the greater the consumption. Regarding this aspect of digestion, we of course spare no effort to accelerate the consumption, but this thing cannot increase the speed, because the gods have absorbed too much Power of Faith. If it is too late to digest, it will gradually dissipate, so there is no way to absorb too much at once . As for storage... this has always been a headache for our guild. Although it has been found that this special aerosol can be used to make simple storage tanks, this storage tank has natural consumption and is not something that can be made open, so our Power of Faith storage is still in storage. The state of insufficient equipment.

You said that we don’t even have a place to install the current Power of Faith stock. If we dilute it again at this time, wouldn’t we install less? Therefore, the Power of Faith of our guild will not be diluted, but will continue to be concentrated, because Power of Faith itself has no form, and the capacity of the container actually refers to the substance that is loaded with the Power of Faith. Therefore, if a unit volume of adsorbed material can absorb more Power of Faith, the capacity of the container can be increased. How can we dilute Power of Faith in this situation? It's too late to concentrate.

Thunder tooth Monster King is also very excited after experiencing this Power of Faith. After all, it is a high-concentration Power of Faith. For him, this thing is Shiquan Dabu Pills and super violent potions. The mixture of people, then the whole person feels different in their mental outlook when going down a small group.

After the refreshing, Thunder Fang Monster King suddenly turned his eyes to me, to be precise, to the steel bottle in my hand. I saw Chi Guoguo’s possessive desire in his eyes, And he seemed to exude a powerful pressure.

The original development of this matter should be like this. First, I took out the Power of Faith, and then Lei Ya Monster King ecstatically replied to use this Power of Faith to pay the bill, then we bargain and finally determine the transaction price, and finally the money and the goods are cleared and everyone is happy to cooperate.

But, unfortunately, there is a little problem with my prediction.

As soon as I noticed the changes in Thunder Fang Monster King's eyes, I realized that it might be self-defeating this time. Lei Ya Monster King has promised that we can spend money to prevent them from participating in the war. What needs to be discussed is only the price. However, I thought at the time that our guild’s Power of Faith was too much to use anyway. It would be better to use Power of Faith as money and directly use Power of Faith to pay the bill.

Unfortunately, Lei Ya Monster King is obviously not as calm as I imagined. Although this guy has been very calm since the first time we saw him. It looks like the type of Mount Tai collapsed and face doesn't change, but it is a pity that they are actually pretends. The reason why I was so calm before was completely because the other party did not find any visible benefits from us, and our strength really made Leifang Monster King realize that it is not good to offend us, so he promised to receive payment and then withdraw troops. However, when he saw the Power of Faith in my hand, his mind changed. Because I have Power of Faith in my hand and seem to have a lot of weight, my value has changed.

Since I have noticed the changes in Thunder Fang Monster King’s eyes, I naturally increased my vigilance. Although the guy hasn’t shown any rude behavior so far, his eyes are clear just now. This guy is already thinking about reap without sowing.

However, after a pause of two minutes, Lei Ya Monster King suddenly asked: "I don't know how the Power of Faith is priced? How do you plan to trade?"

< p>According to my psychological price, the one third bottle in my hand is almost enough to cover the cost, but considering the other person’s eyes, I am very worried that if the price I give is too low, the other person will directly move. So after hesitating for a while, I bite clenching one's teeth said: "Half of this bottle, I think this amount should be enough. Oh, yes. The part that you just absorbed is one unit. Power of Faith, this bottle is 100,000 units in total. Half is 50,000 units of Power of Faith, which is definitely a lot."

Although our guild’s Power of Faith is almost in vain The same, at present, it can be said to be inexhaustible, but even if it is for nothing, we can't give it away for nothing, right? Besides, our Power of Faith is not really in vain. Although our initial capital investment is almost negligible compared with the actual value of Power of Faith, is it an investment after all? Moreover, those Power of Faith absorbers that we risk to build are all risky. If Celestial Court knows about this, it will at least be a huge blow to us if we don't even destroy our Frost Rose League. Therefore, this Power of Faith is not easy for us, and it is hard-won. 50,000 units of Power of Faith to replace them with withdrawal, I think this price is absolutely beyond the normal standard, even if the other party does not bargain, it is a big profit.

Sure enough, I knew it would not be that simple. My quotation here is over, and the Lei Ya Monster King over there said without thinking: "Fifty thousand is too little, I want this whole bottle."

"Monster King, I feel like talking Business must pay attention to the rules. Although there is such a saying that the price is paid on the spot, it is not too outrageous, isn’t it? You and I both know that we are already at a loss for 50,000 units, although we can’t say how much the price is. But at least it is a lot more than what you have paid. Even if you add a little more, it can’t be doubled, right? I think so? I also know that you want to get more Power of Faith. After all, this thing is also very useful for your Monster Race. . But our Power of Faith is not brought by the wind, we also took the risk of losing our heads to get Power of Faith, if we give it to you all our investment will be lost. If it is really like that, I might as well not. I’m here to beg you. However, I think Lei Ya Monster King is also a strong man, so I want to make you a friend. I will give in to this Power of Faith. This bottle of 2/3/2021 will be given to you. Monster King feels like it How about it?"

"No, I want everything. This is too little." The other party actually rejected my proposal without the slightest hesitation. This is no longer a matter of price negotiation, and It was robbed in Ming. Faced with such a Thunder-Tooth Monster King, I suddenly realized that this guy had already moved his intentions, so the whole way of thinking had changed.

The reason why Demon this thing is not as much Power of Faith as the regular Divine Race, the most important reason is because their personality has a strong uncertainty, and they just showed a calm and extremely stable Monster King. In a short while, it suddenly changed from a lazy cat to a tiger staring at its prey and ready to pounce on it. This change of feeling was so jumpy that even those who admired them could not fully adapt to it. Extreme personality changes make Demon's Power of Faith very difficult to obtain.

It is precisely because of this personality that it is difficult to obtain Power of Faith, and it is also because of this personality that Lei Ya's attitude changes very suddenly. It can be said that Demon is almost modifying their personality according to their own intentions. When they want to talk to you, they will be calm, and once they realize that they want something, they will immediately. Enter a state of combat. This feature of completely unconstrained self-consciousness is the main feature of monsters. Whether it is Buddhism or Immortal Sect, or Divine Race of other countries, almost as long as it is a god, there will be certain precepts and other things. Divine Race certainly does not want to be restrained, but they are more aware that a certain range of self-regulation can make it easier for them to obtain Power of Faith, so Divine Race will self-regulate. But Demon won't. Their characteristic is to let their own thoughts do not speak more, as long as they want, then do according to their own ideas. This is Demon's philosophy. There are advantages to this concept, but the disadvantages are more obvious.

After discovering the state of Thunder Fang Monster King, my vigilant type immediately mentioned the apex, and at the same time, I retreated to the door and said: "In this case, I think it is difficult for us to reach an agreement. . Then please ask Lei Ya Monster King to forget my proposal? Let’s settle with something else."

"No, we only need Power of Faith, other things can’t work." Lei Ya paused suddenly, then looked at me as if suddenly thinking of something, and said, "You have more than that bottle, right?"

When I heard this, I knew I didn't need to talk about anything. On the premise that I was unwilling to agree to the base number of a bottle, he asked me if I had any other Power of Faith. Is this talking about buying and selling? Don’t you think it’s more like the lines of robbers when they robbery? Therefore, the current attitude of Lei Ya Monster King is actually very clear. He wants to grab my Power of Faith, and not only the bottle in my hand, but also all the Power of Faith in my body.

I'm not the kind of indecisive person either. I don't intend to persuade me after I understand the key. To put it bluntly, I gave him face because he didn't want to be troublesome, but since he has to look for trouble, then I don't care about more trouble. This guy is indeed very strong, but I still have the confidence to kill him.

My heart must have come down and I acted immediately, but it was not a preemptive attack. Although the other party’s intentions have been basically determined, after all, the other party has not actively launched an attack, so I didn’t say much. Instead, I turned around and pulled the door to make it look like I was going back to the meeting hall just now. At the same time, with the opportunity of turning around, I took the small bottle of Power of Faith storage tank in front of me and recovered the Phoenix Dragon space. The shape of the tank is basically the same, except that different cylinders appear in my hands in some details.

The bottle just now contained the Power of Faith, but now this one contains liquefied magic crystal steam. The storage methods of the two substances are actually different, but although the internal structure of the cylinder is different, the outer shell is something that comes down the same assembly line, so except for the opening valve is a bit different, as long as you don’t take it apart, it’s fundamentally different. Can't see the difference.

Although Lei Ya Monster King’s attention has always been on this bottle, he only cares about the Power of Faith inside. Of course, he will not pay attention to the cylinder itself in a hurry, so I replaced the cylinder. He would not know. Here when I finished changing the cylinder, my fingers were already on the door, but I pulled the door hard, but Wins did not move, and there was a yellow talisman on the door, and the red symbol on it was shining dazzlingly. The rays of light.

I'm pretty sure that this talisman paper didn't exist before, that is, this thing was just pasted by the other party. Sure enough, I was just about to turn around and ask what was going on, when I suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and then a huge pull came from my hand, and disappeared from the bottle.

"hahahaha, Power of Faith, so much Power of Faith!" Thunder Fang Monster King almost held the bottle like crazy, then laughed wildly with excitement.

I didn't show any anger or surprise in the face of Thunder Fang Monster King's wild laugh. Instead, I laughed wildly afterwards. "Hahahaha, hahahaha..."

My laughter made the Thunder-fang Monster King on the opposite side stop laughing, and then looked towards me in a puzzled way, but what surprised him was that I had actually propped up A magical shield was placed, and there was a beautiful angel with heavy armor in front of me holding a huge heavy shield in front of me.

Although I don’t know what I’m doing, the other person still asked: "What are you laughing at?"

I directly raised a hand so that he could see my fingers , There is a metal ring slightly larger than the key ring on it, and a metal stick as long as a toothpick is wrapped around the ring.

This thing is actually very common. People who don’t know may think it is a key ring, but if you pay attention to it, you will find that we have all seen this thing. The first place to see this is on the handle of the fire extinguisher. There is such a thing in the valve handle of the fire extinguisher, and you can't pinch it down unless you pull it out of the handle of the fire extinguisher. Of course, this design is to prevent accidental activation of the fire extinguisher by accidentally touching the handle during transportation, and the same design can also be seen on a weapon. Although you may not have seen this kind of weapon in life, you must have seen it in the movie, because this thing is a grenade, a very common weapon.

There is also such a pin on the grenade, which has the same function as the one on the fire extinguisher, just to prevent accidental activation. And this thing is also on the cylinder of our guild that ships the liquefied magic crystal steam. Its function is similar, and it also serves as an insurance, but the purpose is slightly different.

This thing on the grenade and fire extinguisher is to prevent accidental activation, and our insurance is to prevent being robbed. Once someone forcibly robs, as long as our personnel find that it is no longer possible to protect the liquefied magic crystal vapor, then just pull off this ring. The thing connected behind this ring is usually stuck on a trigger device in the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank. Once this thing is unplugged, the trigger device will start to operate and detonate the can of liquefied magic crystal steam after ten seconds. Basically, as long as this thing is pulled out, the liquefied magic crystal steam storage tank will turn into a bomb, and the countdown is only ten seconds.

In fact, at the same time I pulled out this thing, I used the communicator to quietly notify the real red people outside, and in order to help Matsumoto Masaga, I also specially let them act in a play. First, Zhenhong and gold coin who received the communication quickly jumped up and stood together, and then began to brush the protective cover on his body. The opposite Matsumoto Masaka pretended to be aware of the danger after discovering their behavior, and immediately ordered Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji leaned up to prop up the protective shield together. However, it was a little surprising that Banshee, who had invited Masaka Matsumoto before, also brought his own men to swiftly approached and activated the joint protective shield with them.

Because of the previous events, Masaga Matsumoto is now unable to push the opponent out of the protective circle, so he has to default to the opponent to come up, and then directly use the protective cover to protect them together.

In fact, apart from Zhenhong and Masaga Matsumoto, the others did not respond slowly. Although they didn’t know what happened, they did not know what happened after seeing Zhenhong and gold coin. Guessed something. Their idea was that I had a talk with Lei Ya Monster King, and then there was a fight, and since Zhen Hong and gold coin were the people I brought, there must be a way to know the situation on my side. They estimated that it might be me or Thunder Fang Monster King who used the big move, and they got my advance notice, so they prepared a protective cover to resist that big move.

Although their guesses are slightly different, the general situation did make them guess. And these all are Monster King, the reaction is not slow, realized that when it was estimated that our side was fighting, they also immediately propped up the shield, but it is different from the situation of Zhenhong and Matsumoto and the others. Because Bian discovered it a little late, it was the shield that everyone propped up by themselves, and they didn't form a joint shield.

While they were opening their shields, I was shaking the pull ring in my hand at the Thunder Fang Monster King over there, and at the same time replied, "Laughing at you, idiot who took the wrong thing. It's over."

Though Lei Ya Monster King realized something, it's a pity that I have already counted the time. He just finished listening to what I said, and he suddenly exploded when he didn't even think about it. With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the mansion we are in has turned into tens of thousands of pieces of wood fragments flying out towards all directions, and a huge mushroom cloud rises above the mansion. .

In fact, as long as the formidable power of the explosion is large enough, any explosion that generates high temperature can cause a mushroom cloud, because the body of the mushroom cloud is actually a phenomenon caused by the rising of the hot air current and the flame and dust. It's not that only nuclear weapons can produce mushroom clouds.

I just finished talking with the Thunder Fang Monster King and immediately withdrew my hand and hugged Jingjing from behind, and at the same time activated my own protective magic. Although Jingjing’s defensive power is amazing, it is after all a bottle of highly concentrated liquefied magic crystal steam. This thing can drive a train capable of running a train on the armor of a battleship with a small tube as large as a pen tip. Big hole. Now this bottle is a lap bigger than the thermos bottle at home, how much liquefied magic crystal steam can you calculate? The formidable power can be known by just thinking about it.

To detonate the liquefied magic crystal vapor bomb at such a close distance, of course I dare not hold it big. Although there is no need to use an absolute barrier, it is still a bit uneasy to rely on the Divine Shield alone, so I not only let Jingjing use the Divine Shield for defense, but also brushed three layers of protective shields around us, even though I am not very good at this spell, but After all, the level is there, and the defensive power is still considerable if it is used.

Sure enough, the shock wave of the explosion immediately wiped out my three protective covers. It felt like I was blowing soap bubbles with a hair dryer. The protective cover could not even be resisted. NS. Fortunately, Jingjing’s Holy Shield is powerful, and my protective shield somehow offset some of the impact, so we flew out in the next second, but at least Jingjing still held the shield firmly without losing his balance, and although we were flying He got up, but he was not blown away directly, but was pushed away relatively slowly, without being directly blown away.

Similar to our situation, the combined protection of True Red and gold coin eventually blocked the explosion, but the two of them were blown away. Although Masaga Matsumoto and the others started a little later, because of the large number of people and the number of layers of protective covers they brushed, they were a little better than the two of them. They were just thrown off and did not suffer much damage. As for those Monster Kings, they are going to be a little bit miserable. A layer of protective cover can't stop this kind of impact, so they are all recruited, but after breaking the protective cover, the formidable power is not very strong anymore. It just made them suffer some superficial wounds, plus they got covered in one by one. dirt.

After all, they are all Monster Kings. As long as they are prepared, liquefying the magic crystal steam alone is impossible to do to them. Most of the reasons that can cause the current situation are due to their unknown situation.

As soon as the explosion here ended, I quickly took back Jingjing and found True Red and gold coin and stood together, and the monsters on the opposite side also walked back from various places. Although they were all lifted off, they didn't fly far, after all, it was just a pot of liquefied magic crystal steam.

"Brother...Brother...!" The previous fairy Princess also ran back at this time, and as soon as she came back, she rushed into the explosion site and searched frantically. Although she had guessed what happened just now, it was too sudden, so she was blown up before she could react. Now when she comes back, she is of course immediately looking for her brother, which is Thunder Fang Monster King.

In fact, I don't doubt whether she can find Thunder Fang Monster King. After all, the opponent is Monster King. If a can of liquefied magic crystal steam is solved, then it is too weak, right? That guy is definitely not dead now. Of course, the injury is certain, but it will definitely not be a fatal injury. At most, it will affect the battle strength. Impossible directly killed him.

Sure enough, the fairy Princess soon saw a burning piece of wood slipping to both sides, and then the scorched Thunderfang Monster King stood out from it. This guy looks quite infiltrating now, not that he is in his original form, but that he is now invisible. The entire right half of this guy's face was gone, and half of the skull face was there. You could directly see that the eyeballs, teeth and tongue were exposed, and all the muscles were gone. In addition, this guy's right hand was obviously short by half, and now only a little bit ahead of the elbow is gone, and the palm of the hand and most of the forearm are missing. Apart from this this guy's right chest is also scorched black, and it has collapsed in a big piece. It is obvious that the ribs have been fractured, and the area is very large.

If it's a human being made like this, it won't even be necessary to rescue it. More than 70% of the whole body is burned, large areas of soft tissue and muscle group are lost, multiple parts of the chest and other fractures, and multiple internal organs are severely concussed, accompanied by multiple internal hemorrhages. Either one of them can easily kill people, and now Lei Ya has all of them. However, he is a monster and a Monster King. Just after he got up, these injuries recovered at a speed visible to naked eye. You can even see the red muscles sticking out from under the scorched skin and connecting them in the air, and then attaching to the skeleton to form a new one. Body tissue. However, although the wound is recovering, the severed limb does not seem to regenerate. His elbow just took off the charred shell, and then the muscle tissue quickly healed on the broken arm and grew skin to completely close the wound, but the front arm was completely gone.

Actually, I should be thankful that Thunder Fang Monster King looks like this. If he didn’t ask me why I laughed just now, and I didn’t mind telling him that I dropped the bottle, I guess he will change it now. awful. You must know that before I answered, he was holding the bottle like a little child holding a stuffed toy. At that time, the thing was sandwiched between his neck and shoulders, and he held it with his hands against his chest. You said that if you explode in that posture, can the head of Thunder Fang Monster King still be on the neck? The reason why he is missing an arm now is because he found that something was wrong and wanted to throw the bomb out at the last moment. Unfortunately, it was too late. As soon as his arm swung the bomb to its limit, it exploded before his fingers were released. This is why his arm is missing. Of course, this at least saved his head. After all, he was holding the bottle and extending it to the farthest position, which is better than holding it in his arms and exploding.

"Thunder Monster King. I really came to negotiate with you today with great sincerity, but your attitude is really unacceptable. Could it be that robbing the client’s finances is your hospitality The way? The war between the two countries shouldn’t be done, even more how we are a peaceful transaction. You actually intend to kill people and make money. Isn’t this plane too bad?"

The reason why I say this is to Occupying the commanding heights of morality, after all, the scene is not only the Monster King monster, I need to modify my image as much as possible under the premise that the attitude of other monsters is still uncertain, so that the probability of those Monster Kings helping me will be slightly higher. Of course, I think they actually helped Lei Ya Monster King’s probability higher. After all, they are all Japanese Monster Kings, and we only met today, being on the side of righteousness rather than the side of emotions is such is human nature, The same goes for monsters. Although Lei Ya Monster King and these monsters are neither relatives nor friends,

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