"Thunderfang Monster King, you can't do this!" Nobunaga Guishou yelled as he rushed over here.

"Hey, when is there a place for you to speak here?" The Banshee who had let Masaka Matsumoto pass by her side suddenly stood up and stood in front of Nobunaga Onishu. In front of Lei Ya Monster King.

After Nobunaga was stopped by this Banshee, he immediately struggled to pass, but that Banshee was obviously not a normal character. Think about it, this place is all Monster King, no matter how bad the strength is, it is not an existence that can be casually kneaded, even more how Guishou Nobunaga himself is not the kind of outrageous existence, I dare not let it go. Under the premise of attacking with hands and feet, naturally that woman can't help it.

"Hey, what did you guy do? Rub on me again and be careful when I throw you out." During the shoving, Banshee suddenly screamed, which means ghost hand Nobunaga took advantage of her. This kind of thing was originally unreasonable, and now we have made it clear that we are colluding with the ghost hand Nobunaga, but unfortunately this guy is completely unaware that the current situation is still there and Banshee is trying to come over.

Seeing Nobunaga's shameful performance, even if he is actually serving the Frost Rose League, Masaka Matsumoto feels a bit feverish on his face. Anyway, this guy is also his compatriot. Ashamed, I can't find out that the atmosphere here is actually wrong.

The helpless Matsumoto Masaka could only turn to Raiya and said: "Monster King thinks this price is appropriate?"

Raiya Monster King didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto unexpectedly He lifted the ball back, just now he was still looking at Oniji Nobunaga, wondering what this guy could do in the end, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed when he heard Matsumoto's words, but this guy is not an ordinary person. , I quickly adjusted my state and thought about it a little bit, and then said: "About this compensation...I think it is more suitable for you, as long as you look at it, don’t make too little. After all, this thing is not me. Yes, I have to compensate the little monsters. If there are too few, I will not be able to live up to the face of being a Monster King!"

After Lei Ya Monster King said this, we are here. The six people collectively despised this guy in their hearts. Obviously he wants the benefits himself, and it is said that it is for the kids, when the time comes, the benefits that can really be divided can be 1% of the total amount given by us, even if he has a conscience, and I estimate that it is mostly this. Don't expect to see those monsters at all.

Although I am still more inclined to let Lei Ya Monster King tell the price, and then we will come to bargain, but since they said let us out, and we are in a hurry now, so I don’t If you evade any more, you can control the amount yourself anyway. After a little measurement, I suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

"This...not to hide from Leya Monster King, in fact, we have something special here. This thing should be very useful for your Demon, but this thing is not visible Light, so you see if we find a place for pipe down. I will let you see it. If you think you can use that as compensation, we will talk about the specific quantity. If you don’t want it, we will come back to talk about it."

Thunder’s Monster King is very confused about what I can’t show, but now it’s time for him to take advantage of it, so naturally he won’t make trouble for me on this matter, so I just nodded and agreed. . Although the other Monster Kings on the scene are also Monster Kings, they have no affiliation with this Thunder-Tooth Monster King, but I feel that Thunder-Tooth Monster King should be the strongest here, so as long as there is no interest issue, other Monster Kings will generally not refute his face.

Thunder's Monster King asked everyone to wait here, and then left alone with me and went to a room on the other side of the house. Although there are actually only two layers of paper sliding doors between the two rooms, this place is actually very secret, because the paper on the door is simply a scroll of spells. Although I didn’t understand the specific function, I felt The above should have the effect of preventing prying.

After entering this room, Lei Fang Monster King didn’t sit down, and he turned around and asked me what I wanted to show him. I didn’t sell it, so I pulled out a small high voltage directly from the Fenglong space. Cylinder. If Anubis saw this bottle, he would definitely recognize it at a glance, because this is the storage tank I sold them to Power of Faith last time. Of course, the one I took out today is a bit smaller, not as many as last time.

Because this jar is well sealed and there won’t be the slightest leak, Leifang Monster King didn’t know what was inside after seeing this thing. He just looked at me with questioning eyes and asked me explain. I didn't say much, I took the jar and walked to him, then asked him to stretch his hands together, and then align the opening of the jar with the palm of his hand. "Be careful, use your power to form a protective layer. The things I release are very precious. You protect it, and then you know what it is."

Thunder Tooth Monster King Although I don't know what I was going to show him, I finally did what I said. The moment I opened the jar, a white mist of naked eye was directly sprayed out. In fact, Power of Faith itself is invisible. The reason why the white mist appears is because the jar is also filled with a special gas. Because this gas itself can adsorb a large amount of Power of Faith, when our guild transports Power of Faith, we first fuse the Power of Faith with this gas, and then put this gas into a high-pressure cylinder. It can serve the purpose of transportation and preservation. Of course, this method actually has the same major flaw as using Divine Soul as a container. The most serious problem is that the Power of Faith stored in this way will react with the gas in a certain way. It is not obvious if the time is short, but Over time, they will merge with each other and produce a spirit-like consciousness. At present, our guild does not know what caused this situation, and there is no way to prevent this situation, so using this method to ship Power of Faith will cause the loss of Power of Faith. However, there is no shortage of Power of Faith in our guild. Secondly, the acquisition of that gas is much simpler than the acquisition of Divine Soul. Therefore, we are currently manufacturing a large number of cans with this type of packaging to store Power of Faith.

Thunder Fang Monster King just saw the white mist sprayed out and directly wrapped it with his own demon power, and then his eyes suddenly stared like a copper bell in the next second, even So I found his hands started to tremble.

"This, this...this is Power of Faith?" Lei Ya Monster King stammered at me and asked, fearing that I would shake my head and tell him it was not.

"Don't worry, this is Power of Faith, the real Power of Faith. How about? Use this to pay the bill, are you interested?"

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