"Go to hell, pervert!" The girl suddenly rushed up to Nobunaga Guisou, and the unprepared Nobunaga Guisou was completely frightened. Although he has recovered from my previous kick, but now the injury is only under control. It does not mean that there is nothing at all. He suddenly saw this girl rushing up and he simply couldn't make it. reaction.

However, although Nobunaga Guishou was frightened, not everyone at the scene did not react. At least I know that I can react to it myself, but it is obviously inappropriate to shoot in my capacity, and also just to my liking when Nobunaga is killed. Matsumoto Masaka probably also reacted. He shot out almost instinctively and wanted to intercept the girl, but as soon as the person started, the speed slowed down again. It should be thought that he should not go to save the ghost Nobunaga, so Forcibly suppressed his own speed.

Although one of us did not move and suppressed our own speed alone, there was still someone on the scene rushing to the front of Nobunaga Guishou. At the same time that the girl cut it down with a knife, the old man named Qianmo did not know where he changed into a katana. He lifted it up and shook the girl out with a ding sound, but Nobunaga was frightened. Sit on the ground directly.

"Princess, isn't this inappropriate?" The old man put away his weapon immediately after separating the girl, and said gently.

The girl was obviously very angry at the conversation just now. After glaring at Nobunaga Guishou, she also inserted the katana in her back into the scabbard behind her, but she said very angry: "It's strange that the big brother didn't let me go outside. The guys outside are such low-level bastards. It's really better not to see them."

"Princess, please pay attention when you speak. Attack range. This guy is a filthy existence in our place. You use words to attack all our outsiders because of such a guy. It seems very rude, right?"

"putting it that way, you are not Obscene?" The girl suddenly turned her smart gaze to my side, then looked at me and asked.

Although you are here to ask Monster King for help, Demon advocates power. If you blindly tolerate, not only will not make the other person feel friendly, but will make the other person feel that you are not qualified to talk to them at all. , So appropriate toughness is also necessary.

"What kind of existence does Princess think is not a foul thing?" When I said this, the provocative meaning was already obvious. Although I was asking the other party, it actually meant winning You are only qualified to talk about me.

The other party obviously understood what I meant, and this is indeed a more straightforward girl, so she did not hesitate to pull out all the double knives that crossed her back, and then arched her waist. She put on a fighting posture to me and said at the same time: "If I can take my ten moves, I will admit that what I just said is wrong."

The girl is obviously also a fair and reasonable character. The sideman had already shot out, and the speed was almost like a flash of light. I almost only saw the red light flashed and the other party came in front of me, fast and unimaginable.

Although the opponent's speed is amazing, I am not easy to deal with. I just heard the sound of the opponent's lightning-like straight line attack and I easily kicked it away, and then the opponent bounced directly into the air with the help of the rebounding force, and turned his head in the sky, and then hit me directly with gravity.

In fact, the attack of this girl is not so exaggerated. Although she is very fast, there is still a gap between me and me. If this is a normal battle, I can actually take advantage of it just now, but the opponent is the younger sister of Monster King, so being tough is tough.

The moment I fended off the opponent, I used the claws in my hand instead of eternity, because if I use eternity, no matter what shape it becomes, the opponent's weapon will definitely be scrapped. As for the foot that the other party has stepped on top of my head, I can completely take a half step back, and then fly back one step higher, taking advantage of the height and leg length, first step in the question, and the end result will seem to be her own weakness. The belly hit my foot like. Of course, if you do this, it is estimated that the other party will definitely be injured, so this will offend people.

Considering the opponent’s face, I didn’t fight back at all. Instead, I stepped back. Then when the opponent missed the landing point and fell in front of me, I suddenly reached out and grabbed her ankle and followed up. After a quick turn, she directly threw it obliquely upward at a forty-five degree angle. If I wanted to hurt her just now, I didn't need to turn around at all, just pulled her ankle and smashed her to the ground. Or you can still hold her in a circle, but don't throw it diagonally upwards, just throw it horizontally. The reason why she had to throw it diagonally upward was to give her time to adjust her balance in the air, and I only took a turn, and the acceleration was not enough, so she naturally landed on the ground with an somersault in the air, and the action looked like It's pretty elegant, and it doesn't seem embarrassing at all.

Although the opponent is very straight, he is not stupid. I obviously kept my hand just now, and at the end it didn’t embarrass her, so as soon as the opponent got to the ground, he stood up and put his hands in front of a cup. one fist in the other hand: "In the language just now, I apologize to you."

"Princess is a straightforward person, who can't make a mistake, and is considered a man of temperament. Now that I have clarified, Then it’s okay.” I said, turning to the old man and asked: “Are we allowed to meet the Monster King? Should we wait for it?”

The old man also reacted at this time. Hurry up to lead the way, who knows that Princess just thrust the double knives behind her back and jumped over and said, "I'll take you. Come on, come with me."

What I wanted to say, the speed of the girl was too fast, so she just jumped away. When we saw the situation, we had no choice but to follow. Although the girl is not as polite and polite as the old man, she has to be said that she is better than the old man to lead the way, at least she is better to lead us, because the Princess moves at least three or four times faster than the old man. A few of us followed her out of the castle tower almost all the way, and then passed through a large garden that could be called a forest, and then we arrived in front of a Japanese-style mansion.

This house is just a house, there is no courtyard wall and nothing else, just built a house in the middle of the woodland. At this time, there were still several demons around the house. Although they were all humanoids, they knew they were monsters at first glance. However, these monsters are not ordinary goods, and their strength is at most a little bit lower than Monster King.

When we arrived, these monsters were not gathered at the door, but scattered around the house. Among them are a man wearing a Japanese kimono and an old fogey. The two are kneeling and sitting in the corridor in front of the house playing Go. In addition, the child has three monsters, one of which looks like an eight or nine-year-old girl. At this time, she is squatting on the edge of a small pond with five or six levels to watch goldfish eating. The child has a female Demon in a purple ninja costume hanging upside down in the corridor. On the beam, it seems that the other two are playing chess. The last child is a super handsome guy with silver hair, about twenty-five and sixteen years old. He was sitting on the roof, leaning on a dragon head decoration, looking at the sky in a daze.

Although the behavior of these monsters is a bit strange, they are expert after all. It is understandable to put on a cool pose.

Our arrival didn’t make these demons react. After all, Princess brought us. Obviously, it’s not an enemy. Besides, the Monster King inside let Princess bring us over, so they already know about us. It's the guest inside.

After putting on that kind of shoe cover at the door, a few of us immediately followed Princess into the lobby at the front of the house, but it was obviously not a conference hall. Princess didn't knock on the door, she walked directly to the door on the left and pulled the door in, and we had no choice but to follow in.

"Brother, I've brought it." As soon as Princess entered the room, she rushed to the Monster King over there and grabbed the opponent's arm.

After a few of us followed up, we discovered that this room was slightly larger than expected. There were about 20 Demons in it. The shapes are basically human, and they are all pretty good. , Only three monsters have obvious non-humanoid structures.

Sitting in the place facing the gate is a man wearing a black kimono. He looks like he is in his thirties. His appearance is quite calm and capable, giving people a look. I feel that he is very safe in doing things.

This kind of person can be said to be very suitable to be a leader. After all, the people below will feel relieved when they see his appearance. As long as he doesn’t have much problem with his own affairs, he can be said to be absolutely. It's easy to succeed. Of course, the main thing in the game is the strength, and the appearance is only the second thing.

To be honest, although the temperament gives people a sense of calmness, this Monster King is really much worse than what I had imagined before. Because this guy's name is Thunder Ya, and he's a monster, so I imagined that this should be a young and vigorous Demon who looks like a gangster. However, this guy has a completely different image, which really surprised me.

Sure enough, appearance has an impact on personality. This guy's calm appearance also brings a calm personality, so his judgment and analysis ability is very strong. After seeing me stunned for a while, he immediately asked: "What? I feel that my image is different from what I imagined? Do you think that Lei Ya must have volcanic-like hair standing upright, and then behave like a volcano? Tyrannical?"

It still makes me a little embarrassed to be guessed by the other party, but we have a thicker skin, so we just changed the subject without blushing or breathing: "You Good Monster King Lei Ya, I am Purple Moon, the president of the China Frost Rose League. These two are my entourages, and are also the holders of Chinese national equipment, Zhenhong and gold coin."

Masho Matsumoto At this time, He quickly squeezed forward to introduce himself and Ying Yu Shen Hina and the others. I used to be behind because I was "losing" during the battle, so I had to "fail" a little bit, but now it's obviously inappropriate to put quail behind.

Onitou Nobunaga originally thought Masaka Matsumoto would introduce himself, but after the other party finished speaking, he realized that Masaka Matsumoto didn’t mean to introduce himself at all, and Monster King because everyone here introduced himself. It was past, so I moved my gaze to the only person who didn't introduce him.

In fact, there are not many opportunities for Nobunaga to experience this kind of occasion. He may not be much worse than Masaga Matsumoto in combat, but in terms of diplomatic ability...it’s a bit of saying that Masaka Matsumoto dumped his ten streets. Exaggerated, but there should be seven or eight articles.

"I...My name is Nobunaga Onitou." Because Masaka Matsumoto deliberately ignored it and was asked by the other's eyes, Nobunaga Onitou was stuck when speaking. This situation in the diplomatic field is actually very embarrassing. Raia's eyes on Nobunaga Guishou immediately became a lot bleak, apparently realizing that this is a small rateless character, so I don't need to care too much.

After we finished the introduction here, Lei Ya did not say anything. There was a monster next to him who stood up first and said, "Lei Ya, the Purple Moon is the humans who invaded our Japan. The boss of, since he took the initiative to send it to the door today, it is better to solve it here, and we can also have an advantage on the battlefield in the future."

When I heard this guy, I and Zhenhong and Gold Coin Of course, his eyes moved to him immediately.

This is a human-shaped monster who is talking. It looks like a super Big Fatty. The two legs are only one third as long as the body. The hands are also stubby and stubby. The body is almost as big as a bull. Just like dung, it's just a big stall of meat. However, this guy's face looked a little bit, looking very rich, not much disgusting. Of course, not to mention that he just doesn't look ugly, even if he is super handsome, what can he do? The words just now have already stated our position. This is our enemy, so don't be polite to him.

"When is it your turn to interrupt on the site of Thunder Fang Monster King? Don't think that you look like cow dung and you are bullish."

"Baga! Me! Kill you!" The guy rushed towards me as he said, but I didn't care much about this guy, but instead focused on Thunder Fang Monster King over there. After seeing the other person's smiling face, I also understood the other person's intentions. This is to weigh our strength first, and then decide our attitude. If we are bullied, then of course he can pinch it, but if it is a tough one, then of course it needs to be treated with care.

Because I understood the other party's intentions, I didn't keep any hands at all. Retaining your hands at this time will only make you lose yourself, and you will be able to stop those Xiao Xiao who want to plot a bad way with all your strength.

Looking at the fat Monster King that has rushed in front of me like a bulldozer, I directly used it ruthlessly. At present, I can use it to make my strength appear the most amazing trick-Force of Black Tortoise.

Yes. I directly activated the skills on the Black Tortoise Armor film. Although this skill is very expensive, it is not really open now. It is just a test. It will definitely be a period of negotiation afterwards. It will take time to complete it, and that time is enough. I'm back to the devil, so it doesn't matter if it consumes a little bit more at this time, as long as the place can be controlled.

Of course there is no lack of clever Demons around, so they are all staring at us, hoping to find out my approximate strength, but the result is that they are all dumbfounded because they only see After the super Big Fatty rushed in front of me, I slightly raised a hand, followed a yellow light flashed on that arm, and then I curled my index finger and flicked the forehead of the rushing guy like a small insect. , The guy disappeared in the next second, and a huge hole was left on the wall on the side of the room, and even half of the wall was gone.

Almost at the same time that the guy was bounced off, the Demon present were all instinctive eyes shrank. Although they heard my name, they probably knew that my strength was not weak, but they didn't expect it to be so strong. They are Demons, not players, but NPCs, so they are impossible to know my prowess from the forum like players. But they are Japanese Demon after all. Japan was almost completely occupied by us before. Although at that time because of the battle with Japanese players, there was no time to take care of these Demons living in the deep mountains and forests, but as a Japanese Demon, such a major event happened outside. , They will always know some. Therefore, they have actually made a preliminary forecast of my strength, but now it seems that the accuracy of this forecast is very problematic.

The guy who was shot by me just now is called a boar, and he is a very powerful Demon. His body is a monster that looks a lot like a wild boar, but he is not actually a monster evolved from a wild boar, but a kind of existence resembling a human spirit gathered from the souls of dead wild boars.

In the past, hunters who used to enter the mountain often said that the mountain is: "One pig, two bears and three tigers." This means that the most dangerous animal in the mountain is the wild boar, followed by the bear and the tiger. Can only be regarded as the third place.

Don’t say that wild boars can’t beat tigers. The danger of an animal is not necessarily proportional to its battle strength. After all, although tigers can eat wild boars, the problem is that tigers generally do not attack people. Even if they do, as long as they are not extremely hungry, tigers will not attack humans. You must know that there is no human dish in the tiger’s recipe. When they suddenly discover that humans, they will think that this is an unseen creature. The first idea is definitely not to eat it. In contrast, the offensive of wild boar is obviously necessary. It is much higher, so experienced old hunters say that wild boars are more dangerous than tigers.

The reason why the wild boar is dangerous is because of its strong offensive, and this offensive can also be understood as a fighting intent, which is the same as a soldier on the battlefield. Precisely because of the existence of fighting intent and its own fierceness, the soul of the wild boar is easier to accumulate hostility than the soul of ordinary animals, and then becomes the primary level Vicious Spirit. This Vicious Spirit absorbs the soul of the companion. Will transform into heroic spirits. When a wild boar spirit is formed, he will become quite violent. At this time, the wild boar spirit may actively attack humans or other monsters, and then accumulate his own power. Eventually, he will challenge the mountain god, and once the mountain god is defeated, the wild boar spirit will seize the divine force of the mountain god, and Mutation into "mountain boar".

The guy who was shot by me just now is a boar that has killed the mountain god. He is already a monster with a god position. It can be said that he can be regarded as a Divine Race. As a monster, the boar has a very strong fighting intent. Even though the mountain god's position will allow its fierceness to be controlled, it will be even more powerful when it breaks out in battle. Especially in frontal battles, the boar can erupt a spell-like ability. This ability is called "pig rush". The skill effect is similar to Knight's "charge", and the formidable power is much stronger than Knight's charge. Basically, it can be said to be unstoppable. At least the existence of the same level or even slightly higher than him could not stop his frontal collision.

However, such a guy who is good at collisions was flicked by my finger, like dust falling on the sleeves of his clothes. How powerful is this?

In fact, I don’t know how powerful it is, because I just used Force of Black Tortoise. How powerful is Black Tortoise? Anyway, the records say that Black Tortoise can carry the existence of China Nine Provinces, which means that he can almost carry a continent plate.

Able to carry a continent plate, then a mountain is just an ant to this kind of power. No matter how powerful this mountain boar is, it is just the power of a mountain. After all, he only defeated the mountain god and gained the position of the mountain god, not the god of the world. So, with the power of Black Tortoise, it's really nothing to flick this guy with one finger.

"Okay, the flies are gone. Can we sit down and talk?" After the guy flew away, I quietly removed the Force of Black Tortoise. If this thing is on My magic power is almost the same as when I run into a black hole. I go down a lot in the blink of an eye. I don't dare to keep it on when I'm not using it.

The Thunder-tooth Monster King over there also reacted at this time, and immediately reached out more enthusiastically to the futon where the boar who was bombed over there was just sitting on, and said: "Please sit down, please sit down. The person is the guest, we sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

Sit down and talk means don’t do anything. If you can't beat it, you still have to do it. Isn't this your head caught the door panel? The defensive battle can also be said to be forced by helplessness. It is obviously not that good now, so Thunder Fang Monster King decisively chose peace talks.

Although we are admitted to be able to sit down here, Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou obviously cannot sit with us, but in contrast they are local people after all, so in terms of treatment Much better than us. I was told to sit down here, and the Monster King turned to them and said politely to let them sit, but there was no designated place.

Onitou Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka were worrying about where they were sitting. Suddenly, they saw a mature beauty wearing a gorgeous long skirt and wearing a peacock-like mature beauty, said Masaka Matsumoto. "Matsumoto this Monarch, I have heard of your name before, but I have never had a chance to meet. I don’t know if I can sit next to me to talk easily?"

Masaka Matsumoto has no place to sit. , This person has stretched out an olive branch, and is a big beauty, what else do you have to do if this is not the past?

In fact, this room is quite spacious, not to mention us people, even if we come in ten or eight, we can sit down. The key is that the people here were already seated when we came in before, and when there were not many people, the seats were naturally scattered, and everyone was in a good position. You squeeze into the crowd at this time, either next to someone, or someone has to relocate you. these all are Demon, who do you want to move for you? I just flew a guy to grab the position. Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Oniteda, they are not sure that they can get one like me. Besides, I was the other party who proactively tested me before. I was a legitimate defense, but if they took the shot. It seems unreasonable.

As the opponent shouted, Masaka Matsumoto immediately led Sakura Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime over. There was also a female entourage behind the opponent. After Masaka Matsumoto passed by, the Banshee moved a little aside. Moved a little, gave out half of the cushion for Masaka Matsumoto to sit, while Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime played entourage, so they nodded and squeezed their heads on a cushion with Banshee entourage behind.

Oni Shou Nobunaga saw Matsumoto Masaka’s being called and immediately followed him and walked over, and this guy was so insightless, he actually walked between Banshee and Matsumoto Masaka. Sitting down there, Masaka Matsumoto habitually stepped aside, preparing to make a little room to come out, because he also thought that the other party called them both. However, what made people didn't expect was that Masaka Matsumoto was pulled by the Banshee just as soon as he planned to move, and then the other party looked up at Onishou Nobunaga with an ugly face and asked, "What are you doing?" < /p>

Nobunaga Guishou said with a puzzled expression: "Sit down!"

Banshee immediately asked: "Sit down? This is my position. What do you want to do?"

"You just..."

"I admired Masaga-kun Matsumoto's reputation and asked him to come and sit there. Why are you joining in the fun?"

Such words are absolutely true Chi Guoguo's face-slapping behavior caused Guishou Nobunaga's face to turn red, and then began to turn black, and finally the whole person began to tremble. This was definitely an internal injury. However, this place is all Demon, others on own initiative provocation is okay, if you are an outsider who takes the initiative, regardless of whether the other party agrees with political opinions, you must be beaten first. Therefore, even if he was angry, Nobunaga Onitou finally managed to endure it and did not attack.

Our real red and gold coin are both holding their mouths behind my back and desperately suffocating a smile, but obviously the control is not successful, so the room is full of air leaks from the two of them pu chi pu chi.

Guishou Nobunaga didn't dare to get angry at those Demons, so he could only use us to vent his anger, then turned his head and gave us a fiercely look. Of course, we are not easy to bully. Zhenhong immediately jumped up from the mat and pointed at the other party. As a result, I stopped him as soon as he said you.

"It's just a stray dog, don't care. It's a shame!"

When Zhenhong heard what I said, he immediately laughed, and then sat down happily, and the ghost opposite But Nobunaga's face turned from black to purple, and he was obviously out of anger. However, Guishou Nobunaga, who stood still and took a few breaths, finally held back, and then silently walked to the door and sat down.

In fact, there are still many positions at the door, but sitting there is actually like admitting that you are a marginal person and a statusless existence, so although Masaka Matsumoto saw that position before But it didn't pass, especially after I had already sat on one of the main seats. If they were sitting at the doorway over there, would it be an imposing manner to lose?

As soon as Nobunaga Onishou sat down, the Monster King over there swept back and forth between me and Masaka Matsumoto a few times. As for Nobunaga Onishou, it was completely Ignore it. "I don't know what these guys are here to talk to us?"

I bet this guy definitely knows what we are going to say, but if he asks this, we can only follow his words and answer. As soon as I raised my hand to speak, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly spoke first. This kind of on the surface fight is to cause us to be hostile. After all, we are dead enemies on the surface, so we can't be too polite, so it's reasonable to provoke each other.

Matsumoto Masaka, who was in front of me, cupped his hands and said directly: "Don’t hide Lei Ya Monster King, in fact, we are here to ask you to restrain your subordinates and let them not attack the fulcrum. City."

"Matsumoto Masaga..." On hearing this, Nobunaga suddenly stood up from the ground. Although there is space to sit down by the door, there is no cushion over there.

Unfortunately, although Guishou Nobunaga stood up and wanted to say something, Lei Ya Monster King directly reached out his hand to stop him from continuing, and said sternly: "When I got here, it’s all My guest, I don’t care what you have outside for the holidays. When you get to me, you will give me some face. Now it’s Song this Monarch is talking, please keep quiet, and you will talk later when you speak, when the time comes If someone interrupts you, I will defend it, but now please shut up. After you go out, you will kill me. Please give me a little courtesy here."

Nobunaga Guishou After this, he quickly apologized. Obviously, he also came to ask Lei Ya Monster King to get it, so he didn't dare to offend him. Besides, when it comes to fighting, he is not the opponent of a group of monsters here. Even if he received the divine force blessing of the Eight-Divine Snake again, and now he has restored the Divine Race body, even the Divine Race body is impossible to be the opponent of a bunch of Monster Kings here. Strictly speaking, all of these are basically Divine Races, but they are called differently. Moreover. If he fights with the Monster Kings now, can I watch it by the side? As for Masaga Matsumoto... it would be nice to be able to do nothing. Therefore, Nobunaga Onishu is quite clear on this point.

"Okay, please continue." Raiya Monster King gestured to Matsumoto Masaga.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Now some of your subordinates of Raiga Monster King are preparing to besiege Fulcrum City outside Fulcrum City, but this is not a good thing for the future of our Japan, so I hope you will see As we all live on the land of Japan, recall your subordinates and restrain them from launching an attack on Fulcrum City for the time being."

After listening to this, Lei Ya Monster King turned to me and asked: " I thought he wanted us to send more people to attack you. He didn’t expect to ask my people not to do anything. It’s really an accident. So what are you doing? It’s not asking me to hit you. City?"

"How is it possible? I'm not that guy." I said, pointing at Nobunaga on the side of the door, and the other person immediately stood up to have a seizure, but he sat down again after thinking about it. It's down, it looks like he really intends to bear the humiliation today. Seeing Guishou Nobunaga sitting down again, I secretly sighed a pity, and then continued: "Actually, I don’t want your subordinates to attack Fulcrum City. It’s not that I’m afraid, but I don’t want to take it lightly for some reason. It’s the beginning of the war, so..."

Matsumoto Masaga suddenly looked at me and said, "I didn’t expect that when our two children thought of going together, I thought you were here. Deliberately making trouble to prevent me from persuading Thundertooth Monster King to retreat!"

"Do you think I'm as stupid as that guy? You have found problems with this kind of thing, but I can't find it? You won't I really think our Frost Rose League’s intelligence network is beautiful, right?"

"Purple Moon, don't be too arrogant." Chi Fire Dragon Ji suddenly stood up and pointed at me scolded.

Raiya Monster King pulled Fire Dragon down before Masaka Matsumoto had time to say anything, and then continued to say to me: "Then since our opinions on this matter are the same, then There is no need for us to conflict. It’s just that Thunder Monster King, can you satisfy our little request?"

"No, Thunder Monster King, you must not listen to them." Ghost Nobunaga finally couldn't sit still at this time, after all, once Lei Ya agreed to our request, his trip would be considered in vain. However, he regretted it after he finished speaking, obviously now is not the time to interrupt. But... What surprised Oni Te Nobunaga was that Raiya didn't get angry.

The Thunder tooth stared at Nobunaga Guishou for a while, and then suddenly opened the mouth and said: "You mean you want me to order my subordinates to continue attacking, right?"


Guishou Nobunaga stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and stood up excitedly and said, "Not only will he attack, but he will also send additional manpower. You may not know, but the serpent god is also on the scene, as long as you Being able to send troops, the big snake god will definitely not look at you at a loss. When the time comes......"

"Enough." Angry roar shook my ears with tinnitus, but the one who made this sound It was a non-human monster sitting next door to me.

How does this guy look like the Ox Head Man warrior in Europe? Although he is sitting cross-legged on the ground, his head is still at least 1.8 meters above the ground. Visually observe that this guy stands up In the future, he can be at least three meters tall, and his limbs look thicker than my waist. Although his body is covered with a layer of black hair and he is still wearing armor, it can be seen that his body is also Just like the arms and legs, they are all muscles. As for this guy's head...

It's basically a bull's head, but it's not our usual Yellow Ox bull, but the yak's head. The head is full of black hairs two inches long, and he has a few braids on his head in order not to block the line of sight. The two dark yellow horns on the head point straight to the sky, and the overall look is simply a long-haired version of Ox Demon King.

After angry roar, the bull head immediately angrily shouted at Nobunaga Guishou, "It's because the Baqi Orochi guy is there, so we can't let him do what he wants. That kind of despicable guy definitely can't follow him. The meaning of it."

On hearing this, Nobunaga was instinctively arguing, but he got stuck in there as soon as he opened his mouth because he didn't know how to talk. Normally, he should be to maintain the dignity of the Eight-Fed Orochi. After all, he is now basically labeled as the Eight-Fed Orochi. But the problem is that this place is now all Demon. If he is to rectify the name of the eight-pointed snake in this kind of place, then he must be opposed to the bull's

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