"But you may have to wait for a while. Now Monster King is discussing with other Monster Kings, and I may not have time to see you for the time being."

Listen When it comes to the old man, Zhenhong immediately asked unceremoniously: "How long will we have to wait? We are not idle people!"

Zhenhong originally played the impulsive person, so Some things she said are much better than what we said. Looking at the old man’s expression, I said directly before answering: “Please tell Monster King. We are also in a hurry. There is really no way to delay!”

“But Monster King is now talking to Monster King. Those Monster Kings on other hills are meeting. At this time, even if I did not summon, it was inconvenient to enter the meeting hall rashly. So..."

"Qianmo." The old man was talking suddenly. I heard a voice from ahead.

The old man quickly turned his head and looked towards the direction of the voice, and then we followed. I saw a fiery red girl who seemed to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, jumping out of the castle tower in front.

The appearance of this girl is very beautiful, but it is not the kind of mature beauty that tempts crime, but a kind of beauty that mixes cuteness and agility. If you have to describe it, the girl's temperament is like a sweet and sour fruit, giving people a fresh and refreshing feeling. However, although the girl's appearance is sweet, her dress is quite dazzling. This beautiful girl is wearing fiery-red tight clothes, and outside the tight clothes is a set of feet of the same color.

Foot is a Japanese-style armor. The material is generally made of bamboo or wood. Of course, there are also metal, but it is rare. Moreover, it is slightly different from the armors of other countries. The defensive area with this thing is not that large. It is actually some scattered pieces of armor, which are then fixed on the body with ropes. These pieces of armor and the armor The pieces are basically separated. The well-made ones can also add some hard leather armor to the gaps to increase the defensive effect. The inferior ones are simply hollowed out.

It can be seen from its structural characteristics that this thing should actually be equipment used on the battlefield rather than fighting equipment. Because only the key parts are defended, there are a lot of analysis, and it is very large, so this thing is basically competent for the protection task when on the battlefield. After all, the enemy in the battlefield may not have time to target your vitals, only to meet. Just chop, and the design of the footed parts is pretty good, and the positions that are easier to be chopped are basically protected. However, if it is a one-on-one heads-up, especially during expert battles, this kind of equipment will have obvious loopholes. If the opponent is the expert who plays Western swordsman, then this kind of equipment is almost worn. It's not wearing it.

Of course, in order to balance the game, there is usually no obvious weakness for certain types of equipment. In the words of the players, it is "only level and no category", which means that the equipment has only level level, no category level. If they are all high level Divine Items, no matter how different the types are, the effect will not be essentially different. This is the balance of the game. This point is the same in many aspects of the player’s occupation, skills, etc. Although the expression of various abilities, equipment, and occupations may be different, but at the same level and the same proficiency, it is not the same. Considering the user's own factors, the performance of these things is almost the same. Even if there is a gap, the gap will not be too obvious. At least most people can't tell the gap, or think the gap is wrong. correct. If this is not the case, if a certain class or a certain type of equipment is significantly higher than others, aren't all the players in the game wearing this type of equipment? Therefore, the equipment, occupation, and skills are all the same, and the difference lies in the level rather than the type.

The red-footed girl in front of me jumped onto the platform and said to the old man: "Qianmo, the big brother said that you will take them directly in."

Hearing this, the old man immediately gave a salute and said: "That's really good. Several guests are worried about this." He turned around and said to us: "Everyone, please come with me."

Since he was willing to let us in, we naturally wouldn’t wait, and immediately followed along, but when we passed by the girl, we were politely nodded and said hello, and the other side looked curiously We seem to be very interested in us.

I don’t know what the reason is, Nobunaga Onitou suddenly said to the girl when she passed her: "May I ask about the name of this beautiful lady?"

Originally, this way of chatting up has a certain success rate, but the problem is that Nobunaga Guishou misunderstood the use environment. Generally, this kind of strike-up language is usually in a relatively high-end environment, and it is generally suitable in a Western-style environment. To make this sentence successful, you also need a prerequisite, that is, you must have a certain temperament or say It is attractive. But unfortunately, although this place looks relatively high-end, it is a Japanese-style environment. Besides, Nobunaga Oni is also a ruffian himself. This kind of accost words that are obviously suitable for gentlemen came out of his mouth. The first feeling that comes to people is that they are quite frivolous.

Actually, it is understandable that Nobunaga Onishu uses this method to strike up a conversation. After all, the westernization of the environment in Japan is very serious, at least much more serious than in China. Many Japanese habits have obvious Western characteristics. , Especially among the younger generation. This kind of Western-style approach is actually very useful in modern Japan, but the problem is that this is the game, and the game "Zero" emphasizes the culture of each country, so the environment in Japan is basically All-Japanese style, and the girl in front of me is obviously an NPC, and most likely it is the younger sister of the Monster King Thunder tooth, because she said before that his big brother let this old man take us in, which means that the Monster King is her big brother. .

Monster King is also a king, so this fiery girl is basically a fairy Princess. You can imagine, if it were in ancient times, a warrior said to a Princess: "Can I know your name?" What do you think will be the result?

If it is a weak Princess, she will probably run away at this time, and if there is a guard by her side, it must be immediately rushed to start the fight at this time. But now the Princess is not accompanied by a guard, but the problem is that she doesn't seem to be the kind of weak Princess.

"Do you dare to tease me?" The flaming girl who smiled very innocent and unaffected before changed from a spark to a volcano, and it was still erupting, so he called...Ghost letter Bad luck!

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