The reaction that Ying Yu Shen Chi refers to is actually two light clusters from far and near. In fact, although this card gallery does not seem to be very long, it may be due to Formation. When you look from here to the other, you can only see a dim shadow, and it feels like it is separated by a layer. Frosted glass, you can see the outline, but the specific situation is not true.

Now that the two light groups moved towards Ying Yu Shen and Chi Fire Dragon, although the distance seems to be the same, they are constantly changing from the other things around. It became clear, and as they gradually became clear, the expressions of the two people began to become more and more abnormal, and even the expressions of Yingyu Shencu's face gradually turned pale.

When I couldn't see clearly before, I thought it was just two light clusters, but after the light clusters gradually became clear, the two people realized that they were not light clusters at all, but two lanterns. Of course, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji would certainly not react as much as they saw two ordinary lanterns. The reason why they are nervous is because the appearance of the two lanterns is really terrifying. Not only are these two lanterns directly suspended in midair without being carried by anyone, but the rays of light they emit are still pale green. What's more terrible is that the two lanterns are clearly written with a big "MO". Character.

The word "moon" is not used much. The most common one is that when a person is dead, there will be such a word on the wreath. In fact, it is not just a wreath, as long as it is related to the dead, there will be this word on many things, and if there is such a word on the lantern, it means...

"Ghost..." Ying Yu Shinhina directly screamed and jumped behind Chi Fire Dragon Ji. Fortunately Chi Fire Dragon Ji is obviously resistant to these things. Although her expression is a bit unnatural, at least she can stand there to ensure that basic behavior does not occur. obvious change.

Just when Ying Yu Shen Chou was scared and screamed, the two lanterns were also completely clear, and then they floated towards the side where they were at the same time. Although the speed of this drifting is not very fast, the Yingyu Divine Young Child started to tremble all over. However, just the opposite of Ying Yu Shen Chou, Chi Fire Dragon Ji's reaction was getting smaller and smaller, and finally he was completely silent after the other party approached him. In fact, the reason why Chi Fire Dragon Ji's reaction is getting smaller and smaller is not entirely because she is not very afraid of ghosts. The main reason is that she dared to stare at the two targets, so she discovered that these two are actually It has nothing to do with ghosts, because these are two monsters.

In fact, this thing that appeared in front of Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji is not uncommon to us, because I also have an exact same demon, their race is called "Ghost Lantern" or It can be called "green red light". Although this thing seems to be haunted, it is actually a monster, and it really has nothing to do with undead creatures. No, it can't be said that it is completely untouched, because the green light is actually a kind of condensed by Yin Qi and negative attributes such as resentment. It can be said that the production of the green and red lights must be accompanied by a large number of ghosts and the like. Because without these ghost creatures, there will be no negative energy required for the green and red lights, so the green and red lights should actually be regarded as a kind of A monster accompanied by a ghost.

The two blue and red lights floated in front of Fire Dragon Ji and stopped, and then one of the blue and red lights suddenly began to speak. This blue and red light does not have a mouth, so when you speak, you can only hear the voice, and you can't see any changes.

"outsider, this is the residence of Monster King Thunder tooth. If you just enter by mistake, please leave immediately."

"We are not entering by mistake, but want to see Monster King. Things." Chi Fire Dragon Ji said.

"If this is the case, please come with us." After the two blue and red lights were finished, they immediately turned around and started flying back. The Fiery Fire Dragon Ji and Ying Yu Shen Hina also immediately followed Along, they heard a muffled noise from the back before they even started to move, and then they saw a silhouette flying upside down from the jungle at the back, and after landing, they stood unstable on the ground and backed backwards. After more than a dozen steps, he finally hit the pillar of the archway and finally did not fall.

"Matsumoto this Monarch?" Sakura Rain suddenly discovered that the man who had just flown out was Masaga Matsumoto, and hurried over to support him, but Masaga Matsumoto quickly stood up , Obviously no injuries, just a little embarrassed in the landing posture just now.

Here, before Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Hime had time to talk to Masaka Matsumoto, they suddenly heard another noise in the jungle, followed by a click. , The big tree in front of the two people suddenly exploded from the middle, and then a person was seen flying out from the scattered pieces of wood. It was completely different from the situation where Masaga Matsumoto landed just now. When Masaga Matsumoto flew out, he could roughly control his balance. This person was completely out of control. After a chaos in the sky, he slammed on the beam in the middle of the archway. When it came up, the whole archway was squeaked, but fortunately it didn't fall down.

The person who hit the row of stairs naturally fell off after being blocked by the archway, and the landing posture was also very sad. He turned his head down. Fortunately, Matsumoto Masaka next to him reached out and helped a little. He suddenly made the opponent turn a direction before landing, otherwise he would have to smash his head into the soil. However, even if you don’t have your head on the ground first, you can almost smash the archway blessed by the demon power even if you break a big tree from such a distance, and then fall to the ground from a few meters above the ground, this is definitely considered. It is not lighter, at least if the ordinary person falls like this, the probability of hanging up directly is relatively large.

Here this person just landed in the woods in front of the two silhouettes flew out, but with one of the silhouettes in the air was chased by a red streamer, and then exploded into the sky blood mist, and another One person hit the archway just like the one in front, but was different from the previous one. He didn't hit his back, but the back of his head, so the people below heard a very emotional sound of a fracture. The fracture shouldn't be a big problem, but this one had a broken neck, so the result was obvious. When it fell, it was already a corpse.

Four people flew out one after another. The first one was Masaga Matsumoto. The second one was now lying face down on the ground. The last two had broken necks and one was skeleton doesn't exist. The result is still quite scary. Ying Yu Shen Xiao took the time to look at the one lying on the ground, only to find that this was still an acquaintance, and it was actually the ghost hand Nobunaga.

Originally quite nervous, Ying Yu Shen Hina relaxed after seeing this guy with a slight turn of his eyes. Originally saw Masaka Matsumoto being beaten out of the forest, she thought she had encountered some terrible enemy, but when she found out that another target was Nobunaga Onitou, she was relieved, because if there is Nobunaga Onitou Being present, that is to say, it was probably me who played Matsumoto Masaga and the others.

According to the plan, the three of us and Masaga Matsumoto should have reached Monster King here, but the plan is that we will not fight here, and the excuse is not good. Do it on someone else's land.

Because it was mentioned in the previous plan that there is no need to fight, the first reaction to seeing Matsumoto Masaka’s hit was that it was something other expert, but when he saw Nobunaga Oni Shou Then she understood that 80% of us were acting.

We and Masaka Matsumoto are here for the three purposes of persuading Monster King to recall their subordinates not to attack Fulcrum City. Both are just to make it easier to decide who will be based on Monster King’s political invasion. That's it. However, Nobunaga Oni's sudden appearance here is different. The purpose of this guy here is unknown, and neither we nor Masaka Matsumoto’s identity is the same as this guy, so his presence here is likely to affect our plans. Therefore, the more reasonable way is to kill him directly and prevent him from seeing the Monster King, so that there is no need to worry about interference. Of course, because Onihand Nobunaga was attacked, Masaga Matsumoto and I must pretend to play a few times, so it is not surprising that Masaga Matsumoto was beaten directly.

Because she understood the reason, Yingyu Divine Young also relaxed, and the facts were the same as she had guessed. Just after the people of Oni Te Nobunaga flew out, three more silhouettes flew out of the forest over there. They were only different from Masaka Matsumoto and Oni Te Nobunaga. The three silhouettes that came out later were all The ones who walked out by themselves weren't beaten out by others.

"Yeah... the crowds are there?" Standing on the treetops, I looked at the Matsumoto Masaka and the others condescendingly, speaking in a rather rude tone. The reason for doing this is not entirely because of Nobunaga Onitou. In fact, the main reason is the two red lights at the back, because they are from the Monster King, and Masaka Matsumoto and I are going to play hostile forces, so from now on we have to act like enemies.

"Purple Moon, what are you doing here?" Masaga Matsumoto glared at me and shouted angrily. Looking at his expression, it was as if he wanted to rush up and bite me. Most people would never tell that this was actually an acting school.

"When did you get promoted to warden? But I am not your prisoner either? I can go wherever I love, mind your own business?"

" You..."

"Hmm..." Just as Matsumoto was about to speak, he heard a grunt from the ghost Nobunaga next to him. This guy did not fall so lightly just now, and it took a long time to relieve his breath. In fact, I just killed him. I didn’t intend to let him live. It’s a pity that when I found him, I was already very close to here. On the other hand, Nobunaga Kisou was very wise to go here as soon as he found us. Chong, don't fight us at all. I also used Matsumoto's intentional or unintentional card position to hold Nobunaga's speed, and finally gave him a heartfelt appreciation before he rushed here. It’s a pity that Nobunaga Guishou isn’t as strong as our battle strength, but it’s not a soft persimmon, and I won’t be kicked to death. Of course, I did my best with this kick, so this guy just carried it on his back. It took a long time to be relieved.

Hearing Nobunaga's grunt, Masaka Matsumoto hurried up and helped him up. They used to pretend to be distracted by my arrival and forget him, but now they can’t Install it again. If you look too far, you can wear it!

Although Oni Te Nobunaga, who was lifted up from the ground, barely stood up with the support of Matsumoto Masaga, he still bowed like a shrimp, and there was a very obvious sign on his chest. His big footprints, the entire piece of armor was squeezed by the boss. If it weren't for this set of equipment, I would be able to make his internal organs spray out of his mouth.

"Yeah, you are not dead yet?" The ghost of Nobunaga, who had hurt his internal organs, puffed out blood when he heard this sentence. This was purely annoying to me. Of course, I really hope that I can directly anger him to be very good, but it is a pity that this kind of thing is unlikely to happen. In other words, human beings are quite adaptable. Nobuhiro Guishou gets used to being angry when he is angry, so now no matter how stimulated by me, he is blushing at best and his neck is thick, and he usually doesn't spurt blood.

"This powerhouse, although your strength is daunting, this is the residence of our Monster King. Since these are our guests here, please keep your minimum restraint." The blue and red light behind everyone suddenly floated to the front and blocked Masaga Matsumoto and the others, and then said something to me.

Since the host has already expressed his opinion, I naturally want to show some face. Of course, this blue and red light is just a gatekeeper, so you don't need to be too polite to them. I directly opened up all the non-offensive energy fields on my body to the maximum, and then directly spread my wings and glide down from the treetops, and as I fell, the two green and red lights on the opposite side immediately I felt a breath that made them tremble all over assaults the senses. This feeling is like standing in front of a Siberian tiger watching the other person rushing towards him at full speed, and the two green and red lights suddenly even have the urge to turn around and run.

With so many effects, of course, it is to give these two janitors off guard, otherwise I really think I am an uncle. as the saying goes Hades can see little ghosts and hard to deal with, these two are genuine little ghosts, so they must be suppressed as soon as they come up, otherwise there will be trouble in the future.

I didn't speak immediately after falling in front of the two green and red lights. Instead, I looked down at them. The two green and red lights immediately retreated a little bit and moved a little away from me. After seeing their reaction, I suddenly showed a gentle smile and at the same time put away the aura on my body, and the two green and red lights felt that my demon power had a tendency to run away at that moment.

"I’m really sorry, because this group of people are enemies with us, so I was a little excited after meeting. But since this is the site of Monster King Thunder, I promise to restrain myself, as long as they don’t take the initiative to provoke me , I will never do it here."

The two green lights paused for a long time after hearing what I said before they were un'ed as a response, but in fact they were unable to control the demon power because of their own demon power. Vibrating the air speaks, but after all, it is the subordinate of Monster King, and the green and red light itself is a very special monster, so I quickly adapted to it, and then his voice changed a little and said, "Come with us."

Looking at the two blue and red lights turned and flew away, our real red and gold coin immediately followed me and walked in, while Matsumoto Masaka was supporting Nobunaga and Sakura. Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji followed along from behind. Although they were the first to arrive, it is said that they suffered a loss in the previous battle, so naturally they can only walk behind now, making it like an angry little daughter-in-law.

When I first arrived here before, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji once stood outside the card gallery and looked inside. At that time, I felt that there were about 30 cards in the card gallery, but because of the card gallery Each of the arches are very close, so in fact the length should not be long. However, when we actually stepped up, we found that it was not the case at all. At first, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji thought that they would be able to walk through it soon. Who knew that we had walked along the card gallery for more than ten minutes, and there were seventy-eighty seats in the torii in the middle, but found that the front was actually in front. There is also a large row, which means that the card gallery is not as short as it seems, but a spell-like effect is applied, resulting in its actual length being much longer than it looks.

"Does the space fold?" I pretended to inquire as I looked at the archways on both sides.

The two green and red lights in front did not directly answer what I said, but said: "This is the entrance to the mountain gate designed by our king. If you do not follow a certain method, you will never go. It's over."

"It looks like it's only a little bit long, how can it be impossible to finish it?" Zhen Hong interrupted and asked.

One of the green and red lights replied: "You will know when you look back."

Although this was said to Zhenhong, we all looked back At a glance, everyone was stunned by this glance, because what we saw after looking back was the place where we just stood. In fact, from the visual sense alone, we are only three arches away from the starting point of this arcade, and the distance in between can be at most seven or eight meters. However, it has been more than ten minutes since we entered this card gallery. We are all high level players. Not to mention our physical fitness compared to real people. Even if we are better than the players in the game, we are also the top group. people. With our physical stamina, the walking speed is actually very fast. Only seven or eight meters away in ten minutes? Old people who have just recovered from a serious illness are not at this speed, right?

"What's the kidding?" Zhen Hong looked back and exclaimed in surprise, and then planned to walk back to see if the place other than the three archways was the entrance. However, she was called as soon as she raised her foot.

"I’m you, I wouldn’t do that." One of the green and red lights said: "This card gallery is restricted to intruders, but there is no restriction to leave. If you go out, up to three You will reach the exit just a few steps away, but if you want to come back, you need to walk through the section of the road that we just walked through, and without our guidance, you will simply not be able to walk here."

"How is it possible?" This is just a straight road. Will I still get lost?"

"Lost? It should be lost!" The green-red light who spoke before said: "Don't think we just succumbed. The card gallery is just going down. In fact, we have used some special abilities to get here. If you are alone, you will only be trapped in an endless puzzle."

True Red Zhengzheng I wanted to speak, but I stopped him first, and then said: "So you'd better take us out quickly, or if she really gets lost, you two will be the unfortunate one."

< p>"Why are we unlucky when she is lost?" the two green and red lights asked together.

I said indifferently: "Because my friend has a bad temper, she will probably destroy the entire corridor after she gets lost. If you Monster King know that it is because of you that his card gallery is destroyed, you Say you will have a good result?"

Although the two green and red lights did not respond, they did not subdue. They just turned around and continued to take us away, apparently unconvinced. I thought they would know that I was afraid before I expanded my energy field, but it is clear that many of Demon's thoughts are different from ours, especially when it comes to face matters. To put it simply, Demons feel a little swollen and fatty, and the larger the monster clusters, the more common this behavior is. On the contrary, the wild monsters hardly care about the problem of face or face.

These two green and red lights are under Monster King's men, so face is extremely important. My dismissal of the horse before obviously made them feel ashamed, so now I am thinking of ways to retaliate against us so that we can get back our face. Unfortunately, we are in a hurry now, but we have no time to play games with them.

Following those two blue and red lights and walking another section of the road, I finally couldn't help but said: "Well, even if you want to vent your anger, it's almost the same after we walked with you for so long, right? Hurry up and take us to see your Monster King, we don’t have time to play with you here."

"Guest, what are you talking about? Aren’t we on the way to take you all the time?" A green-red light said.

When I heard this, I knew that the other party did not intend to cooperate. In desperation, I had no choice but to raise my head to the front and shout loudly: "Monster King Lei Ya, we are from the Chinese Frost and Rose League. We need to talk to you about some things. But your two men seem to be reluctant to let Let’s go in. If you don’t want to deal with it, then we’ll do it for you."

"Hey, what are you yelling nonsense?" When they heard my shout, the two green and red lights hurried up to ask for it. Stop me, it's a pity that Zhenhong and gold coin came out one by one and blocked them, so these two fools couldn't get close at all.

"Why? Are you in a hurry now?" Real Red Block asked a green-red light in front of this: "What did you do just now? Now your life and death are beyond your control. If you don't, Monster King? Send someone out to pick you up, then you are ready to disappear from in this world."

Although it is said, I actually know that Monster King will not let me kill these two blue and red lights. Yes, because the green light is simply not an ordinary monster. Yes, they really don't have much battle strength, but they have a lot of support abilities, and they are very strong, and almost all of them are long-acting. In addition, because the formation of the blue and red lights is more troublesome, their number is also quite rare. Because of these reasons, the blue and red lanterns are also very rare among monsters. Generally, Monster Kings will have a few blue and red lanterns to serve them. this can be considered a status symbol.

Sure enough, my guess was very accurate. I tone barely fell on my side, and soon a person walked out in front of me. This is an old man, he looks like he is in his sixties, he is very energetic, but he can't see anything strange, it feels like an ordinary person. In fact, you can make yourself look like an ordinary person, which in itself cannot be done by ordinary monsters, so this monster must be a very powerful existence, at least a high level monster.

"A few guests are negligent. These two little fellows are more naughty, please don't worry about it. The host is waiting for you, please come with me." The old man turned around and left after speaking. Waiting for us to answer, and we are not here to look for things, of course the science keeps up. Although the two green and red lights were very angry, now that the old man has appeared, there is nothing wrong with them.

In fact, I have already seen that there is a problem with this corridor. The reason why I didn’t use brute force to crack it was just because I was worried about angering the host here. After all, we were here to negotiate, not to fight. That's why we restrained our emotions. Otherwise, we would have killed the two green and red lights a long time ago.

The old man was obviously impossible to trouble us, so we followed him only two steps forward and found that the card gallery was actually over. Looking back, there was a long corridor with no end in sight behind him, but it was actually an illusion.

"This won't take a long time to climb, right?" I was looking back at the promenade at the back, and suddenly heard a red sound, so I looked back.

At this time, I discovered that the back of the promenade is not the residence of Monster King, but the entrance to a mountain road. The promenade is actually horizontal, and from here there is a stone step up the mountain, but this stone step is not a straight path leading to the top. There is also a pavilion for resting in the corner of Shaoqiu, which looks quite unique. But... it looks like this is a real step!

Sure enough, the old man said with a smile: "That’s really sorry. This is such a step, not an illusion. You can only climb from here to go up, but if you have good physical strength, it should be very I’ll get to the top soon."

"Isn’t it?" Zhenhong glanced at the long steps and said, "I’m tired before I see your prince. Don’t you go down the mountain?"

"Master Lei Ya often goes down the mountain, but he has another way to go, which is closer than this."

True Red also knows that one is definitely It's a private road inside the house, so I didn't ask, and I continued to climb the mountain obediently and honestly.

Speaking of which This mountain road looks quite high, but it is not very exaggerated to climb up. We followed the mountain road and quickly reached the top of the mountain road, and here is a small open space. There is a huge mountain gate in front of the open space. There is a plaque on the gate, but it is not written in Chinese or Japanese, so it is not understandable.

When we stepped onto the platform on the top of the mountain, the gate in front of it opened automatically, and then we found that there were hundreds of people standing inside. Of course, these are actually monsters, but they can change their human form. After all, it is the residence of the Monster King. No matter how bad the monsters in this place are, you have to learn how to transform. Besides, the monsters in the East are not the same as the devil beasts in the West. The devil beast Human Transformation is very difficult. It is not a top-level devil beast and almost has no human form, while the Demon in the East is much simpler. The monsters after level 200 are almost all It can become a half-human and half-monster, and after a thousand levels, the monster can basically become a complete human form. Of course, it becomes only the appearance, but the monster inside.

"You have a lot of people here?" I said as I walked in.

The old man who led the way explained: "Actually, there are not so many people. It just happened to happen today. All the kings from all the hills have gathered here. You see these all are The subordinates brought by the big kings are all here waiting for the big kings to have a meeting."

"Huh? Isn't it time for us to come?"

" Not necessarily.” The old man said that he had taken us into the gate. When I stepped over the threshold, I seemed to feel something passing through a layer. Obviously, this place is also protected by Formation. Of course, this thing is at best a siren for us. It is not easy for us to sneak in, but if we have to break in, this thing is probably unstoppable.

After we entered the gate of the mountain, all the monsters inside looked towards us. Although they are all humanoids, the monsters' personalities have not changed at all. All of them stared at us fiercely, and one of them even provocatively used his eyes to stimulate the red.

Maybe it was not pleasing to your eyes. Zhen Hong stopped and stared at the guy. Everyone felt a golden god dragon phantom flashed behind her, and it seemed to be in her ears I also heard Dragon's roar. The surrounding monsters were like cats with their tails stepped on. They all jumped to the corner of the wall, and they all held their weapons in their hands. They seemed to be ready to fight.

In fact, their behavior is not hostility, but should be understood as fear. When wild animals bare their teeth at you, they are often not trying to eat you, but to intimidate you, meaning "I'm scared, don't get close to me, or I will fight you hard." If a wild beast really intends to attack You, he will not jump out and bark your teeth, but will lurch somewhere, waiting for you to walk over, or approaching quietly, and suddenly rushing up to make a critical strike on you after getting close to a certain distance. This is the basic step of hunting, and the demonstrative actions generally indicate that the wild beast actually does not want to fight with you, otherwise he just rushes up directly, is still there demonstrating, do you still want to play without fighting and succumbing to others? Of soldiers? Animals are not that smart and don't like this kind of winding.

Although Demon is a high level creature, after all, most of them are evolved from things like wild beasts. Even if they are not wild beasts, many of them are inanimate things, so their intelligence will generally not be too high. , At least the wild aspect will be more prominent. Precisely because of the outstanding performance of this kind of wildness, now these monsters all ran to the wall, making a warning action while keeping away from the true red as much as possible. They are really scared, otherwise it would definitely not be this reaction.

In fact, these monsters were scared for a reason. The real red equipment is called the True Martial suit, and I think it should be called the True Dragon suit. There are many relief structures of Divine Dragon on this equipment, and most of its built-in skills are related to Divine Dragon. Even after acquiring this equipment, all the skills that are really red have made a collective turn in the direction of promotion. , All are leaning on the god dragon body.

These changes seem to us that True Red is now more and more like golden glitter, and the whole body is Divine Dragon, but the actual change of True Red is that her breath is more and more like a dragon. Not a normal giant dragon, nor a dragon-like or lesser dragon, but a Divine Dragon, the real Divine Dragon.

The phantom behind Zhenhong just now is actually the Dragon Qi condensed by her own strength. Although it only flashed for a moment, the fluctuations that spread out were truly Dragon's Might, and it was Divine Dragon's Dragon's Might, even the giant dragon will consider going around Dragon's Might when they feel it.

According to Chinese Myths and Legends, dragons are monsters that have evolved to the extreme. They are the natural kings among the Demons. Basically, they have the same feeling as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors among the monsters. Like the so-called Monster King now, that is at most equivalent to the emperor among humans. It is the kind of person who can be the best. As long as you are a human, you can’t surpass the level of the emperor, and as long as you are a monster, that’s the same. It is impossible to surpass Monster King. However, Divine Dragon is different. People are like Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. They become gods and become a saint, which have surpassed the concept of human beings. Although Divine Dragon originated from monsters, they have completely become Divine Beast, which is equivalent to surpassing the category of monsters, and this ability can even be inherited. Monster King’s son is at best a little better than ordinary monsters, but he is still a monster after all, and if he doesn’t work hard, he won’t even be a Monster King in the future, but the descendants of Divine Dragon are Divine Beast even if they don’t work hard. They won’t degenerate. To become a monster, this is Cong's fundamental advancement.

You think about a martial arts expert among a group of human beings when they encounter a Divine Immortal or Saint or something, what is the reaction? If you martial arts and then an Immortal Technique in the expert house, if you throw it over, you just don’t know where you are going. How can you fight this?

True Red is the same as these Demons. Her body is Dragon Qi, the breath of Divine Dragon, and these monsters with relatively strong knowledge can only be regarded as martial arts experts among monsters, and dragons belong to the monsters who become gods and holy, and this basic level is only Not at the same level, do you think these monsters can react very little?

Dragon Qi flashed slightly, and the monsters jumped to the root of the wall in fright. Some even seemed to be ready to run over the wall immediately, but Zhen Hong was seeing After the other party's reaction, he suddenly put away his imposing manner laughed heartily and walked inward with the mountain and us.

The old man in front also shook slightly when he felt the Dragon Qi, but he was much more powerful than these ordinary monsters. He just shook a bit and didn’t jump directly to the root of the wall. It can be seen that this monster does have two brushes.

With the appearance of True Red, the monsters behind did not dar

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