The ability of that female ghost is really annoying, but just like Matsumoto Masaka said, she can’t really treat Matsumoto Masaka at all. The current Masaka Matsumoto and the female ghost are like a tank and a mouse. The tank can't hit the mouse, and the mouse can't bite the tank, so the two can only stand in a stalemate.

Originally, the demons set up at the entrance of the mountain gate were not meant to intercept outsiders. Their mission was to weigh the strength of the people, and only let you in if they were qualified, and you would be unlucky if they died. Although the female ghost can stand in a stalemate with Matsumoto Masaka, it is completely at a weird advantage, so Matsumoto Masaka's strength is beyond doubt.

Since there was no need to intercept, the female ghost immediately accepted Matsumoto Masaka’s suggestion and stopped, and then just when Matsumoto Masaka was about to communicate with the other party, the female ghost Suddenly it began to sink to the ground. Masaka Matsumoto stretched out his hand to stop the opponent, but it was a pity that he didn't catch up with the opponent's speed at all, and the female ghost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, what are you doing?" Looking at the empty ground, Masaka Matsumoto turned his head helplessly and looked around, and then said to himself: "Even if you want to leave, anyway Bring me back to my original position! What kind of situation is this now?"

Actually, the reason why Matsumoto Masakah lost contact with Sakurayu Shinhina was not simply being caught by some kind of ghost. The ability to hit the wall was obscured, but the space shift really occurred. In fact, the straight line distance between the current Matsumoto Masaga and Sakurayujinhina is basically the diameter of White Dragon Mountain, because Matsumoto Masaka has been teleported to the other side of White Dragon Mountain, and the one they entered before. The directions are completely two directions. It is precisely because Matsumoto Masaga was teleported to this side of the mountain, so now he and Ying Yu Shen Hina are separated by the entire White Dragon Mountain. At such a long distance, under normal circumstances, even with flare bombs, they may not be able to see each other, but Masaga Matsumoto and the others are not in a hurry. After all, they are all spies of the guild, and the communicator material of our Frost Rose League is the best in the game. of.

"Military god, help me pick up the Yingyu Shenyou."

"Song this Monarch, where are you going?" Yingyu Shenyou immediately received the communication Asked about the location of Masaga Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaga turned his head and looked at the surrounding environment, then looked at the coordinates, and then said: "Still at White Dragon Mountain, but it seems to be teleported to the other side of the mountain!"

"Ah? Why did you get so far?"

"I don't know this. Anyway, I have indeed reached the side of the mountain now. It may be just now. The special ability of the female ghost I came across."

"Female ghost?" Ying Yu Shen Chou was shocked when she heard these two words. Although the female ghost in the game is usually not very difficult to deal with, the player’s memory in reality will still be brought into the game. Therefore, it is very common to dare and violently demon wolf to slash the female warrior and cry by cockroaches. Yes, and ghosts are naturally as powerful as a deterrent to many people in reality. After all, the game "Zero" uses virtual reality technology. If you don't consider the premise that you know this is a game, normal people can't distinguish the difference between the game and the game. Suppose a person who does not know the existence of virtual reality technology is anaesthetized and then connected to the game. When he wakes up in the game, the biggest probability is that he thinks he has crossed, and does not think that he is in a game. This is the terrifying aspect of virtual reality technology.

In reality, ghosts are just some of the existence in flat movies or stories, which can already scare many people. In the game, these ghosts can not only really appear in front of you, There are many things that can be done as in the legend, can you say that such a ghost is not scary? Therefore, even if Yingyu Divine Young can kill tens of thousands of ghosts by one person, he should still be afraid. Some fears do not mean that you are strong and do not exist.

Matsumoto Masayoshi knew that she must be scared when she heard the voice of Ying Yu Shen Hina, so she didn’t say much, but quickly turned off the subject and asked: "Are you meeting with me first or Let’s go forward separately and meet at Monster King?"

"Let’s meet at Monster King." Chi Fire Dragon Ji intervened and said: "We are separated by a White Dragon Mountain, meet It’s too far to run!"

Sakura Rain God Young also agreed: "Well, it’s faster. The president has made an appointment with us, so we can’t delay it."

< p>"Then go away separately. But you two must be careful. There are demons everywhere in this place. These guys are not kind people. Fighting can happen at any time."

Fire Dragon Ji He said unceremoniously: "Don't worry about us. Anyway, we are two people and you are alone. If a fight really occurs, the safety factor on our side is high, right? Besides, with our strength, as long as the Monster King does not come out Trouble with us. Generally, Demon do you think it hurts us?"

"Don't be careless. If the female ghost who attacked me just now runs out, the Yingyu god young will immediately lose battle strength. In case there are a few other monsters that restrain your ability, fall in the sewer is not impossible."

"We shouldn't be so unlucky?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji is also a little lacking in confidence this time. It feels. After all, if the situation Matsumoto said, it is really possible to let them stumble.

After Masaka Matsumoto and the others went on their way separately, Sakura Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon still increased their vigilance according to Masaka Matsumoto’s orders, but it turned out that nothing happened, and the two of them directly Stepped out of the jungle and stepped on a stone pavement. Looking forward along this road, you can see the upper part of an archway at most fifty meters away. Obviously, artificial buildings can be built in such a place. It must be near the residence of Monster King. The two people walked carefully along the stone pavement all the way to the archway over there, and found that this was not an archway but a Langfang. What they saw before was just the archway at the front, and behind it was a long corridor composed of up to thirty archways.

"Are we there yet?" Looking at this long corridor, Ji Fire Dragon asked uncertainly.

Shenyu Shenchu ​​thought for a while and said: "It should be here. This kind of Langfang is generally the entrance to the mountain gate. This place must be equipped with a defensive formation. You must pass through Langfang to enter the interior. , Otherwise I will only enter the maze."

"I grew up in a foreign country, and I don’t know much about the customs of Japan than the president!" Chi Fire Dragon Ji After sighing, he asked puzzledly: "It's strange. We've all been to this place, why didn't anyone come out? Whether it's welcoming or blocking, there must be some reaction, right?"

Pointing to the depths of Langfang: "The response you want is here!"

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