In fact, White Dragon Mountain is not too far from Fulcrum City. No matter the place is quite hard to find, it is mainly because there is a mountain range around White Dragon Mountain. In the middle. The mountain range surrounding White Dragon Mountain belongs to three different mountain systems, but because of their double-teaming, White Dragon Mountain has become a basin-like place. It is surrounded by mountains. To enter White Dragon Mountain, you must first pass through the cracks of the mountain range outside. What's more troublesome is that the three mountain series outside are just places where monsters gather, and the White Dragon inside. There is only a system city near Mountain, and there is no player power, and this system city is still a small town, and there are no special minerals nearby. Apart from a rich devil beast, which is very suitable for devil beasts, there is basically nothing to attract players. Place.

Of course, although the White Dragon Mountain area does not attract many players, there are actually a lot of people in this place, and the reason for attracting players is the kind of creatures that can be used as monsters.

This creature that can be regarded as a demon is called grassroots. The name is really grassroots. It sounds useless, but this thing is actually more useful.

Grassroot is a strange creature that is half plant and half animal. If you find something closer to describe it, it is very similar to the ginseng doll in Chinese legend. His main body is a small doll in the image of a child. It looks like a five- or six-year-old child. There are males and females, and they all look cute. In addition to his hair, a large clump of weed-like leaves grew on the top of his head. This leaf looks like a hat worn on a child's head, but it is actually a part of their body.

After seeing the image of this creature, most people will immediately understand that this is definitely not a fighting creature, in fact it is. Grassroots is actually an auxiliary treatment unit, and their specialty is to get rid of negative effects and accelerate wound healing. Note that the grass roots do not actually have healing powers. They will not release healing techniques and the like, but come with their own recovery aura, as long as they are within a certain range, they can continue to accelerate the healing of the player's wounds, and even the speed of returning magic will increase. Moreover, if it is in a safe environment after the battle, the grass roots can also bury their whole body in the soil, leaving only the leaves on the top of the head on the ground. The grass roots in this state can produce more than twice the usual healing speed. And if it’s an ambush, you can bury the grass roots first. In this way, even if the enemy knows that you have the grass roots in the battle, it is not easy to find out, because the grass above the grass roots buried themselves in the soil. After that, it will automatically pretend to look like nearby plants, and this disguise still cannot be cracked by anti-stealth or anti-illusion spells.

Because the grassroots have such a strong concealment, and their own healing power is quite powerful, so many Japanese players will choose this grassroots as a prerequisite for not being able to get high level magic familiars. One's own demon. In fact, although the grass roots are not high-level and have no battle strength, in fact, their role is very practical. You must know that if the player is single training, the consumption of medicine is very exaggerated, and taking the grass roots can save a lot of medicine money. Under the premise that "Zero" has the function of currency exchange, this ability is basically equivalent to making money.

Even if players do not practice alone, but form a team, the grassroots can also play a huge role. First of all, the treatment of grassroots is not a single treatment for a person, but a kind of aura-like ability. Its characteristic is that it will be effective for all members of your own faction within a certain range at the same time. Therefore, the ability of grassroots in team combat will be obtained. Doubling. In addition, due to the huge auxiliary role of the healer on the battlefield, the first target after the player team meets is the opponent’s healer, and its priority even exceeds that of the master and archer as the main output, so the grassroots with ultra-high concealment become A type of healer who does not need protection under certain circumstances is definitely very powerful, so most Wanjia will choose this creature as a magic familiar when there is no better choice. After all, it can save money, and it is rare to see such a practical familiar. Of course, I think the reason why grassroots are so popular is that there are more such creatures, and it is relatively easy to catch them. Compared to most creatures that are extremely difficult to turn into devil beasts, grassroots creatures have at least a certain probability that they can be transformed into devil familiars, and this probability is not low, which is much stronger than many devil beasts. You must know that at least one third player in the game currently has no familiars, and almost 90% of the players are not full of familiars. The reason for such a big gap is that the familiars are too difficult to catch. Otherwise, even if some players are afraid that the low-level familiars will not be able to change after occupying the familiar position, the number of familiars will not be reduced to this level.

Because of the attraction of grassroots, this small town called Xiaoshigou is very crowded. When the three of Matsumoto and the three came out of the Transmission Formation, they felt like they were in the main city of Tokyo.

Different from us who flew over on an asuka, Masaga Matsumoto and their Japanese player status allows them to directly use Transmission Formation to come over, and if we walk into Japan’s Transmission Formation, it is estimated that it will immediately To cause a war, of course, the Camouflage Technique can also be used to confuse the past, but we are too lazy to use it.

Actually, flying here is not much slower than Masaga Matsumoto and the others. Counting the time out of the city, we actually ran ahead of Masaga Matsumoto and the others.

After arriving at White Dragon Mountain, we put away the mount and landed directly on the ground. After entering the restricted area, it is not allowed to fly, otherwise it is easy to miss the target. This is a limitation of the game system for flying units. The main reason is that the flying unit is afraid that the balance of certain scenes will be damaged. After all, the air superiority is too powerful.

Although you cannot fly directly into White Dragon Mountain, in fact, as long as you don’t fly, you don’t have to go. After I landed, I got Ye Ying out and turned over and rode up. Gold coin has her Nine-tailed Fox, so it's not a problem. The only miserable thing is really red. Although Zhen Hong has a Divine Dragon familiar, you can't ride a dragon into the mountains, right? Besides, Divine Dragon is not suitable for climbing on the ground! So Zhenhong had to squeeze with me in the end. After all, Ye Ying's figure is here, let alone two people, even if three people ride on it, it doesn't seem to be too crowded.

In less than ten minutes after we stepped into the mountain, Matsumoto Masaga and the others left Little Rock and followed to the entrance where we entered the mountain before, but the three of them are different from us. They are Japanese players, they can enjoy special treatment here, and they directly found a guide to take them down the mountain.

The main road can be horseback riding, but the distance is a little farther, although the trail can only be on foot, but the distance is relatively close, so the actual time consumption difference between the two sides is not big.

"Chairman, can we find that Monster King if we rush in without any information?" Zhen Hong asked, sitting behind me.

Gold coin is also a little worried and said: "I think we should find a guide, or just follow Matsumoto Masaga and the others. This way, in case we can't find a place and get dizzy in the mountains. , That’s really troublesome. You don’t know. Many mountains here in Japan have large-scale formations arranged by Demon. It’s easy to get in. When you go out, you don’t follow the designated road. Even if we can fly, we can’t get out at all!"

"You don’t have to worry about this. First, Formation is useless to me, and second, I don’t plan to go around here. Since this place is the site of Monster King, there will definitely not be only Monster King alone. There are a lot of Monster King's men. These little monsters must know where the Monster King lives. After they show up, we can grab one and ask."

"That's true." Really. Red nodded expressed understanding, but I simply closed my eyes. Anyway, Night Shadow is a living creature and not a motorcycle. It is impossible to hit a tree with my eyes closed. As for the reason why I closed my eyes, of course, it is to better sense the energy fluctuations around me.

Although Demon and devil beast are divided into two different biological systems in the game, they are actually the same in magic induction. They can all use energy, although they are of different types, they can all be sensed. This is also the balance requirement of the game settings. Otherwise, if the mage cannot sense Demon, then if the Demon plays a sneak attack, wouldn't the mage player have to wait for death? The game is impossible to set up this unsolvable situation, so Demon and devil beast are the same. As long as they have power, they will inevitably produce energy fluctuations. The only difference is that some fluctuations are obvious, and some inherently hide fluctuations.

I have to say that this place is really a gathering place for Demons, and there are really a lot of monsters. I just closed my eyes on my side and immediately realized that we were actually being targeted by the monsters. At this moment, in the woods on our left, there is a blue energy group following us at a constant speed, obviously this is a watcher. In addition, between the branches above our heads, there is also a dexterous silhouette rushing to and fro quickly. It is also a scout in Demon. In addition, I found a big tree in the front right. Although it seems that this tree is no different from the surrounding trees, it is just a little bigger, but in the energy induction, this tree is surging with amazing energy fluctuations, and its strength is actually in the surrounding demons. It is the highest, and more than ten times stronger than the other two Demons.

After confirming the target, I didn't react immediately, but made Ye Ying speed up a little bit and walked from the back left of gold coin to the front right of her. That tree is on the right side of the road not far in front of us. Not only is it close to the side of the road, but there are many branches that extend above the road. If this thing moves suddenly, unsuspecting people will definitely get caught. Unfortunately for him, I am obviously not a big fat to chew, but a rock that can break my teeth.

Just after Yeying and I gradually accelerated and opened up half a god position with gold coin, we also happened to reach the bottom of the tree. Unsurprisingly, the tree moved suddenly without the slightest sign. Accompanied by a creaking sound, the splintered branches and vines suddenly flew out of the big tree and rolled towards us, but the expected result did not appear. Just when the vines rolled over, a red silhouette suddenly appeared on our right side and blocked us behind, and the vines on that tree burned immediately after touching the silhouette. He got up, and the flame quickly rolled back along the vines, rushing to the canopy over there at lightning speed.

The demon tree that the cat had been pretending to be an ordinary big tree by the roadside suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then ran around while howling lose one's head out of fear. Later, he was still trying to suppress the flames by rolling all over the floor like a human, but it was a pity that the flame on his body was not a normal flame at all. It would be too simple if he could be put out by rolling.

& The red behind me. Because I rode with me, the other party probably regards real red as a soft persimmon that is good for bullying. After all, looking really red from the looks of it is not at all like a violent woman. If you give her two catties of anaesthetic, and then put some water on her face to pretend to be tears, many people will definitely be fooled into thinking that this is a girl with cute attributes. Of course, when the anesthetic has passed, these people will realize that it is actually a "mighty" attribute, not a "cute" attribute.

The poor monster on the tree obviously didn't know that Zhenhong was actually a fierce girl, so he was tragic. The monster that rushed down before rushing in front of us didn't have time to do anything and saw that Zhenhong suddenly raised his hand and pinched the guy's head in his hand. Her fingers were firmly on the guy's forehead, and her fingers clasped his temples on both sides like iron tongs. This monkey-like monster immediately entangled his red arms with his limbs after being caught, and then called and scratched, trying to let him go, but it was a pity that he could only get his fingers that gradually increased in red. Intensity.

Haw...Haw...After struggling for a while, the creature not only did not break free, but became more and more painful. Finally, he couldn't help screaming, but his behavior did not bring him Any benefit, just to make Zhenhong use a little bit more strength, and then this guy's voice completely quieted down. It's not that Zhenhong pinched her to death, but that he was already dizzy.

In fact, we are already show mercy. The silhouette that Tree Demon met just now was actually Xiaofeng. Do you think it would be nice if a Tree Demon met Fire Phoenix? If it weren't for my show mercy, that guy could still roll around and put out the fire? Caused coke, okay? The same thing as this monkey is the same. Really red hands are comparable to giant dragons. After being pinched, this guy is really red. If he really wants his life, he can squeeze the guy’s head like a rotten watermelon with a little fist. Now this It looks like a small punishment at best. Who told him to wave his paws when he rushed down, in a posture that he was going to be really red and shameless? No matter how hot the temper is, and the character is like a male child, but she is a female after all. If you want to ruin a woman's appearance, it's weird that someone can treat you nicely.

The tragic encounter of the two monsters in front obviously played a very good warning role, so the monster hidden in the woods on the left immediately stopped moving and stood there staring at us. . He and the other two monsters are actually an action squad, whose mission is to intercept humans and other alien creatures entering the mountain. He is Captain himself, but his strength can only be regarded as medium among that monster, and the strongest is the tree over there. As for why that tree is not Captain, but let him, who is relatively weaker, become Captain...Have you heard of the term Elm Head? That one over there is just elm. understand.

The attacks of the two monsters just now were arranged in advance by the Demon here. They have used this method several times before, and each time it is not profitable. The strength of that tree The strongest, concealed and good, almost the enemy will suffer from the first test under a sudden attack, and even if it flashes past, the subsequent series of attacks will definitely be enough for them to drink a pot. However, this time their unprofitable plan of action was in big trouble, and the most powerful Tree Demon was actually ignited. The guy who followed the sneak attack was called Mandrill, a monster naturally formed by Spiritual Qi in the mountains. As a monster formed by the Spiritual Qi of the mountain itself, the mandrill is very agile. These guys have a monkey-like body structure. The only difference is that their faces are a bit like humans and their claws are very long. Their agile movements and relatively small body determine that this creature is almost invincible in the mountains and forests. Creatures stronger than them are not as fast as them, not as fast as they are, they can hide, and they can hide and can't beat it, so the mandrill is still a very powerful kind of Demon in this kind of forest. Although their absolute Spiritual Qi is not strong, their battle strength is not low. However, it was this super-fast mandrill that was actually pinched by someone in the case of an active surprise attack. This strength gap is too big, right?

This monster as the leader originally had a follow-up attack, but seeing this situation now he has understood that he rushed to remove the food delivery basically has no other meaning. Moreover, being a leader shows that this guy’s brains are so good. When seeing us casually resolved their attacks and didn’t really kill them up to now, he suddenly understood that we had another purpose. , And it should not be malicious.

This kind of lackey would kill them if they were killed in normal circumstances. No one would ever bother about it, but we didn't kill them. This shows that we don't want the relationship to deteriorate. Although killing a few lackey actually won’t give Monster King much thought, we still didn’t do it. This shows that we must have something to ask their Monster King. Only this kind of explanation can explain why we are. Don't kill them.

After figuring out the reason, the guy started thinking about the next move, but at this time he suddenly trembled, because he unintentionally looked towards us after he wanted to understand the key. At that time, I discovered that the real red boy and I had gold coins, but they were both heads sideways and pointed directly at his side. This shows that his position has been exposed a long time ago, and there is simply no need to hide it.

The monsters who can act as the leader of the first line of defense in the forest where the Monster King is located must be extremely smart, because in addition to fighting, the demons sometimes communicate with each other, and the demons also It is a race that believes in the supremacy of strength. Therefore, the Demons will not put two welcome guests at the gate of the mountain, and then politely ask you what you are doing, but directly set up an assassination team. If you can hide, then you are qualified to talk, otherwise no one will care about you if you die. As for the Monster King's assassination team if they are killed... This Monster King really doesn't care. The fecundity of monsters is quite exaggerated. It may not be comparable to Insect, but at least it is similar to a mouse, so Monster King will not care how many low-level monsters die, anyway it will be made up soon.

Since the meaning of welcoming guests was in it, the leader of the squad immediately gave up concealment and took the initiative to walk towards us. What he meant was obvious, it was to tell us that there was no harm, because he came out in a surrender posture with a weapon held up.

"A wise decision." I said coldly after seeing that guy walk out.

Demon is like hooligan, especially the classy one. You can't be too polite to them, because this is a group where they can open dyeing workshops by giving three points of color. You must use moderate majesty to make them understand their identity, otherwise these guys will climb on your head if you don't pay attention.

The little boss who came out is actually not a Demon. He should be a human strictly speaking, but it is a bit unusual that half of his face and one arm are covered with purple. Jinluo looks pretty scary. In fact, this is a human being corroded by Monster Qi. Half of his face and arms have already begun to mutate. If it continues to develop, he will soon become a complete monster. Of course, this process will not erase his memory, unless the foreign trade becomes ugly, he should be regarded as gaining strictly speaking. After all, his will has not been affected, and his strength has increased. In a world based on combat, This should definitely be considered a good thing. So this guy didn't have any sense of resistance, he might lament that he would become extremely ugly in the future, but that was all.

"Hello, powerful guest." The guy walked in front of us and bowed first. This is a Japanese habit. Even if he is corrupted by Monster Qi, he is still a human being after all.

I didn’t say hello to nodded, and then I said directly: “We’re here to meet your Monster King, how about? Lead the way?”

“I am willing to serve you, Dear sir." The guy was very well-behaved and immediately turned to lead the way. As for the two companions, he didn't even ask, because he knew it was for nothing. If I want to release it, I will release it without asking. If I don’t want to release it, I will ask it for nothing.

Although he didn't ask, we really don't want to kill these two monsters. After all, this is the territory of the Monster King Thunder Fang. We kill others’ little brothers on other people’s turf, even if we were attacked by others on own initiative, but this is offensive after all. We now need that Monster King to solve the trouble outside Fulcrum, so it is better to do less than to do more.

"Really red, let go of that guy." I said to True Red while watching Xiaofeng point to Tree Demon over there.

True red nodded directly threw the fainted guy to the side of the road and ignored it, and Xiaofeng also waved to the Tree Demon, and the flame above the opponent's head was instantly extinguished. It was just that guy’s The crown of the tree had been burned to the point that there were no leaves left, and the top of the head was still smoking.

After receiving the flame, Xiaofeng flew back and disappeared directly, and I was driving Ye Ying to keep up with that guy.

Along the way, I asked the demon who led the way for information about their Monster King. Because they were all insignificant things, the other party responded happily. As for the important ones, even We asked, this guy knows whether he knows or not. Since Monster King didn't take the lives of these little monsters seriously, would he still tell them his secrets? Isn't that two hundred and five? So most of the information this guy doesn't know.

While we are on the right path, Matsumoto Masaga and the others also have the same situation as ours.

This place is the site of others. Who can compare to the monsters here in terms of familiarity? Don't say that you are walking on a small road, even if you don't walk, and you are just walking around in the woods, people will still be able to spot you. Masaga Matsumoto and the others didn’t go far after they entered the mountain and found that there were several auras around them, and then Masaka Matsumoto quietly hinted at Sakura Rain God Young and Blazing Fire Dragon Hime, the two of them also quickly adjusted their bodies. The state of being able to fight at any time.

Just when the guide was taking Matsumoto Masaka away well, suddenly a big tree in front suddenly turned to face the guide and smashed over. In terms of camouflage among the mountains and forests, Tree Demon is definitely the cheapest. This is the legendary tree hidden in the woods. You can't find it even after courting death. In fact, although Masaga Matsumoto and the others discovered that they were being followed, they really didn’t notice that there was a problem with the tree in front of them, so when the tree suddenly moved, they were also taken aback. Fortunately, they were all experts. The response was quick.

Matsumoto Masaga smoothly pushed the guide aside with the light Divine Sword, and the sharp white light flashed past. The Tree Demon in front and many ordinary trees around it were at the same time. It burns, but this is just the 1st move of the Demons. Just after Tree Demon was set ablaze, there was a strange scream in the surrounding woods, and then Masaga Matsumoto discovered that a white clothed woman suddenly appeared in front of her, her fingernails were at least two inches long, and her head was drooping and her long hair covered her face. ghost.

Normal people find that there is something like this suddenly in front of them, and they are so close, they must be the first reaction to either screaming back or hacking, but Matsumoto Masaga did not follow the normal routine. Come. He directly flipped the Divine Sword in his hand and pierced it against the ground. Puchi made a sound of Divine Sword directly into the ground two feet, the female ghost in front disappeared instantly, and a ball of flame spurted out from the ground, forcing Masaka Matsumoto to draw a sword and retreat.

As Matsumoto Masaka retreated, the ground suddenly turned upside down, and then I saw the female ghost crawling out of the ground just now. Although the ground is full of black dirt, this guy is white clothed but untainted by even a speck of dust. It is still pale and pale, but now the female ghost is not completely white because her left shoulder is close to her neck. There is obviously a large area of ​​scorched black mark at the location. The trace was not caused by mud, but seemed to have been burned out by fire. In fact, that was the result of that sword by Masaga Matsumoto just now. However, this female ghost is not an ordinary person. She can still fight with a sword. This can be considered a good monster.

While the female ghost and Matsumoto Masaka are fighting here, Sakura Rain God Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime are also entangled by several monsters.

The ugly monsters Yingyu Shenchun encountered were two ugly monsters with a height of more than three meters and a muscular body, but with a hunched back and a skin full of sarcoma. This monster has no head, eyes and mouth are directly on the chest, but the arms of this thing are very strong, and the arms are very long, a little like a gorilla. In addition, the two monsters didn't fight empty-handed, but each carried a wooden stick, but judging from the twigs and leaves dangling on it, this was what they fold beside them casually.

The two monsters one after the other flanked the Yingyu Shennji, but the Yingyu Shennji did not rush to the top of the tree. One of the giant Great Demon monsters suddenly came over with a stick, but the cherry rain god young jumped up when the tree trunk in the opponent's hand was about to hit, and fell onto that guy's arm after the opponent swung the stick. , And then stepped on the guy's arm in two steps and rushed to the monster's shoulder with his wand poked forcefully at the center of the guy's shoulder with his own tail section.

Because this thing doesn't have a head, the position of Yingyu Divine Young is actually equivalent to the heart of his head. When Ying Yu Shen Hina went down with this staff, there was a circle of naked eye visible white shock waves rippling away, not only did the other monster who had only come up to help out somersault, but also the monster under her feet immediately had a pair of legs. Ruan directly knelt to the ground, and then his huge body continued to fall forward due to inertia, and finally hit the ground with a loud bang, completely motionless.

The other monster had to get up after being thrown somersault, but he just touched the ground and tried hard, and suddenly saw Ying Yu Shen Hina falling between his eyes and using his staff again. There was the trick just now, and this time even he fainted with no surprise.

After Ying Yu Shen Hina got his side, Chi Fire Dragon Ji has also completed the task. Her opponents are as many as a dozen monsters. These monsters look like all kinds of strange things, but they all have a characteristic, that is, their heads are less than fifty centimeters high, and all of them are like little children. Moreover, these guys' attack methods are also very strange, they are actually spitting. Although these saliva has a short range and does not seem to have much formidable power, it is very disgusting, and just like super glue, it will not come down if it sticks. Chi Fire Dragon Ji was messed up by these little things at first, but after getting used to it, he immediately understood what to do. In fact, she managed all the monsters with only one move, and the price was that a forest as large as a basketball court was turned into a clearing.

In fact, although the area of ​​that move is large, its lethality is not strong. Although the little monsters were brought down, none of them died, but they were all stunned. .

"Have you got it done over there?" Ying Yu Shen Hina got it done, and her opponent asked when he saw Chi Fire Dragon Ji coming over.

Fire Dragon Ji nodded looked at the two monsters behind Ying Yu Shen, then turned and looked towards Matsumoto Masaga, but she frowned soon.

"Huh? What about Song this Monarch?"

In fact, there are only two people, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji, and their fighting traces, because the battle is over. , So the surroundings fell into a dead silence, and Matsumoto Masaka and the guide were completely disappeared.

In fact, before Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Hime found out that Matsumoto Masaka was missing, Matsumoto Masaka had discovered that they were missing, but the one who was different from them was Matsumoto Masaka’s opponent. It seems to be much stronger than the ones they encountered. Although Matsumoto Masaka encountered the fewest monsters among the three, Matsumoto Masaka's side had the strongest monsters in terms of overall strength, and it was not a little bit stronger, but a bit stronger than the boss.

Don’t forget that Masaga Matsumoto is now the body of Divine Race. Although others thought he died once and the body of Divine Race had disappeared, it was actually a fraudulent death. He was simply fine. The current Matsumoto Masaga is still the body of Divine Race, so his strength is actually very strong. It may be worse than me, but it is also in the top three on the world Ranking List. To know that his original strength is not weak, he has recently suddenly acquired a Divine Race body, naturally his strength has skyrocketed. However, even so, Matsumoto Masaka found that he had no choice but to take that female ghost.

Maybe the female ghost will be killed by Masaka Matsumoto in three or two ways if you meet force with force, but the female ghost’s ability is too troublesome for Matsumoto Masaka. She seems to be able to teleport at will within a certain range in the vicinity, and this teleportation does not seem to cause any burden, because the female ghost not only uses it very frequently, but also does not appear to be exhausted.

In fact, if it weren't for the current situation, Matsumoto Masaka would be fine as long as he was ruthless and smashed all the surroundings with a big move. The point is that he, like us, needs to exercise restraint for the Monster King's attitude, so he can't kill these guards casually. If the previous lackey actually died, it would be dead. The key is that the female ghost is obviously strong, and this level should be a monster with a certain status. Even if Monster King doesn't care about the life of the little demon anymore, he always cares about his young masters. After all, Monster King is also impossible to fight the world by himself. He still needs his subordinates.

"Hey, it doesn't make sense for us to fight like this? I can't fight you, and you can't hurt me. Why don't we sit down and talk? We are not here to fight." Since martial To solve the problem with power, Masaga Matsumoto began to plan other moves. Anyway, it is not for trouble. Negotiation should be a good choice.

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