Although I was asked that, but Fire Dragon Ji didn't hear much at the time, so in the end we got five pieces of information.

First, we know the specific location of White Dragon Mountain and how to get there.

Second, White Dragon Mountain does have a Monster King, and it is very powerful.

Third, the name of this Monster King is Lei Ya.

Fourth, the body of this Monster King seems to be a beast close to the shape of a liger, and surely it has wings.

Fifth, the ability of this Monster King has something to do with thunder and lightning.

These five pieces of information may seem simple, but they are actually very important. At least we know these and it will be easier to find the Monster King. However, we still hesitate a bit on the final question of who should go.

As everyone knows, the relationship between the Japanese Demon forces is quite messy and complicated, so the Japanese Demon may not be Japan-oriented. Although this Monster King's men came to take part in the attack on Fulcrum City, it was probably a private act. Things

In fact, the relationship between Monster King and the monster race is similar to the relationship between the empire and dukedom in the city-state era. Dukedom is a vassal of the empire and pays taxes to the empire every year. When the empire is under attack, dukedom needs to join the war. However, in addition to paying taxes and war obligations, dukedom has a very high degree of internal freedom. It can have its own law and its own tax ratio, and even the army can be freely formed, as long as you can afford it. Just pay imperial taxes.

The same is true between the demon race group and Monster King. Monster King usually does not directly put forward any specific requirements for a certain Demon group, as long as these Demon groups provide on time and amount, and send troops to cooperate when the Monster King is about to fight.

Monster King doesn't care about other things at all. The demon race group does not need to be reported, and it is too lazy to listen to Monster King.

For this time, Demon assisted the eight-headed snake attacking Fulcrum City. It is probably in a similar situation. Most of the Monster King does not know what his subordinates have done. As long as they do not infringe on the interests of Monster King, these Monster Kings are actually very lazy.

However, now we need to negotiate with Monster King, which must figure out the aggressiveness of Monster King itself. If this Monster King is a Monster King who only values ​​interests and has no obvious preference for both China and Japan, then we and Matsumoto Masaga will have no problem with it.

But if this is an aggressive Monster King, you need to pay attention. We must send the forces that the Monster King invaded to contact, so that it will have an effect, otherwise it will only have a counterproductive effect.

However, although everyone knows this, it is a bit troublesome to implement. Even if there is no lack of Monster Kings who do their own way and do not hide their own intentions at all, but also not every Monster King is like that, and even if the other party does not intend to hide it, can we still run to each other?

Ask: "Hello, do you like Japan or China?" Is this unclear?

Because we don't know this aggressiveness, we can only think of a compromise in the end, and that is to go on both sides.

Yes, it's just to go on both sides. This method may seem illogical, but in fact it is very logical.

On the surface, we and Masaga Matsumoto are two forces, and we cannot act together. However, if we are to persuade a third party to join us, it is not surprising that we are in the same place at the same time. In fact, in history, there are many cases of both parties’ lobbyists appearing in third parties at the same time, so if I appeared at the Monster King together with Matsumoto Masaka, it would not arouse others’ suspicion. Maybe someone will film flattery and say something like "what the hero sees is slightly the same."

I went to see Monster King together with Masaka Matsumoto. In addition to being suspicious on the surface, there is another advantage. At least one side can talk to Monster King normally, because Monster King is either neutral , Or fall to one of them, and if Monster King is neutral

, both of us can pick up the conversation, and if Monster King falls to one side, as long as the other party leaves, the remaining side can propose Asked and bargained with Monster King. So, it is indeed a good way for us to go together.

Now that it's decided, let's take action. Fulcrum City is in a stalemate for the time being. The demons are not good at Baqi Orochi's face to the Japanese players. After all, Baqi Orochi’s excuse for calling them here is to make a tree in front of the Japanese players.

Establish a positive image of yourself. If the Demon he found finally attacked these Japanese players, wouldn't it be a waste? Although the Demons are not familiar with the Eight-Different Snake, their strength lies there. After selling their personal affection, hello and me, hello everyone, but

They offend the Eight-Different Snake in turn, it is definitely only them. Not good, so these Demons dare not do anything to these Japanese players.

Similarly, the Japanese players also know that they can’t beat these demons. After all, the leaders of the guilds are here, which means that each guild has sent a few representatives. Hit it? Besides, they are now trying to prevent them from attacking the pivot. Therefore, Demon is not easy to use, and Japanese players are not easy to use.

On the other side, Baqi Orochi wanted to do it, but he did the same. Because of the restraint of the Japanese players, he can only wait for the Demons to take action first, but he is now firmly restrained by Matsumoto Masaka and the others outside the battlefield, even sending a signal


The remaining forces near the battlefield are our people from the Frost Rose League and the group of Japanese players from the main battle group. But we certainly wouldn’t take the initiative to provoke a war. As for the main faction... When we knew that they might start a fight, let Matsumoto Masakah send someone in advance. Watched it. Although these people wanted to fight, they were small in number and weak in strength. It was possible to start a war when they were not prepared. Now they are being stared at, but there is no hope at all.

There will be no changes on the battlefield for the time being, so Masaka Matsumoto and I have the possibility to leave, but Yaqi Orochi needs someone to stare at to prevent him from giving hints to the Demons in the past. You must know that the demons are still not doing it now because they think that the Baqi Orochi is not going to do it, and they themselves are not easy to do it because of the obstacles of the Japanese players. Once the Baqi Orochi gives them a hint Let them understand that attacking Fulcrum City will not offend the Eight Differences Orochi, then they will definitely start attacking Fulcrum City immediately.

After repeated consideration, the final action plan was slightly adjusted. It is still Masaka Matsumoto and I looking for the Monster King as two hostile forces. Of course, we have to go separately on the road. Although the destination is the same, it is too exaggerated to go together.

Others are not fools. According to the relationship between on the surface, Masaka Matsumoto and I met at Monster King. It can also be said that Monster King’s face is not easy to work on other people’s sites, but if we run into other places, It will be played anyway

one game. Although we are on one side, it is easy to act in collusion, but it is also a scoring situation. There are too few viewers to recover the cost.

According to the current situation, our final personnel arrangement is like this. We are led by me, plus real red and gold coin. Kristina's battle strength may be stronger, but she is a mage, after all, close combat or something is not a strong point, so it is better to stay

to defend the city. Moreover, true red and gold coin plus I am China's three sets of national instruments were dispatched at the same time. This situation is different in both political and practical sense.

From a political point of view, our presence with the three at the same time represents the will of the Chinese players. Therefore, the three of us go together. This is to give the Monster King a lot of face, and it must be formal in form. a little.

In a practical sense, the three of us appearing at the same time is also of great significance, because although the national weapon is worn by a single player, it is actually a strategic-level auxiliary equipment. The most powerful attribute of the national weapon is not its attribute bonus to the player wearing it, but its attribute bonus to the local player in the area near the player. If it is only the attribute addition to the wearer, the national tool is at most a high level Divine Item. Although it is equally precious, it is far more than just powerful to play in other countries.

Then it got so fast. The reason why national weapons are hated by players from hostile countries is that as long as the national weapons holders are present, all national players on the battlefield will get the attribute bonus, and this ratio is quite exaggerated.

Although many people know that national devices will only start adding attributes to their players after the entire set is collected, in fact, national devices do not mean that a single set is complete. Although a single set of national implements has been added after the completion of the attribute, but

If multiple national implements of the country appear in a certain range at the same time, this attribute will continue to increase. Generally, there are two sets of national equipment in a country. This is the basic number given by the system. If a country’s war value is high enough, then the country will get the most commonly used equipment on that player. Will be automatically promoted to become a national weapon. This kind of equipment was not a national weapon before, but the equipment added to become a national weapon later is the third national weapon, and this is how the dragon soul suit on my body became a national weapon.

This kind of national device that evolved later is somewhat different from the national device that was born before. The most important thing is that the third national device that evolved later can open the national device joint attribute and joint skills. .

If it is a country with only two sets of national instruments, although their two sets of national instruments will appear at the same time, there will be additional attributes that increase in scope, but the number of such attributes is only equivalent to a normal set of national instruments. Attributes added by the device, but the third country device can produce twice the attribute.

Take a simple example. Assuming that the additional attribute of a set of national instruments is 1, then the two sets of national instruments will be increased by 1, so the national player will have an additional attribute of 2, but when the two sets of national instruments are present at the same time, the national player The attribute obtained

will be the additional attribute two 1s generated by the two sets of national implements, plus the 1 added by the two sets of national implements, so the actual additions the players actually get become 3. But if there is a third national device present, in addition to the one produced by the two sets of national devices at this time, the third national device itself will also generate 1. In addition, the third national device will be separated from the other two The resonance of the sets of national instruments produces two additional additions, that is, two 1s. The final result is that the additional attributes when the three sets of national instruments are present at the same time actually become 6

. One is to add 3 and the other is to add 6, which is why the third country is so important.

We met Monster King this time. Although we are going to negotiate, if the other party don’t give face, we are actually ready to solve the problem of martial power, so there are three sets of national equipment. It is necessary to be present at the same time. After all, the three of us are also Chinese players, and the additional attributes are also valid for ourselves. And unlike ordinary players, our basic attributes are inherently high, and the additional attributes are added in proportion, so the same proportion is added to us, and the amount of extra increase produced is definitely higher than that of ordinary people. Much bigger. Monster King is certainly very difficult to deal with, but it is the strength of a regular Divine Race. If we don’t use Power of Faith, we can beat him down. Can a Monster King turn the sky? Back then, the Buddha

There are so many high level gods and Buddhas that we still have to shoot to death?

Our staff is selected, and Matsumoto's side should not be too shabby, otherwise, isn't it obvious to look down on the Monster King? These Demons actually act like black clubs. They attach great importance to face, so they must do enough on face

articles. If you give them face, they will think you are interesting. If you don't give them face, these guys may want to bite you. After all, Demon is the same type as those bastards who don't care about the consequences. Even though Monster King is smarter than those little monsters, but after all, Monster King is also mixed with little monsters, and the impossible that he is used to has completely changed.

Since you want to save face, the identity of those who go there must not be low. Masaga Matsumoto must be there. As for the three of them, August Kaun... It would have been best for the three of them to go together, but Baqi Orochi couldn't be looked at.

Fire Dragon Ji’s character is too hot, and there is nothing in her belly. He is not afraid of Baqi Oro playing hard, but he is afraid that he will be slick, so Fire Dragon Ji is not suitable for looking at Baqi. Big snake. Yingyu is smart, but the image of the little girl is too gentle. So in the end, we will discuss whether to stay and look at the eight-headed snake, Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Ji accompany Masaga Matsumoto to meet the Monster King. In this way, the four giants of Matsumoto and their forces have reached three at one time. The number of them is no less than ours, and their identity can hold the place.

After confirming the candidates, we randomly start arranging trips. Both sides are high-level personnel. The smaller the number of people, the faster the speed of action. While there was no obvious confusion in the situation here, we hurried over to White Dragon Mountain quickly.

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