It is not a simple matter to negotiate with the leaders of these Demons. At least we need to figure out who the Monster King of these guys is. Otherwise, it depends on Japan. The number of demons here, we look for them one by one, even if we are exhausted, we don't even want to find the righteous master.

Of course, the easiest way to know who the Demon’s Monster King is is to ask them, and this kind of thing is not something worth concealing. On the contrary, this kind of thing is more for Demon. On the contrary, because it should be a message on the lips, just like those hooligans in the movies, when they encounter a slightly more powerful enemy, they will directly report to the door and say what kind of brother I am with. I hope that I can use the name of my boss to shock. enemy. If the other party knows their boss and can't beat the other party, then they will usually show some affection. After all, the dog depends on the owner. This is the younger brother. If you move around, don't you mean that you don't give others face?

The situation of the demons is the same as those of the gangsters. When the Demon meet, if the difference in strength is not obvious or they don’t want to fight for other reasons, they will report a house or something, and even if the other party does not take the initiative to sign up for this kind of thing, you just need to ask, the other party will not conceal it, otherwise they will be concealed. When people tell this to their boss, their boss will have doubts about these little brothers.

Although this kind of information itself is not a secret, it is obviously inappropriate for us to ask, so Masaga Matsumoto and the others should come forward on this matter. But Masaga Matsumoto was also cunning. Instead of going to the Demons to ask about the situation, he found a guild leader who had a good relationship with him and asked him to play the drum and pretend to ask casually.

Because there is no information that needs to be kept secret, the other party said smoothly: "We Monster King is the king of White Dragon Mountain. No one heard our Monster King name within a few hundred miles. The number doesn’t tremble...” Then Demon said a lot, anyway, to show off their boss, but we didn’t listen. After knowing that the target was the Monster King of White Dragon Mountain, Masaka Matsumoto ran directly to the hidden place and We got in touch.

"Chairman, the other party’s Monster King is the Great Demon of White Dragon Mountain."

"I’m not familiar with Japan. Have you heard of this monster?"< /p>

Masaga Matsumoto shook his head and said: "I don't even know where White Dragon Mountain is!"

"Augussuki, how about you?" I turned to ask Augusts. they.

August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina both said that they don’t know where this place is, but to our surprise, Chi Fire Dragon Ji said with some uncertainty: "I seem to have heard I’ve been through this Monster King."

"Do you know?" I was surprised to ask: "Where did you hear about it? What specific information is there?"

Chi Fire Dragon Ji also hesitated and said: "I didn't really see it either. It was when I passed by that place when I was doing a task, and then I heard an NPC say casually. I felt that it should be a task at the time, but unfortunately I was doing it. Missions, so I didn’t want to trigger new missions, so I didn’t ask too much."

Mission in the game is not something you can pick up when you see it. Some tasks will be punished if you fail to complete them, and for some tasks you have to decide whether to do it when you find that it is a task. Otherwise, it’s best not to mention related things, because once you talk about it, the other party will not give you some tasks. You refuse the opportunity, so Chi Fire Dragon Ji is a more wise decision.

"Tell me what information you heard at the time?" I asked Chi Fire Dragon Jidao, hoping that she could provide more comprehensive information.

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