After cutting off the communication, I could only jump on the Asuka and fly directly to Japan. Although this is a cross-country flight, fortunately, the flying birds are fast enough. And the distance between China and Japan is actually not very far, so it didn't take long for me to reach Fulcrum City.

Although it has been a long time since the explosion at this time, when I arrived at Fulcrum City, I could still clearly feel that the situation in the city was very bad at this time.

The Fulcrum City itself is still standing there, but the side facing the sea has been basically completely destroyed, and our transnational Transmission Formation has also been reported. However, unlike other buildings, the Transnational Transmission Formation is a special building, so it was repaired immediately after it was destroyed, but I don’t know why it was disturbed. Even though the Transmission Formation itself was repaired, it still cannot be used. Now this half of the entire Xicheng District of Fulcrum City is completely disordered and in a mess of rubble, except for the ruined walls, which are piles of stones, seaweeds and various marine life washed up from under the seabed. I even found a blue-ringed sea dragon on a street in the city.

The blue-ringed sea dragon is a kind of ocean devil beast, about the size of the sperm whale, but the body is slightly longer than the sperm whale. This thing is considered to be a relatively powerful devil beast in the sea. Normal players and small and medium-sized ships are afraid to provoke them, and they will often take the initiative to attack players and ships. Only medium and large battleships can ignore the attacks of this thing, even small ones. The battleship has to go around when you see it. However, even such a powerful creature, it is now dead and can no longer die. Although this blue-ringed sea dragon is a devil beast, it is an out-and-out aquatic animal, unable to go ashore at all, and it also has no lungs, so it will die soon after the water comes out.

Receiving the take-off bird, I opened my wings and slowly glided over the blue-ringed sea dragon, and then landed on the street lightly. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I felt that the ground seemed a bit uneven. When I lowered my head, I found that the ground was covered with sand and rocks of various sizes, most of which were construction debris, and some were rolled by sand in the sea. Coming up.

Stepping on the uneven mud, sand and gravel, I quickly walked towards the central area of ​​the city, where I can clearly see a large number of players gathering around a building. I don’t know what I’m doing. .

Because everyone is busy, no one noticed that I was on the scene. It was not until I dragged a player to ask about the situation that the other player noticed me.


"What is this doing?" I pointed to the pile of ruins in front of me. This seems to be the wreckage of a building, but I also rushed to and fro here in Fulcrum City. I didn't stay in the city for a long time, so I didn't know what the specific building was.

The player heard my question and immediately said, "President, please help. This is the entrance of our city's defense center. The fixed fort on the left of the road was overturned by the waves. The entrance is buried."

"Even if buried, there is nothing at worst, right? Just dig it up. What are you doing in such a hurry? Now repairing the city wall and defense facilities is the first priority, right? "

"But someone is buried inside!"

"Someone is buried?"

The player strongly nodded and said: "A few The members and NPCs are below. Now the inside is filled with sea water. They can only rely on a few helmets with underwater breathing to sustain their lives, but there are more of them than helmets, so they can only take a breath in rotation, which may not last long. !"

"You all get out of the way." After I understood the reason, I hurriedly let the busy crowd aside. Those people were still angry at this time and made trouble. After looking up at me I immediately understood that I wanted to help, so I quickly jumped off the ruins. After seeing everyone coming down, I gave Vajra out to summon directly. Although there are quite a few big men in my favorites, Vajra is a gorilla after all. Its hands and feet are more flexible than ordinary creatures, and its strength is large enough. This is the most suitable time for him.

As soon as Vajra came out, he followed my instructions and hugged a large piece of rubble and threw it aside, and then repeated most of the rubble by repeating it two or three times. With this, he quickly swept his arm on the ground and cleared the remaining bits and pieces to one side. Without the obstruction of these rubbles, we still can't actually see the entrance, because there is still about seven or eight centimeters of water on the ground that has not been completely photographed, but this is not a problem. Vajra directly reached out and touched the water twice to find the entrance, then pressed it down and quickly pulled it up, with a bang, a metal lid with a diameter of six or seven meters was lifted up.

The defense center below is responsible for controlling the city's defense facilities. It is considered a very important facility, so it was designed underground. The original consideration was that this would prevent it from being directly destroyed by enemy artillery in battle, but we didn't expect that seawater intrusion would still occur. Of course, it's okay if it's just normal seawater backflow. The underground center is actually waterproof, and it also has a drainage device. The key is that the seawater was lifted up by the explosion, which is equivalent to covering the entire city with water in an instant. Not only the speed is too fast, but the front impact is too big. As a result, the entrance of the underground center was damaged, not only caused the underground center to leak water, but also the irrigation and drainage equipment was damaged.

As soon as we opened the entrance, several heads appeared immediately below. One of them looked around and counted the heads after coming out, and then planned to swim back, but I Eyes and hands quickly pulled him out of the water. "Is someone stuck underneath?" I asked the player directly.

The player was taken aback when he saw me, and then suddenly reacted and shouted: "It's our technical director, S-Rank NPC."

"Knowing that I'm trapped Where is it?"

"It should be in the equipment room. There is an independent sealed door over there, which may not be submerged by water, but the water pressure must have destroyed the structure of the door and prevented the door from opening. That The area of ​​the computer room is very small, and there are three of them in it. In such a completely sealed environment, it is estimated that the oxygen will not last too long."

I thought about giving the small dragon girl out to summon directly, and then directly Let the small dragon girl create a tornado and use the suction of the tornado to directly pump out all the water below. Although I haven't been in this monitoring center, I think it will not be too small. It would be more convenient to drain the water and lead the way. If the trapped below is a normal NPC or a player, forget it. Players can lose Level 1 at most when they die. Although there are losses, but also not something terrible. Although ordinary NPC has only one life, this kind of NPC is really just ordinary NPC, just like the army that spends money to build in ordinary games, it doesn't hurt to die. However, S-Rank NPC is different. This kind of NPC is actually the classification of our guild, not the system classification. The system has only four classifications of NPCs: ordinary, high level, elite, and special. Among them, the ordinary ones are the most common, and the high-level ones are rare, but not uncommon. As long as the ordinary NPC is assigned a job, it will naturally become a high-level NPC after a period of time. As for the elite... this level is relatively small, and it cannot be cultivated by ordinary NPCs. It can only be cultivated by high level NPCs. The success rate is not high, so it is relatively important.

Special NPC is a very rare category of NPC. This type of NPC is extremely rare and may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. In general, there are only one or two medium and large guilds, even if it is very good. Small guilds can hardly see this kind of NPC. As for the first-line large guilds, there will basically be seven or eight, and our guild is because of me. , The players in the whole guild seem to have a collection addiction, the result is that today you find one tomorrow, he will find one, and finally unconsciously the number of special NPCs in our guild is over one hundred. Of course, even if it is over a hundred, that is not too much. After all, the special NPC among the NPCs is equivalent to the existence of Einstein, Tesla and the like in the crowd. Of course, special NPCs are not all technical types, there are also battle-types, and they are more precious than technical ones.

Our guild’s recruitment criteria for players have always been very strict, so the screening criteria for NPCs are also quite strict. Ordinary NPCs are generally not allowed to hold any positions, unless we find that the potential is good, we will come in for training, otherwise we can only work as laborers. The high level NPC is the official NPC of our guild, and the elite is the backbone. Special NPCs belong to the leadership. They are rare and scarce. They are generally managers in particularly important departments.

For normal and high level NPCs, we generally do not classify them. This is how our bank will classify NPCs. Normal and high level NPCs are both F-rank, then elite NPCs are classified into E to B-Rank according to their potential and ability direction, and special NPCs are classified into A to 3S-Rank according to their ability and potential characteristics.

The supervisor NPC trapped below is actually an S-Rank NPC. There are fewer than twenty such NPCs in our entire guild. How can we give up such an existence casually? Even if I die once, the loss is much smaller than the loss of one such NPC.

With the help of a small dragon girl, most of the seawater below was pumped out within ten seconds, but the rest is not easy to pump. After all, the air pressure will change if the water is less. It is not so easy to continue pumping. But now the surface of the water below is just above waist height, so people can already be saved.

After the water was pumped out, I took back the small dragon girl and Vajra first, and then asked the player to lead the way down with him. The corridor below this control room is full of water, and there are also many debris on the ground. The natural environment in So***li is relatively good. There is not much sediment in the sea, so we are not affected by the sedimentation of mud. Sand influence.

Someone who knew Ruth was carrying it, we knew the control room directly. The player immediately rushed to the door and smashed twice and loudly shouted: "Little supervisor? Little supervisor? Are you inside?"

Although I was puzzled by the name of this NPC, my attention was quickly attracted by the sound of the door. Although there was no answer, there was a knocking sound from the door. I guess that the long-term closed environment caused the lack of oxygen inside, and the people inside may have no energy to speak. But being able to knock on the iron gate means he is not dead yet.

"Stay and don't move, we will save you." I yelled into the door, then let the player step aside, and then turned Eternity into an awl, regardless of the actual situation First, he poked more than a dozen holes in a higher position on the door. These holes just made up a ring, and I smashed the metal plate through the middle with a hard lap.

After I have a big hole, I can see what's going on inside, and this hole also helps to ventilate. After extending my head to make sure that no one was blocking the door, I cut off the bolt and the connecting hole on the door with the blade of eternal change, but it was probably really deformed, and the door that lost its support still couldn't be opened quickly. In the end, I simply in a spurt of energy drew a cross on the door with eternity, and then stepped up, the door finally fell apart completely.

As soon as the door fell, we immediately rushed in. It turned out that there was only the S-Rank NPC in the room. But this kind of thing is understandable. These special NPCs are equivalent to high level players, and they are stronger than ordinary NPCs, not only in terms of ability, but also in terms of body. So the other two ordinary NPCs are suffocated, but this S-Rank NPC is still alive, but she has obviously reached the limit, as long as we are later, she will definitely be finished.

After confirming that there are no more people trapped below, I took them out of the underground center, handed them to the helper next to them, and then I opened the door of the earth and placed them He got to the side, and then called out Skye and the others.

Now there are ruins everywhere in the city, and people are in urgent need of rescue and cleanup. However, because the transnational Transmission Formation has been disturbed, even if there are people on the guild side, they can’t get through. In this case, my Qilin warrior can come in handy. After all, there are more than 20,000 people. It may be useless to meet high-end players in battle, but it is very useful to participate in rescue.

In addition to Qilin warrior, I also have Death God guards who can summon, and the number is astonishing. Let these summon creatures go out and tell them to find out where they can help and go and help, and then I quickly ran to the east of the city, which is the side facing the inland of Japan. .

The high level players and Divine Race in this guild are basically still concentrated here and did not enter the city to help with rescue work. It is not that they are lazy, nor that they don’t want to help, but because they don’t dare to help. go.

When I arrived on the city wall, I found that the outside of the city was no longer empty at this time, but a lot of creatures gathered. Some of them are obviously players at first sight, and I also noticed that many of them carry the logo of the New Black Dragon Club, indicating that these are people from Masaka Matsumoto.

In addition to those players, there are many monsters with different looks nearby. These Demons should have been brought by the Baqi Orochi to prepare to attack the city, but it seems that although the Baqi Orochi had given up the attack, these Demons did not know why they did not leave.

In fact, in addition to the above two types of groups, there seems to be a third party on the scene. These are also players, but they are not together with the first two groups of creatures, but gather together independently and don't know what they are doing.

I don't know what happened to the strange situation at the scene, so I can only ask Hong Yue who has been on the city wall. After I intercepted the reinforcements of those Koreans, Hong Yue was in charge of everything here, so she understood the situation here.

"Hong Yue. What's going on outside?"

After seeing me here, Hong Yue immediately asked in surprise: "I just asked the military god how did you get there? It’s not here now, and the military god said you’re dead. What's going on? Was it that explosion?"

"You saw it?"

"Nonsense, Fulcrum City Almost turned into Atlantis, you can’t see the big movement when I’m blind?"

"That’s what I said." I nodded and said, "I found the scout when I got there. I saw those submarines, but after I went in, I found that they were all Koreans. The other party probably mistakenly thought that we had seen through the plan of the Eight Disciplinary Orochi. The structure self-destructed as soon as I appeared. Then I died. . What did you see at that time?"

"Our side?" Hong Yue directly lost a crystal ball and said to me: "It's all recorded, you can watch it yourself."< /p>

I nodded directly opened the memory crystal, and then the screen projection started. To be honest, even though I was heartbroken at the time, I didn't know anything about the explosion. I died immediately because of the explosion. On the contrary, I looked at Fulcrum City more clearly than mine.

In the picture displayed in the memory crystal, first is a calm sea, and then I don’t know how to make it suddenly bright in the sea, and then just like the sunrise, a huge Fireball from the sea It rises slowly, and then as the Fireball rises, it gradually becomes a huge "big mushroom".

"Damn, are they really nuclear weapons?"

"I don't know what it is, anyway, it looks like a nuclear weapon, the formidable power is a mess. Our liquefied magic crystal Compared with this, the steam bomb can be regarded as a big battle."

I agree with nodded when I heard Hong Yue’s words, and in the picture of the memory crystal, the huge mushroom still rises slowly, but below However, a huge wave has appeared on the sea surface, which is gradually rising at the same speed as slow motion, and then expanding to all directions. In fact, I know that the speed of the wave is actually very fast. The reason why it looks slow is because the distance is too far. It's like we are standing on the ground and looking at the plane in the sky. If so, any super sports car can only follow behind to eat exhaust gas. The speed of this wave is actually non-productive, but because the crystal ball seemed to be shot at high altitude at the time, the wave in the picture looked very slow.

I took a look at the scenes at the time, and it took only 20 seconds for the waves to reach Fulcrum City, but the distance to Fulcrum City should be 120 nautical miles. . Twenty seconds and one hundred and twenty nautical miles, is this slow? Obviously not slow at all, but very fast.

In the screen, the waves flattened half of Fulcrum City from behind, and then when they continued to advance forward, a blue barrier suddenly rose from Fulcrum City. This barrier is translucent, it looks like a water film, it is very thin, and it looks very fragile. However, it is such a thin water film that forcibly intercepted the general ocean waves destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but the water film only covered half of the city of Fulcrum, and the seawater on both sides continued to sweep forward. To the open space outside the city.

According to this rhythm, the waves should charge ahead a long way forward, but at this time the Baqi Orochi suddenly got out of the ground, and then it also made a protective cover. The thing intercepted the waves alive, and the protective surface he unfolded was much larger than the one made by Poseidon, and it actually protected all the Japanese players in this large area. I said that after I went to the city wall, I saw the chaos in Fulcrum, but the battlefield outside the city couldn't be seen at all. After a long time, the sea was blocked by Poseidon and the Orochi.

The picture in the crystal suddenly began to shake violently after it was recorded here, but the picture was interrupted after two bumps. Hong Yue took back the crystal ball and said: "The scout in charge of recording encountered shock waves from the explosion at high altitude. His mount was killed, but he had a spare mount, so the picture was brought back."

"The shock wave can kill his mount at such a distance?"

"Do you think the explosive formidable power that can set off a wave of more than 170 meters high can be as small as possible?"


I nodded expressed my understanding, and then pointed to the outside of the city and asked: "What's going on?"

"Are you talking about the Demon or the players?"

"I said everything."

Hong Yue pointed to someone outside to explain to me. "Those Demons are the group of Demons that Yaqi Orochi brought before. As for the players who mingled with Demon are the players brought by Matsumoto and the others. The group of people gathered on the other side is another group of Japanese players."

"But why did they gather here and don't leave?"

Hong Yue explained: "Although the Baqi Orochi was dragged away by Matsumoto and the others, they did not go far. They actually Behind the mountain over there, Ying Yu Shen Hina secretly reported once before. Although Baqi Orochi gave up the offensive plan, he seemed unwilling in his heart, so he is still looking for excuses to wait and see. Although those Demons are It was brought by the Baqi Orochi, but the Baqi Orochi made a lot of wishes for them before. These Demons did not want to go on an errand for nothing, so they wanted to continue to attack, but because the Oki Orochi did not participate, they were a little uncertain. Now The presidents that Masaka Matsumoto brought are persuading the Demons to leave, so the two sides gathered together, and because they knew that the previous tsunami destroyed our city’s weapon system, they didn’t worry about us firing the cannon, just as straightforward. Standing there and chatting."

"Damn, these bastards are really arrogant. What's the matter with the group of players in the distance?"

"That group There are a part of Nobunaga Guishou, and the rest are zealots. They hope to launch an attack on Fulcrum City, but they don’t have the ability to attack independently, so they just waited and watched. If the Demon side did not agree to launch an attack, they will follow along. If the Demons give up, they should give up too."

"The eight-pointed snake is also waiting for the Demons. Isn’t it your decision?"

Hong Yue shook his head and said: "Baqi Orochi has made it clear that he will not take the initiative to launch an attack, but he excuses that he invited the Demon to help. He can’t leave them here, so he told Matsumoto Masaka that if the Demons start to attack, he will be watching them, and if the Demons are injured or in danger, he will rescue them, but he Doesn’t participate in the siege. But even though it is said that, with such a big target jumping around on the battlefield, what’s the difference between not attacking the city or not?"

"Of course, this thing is an excuse. How much is there. But it doesn’t seem to be beneficial to us now!"

Hong Yue looked back at the devastated Fulcrum City, then nodded and said: "I also want to send people to rescue the city. , But the enemy here hasn’t left, so we don’t dare to go down the city wall here!"

I thought about it for a while and said: "The players and ordinary troops will not move, let the chaos and rank Go to Divine Race. "

Hong Yue nodded said: "This is fine. "

The Divine Race of Chaos and Order is Divine Race after all. Their strength is very powerful and their abilities are also diverse. Their role in rescue operations is very huge. Moreover, the Divine Race of Chaos and Order is itself They are not the army, they are fighting alone, so there is no problem of formation, even if they participate in the rescue, they can immediately come back to the battle after a battle occurs here, and they will basically not affect their battle strength. Players and ordinary troops will definitely not be able to do this.

I told Vina about this idea. Of course, Vina supported me unconditionally, so the chaos and order on the city wall Divine Race immediately evacuated the city wall and ran to the city to help. However, I stopped Poseidon when they left.

"Thank you for the previous explosion. "

Poseidon said modestly: "Since I am already a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, then this is our own family matter. If you are the president, you will be polite to me because of this. , That is to treat me as an outsider! "

"Of course I didn't mean that. "

Poseidon smiled slightly and said: "I know, so you don't have to thank me anymore." President, don't worry, since I joined the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, I will treat this as my own Divine Race and I won't take the previous shelf. "

I have to say that Poseidon’s IQ is really high. She actually knows what I’m worried about.

In fact, this split from the Olympus Divine Race Among the gods I am most worried about is Poseidon, not because of her strength, but because of her status.

on the surface on the Olympus Divine Race. Hades and Poseidon are at the same level, and the strength of the two is not much different, and even Hades is stronger than Poseidon. However, Hades was in the original Olympus Divine Race. Everyone knows what the situation is. Zeus has always been worried about the growth of the Hades, so he has been suppressing and weakening the strength of Hades. At that time, Hades was not so much poached by me, but it was Hades who was looking for Out of the way, it happened to run into us.

Because Hades was actually forced to go to nowhere, he had no psychological problems with taking refuge in us. Moreover, he was becoming Hades did get a lot of tangible benefits after becoming a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, so Hades quickly adapted to the change of identity.

However, Poseidon and Hades is different. Although he is also oppressed by Zeus, he is different from Hades in that Zeus is only suppressing Poseidon and has not really weakened him. Although he has imprisoned his body, it is actually Last Poseidon’s hatred of Zeus was far less intense than Hades.

Because the idea of ​​betraying Olympus Divine Race was not so strong, so when I persuaded Poseidon to transfer It’s also a bit more troublesome, and since she moved to our side, I’ve always worried that she can’t adapt to this change of identity.

Although our guild eventually defeated the Olympus Divine Race, in the final analysis We and the original Olympus Divine Race are not actually at the same level. The chaos and order Divine Race should be regarded as a small Divine Race that is developing at a high speed, while the Olympus Divine Race is a super Large-scale Divine Race, although there is a huge gap between the two in terms of vitality, the gap in strength is actually very large.

For Poseidon, she ran from the Olympus Divine Race to Divine Race of chaos and order, it’s like a person jumping from an international top 500 company to an unknown small company. Perhaps the development potential of this small company is incomparable, but it is still very weak after all, this kind of psychological change Not everyone can adapt right away. If you get caught in the horns, then something will happen.

After talking briefly with Poseidon, I found that Poseidon seemed to treat himself Her mood has changed very well. She does not have any contempt for the current chaos and order of Divine Race, but really sees herself as a part of it. Knowing this answer makes me feel very gratified, and finally the previous efforts have not been in vain.

After speaking with Poseidon, I also entered the city with her to carry out rescue work. After all, there are many monsters around me who can participate in the rescue. In the pivot city without large mechanical equipment, These large devil beasts can be used as Crane and excavators. This is very helpful for rescue work.

Leave aside the situation in Fulcrum City for the time being, and the situation outside the city is not very good either. The three of Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru were gathering together and discussing quietly at this time.

"What should I do? The Eight-Different Orochi seems to be ironic and about to blend in!" Ying Yu Shen Hina looked at Matsumoto Masaka and said.

Masaga Matsumoto squeezed his eyebrows helplessly, and then said: "I think the eight-headed snake may have seen the previous explosion destroyed half of the pivot city, so I want to get cheap. I’m not willing to go."

"Pick up the bargain?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked suspiciously: "Is there anything cheaper to pick up in Fulcrum City now?"

" It’s much cheaper.” Matsumoto Masaka said: “The gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order can almost be regarded as living treasures. Although they themselves are also very dangerous, don’t forget that the Ochi Orochi has them in their hands. A large number of Power of Faith. Now he is rebellious and is in urgent need of strength to replenish his personnel, so if he can recruit the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, his help will be very great. After all, the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order Only the president dug from the Olympus Divine Race, but there are well-known deities with names and surnames all over the world, and their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary gods!"

" But how can the Power of Faith of the Eight-Divine Snake dig them?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked: "Now the chaos and order of Divine Race's Power of Faith can't be used too much, and I hate so much Power of Faith every day. How can it be digested? How could it be bought by the Baqi Orochi with Power of Faith?"

"The problem is that the Baqi Orochi does not know this!" Matsumoto Masaka said.

Fire Dragon Ji also heard frowned and said: "This is also true, but unfortunately we have not been able to tell him that this is really troublesome!" Sakura Yu Shenchu ​​suddenly said "Anyway, Baqi Orochi’s excuse is to rescue the Demons he brought. Why don’t we persuade those Demons to leave now?" How many of the four can persuade you? And are you relieved to leave Baqi Orochi here alone? Although he said that he didn't take the initiative to participate in the war, he used this thing as an excuse. If you want to find it, are you worried that you can't find it?"

"That's what I said!" Yingyu God young nodded asked: "Then what are we going to do now? It's not a problem to let Baqi Orochi stay here like this!"

Masaka Matsumoto pointed to the Japanese players in another direction and said: "I think the first issue now is not to consider what will happen to the Yaqi Orochi, but the group of people."

Augussuki and the others listened. When I arrived at Matsumoto Masaka, they all turned their heads and looked towards the crowd there, and then frowned at the same time, because they also thought of Matsumoto Masaka's worry.

These players are members of the main battle faction in Japan, and they want to fight. The reason why they haven't moved now is because they feel that they can't fight our Frost Rose League independently, but if they attack now, will those Demons follow along to attack?

This is just a guess, but no one can guarantee that it will never happen. The reason why those people have not yet launched an attack may be because they didn't expect to use their own attacks to drive the Demons to fight, but it is more likely that they are not sure whether their attacks will cause the Demons to follow suit. In other words, these people may now be hesitating whether to take a gamble.

Although these Japanese players are hesitating whether to take a gamble, Matsumoto Masaka thinks that these guys will definitely choose to take a gamble in the end. The reason for this idea is that before returning to Japan again, Masaga Matsumoto had received two months of system training in our Frost Rose League. During this period, I arranged many courses for Masaga Matsumoto. There are some content specifically aimed at Japanese personality traits. The characteristic that Masaga Matsumoto summed up from this is that there is a serious gambling tendency in the Japanese character. This is not to say that the Japanese are speculators, but that it is determined by the Japanese environment. In fact, speaking of which Japan has always been a disaster-prone country. Although they themselves have brought many disasters to the people of the surrounding countries, they themselves have actually lived very badly.

These poor living conditions make Japanese people often be forced into desperation, and unlike other countries into desperate situations, Japan is in desperate situations very frequently. These desperate situations forced the Japanese to give it a go, otherwise there would only be a dead end.

Because of th

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