Roses are very smart, and they are not ordinary smart. She can sell the person and let the family count the money for her, and then give her the money after finishing the work, and then happily follow the buyer to act as a cow or a horse for the person, and praise her if she sees others later.

However, it is precisely because Rose is smart enough to make her judgment very accurate. Not to mention a hundred shots, at least there is no problem in the general direction. However, the horse stumbles, and the rose sometimes guesses wrong. Suddenly learning that the Baqi Orochi's reinforcements were actually Koreans, Rose was stunned by the result.

"Okay, don't be surprised. This matter is not over yet, I have to see the situation. You can go ahead and do it."

"Oh, then You go busy."

Rose went to deal with her work first after she finished speaking, and I quickly returned to Fulcrum City. But...

"What's the situation?"

Standing in Isinger's Transnational Transmission Formation, I suddenly found that the Transnational Transmission Formation option in Fulcrum City was grayed out. Although this situation may be caused by many reasons, the actual meaning of the gray option is that the opposite Transmission Formation is not working properly. Although it may not work normally because the Transmission Formation was actively shut down, it may also be out of energy, or it may be malfunctioning, but the biggest possibility at this time is that it has been destroyed.

The Fulcrum City was destroyed. What does this mean? Has Baqi Orochi started? He dare to do it in front of so many Japanese players? Isn't this completely the opposite of Japanese players? Is this inconsistent with his original intention? So, what else could it be if it weren't for the eight-pointed snake? Could it be those submarines?

When the scouts of our guild discovered those submarines, the distance between the opponent and Fulcrum City was one hundred and thirty nautical miles. After we arrived at the scene, we dived and broke the door. In the end, the opponent self- Destruct, the submarine moved at least several nautical miles in the process, which means that the straight-line distance between the submarine and the pivot city should be about 120 nautical miles. This distance is actually not short, and ordinary bombs will certainly not have such a large range. But the question is, is that thing really a general weapon?

My defensive power as everyone knows, which can kill me instantly, what kind of lethality is this? Considering that something is explosive, not directional, which means that formidable power is not concentrated, but diffuse. So, based on the above information, it can be confirmed that this is an extremely huge super bomb with formidable power. Although its principle is unknown, its formidable power may be very close to, or even surpass, nuclear weapons. So, what would happen if a nuclear bomb was detonated 120 nautical miles away from Fulcrum City?

To make matters worse, at that time, according to the scout's return, a total of twelve submarines were found, and we should not be so unlucky enough to just enter a submarine with a bomb. In other words, these twelve submarines are probably all equipped with this kind of bomb, at least some of them have this thing. Then, when the submarine I am in self-destruct, judging from its lethality that can instantly kill me, this thing will definitely spread all the surrounding submarines in, and if those submarines are all equipped with similar weapons...

Twelve nuclear bombs exploded in one go at 120 nautical miles outside the city of Fulcrum?

I was thinking and reasoning about possible situations with fear, and suddenly I received a notice from the military god.

"President, Baqi Orochi has agreed to stop attacking Fulcrum City."

"Huh? What? Hasn't Fulcrum City been destroyed?"

"Destroyed?" The military god was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "The Fulcrum City was not destroyed? How did you get this news, President?"

"Huh? Isn't it destroyed? Then why can't Transmission Formation be used?"

"Transmission Formation?" The military god paused for a while, and then said in surprise: "Hey, it really can't be used anymore. Transmission Formation has not appeared before. We don’t even know about the fault alarm."

"Is it just that the Transmission Formation is broken?" I was finally relaxed, and it seems that there was a small probability event.

However, I just breathed a sigh of relief here, and the military god suddenly said: "I checked, the Transmission Formation on the Fulcrum City side is okay, but Isinger’s side is also okay, it seems Something is interfering with the normal operation of Transmission Formation. It may be caused by the explosion just now."


"Don’t you know the president? It’s you There was a large-scale explosion in the location of the reinforcements that went to reconnaissance. Such a large formidable power is impossible for you to know!"

"No, I know that explosion, but I was killed. The explosion just happened. I died, and I didn’t see anything later!"

"What? You were bombed to death?" There were too many accidents today. I heard that I was bombed to death once. God this computer couldn't help being surprised, but his tone quickly returned to calm, and he said normally: "But that's right, such a large formidable power should indeed kill your existence like the guild leader. "

"Is the formidable power great at the time?"

"It's not just a description, it's just like the end of the world. At that time, your spot for reconnaissance suddenly rose. A small sun, and then the whole event became completely white, and all observation methods failed. After that, the seawater in the port of Fulcrum City suddenly retreated a large amount, and even the seabed was exposed. However, after a few seconds, the seawater suddenly appeared. The counterattack came back, and the wave was as high as 174 meters. Now the city wall of Fulcrum City facing the sea has been completely destroyed, and more than 80% of the internal houses have been damaged. Transmission Formation was also destroyed at the time, but we are again It was fixed, but I didn’t notice that it was interfered. That’s why it happened that you couldn’t transmit and we didn’t know it."

"What about the current situation in the city?"

< p>"Basically half of the city is soaked in water. However, the city wall on the landing site is still intact, and the defensive power has not dropped significantly for the time being."

"More than one hundred and seventy Miko’s waves, why is the east city wall okay?"

"Because Poseidon is here."

I immediately understood the explanation of the military god. Poseidon was on the city wall at that time, and a wave pushed the city wall away. How did Poseidon go after him? Now that I think about it, it was really thanks to even Poseidon who turned back, otherwise the city of Fulcrum must have been swept away by the waves.

"Baqi Orochi gave up the attack because he saw the explosion, right?"

"I don't know this, but it should not be the case, because he came out from the ground At the time of the explosion, it didn’t happen, so it shouldn’t be the reason.”

“Did the waves cause any damage to the Japanese players after the explosion?”

“There must have been a lot of deaths. People, but I can’t count them. After all, the Japanese will not cooperate with me in reporting casualties!"

"Okay, I probably understand the situation. You stare at first, I will pass, but no Transmission Formation, it may take some time to fly over."

"Ok, I understand."

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