One foot stepped on the female wall, and he was going to jump out, really red looking back suspiciously, looked towards us and asked: "Why not?"

"You fool Ah!" Gold coin exclaimed: "Now it's a calm and tranquil outside. The main force of your guild suddenly ran out and went crazy at the open space. It's not clear to know that someone is hiding here and searching? If there are really Japanese brewing here. In a large-scale battle, if you run out like this, you are forcing people to do it in advance. Although the opponent did not launch an offense because something is not ready yet, our strength is not in place either. If this time the war against us It’s no good."

"It’s true." Zhenhong jumped off the female wall again when she understood the reason, but after all, she belongs to the type with a more irritable personality, so even if she doesn’t leave the city, she is still free. No, but as long as it doesn't cause the opponent to attack early, we don't bother to control it.

Fortunately, Vina is very fast over there, and it took just over three minutes for Vina to take a group of chaos and order Divine Race to the city wall of Fulcrum City. I glanced at it, besides Vina, Peacock and Xinghuo were there, but Fahai who didn't see him from the Pluto type was actually on the list, who didn't take part in guild activities very much.

Since this Fahai joined our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, it is basically a cultivation in his Cave Mansion every day. Simply staying at home, he did not participate in several battles before. I don't know which muscle is wrong, but I actually ran up. However, although this person is usually the kind of idler who doesn't care about things in Divine Race of chaos and order, we don't have too much demand on him. After all, this person's abilities are not combat-related, and he is alone. In terms of value, this man’s contribution is actually greater than that of many battle-type Divine Races, so we acquiesce in him not participating in guild wars.

Although it’s strange that Fahai is here, I don’t have time to greet him, so I yelled directly to Vina, and in fact it was to make the guild Divine Race that came over. All heard what I said. "Vina, we suspect that someone is planning a large-scale attack on the pointing city, but now there is no detection equipment to counter invisibility. Sending people out to investigate is afraid that beat the grass to scare the snake will force the opponent to launch an attack in advance. So I called it. Let’s see if anyone can conduct large-scale reconnaissance, and if there are enemies, you can at least temporarily block them here."

Vina is not good at reconnaissance and the like. spell, so I can’t do anything about this. I can only turn around and ask: "Which one of you can conduct a large-scale investigation?"

Although Vina asked about all the chaos and order behind Divine Race, But his eyes are swept back and forth between Xinghuo and Peacock. After all, they are also two of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, so Vina is the first to think of them both.

The peacock saw Vina and shook her head quickly and said: "Although my divine light can also detect invisibility, my divine light is offensive. When it detects the target, it is equivalent to launching the opponent. Purple Moon said it wanted to covertly detect, my ability is not appropriate!"

The peacock’s colorful divine light is indeed a great thing. Just scan it and you can know whether it is in a large area. There are enemies hidden, and no matter what Invisibility Technique is, there is no way to escape this detection method. However, this thing is actually a means of attack, and it won't consume mania if it can't scan people, but once the target is found, the reconnaissance is actually a positioning attack. So if you want to discover the other party without letting the other party know that you have been discovered, you can't count on the divine light of the peacock.

The peacock is not good, Vina immediately looked towards Xinghuo, but Xinghuo immediately shook her head and said: "I don't have similar ability. My spell can only be targeted at individuals, there is no such large-scale investigation. !"

Here, the second general can't count on it. Vina immediately looked towards the other chaos and order Divine Race behind. As a result, most of the gods said that they could not help it, but it made people What was unexpected was that Fahai actually stood up.

"Lord God, President, I will do this."

"Do you have a way?" I asked quickly.

Fahai nodded said: "Although I am not good at fighting, I am very proficient in all kinds of auxiliary spells. And the president, have you forgotten? I am a tool repairer, specializing in refining and making treasures. This reconnaissance Of course there are magic weapons to use."

"Oh, that's very good. Take it out and use it quickly. See if there is an enemy hidden outside?"

"It can be , It’s just that I didn’t know what I’m going to do before, so I didn’t bring this thing. "

"Okay, wait a minute." Fahai said that the complete individual suddenly flashed into a ball of light and shot towards Transmission Formation. Others of us here only watched him leave. It can be deployed on the city wall first to prevent the enemy from launching an attack on this knot. But luckily, when Fahai came back, the other party hadn't done anything yet.

"Take it back?" I immediately asked when Fahai appeared.

Fahai directly stretched out his hand and pulled out a rectangular object from the wide sleeve of his daoist robe. This thing is obviously made of bamboo, and it is square. At first glance, I almost thought it was a mahjong tile. However, Fahai didn’t plan to sell the gate. Just after taking it out, he put the thing in his hand, and then lightly tapped it with one hand. The mahjong-like thing immediately began to spread out in all directions, and when it was unfolded Then it became a tablet the size of a mouse pad.

When the thing was fully unfolded, Fahai immediately reached out and took out a handful of white dust from his sleeve and sprinkled it on the thing. The dust actually sighed like a vacuum cleaner. Flew onto the tablet and quickly gathered to form a miniature scene. I can tell at a glance that this miniature scene is the topography near the city wall where we are now. Although the scale is small and the color is only ash-gray, the shape of the things on it is very clear, whether it is a person or a scene. All appeared exactly, and these characters were still moving. Obviously, this thing is displayed in real time, not only can display terrain, but also track moving objects.

"You can anti-invisibility this thing?" Wei Na asked.

Fahai nodded and said: "My Yin-Yang Energy map is based on Yin-Yang Energy to search for targets, not with eyes, so stealth or something is completely useless for it, even Spirit Physique would never want to escape its detection."

"Not bad, hurry up and move the target position forward. What you are showing is the city wall. Now, see if there are any enemies outside the city wall."

"This won't work!"

"Huh?" Fahai's answer made us all stunned.

We started to explain without waiting for us to ask Fahai. "My Yin-Yang Energy map can only display scenes within a certain range of its surroundings. If you want to change the display area, you have to move with this map. However, the display scale of my map can be adjusted, and the maximum search radius is two kilometers. "

After listening to the explanation, we were relaxed. Although this thing is not as easy to use as expected, it is not bad. The search range with a radius of two kilometers is actually quite large, and this formation diagram is after all the size of a mouse pad, and it can be folded into a mahjong tile when not in use, so it is very convenient to carry. It can be said that this thing is the ultimate equipment for personal investigation. It's a pity that it's still a bit worse for Legion battles, but now it's barely usable in this situation.

"Darts." I directly took out the dart summon, and then asked Fahai to talk about how to use this thing, and then let the dart take this formation diagram to go outside for a circle. With the size of a dart, as long as a one-foot-high obstacle is enough to cover his figure, although he can't be invisible, the concealment of the dart is actually very strong. Besides, as long as his ability to move at the speed of light doesn't stop, nobody can really see it. After all, the reflected light produced by objects moving at the speed of light is distorted, and is simply invisible to ordinary people.

After learning how to use this thing, the dart immediately ran out with the folded Yin-Yang Energy chart. My request for him is to open it every one kilometer to see if there are any hidden enemies around. If not, put the formation diagram away and change the position until the large area outside the city is searched or an enemy is found. Of course, if you really find an enemy, you will need to contact me to make further arrangements.

Not to mention, this thing is really amazing. Less than one minute after the darts went out, he suddenly contacted me and said that he had found the Eight-Different Big Snake hidden in a place more than a hundred meters deep on the ground outside the city. This Yin-Yang Energy chart can not only show things on the ground, but it will not miss out even in the air and under the ground. The scope of its detection is actually a sphere with a radius of two kilometers, not a round surface, so it's useless to hide underground.

After I got the news, I ordered the darts to hide first, and waited for my next instructions, and then I started to discuss with Venus and Zhenhong. In the end, we decided to find out some things first. Anyone say it again.

After confirming the next action, I immediately contacted Darts and asked him to run a circle around the area around the Baqi Orochi to detect if there were other enemies. The dart immediately began to act after receiving the instruction.

Because of the fighting outside this fulcrum city, the ground is barren, but there are many rocks and big pits in this place. This stone was originally from a nearby mountain, but because sometimes Japanese players would use trebuchets to attack our city wall, they often get down the mountain. Unfortunately, their trebuchets reacted too slowly compared to our cannons, so they were often killed before they were thrown two stones, and the stone ammunition that had been transported before was naturally left. As for the big pits... this is exactly the masterpiece of our guild’s city defense cannon.

The darts were constantly moving between the craters and piles of rocks. From time to time, I opened the Yin-Yang Energy chart to check the surrounding situation. Soon, the situation around the Eight Qi Orochi was completely understood. As we thought, it was true that more than Baqi Osna came here, but the helpers of Baqi Osna surprised us a little bit.

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