According to our guess, since it is the eight-headed snake who wants to do it on us, it should be Nobunaga's subordinates, or simply the Japanese players they called on. Of course, considering that there is a problem with the reputation of the current Baqi Orochi, it is probably the more probable that Nobunaga's subordinates come to cooperate. However, the result of the actual investigation was slightly unexpected.

Yachi Orochi did bring a helper, but the problem is that it is neither an ordinary Japanese player nor a person from Guishou Nobunaga. Of course, there are indeed Japanese players among the ambushing crowd, but these people obviously ran to fight, and they were stopped halfway by the eight-headed snakes, and the real battle force was brought by the eight-headed snakes. That gang...rare beast? monster? It's not human anyway.

Yin-Yang Energy diagram can see the outline of the object, but there is no way to describe the color and texture, so the target can only be judged from the form. However, these creatures ambushing the Baqi Orochi can easily identify their approximate identities by relying on their outline alone. These things are obviously not human, not even human. In the game, there are so many races for players to choose from, so some of the strange ones are understandable, but no matter how strange, most of the characters manipulated by the player are humanoids, at least they can become humanoids, and these are obviously not humanoids. So it's definitely not a player or a normal NPC, but something like monsters or rare beasts.

The Yin-Yang Energy picture I saw through the eyes of a dart is basically some very strange creatures. Most of these creatures are in the form of a combination of humans and beasts, such as those similar to werewolves. A state of body structure, and there are even a lot of things similar to Ox Head Man. It can be said that the composition of this unit is quite strange, and looking at their distribution, it seems that these guys have no battlefield experience, because their lurking locations are very messy, some places gather a large area, some places are sparse, don’t Speaking of formation, even the minimum skirmish position can't be done. We must know that the first repair after each attack on Fulcrum City is the city defense artillery position, and the quantity and quality of the firearms of our guild are very famous. In this case, the other party did not disperse the personnel, and even dared to appear in piles of people. If a shell happened to fall into the pile of people, the result would be...

"Do you think eight What are the helpers of Qi Da Snake?" After I roughly described what I saw, I asked Zhen Hong and Weina about them.

True Hong didn't have any idea about this situation, but Vina guessed it should be Demon. For this speculation, most other people also agree.

Since getting the divine force core, Baqi Orochi and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race have basically been in a state of fascination. To put it bluntly, the Baqi Orochi is actually betraying the Gaotianyuan Divine Race, but for what reason, the current Gaotianyuan Divine Race has maintained a great restraint on the behavior of the Baqi Orochi. If something like this happens to Celestial Court, it is estimated that immediately after knowing the news, the Jade Emperor will let the gods in Celestial Court lead the team out to find someone to start the film. It can be delayed until now that Gao Tianyuan Divine Race has other concerns.

However, even if Gao Tianyuan Divine Race has concerns about the eight-headed snake and temporarily refuses to attack him, it is obviously impossible for them to help the eight-headed snake as if nothing happened. So Baqi Orochi is impossible at this time to ask Gao Tianyuan Divine Race to help.

So, if Gao Tianyuan Divine Race did not participate in the battle, the remaining forces that can participate in the battle are only player forces, mortal NPC forces, two temples of light and dark, Japanese Buddhism, Shintoism, and Demon. Power.

The player forces just said that with the current situation of the Baqi Orochi, they can't help them. Even if what he was going to do was to attack Fulcrum City, which Japanese players wanted to do, it is estimated that Japanese players would not go back to listen to Yaqi Orochi. So, the player is impossible. Among the remaining forces, those NPC forces in the mortal world of the two temples of light and dark obviously do not conform to physical characteristics. After all, these two groups are humanoid creatures. Both Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism have monsters, but there are some differences.

Shintoism’s non-humanoid creatures are all saints or war beasts. This war beast needs to be directed by someone. Impossible runs out to fight on its own, and the number of humanoids on the scene is too small, and the proportions of monsters are asymmetrical, so impossible is a war beast. As for the samurai... this is more impossible. The samurai itself can lodge in the body of the host. If it needs to be concealed, just hide directly into the owner's body, there is no need to hide in the ground.

The remaining Buddhism probability is relatively small. After all, the Buddhism forces in Japan are relatively inactive. Although their strength is good, they do not take the initiative to participate in various Chinese and Japanese abilities. They belong to a group of relatively homeless people. Forces, as long as you don't take the initiative to call the door, people will generally not come out, and it seems unlikely that there will be so many monsters in Japanese Buddhism. Even if they really want to participate in the war, at least there will be some humanoids, and they shouldn't be all monsters.

After all these forces are eliminated, only the Demon force is left.

The power of Demon in Japan is completely two extremes compared to the domestic power. The domestic Demon is basically struggling on whilst at death's door under the Celestial Court, that is, the situation is better after the relationship with me. In the past, Demon and Celestial Court were almost the difference between the local evil forces and the central government. Celestial Court could crush each other to death with just a finger. On the Japanese side, the opposite is true. Not only is there no obvious gap between Demon and Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, on the contrary, the power of Demon may be greater. After all, there are a large number of Demons inside Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, and Demon itself also has a consortium, but this consortium is not one. The governing body is a joint meeting similar to the United Nations. To put it bluntly, the demons are not unified, but even so, they can fight against the Divine Race Takatenhara. From this you can see how strong the demons in Japan are.

Although we have now roughly determined that it is the Demon force that will help the Eight-Divine Snake, there is not a big difference between knowing this and not knowing it. The reason why the difference is not big is mainly because the Demon forces in Japan are too large and scattered, which leads to the fact that the Demon forces in Japan often act in small groups. If you are attacked by a certain Demon force, it can only mean that there is a conflict between you and this Demon force. It does not mean that all Demon are your enemies. You can even ask some other demons to help you deal with these attacking demons. This kind of thing is very common in Japan.

Based on the above situation, although we now know that some Demon and Ochiko are preparing to attack us, we don’t know which Demon branch is coming, and it’s useless to even know it, because There are too many demons in Japan, even if someone reports a name, we may not have heard of it, so the identities of these guys are now impossible to figure out.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the identity of the enemy, just know their combat capability. However, at present, we can only rely on guessing the battle strength of these guys. After all, Demon's battle method has a certain relationship with its racial characteristics. As for the specific strength... this depends on the energy level.

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