What Guishou Nobunaga wants to leave him alone for now, but we have already returned to Fulcrum City, but what surprised us is that there is actually a piece of land outside Fulcrum City. Dead still.

To be honest, Fulcrum City has never been quiet since it was established. When we named Fulcrum City at the beginning, Fulcrum meant to make it a support point for progress, and Japanese players can understand this meaning. For such an existence, anyone with a little brain will definitely value it very much. The way we value Fulcrum City is to strengthen its defenses and continuously consolidate its existence. The Japanese players attach importance to it by continuously attacking and attacking, attacking day and night, without attacking on holidays. According to the report of the garrison guards stationed in Fulcrum City by our guild, from the day that Fulcrum City was built, up to now, there has been no battle of more than one hundred people within a radius of five kilometers, plus one block of less than ten hours. , And if the number limit is reduced to more than fifty, then this time may become zero hours.

Of course, the refueling tactic is a very bad tactic, because this tactic is purely exhausting, unless there is no other way, otherwise people with a little commanding common sense under normal circumstances will not consider it. This tactic. Therefore, the Japanese player leaders, namely the original Matsumoto Masaka, later Onito Nobunaga, and now Matsumoto Masaka, when they are in power, strictly limit Japanese players to privately attack Fulcrum City. However, although this limitation exists, players who spontaneously go to battle have never stopped. To put it bluntly, the player leader is a more appealing spiritual leader, which is completely different from the national leader. Besides, even in the emperor's era in the past, weren't the laws made by the emperor still violated? Therefore, the limitation of the player leader can only serve the purpose of reducing this kind of battle, and impossible can completely prevent this from happening.

Because the battles initiated by the players themselves are carried out almost all the time, when we returned, we found that there was a dead silence outside of Fulcrum, which was a bit abnormal.

"It's weird, why is it so quiet here?" Zhenhong was the first to notice something was wrong, and she also asked directly.

Christina was shrugged not sure. "Maybe there was a pause."

"When was the last pause?" gold coin suddenly asked.

The remaining few of us glanced at each other, then suddenly reacted and ran together. True red and gold coin run directly on the city wall, while Kristina simply lifts off. I didn’t fly, nor rushed to the first one. I just opened the communicator as I ran and shouted: "Military god, can the wizard’s eye detection array in Fulcrum City still be used?"

"Detection The test tower is damaged and cannot be started at the moment." Military God's answer was neat and tidy.

"Is there anything else that can do anti-stealth detection outside of Fulcrum City?"

"Clear Sky Mirror can be used. Only a very small area can be monitored each time , It is impossible to conduct large-scale detection."

When I heard this news, my pace had gradually slowed down, and at this time, both True Red and gold coin had rushed to the city wall. Seeing that they were already in place, I stopped and bowed my head for a moment, and then said: "Notify Vina to call everyone who can be found within 3 minutes, I have an urgent need."

"Understood ."

"In addition, start Clear Sky Mirror, scan the outer circle area of ​​Fulcrum City for me, make a scanning grid yourself, and sort it out for me piece by piece."


I ran towards the city wall quickly after I explained the military god. At this time, gold coin was already conducting reconnaissance on the area near the city wall. But even though gold coin is very strong, she is only one person after all. No matter how powerful the reconnaissance skills of individual players are, it can only be said that they can find high-level invisible units, not how large the range is. The Legion-level spell is what can play a role in the real war, and that is what is suitable for the battlefield. Unfortunately, although Fulcrum City is equipped with a large-scale destruction and invisible detection tower, now only half of the thing is still standing there, and the array inside is reimbursed early, and it is useless at all.

"Have you called reinforcements?" Seeing my red appearance, I immediately asked.

I nodded and said: "We have notified Vina and they have come to help, but the players in the guild have not notified yet. After all, this is just our guess. In case it is a coincidence, it would be really troublesome!"

"I think the probability of coincidence is not great." Gold coin said.

Seeing that gold coin is free to talk, I quickly asked: "Have you got any results from your reconnaissance skills?"

"I didn't see anything. You know, Shan The scope of the detection technique used by people is too small!"

"That thing has a large scope, it's a pity!" I pointed to the half-pull detection tower that stood not far behind us.

In fact, the current Fulcrum City can be regarded as two different cities when it was first established. The original Fulcrum City was so mighty when it was first established. You don't need to fight, you can feel its terrifying defensive power just by looking at it. But now... basically this is a piece of construction site on the rubble.

Although we will rush to repair the Fulcrum City as long as we have time, but there is no choice but to fight in this place all year round, so there is not much time for us to worry about repairing the city wall. Coupled with the constant battles that are still destroying the results of our repairs, the current Fulcrum City is basically a huge ruin. Although the city wall has several layers, the outer layers of the city wall have basically become segments of tower structures. In the end, although the city wall still stands here, there are patches on the city wall. Because the stones shipped in different batches are often not produced in one place, their colors will be somewhat different. Isn't the city wall patched up with stones of different colors just like patches of beggar's pants?

But fortunately, this city wall looks a bit miserable, but the basic functions are still there. Except for the female wall in some places, the whole wall is missing, and there are some city bricks in some places. Huge cracks, and don’t look at the large and small pits at the feet of the city wall... Reluctantly this can be considered a complete city wall.

This detection tower is not far behind the final city wall. This place was still far away from the edge of the city, but unfortunately the Six Paths city wall in front of it was finished, so now the city The wall became very close to it, and because of this state, a gunner who stepped on shit in the last city battle actually hit our detection tower with one shot, and Fortunately, the core of the array inside was directly given to Bengfei. It is precisely because this core is damaged and the new core has not yet been delivered, so this tower has not been repaired until now.

Zhen Hong looked back at the detection tower and said: "Now that thing is no longer expected, I think we'd better go out of the city and go to the field to scout."

" No." Gold coin and I grabbed Real Red almost at the same time.

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