"There is a kind of you don't run." Seeing us leave quickly, Nobunaga Onishu immediately wanted to chase him, but he was caught by Masaka Matsumoto before he started. Nobunaga Onitou stared at Masaga Matsumoto with dissatisfaction. "Why are you pulling me?"

"If you don't pull you, would you just catch up?" August Xun chuckles Nobunaga Guishou coldly, and Nobunaga Guisou except She can't help but get angry. After all, people just said something, can't you just do it because of this?

Masaga Matsumoto didn't care about the attitude of Nobunaga Onisou, but directly asked: "Do you understand what Purple Moon said just now?"

"What about Purple Moon? "Onitou Nobunaga was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered what Matsumoto Masaka had asked. He questioned Masaka Matsumoto in confusion: "Do you understand? Purple Moon said unfathomable mystery, the ghost knows what he means!" Matsumoto Masaga immediately heard the words of Nobunaga Onitou. Shaking his head, sighed and said, "Oh...I knew you probably didn't understand what Purple Moon meant." At this point, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly laughed, and then said: "Don't say it, Purple Moon's strategy is probably the first one. It’s not completely successful once! It’s a shame for Purple Moon to run into a weird flower like you!"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Nobunaga Guishou looked at Matsumoto angrily. Masaga questioned: "From the very beginning, you have been playing dumb riddles. I said that I am in the mist. Wouldn't you guys speak well? Tell you Matsumoto Masaka, although you saved me, this is a game, not reality, death. It’s only one or two levels off at a time. So your kindness to me is limited to this point. Don’t think that you can ride on my head after you save me."

"I did too. I didn’t expect a guy like you to remember me.” Masaka Matsumoto said calmly: “The first few times I saved you were for the benefit of Japan, not for you personally, so you don’t have to remember me. I didn’t expect you to pay back this favor. As for what we just said, I’ll explain it to you now. You listen to me, I won’t tell you about second time."

Guishou Nobunaga didn't answer, but he put on a serious expression, meaning that he was ready to listen to Matsumoto's explanation. Seeing that he was ready, Masaka Matsumoto said directly: "Purple Moon told you that the name of the eight-headed snake is called Guifang when he left. On the surface, it just tells you the name of the eight-headed snake, but there is a deep meaning in it. "

"What is the meaning of the name of the snake god?" Guishou Nobunaga said disdainfully: "Furthermore, this name is not a secret. I have known that the name of the snake god has such a name for a long time. Does it need him to say it?"

Matsumoto Masaka shook his head and said: "This is not a big secret. There are many people who know it, but Purple Moon has other meanings when it comes to it. "

"What the hell does that mean?"

"The meaning is very simple, just to make you be careful not to be sold and pay for the money."

" p>

Nobunaga Onishi listened to frowned, and then asked: "Matsumoto Masaka, what do you mean? Do you instigate discord?"

"I don’t understand, you are really a Idiot!" Ying Yu Shen Chou stood up and said at this time: "The Eight-Different Orochi is actually simply not called the Eight-Different Orochi. This Eight-Different Orochi is the name we Japanese give to the Eight-Different Orochi, and the original name is called Guifang. At this time, Purple Moon named the name of the eight-headed snake, which means to tell you that the eight-headed snake is from China, and he is simply not our Japanese Divine Race. Although the eight-headed snake looks like our Japanese god on the surface. , But in fact he has never regarded himself as a part of Japan. Because China’s Celestial Court was too strong, he could not avenge himself, so he has been hiding in our Gao Tianyuan Divine Race, and now he has won The core of the divine force immediately reveals its nature."

When I heard this, Nobunaga finally understood some of the meaning of my words. Compared with the people like Masaka Matsumoto, Nobunaga Kizuna The reaction was indeed a little worse, but he just didn't have that kind of particularly flexible thinking. It didn't mean that he was mentally retarded. Therefore, after Yingyu Divine Young's analysis, he also understood.

Looking at Nobunaga's thoughts, Ying Yu Shen Hina paused for a while to let him digest the information, and then continued: "We Japanese players really need to do something with the Chinese, but But it is far from now. We have been under the suppression of the Chinese before, and regaining our land is only a recent thing. What we need now is recuperating and expanding our surrounding territories while strengthening our own strength, and the most important point is the need Find a foothold near China. The Frost Rose League is too rich, and the naval battle is actually more money than anyone else. So we are not opponents in the navy. We can fight the Chinese at any time, but if we want to win, Then we must find a land base on the border with China, so that we can avoid naval battles and fight directly against the Chinese. Otherwise, we can only use the time and money of Japanese players to reclaim the sea. simply doesn't think that he is a member of our Japan, he has never had us in his heart. This Mt. Fuji incident, speaking of which is the Frost Rose League sneak attack, you, in the final analysis, it is the small tricks played by the eight-headed snake that produced bad results. If it is really just and honorable for our Japan, why should he secretly strengthen you instead of selecting outstanding players from all over Japan to strengthen?"

Sakurayu Shinhina is just saying the truth, not to deceive Nobunaga Oni's content is fabricated, so Nobunaga Oni's voice can't find any rebuttals. And the most important thing is that he himself knows the meaning of the eight-pointed snake strengthening them, so he doesn't know how to answer.

"However, even if the serpent god is selfish, we can't get rid of the big serpent god because of this?" Nobunaga Demonstratively argued: "Purple Moon's words are to divide us, do you want Believe in the enemy of Purple Moon?"

Matsumoto Masaka said: "Purple Moon's purpose is indeed to divide us, but he is brilliant here. Although he wants to divide us, he is useless. Lies come to separate us, but tell the truth. If we don’t want to suffer, we have to eat the sugar coating given by Purple Moon and return the cannonballs. We can’t reject the Ochi Orochi because of its behavior and oppose it. We still regard it as our main battle strength, but we need to keep a clear head, ensure our relative independence on the basis of cooperation, and not allow ourselves to become the puppets and tools of the eight-pointed snake."

Augussuki Kaoru immediately said: "To be honest, Purple Moon destroyed your strengthening plan before, and it may be a good thing for us as a whole in Japan. Otherwise, once you complete the strengthening, it will definitely be Being dragged onto the battlefield by the Eight-Divine Snake. Have you ever thought about it? Even if you all become Divine Race, assault on the Chinese mainland. Of course Early-Stage will slaughter all sides and cause heavy losses to the Chinese, but then? Once they are Purple Moon After reacting, China’s Celestial Court will participate in the battle again. Do you think you have a chance to win?"

Guishou Nobunaga was not convinced at first, but according to what August Xun said, he immediately fought There was a chill, because he thought of the result, and the result was too terrifying.

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