I patted her on the shoulder when I saw the expression of Real Red’s loss, and said, "Although you are not a technical one, our Frost Rose League is a technical type. Guild, please care how much our guild’s technological development is good?"

"What's the matter with me?" Zhenhong thought she was already very depressed after losing the chance to get Star Gold. Suddenly When I was so condemned by me, I felt aggrieved at once.

"so that's how it is." Although True Red did not react, Christina who was next to her did react first.

True Red glanced at Kristina suspiciously and asked: "What else did you find?"

Kristina said with a smile: "You really are too , I don’t even ask why the chairman said you don’t understand the development of guilds?"

"What's wrong with me?" Zhenhong is still aggrieved.

Gold coin said a little jealously next to him: "You still said. Boss, this is going to give you the star gold! I am sad after taking such a big advantage. Is it me who should cry? "

Although I still don't understand what's going on, gold coin understands at least one thing, and that is that Xingjin belongs to her. Although I don't understand how I want to give Xingjin to her, Zhenhong knows that I won't waste anything. Since it is for her, there must be a way to use it.

"Boss, do you have a way to let me have that star gold?"

I nodded and said: "So I said you don't care about the development of guilds!"


"Where do I have!"

Hearing that Zhenhong was still arguing, I said directly: "Matsumoto Masaka is not in the guild, and he knows more about things in the guild than you. If you don’t believe me, I’ll show it to you on the spot.” As I said that, I turned around and said to Masaga Matsumoto: “True red requires star gold, but it takes 30 years to refining by ordinary methods. Do you know what to do?” < /p>

Masaga Matsumoto just thought for a while and said: "It should be possible to use a solar furnace."

"Solar furnace? Isn't that the power part of our guild’s newly invented flying battleship? "Zhenhong asked suspiciously

"You don't think that thing is a propeller, do you?" gold coin helplessly said: "Did you not notice? The name of this power equipment is called the solar furnace. That is to say, it must be a furnace first. As for the previous sun, this is a description, which means that it is a furnace that can reach the temperature of the sun. Although its side effect is that it can invalidate the gravitational field, the main thing is The characteristic is still high temperature, and it is as high as the sun. It does take more than 30 years to smelt this star gold at a normal temperature, but what if the temperature of the core of the sun is used?"

It is tied to a pillar over there The old man on the web interface said at this time: "If it can really reach the temperature of the sun, let alone the core, even the surface temperature, this star gold will not last two minutes inside. After all, this stick contains some stars. Jin, it’s not that the whole root is star gold."

After listening to the conversation of everyone talking at once, it was really red. I finally realized it. She excitedly took my hand and jumped and jumped and shouted: "Thank you, President! Thank you, boss!"

"Fuck me, tap, tap, don't jump, your hand is about to break !" The power of Real Red is very terrifying. I am not her opponent for power attribute alone. I was kneaded by her so that my bones almost never let her knead into noodles.

After I made it clear how to mention the Star Refinement gold, I turned to the old man again. Although this Xingjin stick is right in front of his eyes, because of this, it seems that he shouldn't tell us so directly. Otherwise, if we swallow something and don't admit it, he will take us out of nowhere, right? So, there should be a later move. Of course, it does not rule out that the old man said this deliberately to let us get him off the pillar. But I think what he said is true.

After I put my question directly to the old man, the Old Guy said immediately: "Hehe, you are really a smart man, this time you guessed it. Although this thing is here , But without my method, you really can’t get this thing away. The bastard who helped me seal it here also had an idea about this thing, but they really couldn’t get it away, so they stayed here."

I nodded and said: "Tell us how to move it, and hand over the power you said before, and we will give you freedom."

"Okay, but for Let’s rest assured, why don’t we make a contract?"

"Okay, no problem."

With the system, it’s easy to make a contract. Simply get a contract. Then I showed it to the old man. After confirming that there is no problem, both parties confirm that the contract takes effect. Then our actions will be protected by the contract. Anyone who breaches the contract will be punished by the contract, and the punishment is the soul flew away and scattered. For the NPC, this punishment is complete death, and for the player, it is equivalent to deleting the account, not to mention the level, even the character information is gone.

"Well, now that the contract is in effect, then there is no problem." The old man said: "Get me down first, and I will pay you."

Anyway, there is a contract. Restrictions, don’t worry about the old man’s breach of contract, I just wielded the sword of eternity and slashed on the iron chain at will. With the sound of oh la la, the chain broke, just like cutting tofu. This chain with Law Power has a law attribute, so ordinary things will never hurt it even if it is sharp. However, there is a cut-off rule in eternity, because they are all rules, so the invalidation setting on the attribute will not take effect. The remaining is the eternal cutting ability and the confrontation of the iron chain itself. Obviously, the iron chain does not have an eternal high level, one is just an iron chain attached to the law, and the other is a super weapon fused with a bunch of Divine Items. This result is quite normal.

Old fogey jumped to the ground immediately after the chain was broken. Then he moved his hands and feet and made a crackle of joints before turning around to look at us and said, "Very good. Your contract is fulfilled, it should be mine." He said, and suddenly his body shook, and then a bunch of pale-cyan things separated from him.

When this group of things was first separated from the old man, it existed in a human form. It looked almost exactly the same as the old man, but this form was retained for less than one-tenth of a second, because that Immediately after separating the things, they began to limp downwards, like a pile of melting butter, and soon turned into a pile of things like that piled up on the ground. Fortunately, this thing is translucent, if it's a black entity... Forget it, it would be disgusting to think about it.

"What is this?" I looked at this group of things and asked the old man.

The old man raised his head and replied: "This is the kind of power I said. Why? Forgot?"

"But this way..."

"It's easy to use, don't care what it looks like? You just need to stand up and let it merge with you to know that I haven't lied to you." The old man said deliberately as if I didn't dare, and didn't know if it was deliberate. It's still hard to be sure for a while, but it's still aggravating the law to lead me.

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