After old fogey roughly introduced the attributes of this thing, we already have a strong interest in this thing, but this old fogey at first attitude is so arrogant and don’t knock more things. It's really unbalanced!

"I think what you said is pretty good, but just rely on such a little thing to ask us to let you out, your abacus is too good, right?" I deliberately looked at that said the old man.

The other party guessed that impossible had already blocked our mouths with this thing, so after I asked, old fogey didn’t hesitate to say, “This I do have one thing, but you may not use it anymore!"

"Don't care if we can use it, let us know what it is, what other features it has, or not. Just talk about our affairs."

The old man nodded said: "In fact, this thing is right in front of your eyes."

When I heard this old man’s words, I immediately Looked up and down on him. This guy's clothes almost turned into a ball of thread, if it weren't for the clothes, no one would have guessed this outfit. Such a broken thing is definitely not a good thing. The equipment attributes in "Zero" are all proportional to the appearance. The top-level equipment must have a top-level look, whether it is exaggerated, gorgeous, or even full of charm. Anyway, the equipment must look pleasing to the eye, so the outfit on this guy can be ignored.

If you don't consider the old man's body and the pile of rags on his body, then the rest of the scene is actually only different.

these two distinct things one is the black chain tied to the old man, and the other is the pillar tied with the chain with the old man.

This chain looks very dark. The old man said before that this thing is a certain rule, so it should be a very good thing. Relatively speaking, the pillar is slightly worse. Although there are obvious energy fluctuations on the thing, compared with the law, any tangible matter has to stand aside.

"Are you talking about this chain or that pillar?" After I roughly guessed the answer, I asked directly.

The old man immediately replied: "Of course it is the pillar. Although this chain is composed of laws, it only borrows the laws. It is not an entity in itself. Once it leaves this position, it will completely disappear. And, if you hadn’t just sat down in town, I thought this thing could not be broken."

"What is the function of the pillar you are leaning against?" I looked at the one that exudes There is a small amount of energy fluctuation, but the pillar that gives people a sense of pressure asks: "This thing looks like an ordinary pillar."

"Don't underestimate this thing. "The old man seemed to be very proud and said: "This is a stick made by smelting star gold-containing ore that I spent a lot of effort to obtain. At first I wanted to use it as a weapon, but unfortunately I was later caught Grab it. This place was originally my residence. The stick has been standing here before. Those people just used it as an anchor and fixed me here because they couldn't move the pillar."

< p>"You said this was your weapon?"

"It was intended to be used as a weapon, but was arrested before it was used." The old man said frustratedly: "You need to know Xingjin This thing is absolutely indestructible, and any metal with just a little bit of star gold will become a terrifying material. It took me 30 years to get these ores containing star gold back then. Melt and recast it into the pillar you see now, but to use it, you need a sacrifice. After the sacrifice is completed, you can manipulate it like an arm."

"You said those The person who caught you can’t take this thing, why can’t you take it? This thing doesn’t look too big. Although it’s a bit bigger as a weapon, it should be easy to remove it, right?"

< p>"You are wrong. Don’t look at this thing. It only looks like the thickness of the bucket. The height above the ground is only three meters. In fact, this thing weighs 36,000 tons. As long as you can wave it, even if you don’t do anything. With extra support, its own weight alone can slap the enemy into flesh like a fly."

"Three, three, three... 36,000 tons? Are you sure you remembered the unit correctly? "I was shocked when I heard this number. This weight is more than just heavy.

"This number sounds really scary, but this is the truth. Do you know what Star Gold is? That is the core of a planet, the essence of a planet that is about to collapse. This stick It only contains star gold. This is not pure star gold. If there is such a large piece of pure star gold, the weight will never be much lighter than the planet we live in."

I understand what old fogey said. After a long time, this star gold is a kind of thing similar to a neutron star, which is a highly condensed state of matter. Although its volume is small, its density is surprisingly high. The star gold content in this column may not be less than one hundred thousandth of the total volume, but just such a bit of star gold is the concept that the weight of this thing has risen to 10,000 tons.

After listening to the old man, Kristina suddenly wondered: "Eh, that's not right. The diameter of this pillar is less than 30 cm. How big can the grounding area be? Weight, such a small bearing surface, how can it still stand here?"

I didn't think about this before, Kristina suddenly raised it and we reacted to it. This thing is standing on the ground, whether it can stand there safely depends purely on the pressure on the contact surface. As long as you can increase the bearing surface, reduce your own weight and reduce the pressure, you can stand still even on the surface of the water. Like a real water spider, it can walk on the water because its legs are very long, and there are a lot of fluff on the legs to increase the contact area between the legs and the writing, so that it can press itself against the water surface Reduce to the surface tension of the water to withstand the range, so that you can walk on the water.

In contrast to water spiders, those overloaded trucks will gradually sink into the ground even on hard rammed earth roads. This is because these overloaded trucks are too heavy for their original wheels. Sharing the pressure caused the unit pressure to be too high, even the rammed soil could not withstand this pressure and began to sink.

In fact, it is not just rammed earth, even steel, as long as the pressure is sufficient, it will gradually fall into it. For example, when the shelling armor-piercing projectile hits the armor of the tank, the hard depleted uranium warhead is made into a pointed shape like a awl. When it hits the armor plate, its own kinetic energy will be converted into pressure on the surface of the armor plate. After all the pressure is concentrated on the narrow tip of the warhead, its pressure has reached a terrifying figure. At this time, the steel armor plate cannot continue to resist the pressure and begins to be squeezed to the sides, so that the warhead successfully penetrates. Entered the tank.

Although the pillar behind the old man should not be pointed at the bottom, it is 36,000 tons after all! If there is such a heavy weight, not to mention that the ground is just hard soil, even if it is a rock, it must be crushed to powder. However, it seems that this thing does not mean to sink at all, otherwise it should have sunk into the ground long ago if it has been left here for so long.

"Hey, old man, didn't you lie to us? If this thing is as heavy as you said, why didn't it sink here?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji followed Kristina to question .

The old man hurriedly clarified when we looked at us there: "No, no. This one really weighs 36,000 tons, but it is a Magical Artifact, although No sacrifices have been made, but this movement method has been completed. Although you see it inserted on the ground, it actually floats there. If you don’t believe it, you can dig up the surrounding soil and have a look."

Although what the old man said is quite true, we still don’t believe in his character, so without saying a word, I used eternity into a tool to dig up all the soil near the pillar, and the result was true. Same as the old man said. The bottom of the pillar was only half a foot into the soil. After all of it was excavated, the bottom of the pillar was suspended in midair, completely disconnected from the bottom of the pit we dug out.

"Damn, it can really float! This is unscientific!" Seeing this thing, the gold coin next to it exclaimed in surprise.

Zhenhong suddenly walked to the edge of the pit and raised his hand with excitement, and hit the surface of the pillar with a fist, only to hear a muffled sound, floating there with a person hanging on it. The pillars didn't move at all. You must know that the red fist is not our fist. If it is not for the small area of ​​force, her fist can be used as a bulldozer. This column didn't move even after a punch. It must be similar to the gravity resistance device installed on Isengard's mobile fortress. It simply couldn't be moved.

After knocking a punch and discovering that the thing hadn’t moved, it was really red and asked the old man excitedly: "Can this thing be smelted again?"

"Smelt?" old man Was also taken aback. "Did you not listen to me? I practiced this thing for thirty years before it melted. If you have that time, I don't mind if you smelt it."

"This thing is resistant to high temperatures?" I Asked aloud.

old man shook the head: "It is not high temperature resistance, but simply not afraid of high temperature. It itself is formed when the planet is destroyed. You can imagine the temperature at that time. Normal temperature does not affect it at all. The slightest impact, even lava is not too cold for it."

True Hong's expression immediately collapsed when she heard this. I know why she asked this just now, because I thought about it too. The weight of this thing is so large, and it can be sacrificed, so I think its most suitable owner is actually really red. Moreover, the True Martial suit on Zhenhong's body is a Chinese national device, and the national device can be 100% enhanced. So, if you can melt this thing, and then inject it into the true red True Martial suit...? Thirty-six thousand tons of fists? Think about it, do you feel very emotional?

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