Although we are very dissatisfied with the character of the old man, this is the content of the transaction guaranteed by the contract. In theory, it should be impossible to play some tricks, so in the end I still Choosing to believe his words stepped into that sticky thing.

Speaking of which is also strange. This thing looks slimy, but there is no resistance when it walks up. It feels as if the thing doesn't exist. When I stood on top of this thing, the thing began to climb up my legs as if I felt something, and soon changed from a large beach on the ground to a fully erected state. , All covered my body surface, and the sticky things that covered my body surface seemed to be rapidly diminishing, and it felt like I had absorbed it.

It took about seven or eight seconds for this thing to completely disappear from my body surface. I moved my limbs and felt no change. I looked at the attribute again, but it still didn’t respond. My attribute is still As it turned out, there was no change at all.

"Hey, why does this thing have no effect?"

"No effect? ​​How is it possible?" The old man asked me puzzledly: "How do you know no effect?"< /p>

"My attribute hasn't changed. Does this have an effect?"

"Oh, you said this." The old man suddenly realized: "I didn't say this blame clearly. Although this thing is attached to you, the way it increases your strength is like a person holding your hand to help you work hard together. At this time, your strength will definitely increase, because this is a combination of the strength of you two. The result afterwards, but your attribute will definitely not change."

"You mean that the additional attribute will be reflected in the battle, but it will not be displayed in my personal attribute. Come out?"

"It was originally not your power, of course it will not be added to your attribute."

I nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. You wait a moment, I’ll try it out."

"Ohhhhh, don’t worry." The old man said, "First tell you how to move this column."

"Oh, that's okay."

In fact, the way to move this column is to input magic power on it. There are strict requirements on the magnitude and direction of the energy, which is like an activation password. As long as this kind of magic is injected, the pillar will lose that space fixed characteristic and can be moved smoothly.

After I temporarily installed the pillar into the Phoenix Dragon Space, the old man looked at me and asked: "Is the contract completed now?"

I nodded and said: "Yeah. , The thing is received, the contract is considered complete."

The old man smiled slightly after I finished speaking, and then said: "Since the contract has been completed, you can also go to death."


"Ha, how about it, give the money quickly. I'll just say it." After the old man said he wanted us to die, Zhen Hong suddenly jumped up in excitement, and then moved towards gold coin and reached out to ask for money Actions.

gold coin with a bitter face while paying out money while glaring at the old man who was startled by the red ones and said: "You idiot, why wait a while and make me lose money. Your mother won’t recognize it if you don’t beat it for a while, I won’t call it gold coin."

"Hey, be serious, I mean I’m going to kill you. Didn’t you hear me?" This old man At that time, although it was not quite clear what was going on with these two people, they finally recovered from the yelling just now.

True Hong and gold coin didn’t react at all to the old man’s anger, and continued to check out there, while Matsumoto Masaga looked at Kristina and August Kaoru and asked the four of them. Said: "Are you going to go? No one, I can go."

"It's boring, it's better for you to come." Kristina turned around and walked out after speaking, and August Xun The three of Ying Yu Shen Hina and the others also turned around and left, leaving only Mahong Matsumoto, Me and Zhen Hong, and gold coin still there, but Zhen Hong and gold coin also turned and left after getting the money.

The old man yelled furiously as soon as they saw them go: "Who let you go? You are all going to die here today, I will Aiya all of you..."

The old man suddenly turned into a scream in the middle of speaking, and the cause of his scream was Matsumoto's fist. Masaka Matsumoto, who slapped the old man's head with a fist, directly pinched the guy's neck with one hand and pressed his head down, and then dragged him out. The old man was pinched by his neck and pressed there to straighten his waist. He could only stumble and follow Masaka Matsumoto. Although he had been trying to break free of control, it turned out to be of no use at all. The strength of the old man could not even have any influence on Matsumoto's actions, as if Matsumoto was walking with bare hands and did not hold him at all.

Looking at the old man being dragged out, I shrugged, and then turned around and left.

Actually, I guessed the old man's careful thinking a long time ago. This guy definitely has a problem with his intelligence. Acting will not. Even the carefree temperament of Zhenhong can tell that he is acting.

Since we knew that he would do it immediately after the transaction was completed, how could we not guard against it? So, just after the old man was taken down, I let the eternal change shape secretly absorb a part of the chain that had been cut before, and then the eternity separated a part and climbed up from his feet and hung it on On its body.

Because eternity moves in a form similar to liquid, and because eternity can adjust its temperature, the old man didn't realize that there was something more on his body. And the eternity that had absorbed that chain at this time was tantamount to absorbing the seal as well. The old man is free, but the seal is still on him. As for the system protocol...just like old man's own plan. He said that he would kill us after fulfilling the agreement and calling out two kinds of rewards, and after the handover was completed, the agreement was completed. At this time, no matter what he did with us, he had nothing to do with the agreement. . And our situation is the same. The system guarantee agreement says that we must help him lift the seal, but it doesn’t say that it can’t be restored after it is lifted? When I cut the chain, our agreement responsibilities were actually completed, so what to do afterwards is completely irrelevant to the agreement.

The poor old man thought he had completely recovered his freedom, so he immediately wanted to turn his face, but in fact, he was just a dry old man whose power was all blocked, let alone us. , Any Level 20 player can hit him all over the floor.

"Why...why? The chain was clearly broken, why didn't I regain my strength?" When he was dragged to the monster gathering place outside, the old man had already understood that his strength had not recovered at all. He is impossible to trade with us or something. He just wants to figure out how he got caught before he died. We have nothing to do with his question. We dragged him directly into the rare beast group. At this time, all the rare beasts here have gathered around us and formed a huge fan-shaped defense line to surround us. . Seeing the monsters gradually surrounding, the old man shouted again arrogantly: "I advise you to let me go, otherwise even if you kill me, you can't escape here. The monsters will tear you to pieces. ."

"Oh? Is that really the case?"

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