"Okay. What I want to trade is power."

"Power? What kind of power?" When suddenly we hear the word power, of course we will I feel confused, after all, there are many forms of this power. Power is a kind of power, wealth is also a kind of power, and connections can also be regarded as a kind of power. Of course, literally, it is simply the size of strength, which is also power. So, to simply talk about power, this content is too complicated.

"What I want to trade to you is a Supreme..."

"Stop." Before the old man finished speaking, I called a timeout. "Don't talk to me about Supreme. In this world, there is nothing Supreme at all, at least in essence. If there is any Supreme Existence, it must be touted by some people, not the real Supreme. So, What you have in your hand is definitely not Supreme. Besides, power is power. There is no Supreme saying. Power is just a tool. It's easy to use. Adding so much whitewash is a good thing?"

" Right, right, right, I said the wrong thing." The old man who has completely subdued himself directly said: "This power of mine is a kind of energy that can be integrated into the body of any creature, and then it can increase your battle strength."

"It sounds very practical, let's talk about the specific situation." Kristina asked. She is a mage, and energy is more important to her.

The old man knew that Kristina belonged to us, so he didn’t hesitate, and directly replied: “My power is compressed by a special method to form a relatively stable Energy aggregate. This aggregate in your body will move with your movement. When you punch and attack, it will also force with you, and then the power of the fist you punch becomes you and it The sum of power. Also, when others attack you, it will use its own energy to form something like a protective shield around you. Of course, this energy barrier is very thin, basically impossible to block any attack, but it The recovery speed is very fast, so even in the process of close-fitting short hits with extremely high frequency, it can guarantee that every time you are hit, it can at least help you offset a part of the damage."

"Additional strength, external With protection against damage. It really is a very practical ability. Is there any characteristic of this thing?"

Old man was very enthusiastic introduced: "Yes, this kind of power is not fixed after it is added to your body. , It can grow. As its existence time increases, it will absorb free energy in the surrounding air anytime and anywhere, and these energy will increase its strength, so that the values ​​of the two previous abilities will rise. Moreover, This kind of promotion is not the same as you adventurer's kind of phased promotion. It has no level. It can be said that every time it absorbs a little energy, its strength increases a little. This kind of increase ratio is very small, but it is increasing all the time. There will be no phased jump. In addition, when you participate in the battle, it will continue to increase its energy. This increase is much faster than usual, so the more you fight, the faster it will grow."

"Can be upgraded? How come this thing sounds like a creature."

"Is old fogey not sure if it is a creature, anyway, this thing is very difficult to deal with , The reason why my old fogey has not been trapped by this seal for so many years is that I have gradually hoped to escape because this thing is constantly growing. If it weren’t for this damn seal, it’s also constantly absorbing the energy of unintentional intruders. Self-reinforcing, I’ve been out a long time ago!"

I thought about it and asked: "Then, the last two questions. Is this thing you can only give to one person, or can it be used by many people? Also, how much power can be added to this thing and how much damage can it offset when it is first acquired?"

"I only have one old fogey, so I can only give it to one person. As for strengthening, It’s been a long time since I fought with people, so I don’t know what level it is now, but it can be estimated that at least 5,000 points of power can be added."

Suddenly Heard this I was shocked by the numbers. Fortunately, we are considered to have seen the world, so although I have already stormy sea in my heart, I have no expression at all on the surface. As for Kristina and Zhenhong... They were still fighting, and none of them screamed at make a fuss about nothing.

In fact, even if Kristina and the others yelled, I think it makes sense. Five thousand powers are no joke. The attribute points of the player in "Zero" are the base points multiplied by the level plus the accidental gain or deduction of attribute points, and finally the additional proportional attributes are calculated, and the number obtained afterwards is the actual attribute of the player. Assuming that a player does not have any attributes calculated by percentages such as power doubling (in fact, this is normal), and assuming that the player has not received any additional attributes (in fact, this is also a common situation), then the player finally The attribute is actually the base attribute multiplied by the level, which is very easy to calculate.

My level is exaggerated, so I won’t make a reference. At present, the average level of mainstream players is generally concentrated between one thousand one and one thousand two. Even if we count more, all are calculated based on one thousand and two hundred. Assuming that this player is a power player, the power points are relatively high when the basic points are allocated. For the convenience of calculation, we assume that he has reached ten power points. Of course, this is actually impossible. At the beginning, I reached 13 points of strength because of my hidden rewards. All the attribute points of normal players are only a dozen points, so even if they are going to be a brute force warrior, few people will use strength. The basic power of most warrior players is only six to seven points when you click to double digits. The power point to eight is already a partial discipline, and those who dare to touch the power to nine points either have special rewards or In the game, friends have prepared exclusive equipment for themselves. Anyway, it has a specific purpose. Normal people usually have a maximum of eight points of strength.

So, even if we calculate according to the ten power points of a normal player that is absolutely impossible, plus the magnified level of 1,200, then the player’s power points are only twelve thousand. That's it. For a player with a total power attribute of only twelve thousand, five thousand power is already close to half of his power. This is to calculate the power of ordinary players higher. If calculated according to normal conditions, the power points of most players should still be hovering around 10,000. Those with more than 12,000 are all with high strength. If they can After fifteen thousand, it can basically be mixed up in some large and medium-sized guilds.

Because everyone's power attribute is generally only 10,000 nodded, the addition of these 5,000 points of power is quite exaggerated. Moreover, this is the basic state. As the old man said, this thing will continue to be strengthened, and it may grow into something in the future. Besides, the ability of this thing is more than just additional power.

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