The old man who was questioned by Masaka Matsumoto replied very calmly: "I have fought this damn seal for so many years, don't you think I have no results?"

"It sounds reasonable." I asked again: "What's the matter with the monsters outside?"

"They are guards, on the one hand, they can break free In the case of restraint, they hold me back. On the other hand, their existence is also in place. The seal continues to provide energy. Therefore, for so many years, instead of reducing the strength of the seal because of the ebbing of time, it has become more and more intensified. It's hard to deal with!"

"But, why do these guards listen to you?"

The old man sneered: "If you are a jailer, you end up being with the prisoner Being locked in a dungeon for hundreds of thousands of years, do you think you will have a better relationship with those who made you a jailer, or a prisoner who has been guarded by you for thousands of years?"

" I think I understand."

"Well, now that you understand, then, hurry up and commit suicide and leave here, don’t trouble my old fogey. And stay here for a second. You have more disadvantages, so it’s not good for you to stay."

"No, I didn’t plan to leave now." My answer made the old man rush at me. He came over, but because of the chains, he couldn't really pounce on me except for the clanking of the chains.

The old fogey who found that he could not pounce on me immediately yelled at me fiercely: "I told you all the old fogey that should be said. If you stay here, do you want to abuse yourself or want to cheat? I’m old fogey? Tell you, I let the rare beasts let you go before, but I just think you are very strong and it takes too much time to kill you. If you think my old fogey really can’t do anything with you, then you I was wrong."

Listening to the threat of old fogey, I walked to the pillar with no fear, almost touching his face and said: "Don’t try to intimidate me, your little trick It’s useless to me."

"What do you mean? Don’t you think I’m telling lies?"

"No, what you said is true, this me It's clear."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you don't scare us anymore, we won't be scared by you. You The words just now have been clarified. According to your description, the only way to leave here is death and resurrection. Therefore, even if you are not polite to us, it is nothing more than letting those monsters kill us once, which is the same as our own suicide. What's the difference? So, your threat is useless to us. As for your confidence... Isn’t it because you think we can’t do anything about you?"

"humph." Old fogey is very disdainful Snorted then said: "Do you have a way to deal with me? Tell you, this chain on my body is actually a bond that connects the laws. It supports a barrier here and seals my actions, but it also plays a role. The role of the protective shield. Don’t look at you being so close to me now, in fact, you can’t touch me at all."

"Oh, is that really the case?" I said while holding it in advance for eternity The changing length pointed at the guy's arm lightly.

"Ah..." The sudden tingling made the old man scream, I don't know if it was surprised that we could hurt him or it was because of the pain. However, this guy quickly reacted, looking at the blood bead oozing from his arm in shock, and trying to make his eyes wider. " did you do it?"

"That's it." While answering his question with a smirk, I gave him a punch.

The guy who was pierced again did not show any pain at all, instead he changed his previous attitude and cried out: "Please help me to unlock this chain, right? Your needle... "

I know that old fogey wanted to ask the question of eternity in my hand, but when he first talked about the needle, the eternity had already merged into a sphere in front of him and I put it back. In the mosaic hole on the back of the hand.

"This, this...what is this?" old fogey looked at my eternity and asked.

"Why should I tell you?" My answer was very simple. Now he is a fish, and I am a knife. Of course, I have to hold it.

"Your adults don’t care about villains, don’t be old fogey lower oneself to somebody's level with me. I am a stinky mouth, I have offended you before, please do me a favour, Don't worry about it." I only discovered now that this guy is really out of ethics. He just looked bullish and boisterous. How long is this? Has it become a pug in one second?

I actually don't care about his attitude at all, but the benefits must be ignored. "Don't talk about those falsehoods. It's no good. Don't tell me anything. I don't care about your attitude. I am a more pragmatic person. We are not familiar with each other. If you want to have any good, then we can discuss business. , If you don't have one, then we will see you again." I turned around and left after I said it. In fact, this action can be thought of as deliberately trying to make people appetite, but at this time we are his only life-saving straw, so even if it can be seen, he must follow our path. It's cool to take the initiative when negotiating!

"Don't go, don't go, I'm good, I'm good."

"You are good?" I had a sudden stop, then turned and stood at the entrance of the platform and looked at him and asked Said: "What kind of benefits? I can't look at half of the things. Besides, if you can't get out, no matter how good things you stay here, it will be in vain. It is better to change to a free reality."

" Okay, old fogey, I admit defeat today. You can take what I have, just let me out."

I walked back and circled the old man twice, and then asked, "You What's left besides the blue clothed clothes that are too dirty as rags? You let me take them? What should I take?"

"no no no, things are not on me."

"Where is that?"

"It's in this space, but you have to let me out before I can tell you where it is."

"Don't be sloppy, tell me what it is and what its function is. If I think we can make a contract, if you dare to breach the contract after it's done, it will be High God that will trouble you. Take the contract seriously."

"How can it be! A bunch of ordinary Divine Races have blocked me here, what level of existence is that High God? I dare not dare to let us both! "Old fogey said there with an invincible dog expression. If it weren't for the exaggeration of the seal on his body, I would know that he must be very difficult to deal with. I almost thought this guy was a gangster when he was young.

"Since you know that you have how many catties and how many taels, then quickly kill us what you are trading, and what is the specific use."

"Okay. What I want to trade is......"

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